Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

Chapter 140: Little Yue?

Chapter 140: Little Yue?

0As the carriage receded into the distance, Mio and Retsu sauntered over to Yun Che, seemingly unfazed by the dramatic encounter. He pivoted to face the group of women before him, his expression returning to one of relative calm. "She won't bother us for a while."     

Mio supported Lin Xin as she struggled to her feet, concern etched across her face. Meanwhile, Retsu tenderly cradled Xueli, the young girl distraught and tearful from the confrontation. Her sobs echoed through the air as she sought refuge in Retsu's embrace. "Onee-chan… I'm scared… Grandma always scares me. She hurts Mama and me. I'm so frightened…"     

Retsu's fists clenched, her patience thinning as she suppressed the fury that coursed through her veins. No one had the right to terrorize an innocent child, especially not an elderly figure who should offer guidance and protection. Yun Che's mere presence and his gentle pat on her head curbed her vengeful inclinations, anchoring her in his calming influence.     

Concern laced his gaze as he questioned Lin Xin, sensing the depth of the situation. "Xin'er, is that true?"     

Lin Xin's voice trembled as she recounted the horrors she and her daughter had endured. "Yes… She holds me responsible for my husband's fate. Even after his passing, she continues to blame me for all our misfortunes. When my husband was alive, she stayed her hand, but once he was gone, she unleashed her wrath upon us. She even branded Xueli as a devil's spawn…"     

The mention of 'devil's spawn' triggered a dangerous intensity in Mio and Retsu. "That wretched hag… Danna-sama, may I deal with her?" Mio's composed words belied the seething fury underneath, as if a dormant spider demon awaited his command to unleash destruction. Yun Che's comforting touch and soothing response had an immediate pacifying effect.     

"No… restrain yourself for now… We'll deal with her later. Our priority is to ensure Xin'er's safety," Yun Che decreed. He recognized the strategic importance of not rushing into a confrontation. Lin Xin's reputation was already tarnished, and an impulsive act of revenge could further sully her name. Their objective was to systematically rebuild Lin Xin's standing and dignity, allowing the old woman to expose herself fully before they delivered a decisive blow.     

As the emotions swirled around them, the group shifted their focus to Lin Xin, offering her comfort and solidarity. The day's events had highlighted the deep scars left by her tumultuous past, scars that only time and the unyielding support of her newfound family could heal.     

Inside, Mio and Retsu took it upon themselves to soothe both mother and child, while Kon retreated to the inner world to recharge his reaitsu. However, considering the chaotic state of affairs there, it seemed unlikely he would find much respite from the other spirits.     

It took a considerable amount of time to quell their heightened emotions. The abrupt visit of the old witch had rekindled long-buried anger, reminding them of the depth of Lin Xin's suffering. Her story elicited a surge of indignation, as they contemplated the extent of the manipulation she had endured. Branded a slut by her malevolent mother-in-law and subjected to public scorn, she was forced to withdraw from the city, leaving them curious about the circumstances that had allowed her to endure until now.     

Ultimately, they concurred that, for the time being, leaving the old woman untouched was the prudent course of action. Eliminating her wouldn't restore Lin Xin's tainted reputation; instead, it would likely impose a burden of guilt upon her. With the conviction that revenge wouldn't bring true solace, they collectively resolved to focus on rehabilitating Lin Xin's honor.     

Once their emotions had steadied, Mio and Retsu assisted Yun Che in clearing the dining area after lunch, attending to the household tasks as a harmonious team. However, an unexpected interruption disrupted their activities.     

"Yun Che! Hurry!" Lin Xin's urgent voice prompted Yun Che to suspend his chores, eliciting curiosity from Mio and Retsu.     

"Xin'er… what's wrong?" Yun Che's gaze sharpened, his full attention now captured by Lin Xin's agitated demeanor.     

"It's Cang Yue… she's…" Lin Xin's sentence trailed off, interrupted by Yun Che's interjection.     

"Oh… Is she finally waking up? We should prepare some food for her. She must be famished," Yun Che responded, his tone calm and pragmatic.     

"No, not that…" Lin Xin's anxiety persisted as she attempted to convey the bizarre occurrence she had witnessed. The peculiar events left all three - Yun Che, Mio, and Retsu - intrigued. Following Lin Xin's lead, they entered Cang Yue's resting chamber, their minds filled with a myriad of questions. Could it be that Cang Yue had merely awakened, or was something more extraordinary afoot?     

As the sliding door parted, disbelief gripped their senses. The sight before them defied all logical explanation. Instead of Cang Yue resting upon the futon, a young girl lay there, garbed in an oversized yukata that once belonged to Cang Yue, thoughtfully changed by Lin Xin and Retsu. The revelation prompted a wave of astonishment, and Yun Che found himself transported to a distant memory upon seeing the young girl up close. Despite her diminutive stature - considerably smaller than even Xueli - she wore Cang Yue's countenance, albeit with a childlike innocence that betrayed her true age.     

"How can this be?" The words echoed in their minds, a sentiment of incredulity shared by all. A memory surfaced within Yun Che's consciousness as he regarded the young girl. She appeared to be around seven years old, a stark contrast to the mature woman they knew as Cang Yue.     

The truth began to crystallize before them, dawning upon Yun Che like a piercing ray of sunlight - the young girl was, undeniably, Cang Yue herself.     

Inexplicably, the child exuded a captivating charm, her ethereal beauty rivaling even Xueli's, despite being a mere seven years old. Her complexion was as delicate as carved jade, nearly comparable to that of an immortal child. Though her countenance bore the innocence of youth, her features were remarkably lovely. The obsidian waterfall of her hair cascaded down her back, devoid of the fuchsia hue that previously marked her identity as Cang Yue. Now, her hair was a lustrous black, with only a trace of its former color remaining at its tips, forming a fuchsia-colored accent at the end of her long tresses. Transformed and unrecognizable, she resembled an entirely different individual – a Loli elementary schoolgirl with a flat physique.     

A deafening silence hung in the air as the enigma before them weighed heavily on their senses. It was Xueli who eventually shattered the stillness with her innocent inquiry. "Mama, who's this girl? Where's Yue Nee-chan?"     

Lin Xin's response was laden with the weight of the truth. "Xueli, this is her…"     

"Ehh, but she's smaller than me. Yue nee-chan is supposed to be older." Xueli's voice resonated with childlike confusion, yet before they could interject, a sound emerged from the lips of the young Cang Yue.     

"Hnnnnggg." The child's eyes fluttered open, greeted by the sight of all five of them gazing at her in astonishment. As her gaze met theirs, her eyes widened further, and a curious smile graced her lips. But something about her gaze was different – her once-purple irises had transformed to a soft pink hue.     

Undeterred by their stunned silence, the young Cang Yue continued, her tone exuding childlike excitement. "Yun Che… Mio-chan… Retsu-chan… I did it… I actually did it." Her words hung in the air, met with a collective dumbfounded gaze that only deepened her discomfort. Puzzled by their reactions, she blinked, her confusion evident. "Why are you all staring at me like that? Where are we? Who are these two? And why are you all so big?"     

"Cang Yue? Are you really Cang Yue?" Despite his incredulity, Yun Che was the first to find his voice. His gaze remained fixed upon her, his disbelief mingled with an urgency that drove him to summon the system's scanning capabilities, attempting to unravel the mystery that lay before them.     

Amidst his internal turmoil, a fleeting recollection resurfaced from his past life – an anime he had watched called "Demon Slayer." Cang Yue's petite form bore an uncanny resemblance to the character Nezuko Kamado, a figure celebrated among fans of the show. A chuckle rippled within him as he contemplated the absurdity of such parallels. "Ah… Nezuko, the adorable demon girl with the bamboo in her mouth. Always wished I had a sister like her. Wait, wait… I'm getting sidetracked. Let's focus on the present. What does the system say?"     

An urgent notification materialized before him, unraveling a thread of insight amid the enigma that was little Cang Yue.     



Name: Cang Yue     

Age: 19 Years old (Presently inhabiting a 7-year-old body)     

Cultivation State: First Level of the Earth Profound Realm (Temporarily Sealed)     

Body State:     

Yin Lunar Ultimate Body State Full Power Mode (Active)     

Yin Lunar Ultimate Body State Half Power Mode (Cang Yue's normal appearance) (Inactive)     

Moon Energy Reserve: 5%     

Yin Lunar Profound Veins (Completion status: 50%)     

Derived from Cang Yue's original Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins, her Yin Lunar Ultimate Body has catalyzed the evolution of her profound veins, giving rise to her distinctive Lunar Veins. Notably, this phenomenon is reminiscent of Huan Xuyi's astonishing leap from the Elementary to the Sovereign Profound Realm in a mere two years. As her profound veins mature, Cang Yue's capacity to harness Moon Energy using her newly-formed Yin Lunar Profound Veins is poised to elevate her cultivation to unprecedented heights.     


Haki State:     

Kenbunshoku (Observation): Advanced State     

Busoshoku (Armament): Advanced State     

Haoshoku (Conqueror): Inactive     


Cultivation Method:     

Mirror of the Moon God Technique     

Cultivation Status: Fully synchronized (The mirror's functionality is currently hampered by the absence of Moon Energy in her vicinity. Although the mirror stands complete, it necessitates time to amass pure Yin Energy from the moon. Presently, her body has absorbed a mere 5% of the intended energy.)     


"In just a week, she pulled it off. A true mastery of the Mirror of the Moon God, and a leap in her cultivation," Jasmine's voice resonated within his inner world, her astonishment palpable. She had been the first to peer into the status window and was utterly flabbergasted. The Moon Empress herself had taken nearly two years to perfect the enigmatic Mirror of the Moon God, but then again, the Empress hadn't possessed the Yin Lunar Ultimate Body. That unique trait had been crafted by the Empress herself, intended for her disciple. But tragedy had struck, cutting short the disciple's journey before she could fully embrace the power.     

And now, here stood her descendant, wielding that very same mastery in just a single week. It marked the initial stride on the path of the Blue Moon God Empress. Jasmine's thoughts raced, grappling with the potential this young woman held within her. Even more pressing—what had transpired within her physique? The memory of a similar constitution in her encounter with Xuyi resurfaced.     

Could it be that she held the capacity to alter her physical form at will? Shape-shifting her appearance, manipulating her age—such a cultivation method was unheard of.     

Yet, as Yun Che shifted his focus back to the tangible world, the young girl's gaze, now dazed, rested upon him. Her voice, imbued with a sense of joy, broke the stillness, "What are you going on about, Yun Che? Don't you recognize me? It's Cang Yue."     

Mio and Retsu, standing nearby, suddenly seemed wearier, shadows lurking beneath their eyes as they trembled slightly. Recognizing the signs, Yun Che wisely took a step back, affording them some space before the inevitable occurred.     

"Kawaii!!!! (So Cute!!!) Both of them shouted before immediately hugging Cang Yue or the little Cang Yue. They were rubbing, touching and caressing her skin. When she was in this state, her skin was even softer when they felt it. Almost as smooth as their own.     

"Ehhh, what…what?!?" Little Cang Yue suddenly grew awkward as they touched her all over. Moreover, why are they so big? Her palm was more than half of their palm's size.     

"Sister Yue, look at you. You were so cute. You looked like my future child with Yuu-kun. So beautiful. Maybe we should call you Little Yue from now on." Retsu spoke while touching her body all over. The little Cang Yue's like a comfy pillow, like her ears and tails. She won't mind hugging her all night.     

"No…no… maybe she looks like my future child. So soft….wonder how you taste like…." Mio spoke with steaming smoke coming from her nose.     

Seeing them like this, Cang Yue's little face turned red before looking at Yun Che with hopeful eyes. "Eeeeepp… Yun Shhhe… Pwease, hewp me…."     

"She's so cute." He sweatdropped. Cang Yue was used to being cuddled by them; this was the first time she was touched literally. Even Lin Xin covered Xueli's eyes because of this scene. No, matter how Yun Che looked at it. This is sexual harassment with extra steps. Anyway, To confirm his suspicion, he waited for them to calm down before he pulled out a mirror from his inventory and showed it to Cang Yue, and her reaction was.....     

"KYAHHHH!!!" Her scream was so loud, and they all covered their ears for it.     

"We're the ones supposed to be screaming!" Yun Che spoke as he suddenly stopped her from screaming.     

She was panicking all over. "Yun Che…. What happened to me??! My body…. I am so small… You're so big… Everyone is so big…What am I going to do? ….going to do? …..going to do?"     


Observing her melodramatic response, Yun Che gently bonked her head to refocus her, a touch that elicited an adorable, "Owwwww," accompanied by a playful squirm.     

"Take a deep breath," he urged, his tone laced with a sigh. "Just walk us through everything you experienced during your inner training."     

With a voice that now matched her childlike appearance, she recounted her journey—Yuyun's guidance, the enigmatic Hyperbolic Moon World left by the Moon Empress, and her unparalleled mastery of the body refining stages. Their ears absorbed her words, incredulity mingling with fascination. The revelation of a spirit and a training realm, tailor-made for Cang Yue by the Moon Empress herself, held staggering implications. If word of this reached the Profound Sky Continent, she'd become a lifelong target. And the swiftness of her progress, mastering what had taken the Moon Empress years in a mere week, crowned her a genius above her predecessor.     

Her possession of the Hyperbolic Moon World drew parallels to Yun Che's inner sanctum—a private realm for cultivation. While not bestowing instantaneous mastery like his, Mio, and Retsu's world, it still stood as an unparalleled asset. With it, her potential could be cultivated at an astonishing pace, potentially outstripping even the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament's schedule.     

Lin Xin and Xueli, although struggling to comprehend the intricacies, grasped the core of her achievement. Completion of her training, albeit with an unforeseen outcome, wasn't something they'd anticipated.     

"When I finished the training, I attained the Yin Lunar Ultimate Body," Cang Yue explained, her finger tracing her transformed form. "Yuyun, however, revealed a crucial detail about it. To harness the full potency of the Moon's Yin Energy, the body must be in its ultimate state—this one. I'd anticipated an adult version, but… well, you see what I've got now."     

Gesturing to her petite self, she continued, "If I used my original body, only half of the energy's potential could be harnessed. So, she guided me through channeling the remnants of the Moon Empress's energy into this ultimate form, advancing my cultivation. And this body's apparent age corresponds to the extent of the Pure Yin Energy. The less I have, the smaller I become."     

Yun Che leaned in with a question, his intrigue palpable. "What happens if you run out?"     

"If I run out of energy, I'll be forced to revert to my normal body. Yuyun sealed my cultivation temporarily, ensuring I adjust to this form without depleting any remaining Moon Energy. She stressed the need for immediate exposure to the moon to trigger absorption," Cang Yue explained.     

Yun Che studied Cang Yue from head to toe, absorbing her description. Her energy reserves would dictate her growth rate—5% equating to the size of a 7-year-old. But what would her potential be at 100%? Would she remain as she was now, or could she shape-shift into various forms? A little chibi-chan evolving into an Onee-chan, and perhaps further into an elegant Onee-san, or even a bewitching Oba-san. The thought teased a mischievous smile from Yun Che.     

The pieces of her narrative fell into place. Upon reaching 100% energy reserve, she could propel her cultivation by a full realm, though the energy would be swiftly depleted. A stark contrast to the Moon Empress's progress. Without her unique constitution, 100% would only lead to half a realm's advancement and necessitate two months of energy gathering, in sync with the lunar phases.     

Cang Yue's cultivation path split in two—energy for combat or cultivation, each expenditure swiftly draining her reserve. Her incomplete Moon Energy absorption would require six months to develop her Yin Core to 100%, thereby extending her energy gathering period. Post-achievement, she could perpetually maintain 100% absorption, taking merely a month to attain full power.     

The realization struck Yun Che with a mixture of awe and incredulity. "This ability is insanely overpowered. You can alter your age, your size... Wait a minute…" His gaze honed in on Cang Yue, who suddenly seemed uneasy, concealing herself behind her yukata. Meanwhile, an internal shift resonated within him. "I can experience a child and adult experience at the same time. Wait…wait… I am not that low…. Yours truly isn't going to stoop that low."     

Reclaiming his equilibrium, Yun Che spoke, "That's a lot to digest. Let's eat for now. After seven days without sustenance, you must be famished. We'll whip up something for you. Oh, by the way, meet Lin Xin and her daughter, Xueli. They've been looking after you during your... transformation."     

Cang Yue's eyes settled on them, and she admitted to herself that both mother and daughter radiated an inner beauty that surpassed mere appearances. Her gratitude flowed freely as she dipped into a bow. "Miss Lin, please accept Cang Yue's heartfelt thanks for your care. I am indebted to you and will never forget your kindness. Please continue to guide me."     

Lin Xin responded with a tender gesture, lifting Cang Yue's tiny chin and offering a gentle pat. "You needn't worry. It's rare for me to encounter someone sharing my condition. It feels like my responsibility to look after you."     

Cang Yue blinked in confusion. "Condition?"     

"I'll let Lin Xin explain that later," Yun Che interjected. "But for now, let's head to the kitchen. Retsu, Mio, we need to prepare a sumptuous meal for Cang Yue."     

"Haiiiii… Still got a bit of an appetite left," Retsu chimed in, shooting a sly look at Mio. Evidently, she already had plans for what they'd be cooking.     

"You two and your insatiable appetites," Cang Yue remarked, her voice a blend of amusement and fondness as she slowly rose to her feet. Her oversized yukata, however, tumbled to the floor in the process, revealing her newly transformed figure in all its diminutive glory. The room's occupants gazed upon her, a momentary stillness reigning, but no immediate reactions surfaced—until...     


Lin Xin, Xueli, Yun Che, Mio, and Retsu collectively inhaled audibly, their eyes widening in surprise at the sight before them.     

"Ara…. So bold." Retsu exclaimed while putting her hand on her mouth.     

".... Ohoooo, Yue'er has finally taken her first steps…." Mio teased with a funny grin.     

As for Lin Xin, she just covered Xueli's eyes again and spoke with a stern tone. "You're a little girl…. Have some decency….! Shameless…!"     

Cang Yue's face twisted into a bewildered expression as she observed the unexpected reaction around her. Perplexed, she shifted her gaze downward, and in that instant, her eyes widened to the size of saucers, and her complexion transformed into a shade of red that rivaled a ripe tomato. A high-pitched exclamation burst forth from her lips, "KYAHHH!!!!" Acting on pure instinct, Cang Yue promptly collapsed and yanked the blanket up to shield her body in sheer mortification.     

"He saw everything. Yun Che saw me completely before we even got married. This is beyond embarrassing. Utterly shameless… I can't face him as his wife now." Her internal turmoil was painted across her face. She had unintentionally unveiled herself in the most awkward manner.     

Unperturbed by the emotional whirlwind in the room, Yun Che, seemingly impervious to the situation, chimed in with his typical lack of tact. "Eh, don't sweat it…. I'm still up for marrying you." His words, though meant to console, only succeeded in further plunging her into depressed mode. Her distress was compounded by the fact that she couldn't even rely on her 'assets' to win him over. Her current form lacked any allure, leaving her to grumble inwardly, " Not fair at all! I want my beautiful body back."     

Despite this internal turmoil, Cang Yue finally managed to partake in her lunch. Famished from her prolonged absence, the princess indulged in the comfort of her small family's cooking, her appetite seemingly bolstered by her newfound Ultimate Body. This time, she surprised herself by matching the voracious appetites of Mio and Retsu. Evidently, her transformation came with an unexpected perk: an increased appetite that defied her petite 'loli' frame.     

The sight of her savoring the food brought genuine smiles to the faces of her loved ones. Yun Che busied himself in the kitchen, whipping up dish after dish as the day's bounty was transformed into scrumptious meals. Then, an ominous realization sent a shiver down his spine.     

With all his ladies now hearty eaters, he was looking at some serious culinary challenges ahead. Thankfully, they were all capable cooks, a small comfort in the face of future feeding frenzies. As he regaled them with tales of their recent adventures, he felt a mix of emotions – concern for Lin Xin, the enigmatic Xueli, the floating island, and their current state of affairs with Cang Yue.     

As the days passed, Cang Yue gradually pieced together the situation, finding herself increasingly sympathetic towards Lin Xin. Amidst her pondering, a singular resolve took root in her mind – Yun Che's trust in Lin Xin would guide her own actions. The modern conveniences, like water taps and electricity, that she encountered left her in awe. She couldn't help but envision her future with him, wondering if their home would also boast such innovations. Curiosity piqued, she mused on how Yun Che had come to possess such knowledge.     

A comical incident unfolded as she mustered every ounce of determination to reach the elusive light switch, only to find herself crestfallen as her efforts fell short. Collapsing onto all fours once again, a wave of depression washed over her. In her eyes, it seemed like everything she attempted was doomed to end in failure – cooking, combat, and even the simple act of flipping a light switch. While the situation weighed heavily on her spirits, she recognized the need to be patient.     

Xueli's efforts to play the role of an elder sister to Cang Yue painted an endearing picture. Despite Cang Yue's mature mind, she embraced the opportunity to indulge in playful antics, forming a bond of friendship with her 'younger' companion. In this state of powerlessness, she discovered the freedom to engage in activities other than rigorous training. Having endured seven relentless days of torment from Yuyun, she welcomed this newfound chance to unwind.     

In contrast, Lin Xin occasionally forgot the maturity that resided within Cang Yue's mind, treating her as she would her own daughter. Cang Yue, whose exposure to motherly affection had been scant, found herself melting under Lin Xin's care. The absence of a maternal figure had left its mark, making Lin Xin's efforts to shower her with motherly love all the more impactful. Despite learning from Yun Che about Cang Yue's imperial heritage, Lin Xin's treatment remained unaffected – her gestures of warmth and affection were those of a nurturing mother.     

Cang Yue, having grown up surrounded by male figures akin to brothers, deeply cherished these moments. And just as her appearance now drew parallels to Nezuko, Yun Che orchestrated a special surprise. The snow spirit sisters crafted a bespoke kimono, tailored to her altered form. Surveying herself in the mirror, Cang Yue couldn't help but question the new style that adorned her. A pink kimono adorned with intricate patterns, a red and white obi cinched around her waist, and an orange sash, all carefully coordinated. She completed the ensemble with a black haori and custom-made sandals, mirroring Nezuko's attire.     


As a final touch, a small ribbon adorned the left side of her head, a nod to her anime counterpart. The sight in the mirror prompted a cascade of thoughts, as she marveled at the effort Yun Che had invested in maintaining a semblance of her identity, even in this fantastical situation.     

Cang Yue twirled in front of the mirror for a while, marveling at her new attire before finally voicing her thoughts. "Yun Che… is all of this really necessary?"     

Yun Che concealed his inner otaku excitement as he stood before the life-sized Nezuko-like figure. Shifting his gaze sideways, he replied, attempting to downplay his enthusiasm, "Well, yes, it's to help you acclimate and blend into your new persona. And, uh, we'll need to come up with a new name for you. Calling you Cang Yue might not fit, considering your original body had that name. So, I've decided on… Nezuko."     

"Nezuko?" Cang Yue tilted her head, her curiosity piqued.     

"Yup, it means a kind person or a beautiful girl." Upon hearing the meaning, Cang Yue's cheeks instantly ignited in a furious blush. The realization that he'd named her after her beauty and kindness caught her off guard, her face rivaling the hue of a ripe tomato as she repeated the name to herself.     

"Nezuko… I actually like it… Yuu-kun…" Retsu chimed in, her approval swiftly seconded by Mio.     

"Muu… if you all seem so fond of it, then I suppose I'll adjust to being 'Nezuko'," Cang Yue murmured, feigning indifference but unable to escape the delighted gazes of her companions. She couldn't deny the appeal of a name that both lauded her beauty and had been chosen by Yun Che himself, even though his original motivation was something she remained blissfully unaware of. The name resonated with her, and while she felt it suited her, little did she realize that it was a part of Yun Che's hidden intentions to have his version of Nezuko.     

"Little Yue" chimed in Retsu with a grin, the name chosen due to Cang Yue's petite stature. Their family-like connection made it a more fitting term of endearment than 'sister.'     

Mio added, "But I'm still going to call you Yue'er."     

"Little Yue?" Cang Yue pouted, clearly unimpressed with the choice.     

"Hey, you are small now, so it's fitting, Little Yue," Yun Che chimed in with a mischievous glint in his eyes, causing her pout to become all the more endearing.     

"Speaking of which," Yun Che began, transitioning to a more serious tone. "I want to teach you a special sword art from my world, something that very few can master. But before we get into that, there's a prerequisite – you'll need to get comfortable with holding this in your mouth." He produced a bamboo stick tied with a red cloth, which he'd cleverly modified for her comfort.     

"What's this for?" Cang Yue inquired, inspecting the bamboo curiously.     

"You're going to bite it and hold it in your mouth," Yun Che explained, a hint of amusement in his voice.     

Her brows furrowed. "Wait, what? Why? It sounds challenging, and how will I even talk?"     

"The sword art I'm about to teach you involves using both your hands and your mouth. This is a crucial step to help you get used to it before I introduce the art itself. You can still communicate using the Tenteikura Kido technique with Retsu, Mio, and me. Lin Xin and Xueli will understand you the same way. But if you find it too inconvenient, well, I guess we can drop the idea…" Yun Che watched her closely, employing a bit of reverse psychology to gauge her reaction – a technique he knew was one of her weaknesses.     

"No, I'll give it a shot," Cang Yue asserted confidently. "I survived Yuyun's test, so I can handle this one." Taking the bamboo stick from Yun Che, she tucked it behind her hair and positioned it in her mouth. The initial discomfort was unmistakable, but she was determined to adapt. As she stood there with the modified bamboo, a perfect Nezuko doppelganger, Yun Che's grin stretched like that of the Cheshire Cat. He couldn't help but find amusement in seeing his Cang Yue transformed into a full-fledged Nezuko lookalike, even if the color of her hair's end was a slightly different shade, fuchsia instead of orange.     

"Hmmphh… hmphh…" Cang Yue made an attempt to speak through the bamboo, only to be met with a gentle reprimand from Yun Che. Letting out a resigned sigh, he reminded her to use the Tenteikura technique. "Use the technique…"     

Recognizing her misstep, she composed herself and spoke through the technique. "Ehemmm… how do I look?"     

"Absolutely adorable. Keep that bamboo in place. I'll decide when you're ready to delve into the sword art," Yun Che responded with a smile.     

Curiosity brimming, Cang Yue inquired, "What kind of sword art is it?"     

"In comparison to my Black Sword Art for my alternate persona, Mihawk, this technique demands unwavering concentration and willpower. It might feel awkward at first. The bamboo isn't just for show – I want you to become accustomed to holding something in your mouth. Let's aim for a week of practice. We'll resume our training next week, giving us a solid 6 weeks before the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament. Considering your Hyperbolic Moon World training, one month should be ample to master this new sword art before we return with two weeks left for tournament preparations."     

"Why not start immediately?" Cang Yue suggested.     

"In your current state, you're restricted in terms of physical activities. Try to accumulate some Moon Energy during the night. Plus, I plan on training all three of you, including Kon, in a new set of arts later on. This new training will incorporate the use of Haki," he explained, capturing the attention of the trio as well as Kon.     

"New Haki Arts? Yuu-kun, can't we start right away?" Retsu and Mio exuded palpable excitement.     

Observing their eagerness, Yun Che let out a bemused chuckle. "Hold your horses, my dears. Patience is key. We'll start next week. The compilation isn't quite complete."     

"Ehhhh… but we've been idle for a week! Kon-sama is feeling rusty," Kon chimed in from atop his shoulder.     

"As I said, the compilation isn't finished yet. Another week won't hurt," Yun Che reassured them. He refrained from mentioning that he had acquired a new set of skills from the system when he'd asked it to compile his previous memories into a comprehensive compendium, a process he'd initiated seven weeks ago during the Dragon Trial. The system had indicated that it required two months for completion, so next week, he would receive yet another compendium. He planned to incorporate its teachings into their training, but he'd had to postpone this particular set for Cang Yue due to the new sword art he was about to teach her.     

"Rest assured, we won't be idling this week. It's time to finally bring our friend back to our realm. After all, that was our main purpose for coming here, right?" Yun Che shared his intentions, prompting the others to tilt their heads in curiosity. As for Yun Che, he believed it was time to visit the central floating island. If that was where Xuyi's final resting place could be found, then that's where he needed to go.     

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