Take My Breath Away

Let Me Fix My Make-up First

Let Me Fix My Make-up First

0Debbie went to a shopping mall to buy gifts and clothes for Piggy and Jus. After that, she drove towards Curtis' house.     

It was already dark outside. The corner that Debbie was about to take had no street lamps, so she drove slowly and cautiously.     

Once she entered the street, the headlights of her vehicle shone on a group of people that were in front of her car. Instinctively, she slammed on the brakes to stop the car.     

Fortunately, she wasn't driving fast and was able to stop in time before hitting anyone.     

Debbie heaved a sigh of relief. Once she had calmed herself down, she gazed out at the group in front of her. They had raised their hands to shield their faces from the glare. Her headlights lit up a familiar face that she noticed from the cluster of people. One that she would never forget. A cynical smile slowly crept across her face.     

Debbie slowly parked her car to the side of the road and turned the hazard lights on. Then, without any sign of fear, she got out of the vehicle and stood arrogantly in front of the group of men.     

"Debbie Nian, I never expected that you would break your word!" James ranted furiously at the sight of Debbie. A malicious look was evident in his eyes.     

Debbie casually leaned against her car and crossed her arms. "James Huo, why should I keep my word to a liar? I didn't expect you to be so despicable and deceive me into divorcing Carlos three years ago." Even though Debbie was facing five tall and burly bodyguards, her voice was fearless and almost sounded lazy.     

"Despicable? Me? What a joke! It's not my fault that you're so stupid!" James ridiculed. James had been living a very comfortable life for the past three years. As the current CEO of the ZL Group, he enjoyed all the luxuries that went along with the title. Including countless people trying to fawn on him and the indulgence of many beautiful women. More importantly, he didn't need to bother with the busy work of managing the company, because Carlos had been taking care of all the company's affairs for him ever since he woke up from the coma. In other words, James had been enjoying the title of CEO of the ZL Group without putting in any effort.     

However, Debbie's sudden appearance had threatened his comfortable life. James could sense that Debbie had changed. She was different from the one he knew from three years ago, who had been weak and foolish. This one was full of confidence and had an arrogance about her. James had a feeling of impending doom in the pit of his stomach. 'No way! I won't allow such things to happen. I'm the master of my fate!' James thought to himself.     

"Yes, you're right. I was stupid," Debbie agreed. Then the smile on her face had turned to a sneer of resentment as she glared at James with her beautiful eyes. "But not anymore, James! I've learned my lesson well. I have the courage to stand in front of you, which means you are no longer someone I fear. The tables are about to turn. James Huo, I've come back to reveal your true colors to everyone and to take back everything that belongs to me!"     

'My reputation, my marriage to my dear Carlos, my happiness. Everything!' she swore in her mind.     

James' eyes twitched nervously, but he composed himself and laughed. "Do you really think you can? Debbie Nian, you were a loser three years ago, and you're a loser now. You don't have Carlos' support. What makes you think that you can outsmart and defeat me?"     

Debbie glanced down for a moment and smirked. She then raised her head and looked him straight in the eye and said nonchalantly, "Oh, Mr. James Huo, I forgot to mention it to you, but Carlos and I have been smoothing our relationship over. Who knows? Maybe I'll have his backup very soon. Three years ago, Carlos wanted to lock you away and put you behind bars. However, it was me who stopped him from doing that. If he knew the truth and the whole story, he would surely send you straight to hell, and I won't say no to that this time!"     

'If Carlos found out the truth...' James shuddered at the thought when he imagined the dreadful scene. Fortunately, the darkness of the night helped cover the fear written on his face. He pretended not to be intimidated and snorted, "You know that I'm a good dad in his eyes now. What if I tell my son about how you cheated on him three years ago? Whose side do you think he would take then? Yours or mine?"     

"A good dad? Your son?" Debbie scoffed. She was wearing a red dress and under the soft hue of the hazard lights, she looked even more alluring with the charming smile that she wore on her face.     

The bodyguards around James swallowed hard. They wondered if their boss would stoop so low to order them to attack this defenseless and beautiful woman. How could they fight against such a gorgeous woman?     

Debbie continued, "James, I can tell the whole world the true relationship between you and Carlos with a DNA test report. Do you think you can threaten me with that?" She believed once Carlos knew that James wasn't his biological father, then he would surely take a new approach of the whole thing and wouldn't side with James anymore.     

James' face turned red with anger. Through gritted teeth, he yelled to the bodyguards behind him, "Beat her! Beat her so bad that she is disabled!"     

Once they got the order, the bodyguards immediately surrounded Debbie.     

She winked at the bodyguards and pleaded in a pretentious weak voice, "Oh, handsome boys, please let me go—"     

"Don't be fooled by this woman. She's good at taekwondo!" James growled out to his men, warning them of her capabilities.     

With that knowledge, the bodyguards had instantly changed their demeanor and became wary of the hot babe in the red dress. Debbie slowly stepped back and said in an alluring voice, "Mr. James Huo, you flatter me. I haven't practiced taekwondo for three years. Please, handsome boys, don't. You're scaring me!"     

Hearing her plead, the men let down their guard. After all, the target was only a defenseless woman. One of them spoke up. "Pretty lady, don't be frightened. Let us do our job first, and then we can have some fun with you later."     

'Damn you! You won't be touching a single hair on my head!' Debbie cursed in her mind. She came up with a plan as she slowly inched her way to the car door. She secretly opened it. "Please don't hurt me. Look at me. I'm helpless and vulnerable. Can you truly bear to assault such a weak woman?" While she distracted them with her comments, she quickly stuck her head inside her car and grabbed something that she had prepared earlier.     

The bodyguards were instantly on high alert and jumped into a fighting stance when they saw the woman take something from her car. However, when she had emerged again, they were surprised to find that it was just a tube of lipstick. She also took out a small mirror. Debbie waved the lipstick in front of them and said with a smile, "Wait. Let me fix my make-up first."     

Knowing that it wasn't a weapon, they heaved a sigh of relief and relaxed as they watched the woman screw off the lid. When she was about to apply it to her lips, she suddenly turned the tube around and aimed it at them. Debbie quickly pressed the bottom of the lipstick tube a few times, and the bodyguards began to cover their eyes and howl in pain. The tube wasn't lipstick at all. It was pepper spray disguised in the shape of a lipstick.     

"Oh, shit! She tricked us. You bitch! My eyes hurt."     

"Oh, help!"     

"Aargh! My eyes are burning! I can't open my eyes!"     

While the bodyguards were bellowing in pain, Debbie made a dash for James.     

Sensing the danger, James turned his fat body around and ran clumsily towards his car.     

Debbie had reached him before he could close the car door and sprayed the pepper spray in his face. "Aargh! You goddamn bitch!" he screeched. He managed to pull the car door shut, but Debbie could still hear his shrieks.     

While rubbing his stinging eyes, James felt around for the lock and pressed the button to lock Debbie out. She tugged on the handle a few times to try and open the door. However, when she realized that it was locked, she marched over to the roadside. There she picked up the biggest rock that she could find and then strode back and smashed it against the hood of his luxury limo.     

Even though she put a few scratches and dents on the hood and panels, it wasn't enough to vent her anger. Debbie then began to pound the rock hard against the windows, but after great effort, she still wasn't able to break any of them. The quality built limousine deserved the expensive price tag.     

Nevertheless, she did manage to put a few cracks in the windows that would need to be replaced.     

However, James was the person that she wanted to get to, not his car. If she could only hit James with the rock, she would go home a happy woman and sleep well tonight.     

While Debbie was trying to get to James, one of the bodyguards had recovered somewhat and sprinted towards Debbie with clenched fists. Debbie saw him coming and removed her high heels and threw them at his face. The well-trained bodyguard swiftly dodged the shoes, and they fell harmlessly onto the ground without doing the intended damage     

Debbie had used up all of her options and had to fight him with her bare hands. She kicked him hard into his stomach with her right leg and then tried to attack all the weak points on his body.     

Even though the bodyguard wasn't able to open his eyes properly, he did manage to defend himself against Debbie's attacks.     

Debbie had given him everything she had and had exhausted all of her options. However, it made no difference. He still came at her, and soon the others would too. At a disadvantage, Debbie knew that she had to come up with a solution quickly.     

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