Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 248: One question

Chapter 248: One question

0At the same time, while Alex and Silveria were busy talking, Luna, who just put Sakuya on the bed, sat down next to her and heaved a sigh.     

''Alex almost got to know the real Sakuya.''      

''Well, he will eventually know one day. I have a headache; just by thinking about it.'' Maria, who was sitting on the opposite said.      

Luna observed Maria for a while. Others may think it is hard to read Maria's emotions due to her natural cold face, but as a friend who grew up with her, Luna could read Maria's emotions to some extent.      

''Are you feeling jealous that I'm the first?" Luna asked.      

''Yes, I'm a little bit jealous, and I think it's because I wanted to be the first even though I knew he is your childhood sweetheart. I can't help it but want to be his first, it's kinda selfish, but I guess women are selfish creatures, to begin with.''      

Luna nodded. It seemed that after getting engaged to Alex, she noticed the look of envy in Maria's and Sakuya eyes.      

''I understand how you feel. I'm jealous of you as well. You made him agree to your condition. It's because of you we are together. If he didn't like you seriously, I don't think he would accept such a condition. Somehow it could be said you got him first. It's natural to feel jealous; if not, it would have been odd.''     

To Luna's words, Maria nodded in understanding.      

''I guess you're right. Fufufu! You may have taken his first times; however, I will be his queen, I will manage the Harem.'' Maria declared, from her words, she had no intention of backing down from this position.     

Having no desire whatsoever for this position, Luna shrugged her shoulders. However, there is something she wished to make clear.      

''We should limit the number of women Alex will have. What do you think about Artemia and Lilith?"      

''From Lilith, I feel no threat, but from the princess, I feel threatened for some reason. However, I double-checked it seems she doesn't like Alex; however, she is curious about him, and you know better than me it is a matter of time for a curious woman to fall for the target of her curiosity. I hope it won't happen in this case. She's the smart type, hard to control, so I wouldn't want her to be in the Harem as I feel that she may threaten my position, but logically we can use her, her status. Nobody will try to mess up with humanity's strongest empire Third princess's man.'' Maria explained how she felt about Luna's question.      

''I see, you have thought that far. Well, I don't think anything will happen soon, so better focus on what is ahead right now. I want you to change that manager, that golden-haired man. My instincts are warning about him being unclear, as for why I don't know. It's just a gut feeling.'' Luna said. If she knew that she was not the only one to find that man suspicious, she would be shocked.      

After she heard her friend's warning, Luna considered for a moment before saying.      

''Like you, I also find his presence repulsive, and I was searching for a way to make him leave. I will do it; however, it won't be easy as he did great work through the years, almost flawless. Well, I will think of a reason to chase him away.'' Maria promised. Because of the golden-haired man's popularity, it would be troublesome if they didn't have a good reason to chase him, it might make the other employees dissatisfied it why Maria hadn't acted, same goes for Alex. Some employees may decide to follow the man if he was chased without a proper reason. As a newbie, it would be hard to find some new employees because the other restaurants in the vicinity were eyeing them, ready to swallow them after the switch of the owner.      

'What a headache. We need this restaurant to fund our future activities. Adventuring only without a good activity to increase the money earned would be a waste.' Maria mumbled and became lost in thoughts.     

Luna watched her friend lost in thoughts; she knew she must be thinking of a way to help her man, help their family to live a better life. She may not be wise as Maria, strong as Sakuya, but she has a role to play, an essential role; she must increase her strength to the extent that she can almost heal any injury, restore stamina when the others get tired. This is her role, the role of a cleric, the role of the Saintess; she would be their extra life.     

While the two of them were lost in thoughts, on the other side, Alex and Silveria continued with their talk.      


''I do not mind,'' Silveria responded. Alex's proposition caught her off, but it was a pleasant surprise.      

''Because today is my birthday, won't you grant me a wish?" Alex suddenly said this.      

Silveria's lips lifted into a smile; she expected this question.      

''I see. I will grant you one wish. Ask one question. No matter what question you ask, I will answer honestly.'' Silveria said with an earnest face.     

Alex stayed silent; he started to ponder what kind of question he should ask. Having the right to ask only one question, he ought to ask a question that can help him understand a little bit what kind of mess he was getting himself into. He has far less information to picture the whole thing.     

'What should I ask? Her real identity? That won't do. Then what about the real enemy they fought and lost against it? I don't think I can handle the answer, at least not yet. Then what about this world? Huh! This world? Hehehe! I know what I should ask.'      

In a minute, numerous questions went through Alex's mind; Silveria watched in the side, not pushing him to ask his question; she knew he must carefully consider what kind of question he would ask.      

'Well, it doesn't matter as he has the right to ask a single question.' She thought while waiting for Alex's question.      

''I want to know if someone is controlling the one responsible for the curse placed on Mysthia's world?"      

It was a gamble.     

''That dragon?" She blurted out without even realizing that her voice was loud.     

''So, it's a dragon, the one responsible,'' Alex mumbled. His gamble paid off, and he got a rather valuable piece of information; he now knows what he would be facing in the not-so-far future.      


It finally dawned on her that she got tricked.      

''Master, you tricked me.'' She pouted.      

Shrugging his shoulders, Alex replied, ''It's your fault for getting tricked. By the way, you haven't responded to my question. I'm still waiting, you know?"     

''Ugh!" Silveria grunted.     

She knew there is no way to extricate herself from this situation unless she answered Alex's question, she had promised. It was her fault for getting tricked; she shouldn't have listened adequately to her master's question instead of getting flustered and saying something other than answering the question asked.     

''Yes, the probability is high.'' Silveria finally answered.      

''I see,'' Alex murmured; he didn't continue to ask more questions as he knew he wouldn't get anything even if he were to ask. He was lucky to have earned two answers instead of one. Well, luck did play a part in what happened, but it was because he was smarter while raising his question.      

'Humph! At least you know when to stop.'      

Silveria harrumphed when she saw that Alex did not raise any more questions after getting her answer.     

''How strong do you think Artemia will become if she succeeds in making her Gift complete?" Alex asked this after taking a bit of the remaining birthday cake.      

''I can only give you a rough estimate. I think if she succeeds, she may become Rank 10 or at least Rank 9,'' Silveria answered; she said this because she believes that the other party of Artemia's Gift might contain a sealed power, this power will be transformed into levels (XP) after entering Artemia's body.     

And there's the most important thing to know, which is Artemia's body must be strong enough to contain the power sealed in the other half of her Gift.      

'Well, considering how thoughtful that girl is, she must have prepared everything.' Silveria thought.      

''Your answer is within my calculations. Well, in this trip, I need to surpass her or at least be at the same level as her.'' Alex declared, his fighting spirit got ignited; Artemia was like a rival he must surpass; she was not the only one, though; there is Leon and others.      

If he wants to be their leader, he must be ahead of them in terms of strength. Strangely, he thought like this; it was the first this type of thinking entered his mind.      

''Do you your best. I'm here; use me the way you want, as you see fit I won't complain.'' She declared with a serious expression.     

Silveria's words made Alex's face twitch; she didn't have to word it like that; it sounds weird.      

''I shall take my leave. Good night, master.'' Silveria said before vanishing; she acted as if she did not understand how ambiguous her previous declaration sounds.      

''Good night too,'' Alex said before he decided to go outside to take in some fresh air.     

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