Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 250: Sleipnir

Chapter 250: Sleipnir

0''Because yesterday was your birthday, and I couldn't participate in, I brought you a gift,'' Katherina announced before placing the boots on the table.     

A beautiful smile appeared on Alex's face when he saw the black boots.      

''You should have started from there, princess.''      

Alex said and picked up the boots and expected it; the speed with which he picked the boots startled Katherina and the silver armored man. The man wondered how shameless Alex could be; the moment he saw the boots, his expression did a 360-degree change, his eyes started to shine.      

'Well, I can understand how he feels knowing the origin of that boots. Hah! To think the princess will give away such family treasure.' The man lamented, even he felt envious when he saw the black boots.      

〖Wow! Master, it seems you have gotten a rather lovely gift; how generous of Katherina. We shall forgive her and become her friend. As a friend, she must share her treasures with us. Fufufu! I can wait to get my hand on what she has.〗Silveria declared, unlike Alex, who hadn't appraised the black boots, she had done it and knew it was not average treasure.     

Alex's lips twitched when he heard Silveria's shameless words; he wondered where she has learned to be that shameless. Fortunately, he didn't ask her anything. If not, Silveria would have rolled her eyes at him before pointing at him, saying he was the culprit.     

Alex's eyes widened with shock when he saw the description of the black boots.     


Grade: SS     

Increase the wearer's agility by 200 points.     

Special abilities:     

 :black_nib: Auto-repair     

 :black_nib: Fly: Ability to temporarily fly. (Sealed)]     

Alex almost whistled when he saw Sleipnir's description; however, what disappointed him was that Sleipnir's most important ability was sealed. Alex wondered what happened and how can he unsealed it. He was instead getting fed up with sealed things.     

As if Katherina could read Alex's mind, she said.      

''I hope you like my Gift. As you have seen it, Sleipnir's ability is sealed; however, you don't have to worry according to theory, it can be unsealed with the blood of a Dragon.''      

''A dragon?" Alex asked, eyes filled with disbelief; he almost shouted. 'You must be kidding me. Must I slay a dragon before unsealed? What kind of bad joke is this?'     

However, he refrained from saying these words.      

Unaware of what going through Alex's mind, Katherina continued,      

''Well, I said theory, but only dragon blood can unseal Sleipnir. We have tried with lesser dragon blood: wyvern blood, but while we managed to unseal it, it was only temporary. From that experiment, we concluded that only higher-rank dragon blood could successfully unseal it. You may be able to find a ranked dragon inside a dungeon. I have the feeling that you can unseal Sleipnir and reveal to the world how amazing it is.''      

Alex didn't say anything, still holding them; he could feel a warm breeze coming from the boots cover his hand; it became lighter. Even though Sleipnir's special ability was sealed, it was still op enough, an increase of 200 points on agility stat is not a joking matter. Also, there's the fact that Sleipnir was SS grade treasure, the same grade as Loki. The highest grade a treasure could reach in Mysthia's world.     

''Thank you. I appreciate the gift.'' Alex sincerely declared. He wasn't ungrateful; when you get something better, thank the person who gave it to you no matter how much you dislike this person.     

Katherina waved her hand, ''I'm glad you like it. While this can compensate for everything you went through, take it as the token of my sincerity. I hope to form a good relationship with you, a relationship-"      

''I won't work for you like Leonardo. It will never happen, so better drop that idea. We are not enemies anymore. However, it doesn't mean we are now allies. It may happen in the future. All I can promise at the moment is that I won't intervene in your life; I won't find trouble with you.'' Alex cut Katherina off before she could continue any further; both knew what the other wants.      

''Ugh! I understand.'' Katherina was forced to surrender, for the moment, that is. Today's goal could be considered accomplished. While she hadn't succeeded in making Alex her subordinates, she believes that it was a matter of time.      

'Maybe I should use my charm to make him mine?'      

Katherina considered for a moment before shaking her head; she threw those nonsensical thoughts to the back of her head.      

''It's good to have talked with you. I shall take my leave.'' Katherina said before standing up; Alex accompanied her until the entrance.      

Suddenly, Katherina stopped and spun around to face Alex,      

''While I know you are strong, please be wary during your excursion inside the dungeon, and more importantly, please protect my sister.''      

Alex was surprised; he thought Katherina didn't like Artemia from the rumors.      

'Guess rumors can't be trusted after all.' Inwardly Alex thought while outwardly, he nodded his head.     

As if he remembered something Alex said,      

''I hope you will discipline your dog to know how to behave.''      

Katherina immediately knew whom Alex was referring to as a dog. She couldn't help sigh, and before she could open her mouth, Alex said, his eyes cold, earnest, as if he wouldn't forgive her if she went against his words.     

''I'm warning you. Suppose he did something he shouldn't have done. I will take care of him as I see fit. I hope you will not intervene at that time. If not, you will become my enemy.''      

''I understand. I will discipline him.'' Katherina was forced to make this promise. Leonardo may be an asshole, but he still has an important role to play. Because she managed to enroll in her faction, she had gained a compared advantage over the other candidates. By now, she should have disciplined Leonardo entirely, tame his wild side and his delusion of grandeur. However, she postpones it due to Alex's arrival.      

'I guess I should have a word with him. Well, it will be quicker to talk with his girlfriend, that Camilla girl. I heard that recently he started playing around with his maids and other girls. Hah! What a headache.' Katherina lamented, she knew that Leonardo had a view on her; in fact, she used his desire to have her as his woman to make work her.      

Alex watched Katherina board her carriage and left with his guard, who acted as her driver, before returning inside.     

Inside the carriage, Katherina sat comfortably and started to read a report on Leonardo's recent activities.      

Suddenly, she heard her most loyal guard's voice.     

''Was it worth it? Especially, that last condition?" The silver armored man inquired.     

Tucking her beautiful blue hair behind her ear, Katherina replied.      

''It was worth it. I don't regret coming here today. On the contrary, if I haven't come, I would have regretted it in the future; the only way to win his trust and eventually make him mine, cough cough; I meant to make him work for me was to approach him and show my sincerity. As for his last words, while it displeases me, I do understand him a little. While I may not know what kind of past relationships those two had when they were still in their world, Earth, they called it. I believe it wasn't a harmonious one; Alex is the one to bask in the limelight while Leonardo can only fade in the background. And having seen him, you understand better than me what that boy wants; he wants to be the center of attention. Leonardo may have gotten what he wants; however, the moment Alex show up, he became a background character again. He must be truly pissed; he even lost in their fight. To make matters worse, the women he coveted were snatched right before his eyes. Tell if me, Maximus, if you were in his place won't you try to take revenge?"      

Facing Katherina's question, the silver armored man who goes by the name of Maximus contemplated for a moment before responding.      

''I will.''      

''Well, most people will. Alex knew this and warned me because I'm Leonardo's backer. Better discipline your man for him to make a blunder than stop me when I would want to take care of him. It was what Alex meant.'' Katherina explained.     

''I see. From his words, he must be sure that Leonardo will try something and better be prepared if he does. You mustn't intervene. It is a rather bold move; that boy knew you'd accept his condition.'' Maximus said after analyzing Alex's words.      

''Yeah, it's why he warned me to discipline Leonardo. Hah! I hope that delusional boy will know what is good for him and not try to do something he shouldn't have. He is a fool to think he would ally with that Holy son. I can more or less guess the condition of this alliance. Both must have decided to divide Alex's women between them.'' Katherina muttered while scanning through the report inside her wants.      

Putting a disgusted expression, she announced, ''What do they take women for? Trophies to be distributed? What a bunch of assholes. Maximus, we will be going towards that asshole mansion. I need to give him an earful.''      

''Certainly, my lady.''      

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