Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 378: Gracier's Training 1

Chapter 378: Gracier's Training 1

0Two weeks passed in a flash since the demon's infiltration; nothing noteworthy happened. Julius failed to acquire any information with the two captured targets; they died because their hearts suddenly stopped working, probably due to a curse put on them. No demon nor members of the unknown organization was seen; they knew they were fooled; even after losing two strong members, they stayed hidden.     

Alex's group disguised Sam, Mio and Elsa continued to travel toward the demon continent, accepting missions along the way.     

Currently, they are fighting against the weakest monster.     

With a casual swing of the Razor, the custom-made black long knife sliced three Goblins at the torso. Goblin blood and entrails were scattered everywhere.     

Frowning at the uncomfortable sweat coming out around his eyes, Alex looked towards Sakuya, fighting nearby. Avoiding a wide swing of a long rusty sword, the next moment, the tip of her katana sheath quickly pierced into the Goblin's forehead before being swiftly withdrawn. It looked like a practiced series of movements.      

Alex shifted his attention to Lilith.      

What had unfolded was a one-sided stomp rather than a fight. A Goblin desperately wielded a rusted spear, which Lilith easily dodged and destroyed the goblin's head with the back of her sword.     

Quickly, the group cleared the thirty goblins blocking the road; having how easily they were dying, the remaining goblins fled at shocking speed.      

Normally, with the difference in strength, they shouldn't have never attacked the group because instinctually, they knew they were not Alex's group match. However, they still attacked, meaning they were desperate to disregard everything to attack a strong; something wasn't right. Alex's group was encountering more and more of this situation, almost as if monsters, especially weak monsters, lost their place, were forced to migrate, forced to search for food elsewhere than their usual place, and Alex was not so free to investigate the cause behind this.      

The group had made considerable progress during the past week, with Alex leveling up twice, Sakuya thrice, and Lilith twice. Like this, Alex level 107, Sakuya Level 88, while Lilith is level 108, one more than Alex.     

Alex still hasn't used his SP. As the group silently road the carriage toward the next town, Sakuya sighed.     

''I wonder what the others are doing right now, especially little Gracier.''     

''Probably training,'' Alex answered. Maria was training under Freya, Luna under that paladin while Gracier was with Artemia.     

''I want to train to. Come spar with me.'' Sakuya said with a yawn.     

Alex smiled, ''We will, don't worry.''      

''I would like to spar with you two. We will use our full strength.'' Lilith, who had her eyes closed, opened them and said there was no way she would miss out on the opportunity to fight Alex one time; the last defeat she hadn't forgotten about it; she wished for revenge.      

''I don't mind,'' Alex responded as he drove the carriage forward.      

At the same time, back in Avalon, in one of the numerous forests on the floating capital, a young girl could be seen running toward the forest; naturally, this young girl was none other than Gracier, Alex's sister. Under Artemia's order, she had come to take a mission, a B Rank request.      

The request is pretty simple; she must rescue a group of adventurers who went to kill a Gamelion, a rabbit-like monster extremely sought because of how tasty their flesh is; Gamelion meat is highly demanded in high-class restaurants. Gracier firstly accepted this mission because she couldn't bear to let fellows adventurers suffer, not when their children and wives come daily to ask for other adventurers to rescue them. It has been two days since their disappearance. Their family went so far by putting money together to issue a mission on top of the guild mission. Secondly, Gracier would supply the Gamelion's meat to her brother's restaurant.      

Gracier, who had to grow up a bit, dashed through the forest in the search for the missing adventurers; it would have been easy if she could use her full strength; however, this would have gone against the goal of this training because this was the aim of this training, she was forbidden for using her full strength, she could only use fireball and magic shield. This training aims to train her physical strength, train her to be able to still fight after running out of MP because a situation like this was bound to happen; if she couldn't fight, then she would die.     

Gracier smiled before suddenly; her pointed ears picked up sounds coming from a specific direction, without hesitation, she dashed toward that direction. Even without using blaze step, her speed was breakneck, and soon she arrived she saw adventurers fleeing from a monster, becoming they were dragging a fellow injured adventurers, their speed was slow.      

However, what shocked Gracier wasn't the scenes of adventurers fleeing for their lives but instead the monster chasing them; normal Gamelion didn't exceed 3 m tall; however, the one chasing those adventurers was 8 m tall, meaning it's a rare species. Normal Gamelions are C Rank monsters; however, this rare species is equal to B Rank, no wonder the mission was B Rank.     

Gracier smiled before jumping to land violently between the group and the big monster.     

''Quickly leave the forest; carriage is waiting outside,'' Gracier told the adventurers without turning back; she summoned Ignia in her scythe form.     

The adventurers momentarily lost their capability to think because of the absurd scene in front of them; a small child stood between them and a monster three times her height; no matter how you see, she would be crushed.     

''Are you deaf? Quickly scram.'' Gracier shouted; she was getting annoyed; instead of using this opportunity to escape, they were blankly staring at her.      

Finally, the adventurers moved, helping each other they left after one of them said.     

''Thank you, please be careful.''      

Gracier smiled, thinking at least they are not ungrateful; she stopped smiling and stared at the rare species Gamelion; the latter was looking at the punny human that appeared and stopped its hunt; she must have a death wish thought the Gamelion.     


The Gamelion roared and charged at Gracier.     

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