Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 510: Against the Blood Chalice Guild part 2

Chapter 510: Against the Blood Chalice Guild part 2

0[Blood Chalice Guild Territory;     

The current number of members present: 300.     

Killed: 0     

Time limit: 6 hours     

Additional penalty: If player Alex failed to eliminate everyone in this time limit, then the guild master will show up followed by the other guild masters, and the result would be instant death.]      

Alex, who saw that he would face three hundred enemies, could not stop the curses from escaping from his mouth; however, he finally calmed down as he knew that this quest wasn't going to be an easy one. The only thing positive was that the Guild master of Blood Chalice seemed not to be inside, a blessing in disguise; however, his right-hand man and other powerful figures must be left behind.     

'Ah! No wonder this is Extreme mode difficulty with generous rewards. Well, I will not fail.' Alex declared before he started to walk forward, the darkness didn't hinder him in the slightest as he could see through it like in the day.      

Suddenly, Alex stepped slightly to the side, and an arrow flew past him, almost touching his cheek. The first attack had come without giving the enemy the time to attack again.      

A silver knife sliced through the air and pierced through the man's brain, slamming his body against his comrade behind him.      

''What?" A voice exclaimed; it was a woman's voice.     

She threw away the corpse while fear assaulted her; they had heard that an intruder had sneaked in; being the closest to the intruder location, the two rushed toward the intruder to quickly kill him to earn achievement point to rank up in the guild. However, the reality was different; in the span of one second, one of them had died.      

"Do you really think now is the time to be distracted?"      

Alex's voice rang in the woman's ears, bringing her back to reality.     

She quickly turned her head.     

But it was too late.     


By then, a punch has brutally pounded onto her chest.      


Her chest caved in, and her back arched out. At the same time, her body slammed into the wall before, she coughed a large volume of blood, before she could utter a word, a knife pierced through her head forever silencing her, her body twitched a few times before transforming into light and disappeared.      

Alex breathed in and out and collected the Gold coins, which fell onto the ground after the guild death.     

''Two eliminated, 298 left to go,'' Alex mumbled and dashed forward.      

Twenty meters later, he stopped because right on his left was a room with no door; this room was entirely dark; it was impossible to see what was inside it. The darkness inside this room seemed too thick as if something added more darkness to it; Alex chuckled, even his dark vision was impaired because of its low level; however, Alex had no trouble detecting the ten men concealed in this room waiting for him to walk in to kill him.      

Alex memorized each one of their position and levels; none of them had reached level 125. Then he threw a silver knife in the middle of the room; it was particularly eye-catching due to the silver sparkle it emitted when it sliced through the air.      

Unintentionally, the seven men had their eyes drawn on this knife, forcing them to pause momentarily, then the next scene shocked them to the core; somehow, the silver knife disappeared and was replaced by their enemy.     

Alex, who shadow-shifted with his knife, immediately launched his attacks.      

Swoosh! Swoosh! Pui! Pui!!      

Five silver knives pierced through the air and tore through five men's throats; their eyes shone with disbelief before they dropped down; soon, another five followed, having their brains burst open by bullets.     

In less than a minute, Alex killed ten men; he was shocked by how faster his reaction speed had become. However, he quickly calmed his boiling blood; he succeeded because he was faster; there's no doubt about it, but it was also because of the element of surprise; first, he drew their attention on the silver knife before further escalating by suddenly appearing.      

''Well, it's because they were also too weak,'' Alex mumbled before clearing the room and heading to the next one.     

Less than fifteen minutes since his arrival, Alex had killed twelve men. Even Marcus would have expected this.      

Alex continued to walk deeper into the Blood Chalice Guild territory; he had passed three other rooms identical to the first one where he previously killed ten men, he killed fifteen men added to the twelve he had first killed, Alex had now twenty-seven kills in less than half of an hour.      

Finally, Marcus noticed the abnormal situation; he immediately changed tactics. Alex descended into the second floor but found nothing when suddenly, he heard a rumbling sound.      

〖Master, they decided to flood this level, escape through the left room.〗Silveria's voice rang out inside his head; Alex immediately escaped the second floor through that room; he rolled on the ground before standing up. The moment Alex did, that chill ran down his spine; he discovered that he appeared in the middle of a big hall that resembled a mausoleum, and surrounding him were a hundred members of the Blood Chalice Guild. They seemed to have been waiting for him because, in the next instant, someone ordered.      


Following this person's order, attacks rained down on him, arrows, magic weapons. Those attacks swallowed Alex, and the hundred men had expected to see a red window showing the amount of damage Alex had received; however, to their surprise, nothing happened.      

Suddenly, they heard a sound, and before they knew what was happening, Alex's figure shot from the mushroom cloud produced by those attacks; he levitated in the air, his body was covered in a metallic shine, making those that know this ability eyes turn round.      

Alex, who was forced to use Steel body because he had fallen into the enemy trap, was furious; he removed his eye patch; his heterochromia eyes were so cold that they sent a chill down one's spine.      

''Now it's my turn to attack!" Alex declared without any emotions.     

Immediately following Alex's declaration, time froze, and faster than his shadow, Alex's hands moved.      

Bang! Bang!!!!!      

Bullets flew with accuracy and pierced through ten men's heads at once. A red window popped up above their heads.     

Critical -10 000!!      

It was instant death; time resumed; Kroll, the leader of this ambush, froze; he couldn't comprehend what had just happened and before Alex appeared before him.     


Kroll's pupils dilated as Alex appeared before him and grabbed his head.     


Alex thrashed his face into the wall behind him, bursting it with pieces of stones and concrete. Before he could release a cry, he pulled the trigger, and a bullet blasted his head apart, drenching Alex into blood and gore; he looked terrifying.      

The remaining men froze before someone who had a bit of courage shouted.      

''Attack is nothing but one man. He doesn't possess endless stamina; he must be at his limit, attack!"      

Alex chuckled when he heard the man's words, indeed as the man said, he didn't possess endless stamina; every action performed, be it using skill, jumping, or dodging, drains stamina.      

However, while more than half of his stamina was gone and unlike his mana which could recover, Alex was not particularly worried. He immediately unleashed the power of his right eye, it shone blue, and every person that came in contact with his right eye froze, and their body started trembling.      

Because most of them had weak mental health, the effect of Alex's right eye was tremendous on them; they dropped down one by one.      

[Crimson Bullet]      

A crimson bullet descended upon the fallen men, completely erasing them.      


The whole floor shook, and even Marcus on the lowest floor felt it.      

Alex immediately killed the remaining men before they could escape; when he checked his stamina, he was left with 300 STA.      

[Number of members present: 300     

Killed: 187     

Remaining time: 4h 40 minutes.]      

Alex sighed before gulping down a stamina potion; more than half of his stamina was filled.      

''Time to finish.'' Alex declared before his figure disappeared into the darkness.     

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