Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 385: First Try

Chapter 385: First Try

0Back on Alex's location, Alex could be seen lying on the big bed; however, in reality, he was not sleeping but training; he had decided to at least check what was inside the gigantic tower.      

Through the forest, Alex arrived at the plain; from here, the tall tower seemed close. However, Alex had to spend another two hours to reach it, seeing this from close finally it was tall, two gigantic golden doors adorned the tall tower, images of dragons and phoenixes mixed with numerous other beasts were depicted on these doors.     

Alex sighed before stepping forward; automatically, the two doors opened themselves, letting him see what was on the other, darkness, absolute dark, and Alex didn't shy away and walked in.      


The doors automatically closed behind him; then the first floor got illuminated.     

Suddenly, a voice echoed in Alex's ears.     

''Welcome challenger, welcome to the tower of Self, the Tower of Reflection. Kindly state your name.'' The unknown entity stated, probably the tower spirit; it was a girl's voice.      

Not wanting to waste time and quickly get over it, Alex introduced himself.     

''Alexander Kael Touch.''      

''Good, I shall call you Alex from now on. Alex Rank 11, owner of the Death Guns, let's us begin.'' the voice said.      

Alex's mouth twitched; he almost asked why to bother asking for his name if she already knew all these things; however, he stopped from doing so.      

Suddenly, following the tower's spirit announcement, a magic circle under Alex's feet before shining, Alex vanished afterward.     

When Alex, who had closed his eyes during the transfer, opened them again, he appeared inside a forest; somehow, this forest was strangely familiar, he had a sense of déjà vu.     

Indeed, the next scene confirmed his guess; a young Alex appeared, not so young, but Alex a few months ago appeared, the Alex who was experiencing his first mission, aimed with nothing but a knife and throwing knives.      

The present Alex looked at the Alex from a few months ago and the forest where he killed his first monster; he could more or less understand what this tower's ability is and what the next thing should be.     

''So, you're the one I should fight.'' the Alex from the past declared before Alex found himself restrained; it was quick; however, after Alex felt like something had been put inside his body restraining his level, indeed he levels fell back to Level 1, then the Alex from the past moved.     

He kicked off the ground raising a small cloud of dust, and arrived before Alex; he slashed at him with his knife held in reverse position; Alex (the real Alex) dodged to the side, he believes that even with his level suppressed, the experience gaining would be engraved deep inside his body making able to easily dodge the attack of Level 1 ranker, that he could easily clean up this stage; however, he was wrong, badly wrong as that.      

The moment Alex from the past saw that Alex was about to dodge his strike, he didn't panic but smile instead before opening his palm; sand flew out of it and entered Alex's eyes, momentarily blinding him.     


Alex was shocked because his levels were suppressed, even his exceptional physical strength was considerably reduced; even knowing the danger about to come, he couldn't react in time before feeling something pass through his neck, followed by the taste of iron in his mouth      


Alex puked blood and failed to stop the cut on his neck from letting loose a torrent of blood that dyes his clothes and the ground red as he slumped toward the ground, life slowly leaving his body, even though it wasn't an actual death, it was still painful.      

In his last moment, Alex saw his past self smiling while the tower's spirit announced.     

''Challenger Alex died, six chances remaining. Please retry two days from now on.''      

Alex was sent away; he appeared outside of the tower; he couldn't help but sigh, to think he would lose to his past self and in that manner, how unsightly.      

''Fufufu! I seem that you didn't even get past the first level.''      

To make matters worse, Silveria appeared with a mysterious smile, and somehow, her smile irked Alex more than anything; Alex quickly massaged his temple to keep his emotions under control as he spun around to see a floating Silveria. She was dressed in a simple silver robe with golden embroidery.      

''Yeah, I lost to Level 1, and because of a sand, the bastard blew sand into my eyes, momentarily blinding me before finishing me,'' Alex grumbled. At the same time, he was angry, irked because of Silveria's smile that implies I knew it; he was angrier at himself, he had taken the situation lightly, judging from the tower's name, he would face his past self in the form of challenge and win. His past self would make use of his ability to the best of their capability more than he had done, they will use wits and tactics to compensate for what they lacked at that time, you might think that it was unnecessary all of this hassle as he was now Rank 11, however, only by surpassing his past self, by learning from them would he truly exhibit his real strength.      

His first opponent had played dirty, but only because the situation allowed so; maybe if Alex had done the same thing when he was facing the goblins, he would have leveled up faster and unlock Silveria, maybe Nyx faster. Alex doesn't know, but he can learn from the past to perfect the future.      

''I understand,'' Alex muttered to himself.      

Silveria smiled; it's a good thing that Alex could discern some of the tower's real aim so quickly; however, the real show is about to come. If Alex succeeds in completing this tower, the reward will be endless. Silveria believes so.     

''Let's head back.''      

To Silveria's words, Alex nodded as the two disappeared from the Illusionary Battlefield, Alex didn't question Silveria about what was the meaning behind the tower's spirit words when he was leaving, nor he asked for the rules; he knew eventually he would find out, it would be more fun this way.     

While Alex was coming back from the Illusionary Battlefield in the adjacent room, Sakuya came back from the rooftop; she was sweating, using the tower around her neck; she wiped away the sweat on her face, she clutched her katana with a sigh. She was trying to recreate the movement used by Kamishiro when he used that technique on the vampire duchess, the result she failed miserably, although, frustrated Sakuya knew that she couldn't rush things, she must let them come naturally because she believed that she would be able to do it, to use that skill one day, she might even surpass him, no she must, Kamishiro had seen something in her. However, he couldn't consider her teacher, Sakuya still thinks of him as one, and she must not disappoint him.     

''Hah! Still has a long way to go.'' Sakuya mumbled before scanning the suit; Lilith just came back.      

''Fufufu! You are back. How was your night stroll?'' Sakuya inquired with a smile.      

Lilith first sat on the bed before answering.     

''Not bad, I feel refreshed. Something it's good to walk around aimlessly at night to release some of your worries.''      

''I couldn't agree less. Next, let have a group walk, it would be more fun, fufufu! What do you think?"      

''Hehehe! I think it would be fun.'' Lilith responded to Sakuya's suggestion with a smile; both smiled.      

Sakuya knew Lilith had done more than a simple night stroll, she went somewhere, and Lilith knew Sakuya didn't believe her, however, adults as they are, they know better than anybody that they exist things one must ask even when the obvious is before you, everybody has a secret, some too many, better let the other willingly share it than force her to tell you, they both knew they would learn more about each as they grew closer, spend time together and more importantly successfully building a solid trust between them, so now wasn't the time both knew it.      

''Good night Lili.''      

''Good night, Mio.''      

They wished each other a good night before sleeping.     


Hours passed quickly, and the bright radiance of the sun had infiltrated the night sky thoroughly.     

Night was over, and it was the start of a new day.     

After his morning routine, Alex joined the girls, and they ate their breakfast. During this breakfast, Lilith asked Alex to accompany her; Alex didn't found it strange, nor he refused as they have decided to take few days off before continuing.      

''No problem. Where do you wish to go?" Alex asked after Sakuya left them; she said she had things to do.      

''Well, let's just tour the city,'' Lilith said after a moment of contemplation.     

''Sure.'' Alex nodded.      

The two left the Inn and started to tour the city. Somehow, this could be considered as a date, their first date; however, none of them think of it as one; they decided to enjoy a day off.     

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