Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

Chapter 184: Last Battles of the Day (III)

Chapter 184: Last Battles of the Day (III)



Blue Wind Imperial Family – Cang Yue ----vs------ Heavenly Sword Villa – Ling Feiyu


The atmosphere in the arena crackles with excitement as Princess Cang Yue prepares to face off against a disciple from one of the top sects for the first time after Yun Che faced Xiao Zhen. Speculation runs wild among the spectators, with some betting on whether the princess will concede against the formidable opponent before her—Ling Feiyu, a renowned contender from the Heavenly Sword Villa.

Xue Ling watches with a furrowed brow, her concern evident as she observes Cang Yue's previous opponents have been relatively unknown, and she's only emerged victorious in four out of eleven matches. Now, facing Ling Feiyu, one of the Heavenly Sword Villa's strongest contenders, adds a new level of uncertainty to the mix.

Despite the tension, Little Fairy remains composed, her trust unwavering in her sister's abilities. She knows that Cang Yue has the potential to surprise everyone and reveal her true power against opponents from the Four Great Sects.

Ling Jie's warning rings out through the arena, a clear message directed at Ling Feiyu. "If you lay a hand on Princess Sis, you'll have me to answer to!"


"You got this, Little Yue! Earn us a well-deserved day off," Yun Che grinned, offering his encouragement as Cang Yue nodded, a faint blush gracing her cheeks. She tapped her cheeks lightly, refocusing her determination before striding into the arena.

"I will!" Cang Yue shouted as she was determined to win this for her small family.

"Beat him up, Little Yue!" Retsu's voice rang out, her support for Cang Yue unwavering despite her own recent extravagant performance in the arena. She knew that Cang Yue was more than capable of unleashing her own over-the-top techniques when the situation demanded it.

"Ganbarre, Yue'er!" Mio's voice rang out, accompanied by Nemu's enthusiastic waving of pom-poms in support.

"Go for it, Yue-nee-san," Kon cheered, adding his voice to the chorus of encouragement.

"Go for it, senior sister!" Yuanba's booming voice echoed through the Frozen Cloud Asgard, showing his unwavering support as her match is the final match for the day.

In the Frozen Cloud Asgard, Nezuko's eyes lit up as she watched Cang Yue enter the arena. "Onee-chan, ganbarre!" she called out, her support unwavering.

Chu Yueli, Shui Wushuang, Wu Xuexin, and Xia Qingyue exchanged surprised glances at Nezuko's sudden ability to speak their language, prompting Chu Yueli to ask, "Nezuko, you can speak that language?"

Nezuko nodded happily.

"I knew that Onee-chan means big sister, but about 'ganbarre'? What does it mean?" Chu Yueli inquired.

"It means 'do your best'," Little Fairy explained, shedding light on Nezuko's newfound vocabulary, much of which she had learned from Cang Yue.

"Ah..." The others nodded in understanding, except for Xia Qingyue, who simply nodded in acknowledgment.

Meanwhile, Nezuko struggled to see the battle unfolding in the arena, her short height hindering her view. Chu Yueli contemplated moving her closer for a better vantage point.

Observing Nezuko's predicament, Gong Yuxian offered, "Do you want to sit with me, little one?"

Nezuko's eyes sparkled with gratitude. "Thank you, Oba-chan!" she exclaimed, climbing onto Gong Yuxian's lap, and settling in comfortably.

"Oba-chan? Chan'er, what does that phrase mean?" Chu Yueli queried, her curiosity piqued.

"It... means grandmother..." Little Fairy explained tentatively, aware of Gong Yuxian's sensitivity about her age. Gong Yuxian's eyes widened at the unexpected title, but she sighed, allowing Nezuko to remain on her lap. It was the first time the esteemed genius that caused a sensation in her Asgard had been this close to her, and the casual kindness warmed her heart. 

She was curious to examine Nezuko more as this was the child who had similar abilities to Xia Qingyue who could enter the Hall of Absolute Frost without succumbing to its cold. So innocent and yet, so vulnerable.

Chu Yueli watched the scene unfold with a tinge of reluctance, realizing she had hoped to keep Nezuko to herself a little while longer after this.


As the focus shifts to Ling Feiyu, the 19-year-old swordsman's charisma and confidence command attention. Despite his reputation as a charismatic playboy, his true prowess lies in swordplay, where he demonstrates his skill at the Ninth Level of the Spirit Profound Realm. While he may appear carefree, his loyalty to his sect burns fiercely beneath the surface.

Yun Che recalls details from the original novel, where Ling Feiyu participated in the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament and was defeated by Ling Jie. However, in this altered reality, his encounter with Cang Yue takes place much earlier, setting the stage for an epic showdown between two formidable warriors.

"Not bad, Princess, achieving such feats as a Peak True Profound Realm warrior," Ling Feiyu began, his tone dripping with charm as he sought to sway Cang Yue. Aware of her secret engagement, he saw an opportunity to win her favor or perhaps even gain the attention of her esteemed master, Mihawk. However, Cang Yue remained unmoved by his attempts at flattery.

"I had a diligent master," Cang Yue responded coolly, her demeanor unwavering in the face of Ling Feiyu's compliments. His attempts to shower her with praise fell flat, as she regarded him with a gaze that seemed to question his sincerity.

"The swordsman Mihawk? It's an honor to face his beautiful disciple in battle," Ling Feiyu continued, hoping to evoke a response from her. Yet Cang Yue's composure remained unshaken, her expression betraying no hint of fluster or embarrassment. Instead, she regarded him with a calm detachment, as if viewing him with mild amusement.

"I have a question," Ling Feiyu asked, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. "Why do you carry three swords? Most cultivators carry only one or two."

Cang Yue's lips curved into a sardonic smile. "I am not most cultivators," she replied, her tone laced with skepticism. "And you, carrying six swords, are hardly one to talk."

Ling Feiyu's expression softened, a hint of sincerity in his eyes. "To be honest, I was hoping—" he began, but Cang Yue swiftly cut him off.

"Are we going to talk or fight?" she interjected, her voice firm and unwavering as she drew her swords, her gaze fixed firmly on her opponent.

Uninterested in engaging in banter, Cang Yue's focus was solely on the impending battle. Ling Feiyu, frustrated by her lack of interest in his attempts at charm, felt a surge of irritation and wounded pride. Accustomed to adoration from women, he found himself facing an unexpected challenge in Cang Yue's indifference.

"You… very well… you might be a princess, but that doesn't mean I should show you any courtesy," he retorted, his tone laced with defiance as he braced himself for the fight ahead.

"I wasn't hoping for any courtesy," Cang Yue for any courtesy. The audience braces as she is now facing the second top member of the Heavenly Sword Villa.

As the match commenced, the clash between Ling Feiyu and Cang Yue was intense, each wielding two swords with skill and determination. Despite her serious expression, Cang Yue proved to be a formidable opponent, meeting Ling Feiyu's attacks head-on and matching him blow for blow. It was a rare sight to see a Peak True Profound Realm warrior engage a Heavenly Sword Villa expert of the Ninth Level Spirit Profound Realm with such ferocity. Yet, even as they stood toe to toe, Cang Yue knew that without Yun Che's help, she would stand little chance against Ling Feiyu's mastery.

Both combatants faced each other, swords were drawn in a tense standoff. Ling Feiyu's smile hinted at his amusement as Cang Yue pushed him to his limits, their exchange of blows escalating with each passing moment.

"Yuan Yang Combination!" Ling Feiyu's voice rang out as he unleashed his signature technique, aiming to overwhelm Cang Yue with a flurry of strikes. Yet, to his surprise, Cang Yue countered each move with her dual sword style, her movements fluid and precise, relying solely on instinct and skill.

"Not bad, Princess," Ling Feiyu taunted, his tone laced with admiration. "Your swordsmanship is truly impressive. It seems your beauty is not your only weapon."

"Fourfold Qi Essence Palm"

Cang Yue's eyes widened in surprise as Ling Feiyu's palms pressed together, invoking his Fourfold Qi Essence Palm technique. The audience gasped in disbelief as four arms materialized from Ling Feiyu's Profound Energy, each drawing and wielding a sword fromhis back with deadly intent. Cang Yue couldn't help but wonder why Ling Feiyu had brought six swords into the arena.

In other words, her opponent wielded six swords against her.

"Four arms made of Profound Energy? Is that even possible?" Cang Yue's voice echoed her astonishment as she struggled to comprehend the extent of Ling Feiyu's power.

"Surprised, Princess?" Ling Feiyu's smirk was evident in his voice. "With my four-arm technique, handling six swords is child's play."

Meanwhile, Yun Che watched with a knowing smile, recognizing Ling Feiyu's trump card. The Fourfold Qi Essence Palm Art was a formidable technique, allowing Ling Feiyu to wield six swords with ease. As the battle unfolded, Cang Yue found herself facing an opponent unlike any she had encountered before, his mastery of the martial arts leaving her scrambling to find a way to counter his overwhelming strength.

"Do you truly believe you can counter my art, Princess Cang Yue?" Ling Feiyu's mocking tone rang out as Cang Yue found herself repeatedly pushed back by his relentless six-sword technique. Each attempted strike from her met with a swift and calculated response, leaving her struggling to find an opening.

As the pressure mounted, Cang Yue made the difficult decision to take a knee, her pride stinging from the realization that she was being outmaneuvered by Ling Feiyu's superior technique. Despite her physical strength, she knew that relying solely on brute force would not be enough to overcome her opponent. Ling Feiyu's mastery of his art was undeniable, and she needed to find a different approach if she hoped to emerge victorious.

With a determined glint in her eye, Cang Yue drew Wadou Ichimonji, causing those around her to look on in confusion. How could she possibly use a third sword in battle? But Cang Yue was undeterred by the skepticism of others.

"Ha! Three swords, Princess? Are you planning to juggle them while I defeat you with just two?" Ling Feiyu's taunting laughter echoes across the arena as he effortlessly controls all four swords, a display of skill that leaves the crowd breathless.

"Look at him go! Ling Feiyu's control over his techniques is simply astounding!"

"Did you see that? He's manipulating six swords with ease, while Cang Yue only has two! She's definitely in for a challenge."

"Cang Yue may have met her match today. Ling Feiyu's reputation as one of the top disciples of the Four Great Sects precedes him."

"Six swords against two? It's like watching a master play against an amateur!"

As Ling Feiyu confidently strides forward, his presence alone is enough to make even Cang Yue's staunchest supporters question her chances of victory.

"With Ling Feiyu standing before her like an immovable mountain, I can't help but wonder if this is the end of Cang Yue's undefeated streak."

"I guess I have to use it," Cang Yue declared, her tone resolute as she prepared to reveal her true ability. Facing the daunting challenge of six swords wielded by Ling Feiyu, she drew her third sword, Wadou Ichimonji, with determination. But what caught everyone off guard was her unconventional method of holding the sword—she clenched it between her teeth.

The arena fell silent, a collective disbelief hanging in the air, before erupting into laughter at Cang Yue's unorthodox approach.

Xue Ling's frown deepened as she watched Cang Yue grip the sword with her teeth. Though she didn't find the situation amusing, the laughter and mockery aimed at her sword sister grated on her nerves, causing her to clench her teeth in frustration.

Meanwhile, Little Fairy and Chu Yueli exchanged shocked glances at the unorthodox display of wielding a third sword. However, given Cang Yue's connection to Dracule Mihawk, they couldn't help but wonder if there was a strategic advantage to her unusual technique.

Amidst the laughter and jeers from arena and the disciples of the three great sects, Yun Che and his party remained silent. They knew that while Santoryu might seem odd and unconventional, its power and effectiveness were not to be underestimated.

"Aniki, what is senior sister doing? Can you really use your mouth to hold swords?" Yuanba asked with a confused expression. He was wondering why Cang Yue would carry three swords around.

"She can actually… You might be surprised how powerful this technique is." Yun Che spoke to the confused Yuanba.

"Hahaha! Princess, I can teach you a technique if you need help holding a sword. You can even manage six!" Ling Feiyu jeered, his laughter filled with mockery.

Undeterred by the ridicule, Cang Yue maintained her composure. She had anticipated the laughter, knowing that her unconventional method would draw attention. But she had no intention of backing down. Once she unleashed the power of Santoryu, she knew they would fall silent. Besides, she had grown weary of disappointing the people of the empire for too long.

As the mocking laughter echoed around her, Xue Ling observed Cang Yue's unique fighting style, trying to comprehend her unorthodox approach.

"Big bro! Look, she's using her mouth to hold the sword! She's really making a fool of herself!" Fen Juebi laughed.

"She's clearly out of her depth. Who bites a sword? She might even lose a few teeth!" Fen Juecheng added, joining in the mockery. "The princess really thinks being his disciple makes her powerful. It really messes with her head."

"Ha! Look at her, thinking she's some sort of three-sword prodigy," one of her adversaries scoffs, struggling to contain their laughter.

"Seriously? Is she planning to bite us to death with that third sword?" another jeers, unable to resist the urge to mock Cang Yue's unconventional technique.

"Watch out, everyone! We've got a real sword swallower here!" another jibes, earning a round of chuckles from their comrades.

"Hey, look at that! She's got a sword in her mouth! What's next, balancing knives on her nose?" another mocks, unable to contain their amusement.

Cang Yue's unconventional fighting stance draws a mix of amusement and skepticism from the crowd, but she remains unfazed, her focus unwavering as she prepares to unleash her unique style.

"I've seen some bizarre techniques in my time, but this takes the cake," one spectator comments, shaking their head in disbelief. "I wonder if she's trying to intimidate us or if she's just showing off."

Ling Feiyu's laughter echoed through the arena, but Cang Yue remained steadfast, her expression unwavering in the face of his mockery. His attempt to rattle her only fueled his own frustration, driving him to prove her inadequacy on the battlefield.

"Princess, prepare to witness the superiority of my technique, one that even your three swords cannot surpass!" Ling Feiyu's voice boomed with confidence as he unleashed his attack.

"Six Sword Attack, Sword Overlord!"

With a flourish, his swords came alive, spinning and twirling in a dazzling display of skill. They danced around him in a mesmerizing whirlwind, forming a formidable barrier of flashing steel that obscured the arena from view. The spectators held their breath as they watched the spectacle unfold, captivated by the sheer spectacle of Ling Feiyu's Sword Overlord technique.

As the blade barrier took shape, its ferocity became apparent. It seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy, ready to unleash a storm of deadly strikes upon its target. Cang Yue, however, remained calm amidst the chaos, her movements fluid and deliberate as she leaned and turned her body, gracefully evading each incoming attack.

"Yue'er!" Xue Ling's cry of concern echoed, but Cang Yue's serene demeanor never faltered, her confidence unwavering in the face of Ling Feiyu's onslaught.

"Santoryu..." Cang Yue murmured. As Ling Feiyu's barrage of blades descends upon her, Cang Yue's movements become a blur of agility and finesse. With a dancer's grace, she dodges and weaves between the slashing strikes, trusting her body's instinctive reflexes to guide her.

With each twist and turn, she parries the attacks with Shisui and Shusui, effortlessly deflecting the onslaught. Her footwork is swift and sure, closing the distance between herself and Ling Feiyu with each evasion.

With each step, Cang Yue's movements become a graceful dance amidst the whirlwind of blades. Like a leaf carried on the wind, she sidesteps, ducks, and spins with a fluidity that seems almost supernatural. Her body moves with a mind of its own, instinctively utilizing Kami-e, a technique honed through countless hours of training, to evade each deadly strike with precision.

The audience holds their breath as they watch her navigate the chaos, marveling at her agility and finesse. Blades flash past her with razor-sharp accuracy, some coming dangerously close to her neck, but she moves with a calm confidence, as if she knows the precise path to safety in the midst of the storm.

With each evasion, she draws closer to Ling Feiyu, her eyes locked on her target with unwavering determination. It's as though she's weaving her way through a deadly maze, her movements guided by an unspoken understanding of the battlefield.

In the blink of an eye, she finds herself within striking distance of her opponent, her swords poised and ready to counter. Despite the chaos surrounding her, she remains calm and focused, her resolve unshakeable as she prepares to turn the tide of the battle in her favor.

And then, in a burst of speed and precision, she strikes, her blades finding their mark with deadly accuracy.




"Tourou Nagashi (Blade Wolf Stream)!" Cang Yue's voice rang out, swift and decisive, as she swiftly moved behind Ling Feiyu, leaving a trail of blade lights in her wake.

"Argh!!!" Ling Feiyu's eyes widened in shock as blood spurted from his stomach and now with three visible slash wounds, the once uproarious arena now hushed in stunned silence. Meanwhile, Yun Che's smirk deepened, while Kon erupted into laughter, his amusement echoing through the tense atmosphere.

The elders of the Heavenly Sword Villa watched on, their expressions shifting from arrogance to disbelief. The Six Sword Attacks were renowned for their unpredictability, yet Cang Yue effortlessly dodged each strike, her movements calculated and precise. With a series of swift maneuvers, she closed in on Ling Feiyu, delivering three precise strikes under the astonished gazes of the spectators.

"Where's your laughter now, assholes!" Kon's voice cut through the silence, his tone dripping with satisfaction. The Heavenly Sword Villa masters had mocked Cang Yue's use of Santoryu, but they now bore witness to its formidable power. With grace and skill, she had dodged the onslaught of attacks, swiftly turning the tables on her opponent.

"Incredible, Nee-san," Chu Yueli remarked, her admiration evident. Memories of Nezuko effortlessly evading similar attacks in the Asgard flashed through her mind, solidifying her respect for Cang Yue's prowess. Beside her, Little Fairy nodded in agreement, recognizing Cang Yue's mastery of Haki.

Xia Qingyue watched intently, a hint of apprehension flickering in her eyes. Princess Cang Yue posed a formidable threat, one that she could not easily overcome with a single move.

"She did it! Those random six sword attacks were dodged easily. She's truly amazing," Xue Ling remarked, her smirk betraying her satisfaction at the stunned reactions of the onlookers.


"Such concentration, such spiritual power!" Ling Yuefeng remarked in awe as he witnessed Cang Yue's incredible display of skill.

"You damned bitch! How dare you strike a member of the Heavenly Sword Villa! And how can you use that third sword of yours?! Three swords can't beat six swords!" Ling Feiyu's voice boomed with fury, his pride wounded by Cang Yue's actions.

Cang Yue removed her mouth sword temporarily to respond, her tone cool and composed. "It's just a big calculation. I don't have the obligation to answer you. Let's finish this." Cang Yue felt odd how Ronoroa Zoro was able to talk with his sword in his mouth.

"Then, don't blame me if you get hurt!" Ling Feiyu snarled, positioning all six swords to point towards Cang Yue before launching himself towards her with increased speed. "Six Sword Point Attack!"

"Santoryu," Cang Yue declared, her voice steady as she placed her swords in front of her, unleashing Zoro's signature technique as a defence. "Oni-giri (Ogre Cutter)."

Cang Yue deftly blocked all six sword attacks with her blade, leaving Ling Feiyu gaping in disbelief as his full-strength assaults were effortlessly parried. With a swift counterattack, Cang Yue pushed her blades forward and sliced all the swords in the blink of an eye, shattering all six swords into pieces.

"Ahhh!!!" Ling Feiyu shouted as all his weapons were shattered in one single strike. Those are high-ranking swords personally given by the villa for this tournament. Does it mean in front of Cang Yue, these blades are worthless?

Ma Tsu, seated in the Heavenly Sword Villa's spectator zone, widened his eyes in astonishment. His personally crafted swords, renowned for their durability, had been broken by Cang Yue's three blades in a single strike. The realization dawned on him—Cang Yue's swords were treasures of the highest grade, akin to the swordsman's own blade. He pondered the risk of offending the swordsman should he attempt to acquire Cang Yue's swords, yet he couldn't deny the truth before him.

To Cang Yue, his swords are worthless so selling her sword for his own personal creation is like she was trading diamonds for a lump of coal. Now, he understands the true essence of sword smithing her master.

The arena fell into stunned silence once more as Cang Yue effortlessly shattered the supposedly indestructible swords of the Heavenly Sword Villa. Ling Feiyu, too, began to fear as he witnessed the futility of his weapons against Cang Yue's strength. Even Ling Yun, renowned for his arrogance, couldn't hide his shock, acknowledging the truth behind the rumors of Cang Yue's formidable swords.

Fen Juecheng, who harbored wishes of total humiliation for Cang Yue, widened his eyes in astonishment as well. Since when had she become this strong? Once seen as a meek princess reliant on her protector, she now stood with an aura of power that could easily defeat him. She had become a figure he dare not offend, especially with Yun Che and the swordsman standing behind her. Even her guardian, Xue Ling, exuded formidable strength.

"Princess! Please…" Ling Feiyu was on the verge of begging for mercy, but Cang Yue, having observed his ruthless nature in previous matches, had no intention of showing him leniency. She had witnessed his lack of mercy towards her opponents, and she had no intention of letting him off lightly for his actions.

"Santoryu…" Cang Yue positioned her swords in front of her, spinning them horizontally like a top as she launched her attack against Ling Feiyu.

"I don't want to get hurt!" Ling Feiyu shouted in fear as Cang Yue unleashed her assault.

"Tatsumaki! (Dragon Twister)" Cang Yue closed in swiftly, slicing at Ling Feiyu with rapid, horizontal strikes. Each slice was imbued with such force that it created a whirlwind of sword attacks, propelling Ling Feiyu high into the air with a storm of cuts slicing across his body. The audience briefly glimpsed the silhouettes of three Kirin dragons bursting from her sword, spinning around the twister as it launched Ling Feiyu skyward, enveloped in a tempest of blades. His expression went slack as he succumbed to unconsciousness under the onslaught.

As Cang Yue resheathed her last sword, Ling Feiyu slammed into the arena below. Despite being a cultivator, the impact left him looking as though he had weathered a fierce storm of blades.

"Perhaps you should consider your actions more carefully before showing ruthlessness to your opponents," Cang Yue muttered under her breath.

The rest of the arena stood in silence at her achievement. She had defeated a top disciple of the Heavenly Sword Villa below the Earth Profound Realm as a Peak True Profound Realm, silencing any mockery directed towards her three-sword style. Now, there was nothing left to mock, as Cang Yue had proven that the might of the four great sects meant little to the Blue Wind Imperial Family.

Little Fairy couldn't believe her eyes. In just two months of training with Yun Che, Cang Yue had mastered the three-sword style sword art, a sword style that was alien to her. What kind of lessons had Yun Che imparted to her during their time together? Cang Yue, once a meek girl in need of protection, had transformed into a powerhouse capable of unleashing a devastating dragon tornado.

"I am shocked. Sister Yue is truly formidable. Do you think she would have accepted an invitation from the Asgard?" Chu Yueli asked, while Nezuko cheered enthusiastically for Cang Yue. It seemed she was a fan of anyone from the Blue Wind Imperial Family.

"She had her master, Li'er. Our sect meant nothing to her," Little Fairy replied bitterly, realizing that despite spending months with Yun Che, all she had learned was the Table Hopper Technique and Haki. In contrast, Cang Yue had made remarkable progress in just two months under his tutelage.

Gong Yuxian watched Cang Yue carefully, regretting her decision not to extend an invitation to her during the last tournament. Back then, Cang Yue's talent had seemed mediocre, but now she saw the potential that had been overlooked. Gong Yuxian couldn't help but agree with her daughter—the four great sects were now worthless in Cang Yue's eyes, now that she had become the disciple of the legendary swordsman.

"She defeated Ling Feiyu... She defeated an expert from the Heavenly Sword Villa," one of the spectators remarked, his astonishment echoing through the crowd. It was a sentiment shared by many. Traditionally, disciples from the top sects would prevail in their matches, but now, the Blue Wind Imperial Family was rewriting the narrative.

"First Yun Che defeats Xiao Zhen of the Xiao Sect, then Unohana Retsu defeats Wu Fei from the Wu Clan, and now Princess Cang Yue defeats Ling Feiyu from the Heavenly Sword Villa. It's unbelievable! Who are these formidable opponents?" another voice exclaimed, capturing the incredulity rippling through the crowd.

"And they've all advanced to the second round of the tournament," another disciple chimed in, emphasizing the significance of their full victory streak. It means the Blue Wind Imperial Family has now become a force to be reckoned with similar to the Four Great Sects.

"But did you see that Dragon Tornado?" someone else interjected, drawing attention to Cang Yue's awe-inspiring technique.

"And she effortlessly sliced through all six swords!" added an expert, who had been attempting to analyze her fighting style to no avail.

"Feiyu!" Ling Fei, Yun Che's grandfather, landed on the arena with a sense of urgency, his gaze quickly scanning his grandson's form, which bore numerous cuts but thankfully no life-threatening injuries.

"Princess! He was surrendering! Why such ruthlessness?" Ling Fei, a Seventh Level Earth Profound Realm elder, had come to witness his grandson's fight, shocked by the sudden turn of events.

"He showed no mercy to his previous opponents, forcing them to surrender out of fear or beating them to submission. Is that fair?" Cang Yue's voice held a firm edge as she addressed Ling Fei, her gaze unwavering as she spoke. Ling Feiyu had inflicted severe damage on his opponent earlier, yet no one had intervened. But now, when Cang Yue merely launched him into the air, there was outrage from his grandfather.

"This tournament is meant to ensure fairness among all sects, not just the villa," Cang Yue continued, her tone resolute as she walked away, leaving Ling Fei seething with anger and embarrassment.

Ling Fei gritted his teeth, feeling the weight of humiliation and loss of face. He couldn't stand by and let a True Profound Realm dictate the outcome of the match. If he attacked the princess, he might be seen as a ruthless elder, but he was willing to risk it. If Cang Yue couldn't fight, then perhaps the Ling brothers could salvage the situation and win the tournament.

"Princess!" Ling Fei lunged towards her, his intent clear: a sneak attack aimed at catching Cang Yue off guard.

"Little Yue!" Yun Che's hand twitched, instinctively reaching for his Haoshoku, but a premonition of his Observation stayed his hand.

"Sister Yue!" Little Fairy and Chu Yueli's voices echoed in their minds, filled with concern.

"Yue'er!" Cang Wanhe's shout carried a note of urgency, but before anyone could react, a gust of wind swept beside him.

"Tsk… Shall I use it?" Cang Yue murmured, her grip tightening on Wadou Ichimonji as she prepared for a confrontation with the elder, even if it meant revealing her true cultivation. But before she could unleash her move, someone else intervened.


Inside the arena infirmary

Du Ming slowly blinked his eyes open, groaning as he felt the dull ache that pulsed through his battered body. As consciousness returned, he gritted his teeth, vivid memories flooding back—the flurry of kicks raining down on his face, each blow like a hammer against his bones. He winced as he realized that even now, his face throbbed with pain, as if his very bones were shifting beneath the surface.

"Brother Du, you're awake," his sect members murmured, their concerned faces hovering over him. Du Ming's gaze flickered to the bandages that swathed his face, obscuring his features from view.

"Cursed Yun Che! I had him right where I wanted him!" Du Ming cursed vehemently, his frustration palpable. With a swift motion, he reached up to tear away the bandages, eager to assess the damage for himself.

But as his fingers brushed against the cloth, his brothers reacted with alarm, their voices rising in protest. "Your face was badly injured, brother. We had to bandage it to stop the bleeding," they explained urgently.

"I don't need any bandages!" Du Ming snapped, his determination unyielding. Ignoring their protests, he tore off the bandages, revealing his face to the world once more.

Silence fell like a shroud over the room as his brothers stared at him, their expressions frozen in shock. Du Ming furrowed his brow in confusion, unable to comprehend their reaction. "What's wrong with all of you?" he demanded, his tone edged with impatience.

In response, his brothers wordlessly handed him a mirror. Du Ming's eyes widened as he stared at his reflection, a strangled gasp escaping his lips. Horror washed over him as he beheld the disfigured visage that stared back—a grotesque distortion of his former self.

"What the hell is this?!" he roared, the sound of his own voice echoing in the room. The truth of his transformation dawned on him like a cruel revelation, sending a shiver down his spine.


"Are the reports true? Are they the ones who annihilated Elder Wu Ya?" Wu Xingwu's voice was heavy with concern as he and Wu Lie carried their fallen comrade into the infirmary, the weight of their loss evident in their weary expressions.

"They are," Wu Lie confirmed grimly. "We need to tread carefully. Wu Fei tested that braided woman, and she is far from simple. I have a theory that they are masking their true strength, both Yun Che and Unohana Retsu."

Elder Wu Ya's demise had left them shaken. Without a body to bury, only the echo of his soul essence had recorded Yun Che's face before his supposed death. Now, they were here in the tournament grounds, seeking out Yun Che and his partner, driven by a thirst for vengeance.

"Killing them won't be easy," Wu Lie continued, his voice edged with determination. "But perhaps, if we can find a way to finish them within the confines of the tournament..."

Wu Xingwu nodded in agreement, his jaw set with resolve. "That woman crippled Wu Fei entirely. They will pay."

As they prepared to return to the arena, Wu Lie's gaze lingered on Wu Fei's unconscious form. "Perhaps, even in his crippled state, he can still serve a purpose," he mused, injecting a serum into Wu Fei before they departed, a silent promise of retribution yet to come.

As Wu Fei lay unconscious in the infirmary, the residual energy from his special pill and defeat began to surge within him, triggering a profound metamorphosis. His body convulsed as primal forces coursed through his veins, reshaping him into a creature of primal might.

His skin darkened, taking on the sleek, obsidian sheen of polished onyx. Sinewy muscles bulged beneath his flesh, coiling with newfound strength. His limbs elongated, gaining a feline grace as they stretched into lithe, powerful forms.

His face contorted, elongating into a muzzle lined with razor-sharp teeth, gleaming with predatory hunger. Amber eyes blazed with an untamed fire, reflecting the wild instincts that now consumed him.

A coat of midnight fur erupted across his transformed body, each strand imbued with an otherworldly luster. His hands twisted into lethal claws, capable of rending through flesh and bone with ease.

With a final shudder, the transformation was complete. Wu Fei had become a human-sized black panther, a creature of primal ferocity and untamed instinct. Though his consciousness lay dormant, the beast within him roared to life, ready to unleash its fury upon the world.

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