Take My Breath Away

He's So Considerate

He's So Considerate

0Blair yawned for one whole minute and was about to get out of bed and check on the man inside the bathroom when Wesley walked out himself with a blue plastic basin in his hands, his face deadpan. It looked so comical she wanted to laugh. He walked past her bed with his eyes looking straight in front of him like a car's headlights. He reached the balcony and hung her bra and panties on the rope.     

After that, he walked back to his own bathroom and took a shower. This woman was proving to be quite a lot of work for him. He waited until the washing machine had finished working. Then he hung the remaining clothes as well on the balcony and then returned to Blair's bedroom.     

She lay prone on the bed, bored out of her wits. At the sight of Wesley, her eyes lit up and she threw back the blanket. "Time to sleep. Come on!"     

Wesley frowned and turned around like a scared cat. Before long, he came back with a blanket of his own in his arms. He first tucked her in tight and then covered himself with his own blanket.     

Finally ready to sleep, he switched off the lights and the room plunged into darkness.     

'Yes!' she exclaimed inwardly and flashed a quiet smile.     

Now was the time! Though she was physically exhausted, she just couldn't fall asleep. Maybe it was because Wesley was sleeping right next to her. In fact, this was the first time that Blair had ever been sleeping in the same bed as a man. And she was totally smitten by her current bed-mate.     

She moved closer to him, and put her arm on his belly, trying to inch herself as close as possible.     

Wesley didn't move.     

After a while, she pressed her head against his shoulder and placed her leg on his. 'This should work!' she thought.     

He didn't respond, nor did he speak. It looked like he was asleep.     

'So he's asleep. Ha-ha! Still a great chance for me!' Blair took his arm and put it beneath her neck so that it looked like he was holding her in a hug. She adjusted her position until she felt comfortable, and then held his waist tightly. This made her feel safe, and she dozed off pretty soon.     

Little did she know that Wesley wasn't asleep at all. Drops of sweat had begun to form on his forehead the moment she had put her arm around him. He was trying to suppress his desires. Her fragrance was continuously reaching his nose, and he unconsciously swallowed. Her body was so soft and his penis was equally hard. What to do?     

Wesley was beyond doubt an excellent soldier with superb fighting skills, endurance, and self-control. He had always thought that it would be a piece of cake for him to rise above ordinary desires, should the situation ever arise.     

But now, he finally understood what control meant and knew that his endurance and self-control that he was proud of weren't going to work anymore with a woman lying next to him.     

And the outrageous thing was, she was completely clueless of his current condition and was sound asleep.     

After a while, she moved unconsciously. Her head moved closer to his neck and her warm breath elicited a ticklish sensation within him. In the cool weather, her breath felt even more beautiful! Her unintentional actions made his imagination run wild.     

Time passed by slowly, and Blair kept on sleeping like a log. She would adjust slightly from time to time but nothing more.     

On the contrary, Wesley himself did not get any sleep. He felt like he was going to explode any time now, and he had to take cool showers from time to time to calm himself down.     

Blair knew nothing about this. The next morning, when she woke up, Wesley was already out of her bedroom. She stretched herself and rolled to the other side of the bed. She could still smell Wesley's scent on the pillow.     

With a delighted smile, she got out of bed and ripped the curtains aside. The sun was shining brightly and the day looked straight out of a child's picture book. A good day! A good mood!     

While she washed her face and brushed her teeth, her phone buzzed. It was a message saying, "The breakfast is on the dinner table."     

Of course the message was from Wesley. 'How considerate!' she thought.     

Comforted by his words, she felt warmth spread through her body. She replied, "Thanks, Colonel Li. Next time, dinner's on me." She didn't remember much of last night, but the bed she did remember.     

The breakfast was rather sumptuous and beyond what she could finish on her own. She was full by the time she finished the chicken rolls and soybean milk. She put the two deep-fried dough sticks and omelet back in the fridge, and decided to eat them later in the evening.     

After the hearty breakfast, she left the apartment to go to work. As usual, the first thing was to take part in the morning meeting. Filberta was on her once again. She urged each group to prepare some talent show for the company's annual gala and pressed down hard on Blair. "Leader of each group, please hurry up. Blair, you need to learn from Group 2, 3 and 5. They have already given me their lists. You need to tell me the program of your group before tomorrow evening." The voice sounded rather cold.     

Blair sighed inwardly but couldn't be bothered to argue with her today. She was in a good mood, and didn't want to ruin it because of this stupid woman.     

When Blair went back to her seat, she saw Joslyn's message. "Hi, Bless. Colonel Li accepted me as his WeChat friend. That's all from me! What did you do last night? Tell me everything!"     

Blair recalled what had happened and her face blushed a little. She replied honestly, "I took advantage of my drunken state to seduce him."     

"Really? Good for you! How did you do that? Did it work?" Joslyn's excitement was visible on the chat!     

"No." Blair pouted her lips.     

Then she told her friend what had happened the last night. Now in retrospect, it sounded a bit dull. She complained, "Although we slept in the same bed, nothing happened."     

Joslyn rolled her eyes and wrote, "Poor Blair!"     

"Joslyn, could it be that he's really not into me?" Blair asked. "I mean why else would he remain so indifferent with a girl lying right next to him?"     

"Didn't he try to kiss you or something?"     

"Hell no...That would have been awesome."     

Joslyn only replied with a wordless emoji. She didn't want to tell her bluntly that maybe he really wasn't into her. It would break her heart.     

Blair got her point, though, and sent a kissing emoji back. Then she put her phone aside and began to work.     

Wesley, on the other hand, realized that he had bought ten boxes of milk for Blair the previous night only when he saw them in his trunk. But it was too late by then. He checked his clock; there was no time left for him to get them to the apartment. He decided to do it when he was free.     

He got out of his car when he arrived at the army base. Staring at the trunk, he decided not to let anyone else drive this car today.     

After the morning exercise, Talbot came up to him since he needed to use his car to go to the urban district. Wesley grabbed his car keys and was about to toss them to him. But then he remembered the milk boxes. "Find another car!" he ordered shortly.     

Talbot was puzzled. But he didn't ask why. He nodded and left to find another car.     

When he finally managed to get the car keys for some other vehicle, he went to the parking lot and decided to check on Wesley's car first to see if there was something wrong.     

His eyes widened in disbelief when he saw what the reason behind the whole shenanigan was! There were so many boxes of milk inside the car trunk.     

'Why did he buy so many boxes of milk? For some kid?'     

Talbot thought for a long while, but had no clue why his chief wanted so much milk. He didn't dare ask Wesley about it, though. With a shrug, he walked towards the car he was going to drive and left the army base.     

In the evening, when Blair came back home after work, she saw numerous boxes of milk sitting in the living room.     

That was when she remembered what had happened after she had gotten drunk and Wesley had come to pick her up.     

She had pestered him for milk for so long that he had bought ten boxes for her. She rubbed her temples and thought, 'Really? Ten boxes? How long will it take for me to finish them?     

God! I should give up this bad habit.' She sent a message to Joslyn saying, "If I get drunk and ask for milk again, just beat me!"     

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