Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 367: Celesta

Chapter 367: Celesta

0Celesta, located on the southern side of the Drexia Empire, had a lot of people.     

A large number of people come and go since morning to the town square, and merchants were shouting loudly to show their merchandise to the passers-by.     

Normally, most of them are ordinary people; however, today, it has changed, adventurers and knights could be seen patrolling the town.     

Alex's group entered the city after successfully passing the check-up.     

〖This city will fall.〗Nyx suddenly said this.     

Alex stopped.     

''What is it?" The girls asked him; however, he had no time answering them.     

〖My sister's intuition is always spot-on; better think of a countermeasure.〗Silveria suggested.     

'I see.' Alex said before finally answering the girls.     

''It's nothing; let's immediately go to the guild.''      

They immediately head to the guild before searching for Inn.     

The group rapidly arrived at the Celesta adventurer guild branch, a four-story building; they entered, they were greeted by the same usual scene; however, with more adventurers, there were so many adventurers present that the first-floor feel crowed.      

After finding their way to one of the counters, Alex, under the disguise of Sam, approached the receptionist.      

''I'm Sam, Leader of the Sky Wolf Group.'' He introduced himself.      

The receptionist lady's eyes widened; it was like a fan seeing her idol for the first time; she was excited; however, she quickly calmed down her excitation and acted professionally.     

''Welcome, Mr. Sam. I'm Chloe. Let's me update your guild card.''      

Alex nodded and handed over his fake guild card; at the same time, he leaned against the counter to ask what was going on; the adventurers were so focused that not many looked in their way even though it was their first time coming here.     

''Chloe, can you tell me the reason for so many adventurers to gather up here?"      

''It's because the guild master has an announcement. It's an emergency quest.'' Chloe explained as she updated and checked the Sky Wolf Group ranking; after their last exploit in saving Elesim, their rank increased considerably, making them the most sought newcomer group. People would want them because of their reputation.     

Alex and the girls exchanged gazes and immediately understood what was happening. Usually, Celesta would face monsters wave twice a year; however, now isn't the time for the second wave, and yet there is an emergency quest being triggered, which means the second wave was about to begin; this is not a natural one by man-made.      

Most of the adventurers present here may not know the truth, but Alex and his group did; the ones behind this forced monsters wave is the same group that previously targeted Elesim for the magic core.      

Suddenly, there was a commotion, a group of people descended from the upper floors, all adventurers eyes were gathered on this group.      

A muscular man around fifty, silver eyes, silver hair, and silver bed, on his left, was an elf with glasses, while on this muscular man right was strangely someone Alex knew well, Conrad, the flame prince.      

'Never thought I would encounter him here.' Alex mumbled. Strangely, Conrad happened to look at him at the exact moment; his eyes lingered for a second on him before he closed them again. For some reason, the young man with light blond hair seemed familiar; however, Conrad could swear to have never seen him before; how strange.     

Alex smiled, seeing Conrad's reaction. Behind the three were two-man, twins to be exact.      

The muscular man Alex judged to be the guild master stopped just before coming down; he observed the crowd of adventurers.     

''Greetings everyone, I'm Silver, the acting guild master. The reason for your presence here today is because of an emergency. O know you all have work you were doing, but this is because of an emergency, and it's not like you're losing anything. As you know, Celesta repeatedly faces monsters wave because we face the Fog Forest, home of numerous monsters. We face monsters wave twice a year, normally it not the time for the second wave yet, however, somehow it changed.''      


''Why are there monsters wave at this time of the year? Weren't the last two months ago?"      

''Maybe it's a bad omen.''      

Adventurers started whispering the moment they heard Silver's words. He let them vent their frustrations a bit by whispering before he continued because he could guess what their question would be next.     

''The reason for this sudden situation is unknown; normal animals have become restless, birds escape from the forest, merchant carriages getting repeatedly attacked. We sent a time of Rank 7 to investigate, but the result it's as you have heard it; they got wiped out, none managed to come back; however, they succeed sending a message: Prepare for the second wave. So, the message says.''      


Most of the adventurers present are not even Rank 7 yet, hearing a group of veterans Rank 7 adventurers getting wiped made their gulp; however, although they were afraid, they were excited as well, if they performed well, they could calmly retire after facing this unusual second monsters wave.      

Silver was happy to see that most adventurers didn't lose their courage learning what happened; it was now time to talk about rewards to firmly tied them down. If only they knew the truth, Silver sighed and momentarily closed his eyes, hardened his heart before announcing.     

''Because it is a forced quest, I mean emergency quest every participant would be paid Five Gold coins. Almost materials harvested would be at full price.''      


Another uproar was started; they were surprised by the generous offer this time; previously, they were paid around two gold coins. The guild would gain 20 percent of the collected materials; however, it almost doubled, and the monsters materials getting paid in full without a cut. It smells fishy but, they do not care.      

''I'm in.''      

It started with one voice, then it became two, three, four, and soon every adventurer on the first floor admitted their full support because this is a compulsory quest, meaning they have no right to refuse unless you want to see your adventurer license getting terminated you are forced to participate, however, being forced doesn't mean you must perform well, some did it halfheartedly, however, this time it was different because of the rewards.      

''That is the spirit. I expect you all to perfect extremely well during this defensive battle not to let our beautiful city get tainted.'' Silver raised his voice.      

'''''We will.''''      

The adventurers responded louder.      

''Good, go prepare. It might happen at any more but probably two days from now on.'' Silver said before dismissing the adventurers, and when Alex's group wanted to leave, they got called.     

''Sky Wolf Group with me.''     

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