Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 256: Arrival at the Dungeon's Village

Chapter 256: Arrival at the Dungeon's Village

0The magic carriage driven by Isabella went towards a building. Alex, Artemia, and Isabella entered the building to use the teleportation circle to go where the dungeon was located.      

However, they were told to wait for a moment because the teleportation stone would be replaced. Alex decided to use this chance to ask few questions to quench his thirst for knowledge.     

''I'm curious about something." Alex couldn't help but said this as he watched the intricate designs of the gigantic teleportation circle.      

''Fufufu! Let's me guess you are wondering about how these teleportation circles all over the capital have been made?" Artemia asked with a smile.      

''Indeed. I want to know how.'' Alex responded while he ignored Isabella, who was still giving him the cold shoulder.      

''Well, I'm privy to the details of how they are made, but I know it was made Runrmasters,'' Artemia explained.      

''Runemaster?" Alex reacted to the unfamiliar term.     

Artemia wasn't surprised by Alex's lack of knowledge on what runemasters are, hence his surprise.      

''They a group of person capable of using Rune Magic, ancient magic. They are extremely rare and recluse. Those teleportation devices, teleportation circles you saw all over the capital, have been made hundred years ago. Some are even more ancient. Rumor has it that Avalon floating in the air was done by a Runemaster, the most powerful of runemasters to have ever existed. Well, in the end, it was still a rumor, nothing more, nothing less.''      

Alex's eyes narrowed at Artemia's revelation. He was also curious about how such a colossal island could float in the air. It went against the law of physics. If Earth's scientists were here, they would have discarded all their projects to focus on studying this floating island. If that rumor was true, then that Runemaster must be pretty powerful; Alex doubts that he/she was from this world.      

''Magic swords and other magic weapons have runes engraved on them. Am I right?"     

Alex asked when he remembered Golfak magic sword. He wondered if he and the others are doing fine. Somehow, Alex missed them. He hopes he could see them soon.      

While crossing her leg one over another as she waited for the teleportation stone to be replaced, Artemia answered.      

''Yes, it's as you have said. However, true rune magic is more complex than those simple runes used on the weapons; it's why those responsible for engraving rune magic on the weapons are called 'Lightruner.' A true runemaster is capable of making a teleportation device, and even the famous magical pouch (Magic storage), space ring. Even treasures such as Loki, Sleipnir found inside dungeons are said to be products of High-level Runemaster that existed in the bygone era.''     

Artemia made another revelation that startled Alex.      

''Wow! Incredible! I want to encounter a Runemaster, and if it's possible, I want to learn that magic.''      

The last part was said rather inaudibly. Artemia chuckled when she heard Alex's words while Isabella harrumphed; Artemia's expression changed.      

''Humph! What a country bumpkin you are. Dare to dream of encountering such existence. Who do you think you are?" Isabella couldn't let go of the chance of mocking Alex.      

The latter smiled; it was a devilish smile, ''You ask who I am? Well, I will tell you. I'm the one who is going to green your father.''      


Artemia couldn't help but burst into laughter; she quickly closed her mouth to stifle it not to draw too much attention.      

''You- You--''      

With a trembling hand, Isabella pointed her finger at Alex; the latter expression became cold, and he released a bit of killing intent that made Isabella's body froze; she started trembling shortly after as if she was having a seizure.      

''Listen carefully, I'm not going to repeat myself. I don't know what I have done to earn your hatred, but I want to stop it from now on as I won't stay silent if you keep up with that attitude. Understood?" Alex increased by bit his killing intent.      

Like a cornered rabbit that was about to be devoured, Isabella nodded. She was scared of the look Alex was giving her. It was like she was not worth even a pebble in his eyes.     

''Good,'' Alex said pleased, the killing intent disappeared like a joke. Isabella breathed a sigh of relief, unaware that Alex and Artemia exchange looks before smiling. Both understood what the other wanted to convey; no word was needed.      

For Artemia, it was gratitude, gratitude for what he has done; while it was confirmed that Isabella is exceptionally talented, she has one big flaw. She was too arrogant, tend to look down on everyone, especially men. For the first time, she lost facing someone younger than her, and a male to boot, her anger and shame because of the defeat turned into hatred for Alex. She couldn't stop but ridicule Alex at every opportunity she got; this was done to maintain the illusion that she was still superior to Alex. If nothing were done, this would have evolved into something Artemia wished not to see; it was why she sought Alex's intervention; he knew he would react and chose not to do anything.     

From now only, Isabella will behave and know that they exist people she should never provoke.      

Even though Alex reacted because he couldn't take any more being ridiculed in almost every discussion, he knew he was being used to teach Isabella a lesson. It was why after rebuking Isabella, he looked at Artemia as if to tell her, 'You owe me one.'      

Artemia knew if she tried to fix Isabella's behavior because of their relationship, even if she were to listen to her, it wouldn't completely disappear. Let's her suffer first before advising her to better behave from now on using what happened as an example; it was Artemia strategy.      

〖This girl is rather shrewd. Carefully not let yourself get devoured, not even leaving a bone behind.〗Silveria, who was watching the entire scene from the beginning and understood what was going on, couldn't stay still but warn her master.      

'Don't worry, I know.' Alex said.      

At the same time, someone entered to inform them that the teleportation circle was ready to be used.      

''Let's go.'' Alex stood up and followed after the one that informed that everything was easy. Artemia and Isabella silently followed behind.      

Everywhere they pass, people would look at Artemia in awe, almost as if they were worshipping her. Strangely, nobody pointed their fingers at Artemia even though the latter face was uncovered and they knew her identity.      

'I wonder if it was due to the goddess halo?' Alex couldn't help but have this irrelevant thought. He quickly discarded these irrelevant thoughts and stepped into the teleportation circle; Artemia and Isabella joined him.      

The man responsible for activating the teleportation circle bowed respectfully before activating it.      

The teleportation circle shined brightly before the light went out. Alex and Co had disappeared.     


When Alex and the others opened their eyes again, they inside a somewhat identical room; however, this one scale was small compared to that of the capital (Teleportation room, the teleportation circle).      

After a quick exchange with the one responsible for this building, Alex, Artemia, and Isabella left the black building and appeared outside.      

''Wow! What incredible sight.'' Alex muttered in awe. He was not the only one, though. Isabella was also surprised; only Artemia appeared to be lost in thoughts.      

Even though Alex heard that it was a village, the current scenery in front of him made him doubt if it was really the case. Rather than a village, it would be more accurate to call it a small town surrounded by high mountains and beautiful forest.      

''Are we still in the capital?" Alex couldn't help but ask this question.      

''Well, you will be surprised how big Avalon is. Did you know our capital nickname?" Artemia, who had come back to reality after feeling the nostalgia of setting foot here again; however, compared to last time, she was in better condition, spoke.      

''I don't know; I'm all ears,'' Alex said.      

''It's called the sixth continent. Avalon is almost half of the beastmen continent. From the ground, you won't how big it is.''      

Astonishingly it was Isabella who answered Alex's question.      

''I see. Thanks for the information.'' Alex said he was not someone doesn't know how to show his gratitude when helped.      

Isabella was surprised; she thought that because of her behavior, Alex wouldn't respect her; however, he proved otherwise. Isabella felt ashamed, biting her lips, her eyes became resolute, she decided to interact before judging someone.      

Looking at Isabella's unwavering gaze, Artemia smiled, feeling happy that the latter was evolving.      

''Welcome, princess. Shall we led you to your the house specifically prepared for you?" The captain of the guards stationed over this village approached them and asked.      

''No need, we shall book rooms. What do you think, Alex?" Artemia refused; she tilted her head in Alex's direction.      

''Let's do that.'' Alex accepted Artemia's suggestion.     

''Understood your highness, Mr. Alexander, Ms. Isabella, Please follow me.'' the captain bowed respectfully before turning to walk towards the best Inn in the village.     

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