Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 127: This shouldn't have appeared here

Chapter 127: This shouldn't have appeared here

0Back to Alex's location.     

As the light of the sun gradually rose and spread to the surroundings.     

Alex and the others had already woken up after resting for a few hours feeling refreshed as they successfully managed to complete their mission without losing any of their members, they can now be considered D Rank Adventurer.     

Alex who was back from his morning jogging with his sister saw the group outside chatting, they have already packed the tents.      

''Morning Leader.''      

''Good morning.''     

''Good morning Alex, Gracier.''      

''Morning, Leader~ and little Gracier.''      

''Good morning Leader, morning Miss Gracier.''     

Sebastian, Lucien, Meera, Eleonora, and even Golfak greeted the two as they came back, Alex astonishingly stared at Golfak because it was the first time he greeted him since the start of their mission.      

Having seen Alex looking at him with a surprised expression on his face, Golfak scratched his face and said, ''Sorry, for all the troubles I've caused.''      

Alex was surprised once again, Gracier also, the others looked at the two and smiled, it seemed they were aware that Golfak was going to apologize.      

Smiling, Alex said, ''Morning everyone.''     

Then turned his face in Golfak's direction,     

''Golfak, don't worry, I'm happy that you know your wrong and repent. For my part I'm also sorry if it seemed that I was a little bit harsh on you back then, it was because if you cower it may cause trouble for others, I know it's hard for the first time. Well, glad that everything ended well but take it as a warning and at the same time as a piece of advice from me, better control that temper of yours and do some research before blindly acting.''      

It was now Golfak's turn to be surprised, he wasn't expecting Alex's words, he nodded his head when he heard about Alex's advice.     

''Don't worry leader, I'll be prudent from now on,'' Golfak said as he slightly bowed his head.      

Nodding his head as he saw Golfak taking his advice seriously, Alex looked around and not seeing Conrad after checking the whole area with his divine sense he asked.     

''Where is Conrad?"      

''He just left a moment ago.''      

It was Lucien who answered.     

''Where did he go? We should be on our way already but now. Sigh! Let's wait for half an hour and if he doesn't come we will left.''     

Alex said, Gracier and others nodded their heads, the girls decided to use this chance to clean themselves.     

After the girls finished, the men went to clean themselves.      

Half of an hour quickly passed, yet Conrad hadn't returned.      

''Let's board the carriage and depart.''      

Finally, Alex decided that it was wiser to depart even when Conrad their supervisor wasn't present. Since a while ago, he was feeling restless, his six senses keep ringing alarm bells inside his mind as if to warn him about an incoming danger.      

Everybody boarded the carriage and Lucien started driving it, by now everybody seemed to notice that something wasn't right.      

Just as they started moving, Silveria who stayed silent until now suddenly shouted,      

〖Master, quickly stop the carriage and run.〗     

The urgency in her voice couldn't be hidden, without questioning her because his own heart was thumping like crazy,      

Ba-dump Ba-dump!     

Alex shouted, ''Everybody jumps out.''      

Immediately after shouting, he held Gracier in his arms and Accel-ed to reappears twenty meters outside of the carriage.      

Lucien, Sebastian, Golfak, Meera, and Eleonora jumped from the carriage and quickly distanced them from it after rolling on the ground.      

And just as everyone leaves the carriage a huge explosion occurred creating a big cloud of dust rising to the sky,      


The ground trembled as if an earthquake was happening, Lucien, Sebastian, and Golfak were blasted back, their backs colliding against the nearby trees.     




The three grunted in pain and puked a mouthful of blood.     

Eleonora's figure blurred to reappears not too far from Alex and Gracier's position, somehow Meera also appeared beside them.      

After the dust got cleared, everybody was able to see what caused that gigantic explosion, the moment they saw what was responsible for the earthquake fear took hold of their hearts, they could not help but tremble.     

Standing on what remains of their former carriage (it was completely flattened and the three horses turned into meat patties.) was a gigantic figure that seemed to have come out from their worst nightmare. This figure had gray skin and stood 8 meters tall (26.2467 ft), it had two heads, bulging muscles, and wore armor, around its neck seemed to be some kind of necklace, this necklace was emitting a dark aura.      


Suddenly, the two-headed monster roared simultaneously, Alex and others quickly brought their hands toward their ears and blocked.      

The monster's roar was so powerful that it created a shockwave in the air, even though they had closed their ears they still suffered damage, for some, it was not grave while for others it was worse. Alex was feeling dizzy beside his ears hurting like hell. Gracier and Meera were having it worse because of their racial features, they received more damage as Elves are pretty sensible, both their ears were bleeding, they became momentarily deaf, Lucien and Golfak fainted with blank looks on their faces. Sebastian was panting as he cleaned the blood coming from his nose, yet even when feeling dizzy he quickly dragged Lucien and Sebastian's unconscious bodies to safety behind a tree.     

Alex quickly fed his sister a healing potion while Eleonora suffered a little damage as Alex quickly went to help Meera.      

''Impossible, how can such monster appear here? This shouldn't have appeared here. What's going on? What a two-headed ogre doing here?" Alex wondered eyes filled with disbelief. This kind of monster should have never appeared here.     

Indeed the monster with two heads glaring at them is a two-headed ogre, A-Rank monster, one of the powerful ones. The two-headed ogre in front of them had different pairs of eyes, the left head had a pair of blue eyes while the right head had a pair of deep red eyes.      

''Not good it's a mutated two-headed ogre. We are in trouble, this is not an A-Rank monster but an AA Rank monster instead.'' Eleonora announced.     

Alex could feel his back drenched in sweat because he had tried to appraise the monster, he didn't see a lot of information but what he saw made him fell into despair.     

[Two headed mutated Ogre     

Race: Blood Ogre     

Rank 9     

Level 85     


Magic: Dual Elements: Ice and Fire     

Attack: ????     

Defense: ???     

Agility: ???     

Intelligence: ???     

Luck: ???     

Skills: ????     

Special Ability: ???     

Titles: ??? ]     

A rank 9 monster, and not your typical one, this one is dual elements user, not only that but this mutated Ogre possess a special Ability something Alex thought only human have. This monster, no abomination it was more than what the current him couldn't handle, none of them could handle it. The difference is too huge, a difference of 4 Rank in his case, 43 Levels to be more accurate, Alex had never felt so hopeless since the day he came into this world, nor so scared however he must survive, no they must survive.     

While Alex was encouraging himself, Gracier's body was shaking even when she was trying to act tough, same with Meera, their complexions had somehow improved however their fear didn't lessen in the slightest.     

Suddenly, the mutated two-headed ogre left mouth opened as if to shoot something when suddenly, it turned into another direction and shot a huge ice ball.      


The ice ball clashed against a huge fireball creating a huge blast, the two-headed shielded their eyes before the explosion.      

''Alex takes the others and quickly escaped from here, I'll try to keep him occupied for a moment.''      

Alex and others heard Conrad's voice, shortly they saw him appearing, his appearance was disheveled with few cut on his body, it seemed that he had been fighting.     

Using this chance, Alex and others distanced. However halfway through their escape,     

〖 Master quickly dodge.〗Silveria warned.     

Alex held his sister in his arms before rolling on the ground avoiding a huge flame thrown at him, the huge fireball passed just above their heads before explosion into the distance. Fortunately, Alex and Gracier were not caught in the explosion.     

Even without Silveria's warning, he would have dodged because of his passive skill, [Danger Sense], still, he was grateful. The two quickly get up,     

Eleonora and the others looked back.     

''Quickly go. Choose a separate direction to go in.'' Alex shouted at them before starting to run, it would be suicidal to stay together, their chance of survival will decrease considerably while if they choose separate directions, they had a slim chance of surviving, one or two may become the sacrifice for others to survive it may cruel but it was the best option.     

Having understood this, well those who were still conscious, their nodded their heads as they scattered into a different direction, Sebastian with Lucien on his back went left, Meera with Golfak on her back choose the right direction, Eleonora also went right.     

With his sister in his arms, Alex kept Accel-ed straight ahead putting some distance between himself and the dangerous monster, Alex had the feeling that the monster was specifically after him and Gracier judged by the way he looked at them when he showed up.      

''I hope I'm wrong,'' Alex mumbled as he kept running away, Gracier was watching their surroundings ready to attack any monsters that would try to block them.     

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