Take My Breath Away

Come With Me

Come With Me

0Blair stared at her phone for the hundredth time today. It sat on the desk not far away, while she idly doodled on her notebook. She was in no mood to work.     

'The meteorologists say snow is on the way. I wonder if it's snowing already.'     

She stood up, walked toward the window and opened it. A gust of cold wind blew in, threatening to freeze her into an icy stump sticking out of the permafrost.     

It was snowing! Outside, a bitter east wind was accompanied by flurries of snow.     

It was the New Year holiday, and pedestrians and cars were out in force. The moment the snowflakes landed on the ground, they melted. So at least the snow wasn't sticking.     

Blair boiled some frozen dumplings for supper. After that, she cleared the table and washed the dishes, drying them and putting them all away nicely.     

'God, I'm bored! I need something to kill time. Maybe it's time to bundle up and read.' She figured that was better than going out in the streets and turning into a snowman. So she did just that, thumbing through Mo Yan's "The Garlic Ballads" until she found her place. Eventually, boredom gave way to sleepiness, and she drifted off.     

At almost half past midnight, someone opened her bedroom door, which jarred her awake. Freaked out, she sat up in bed and her hand shot to the switch on the bedside lamp.     

In the dim light, she saw Wesley standing at the door, staring at her with his usual deadpan face.     

She rubbed her eyes, wondering if this was all a dream. It took her a couple of minutes to realize that it wasn't. He was here!     

Wesley heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Blair safe and sound.     

The puzzled expression on her face made him want to pull her into his arms and kiss her on the lips. But he couldn't—they weren't a couple...yet.     

"I thought you were in A Country, visiting your family," Blair said. Her heart pounded faster with each word she spat.     

"I was. I came here to pick you up."     

'Pick me up?' Blair's jaw dropped. "I...I didn't say I wasn't going. I'll be out there in three days."     

Despite the cold winter, the bedroom was quite warm. The investment in central air paid off. Wesley was too hot and undid three buttons on his shirt. "Thought you were flying out tomorrow."     

"I...I changed my mind..."     

He walked up to the bedside and demanded in a cold tone, "Pack your stuff and come with me now, or we go in the morning."     

"Now? How?"     

"I'll drive." He had driven all the way here.     

Blair couldn't believe her ears. "It'll take at least six hours!" she exclaimed.     

"Not a problem." He had once driven for more than ten hours straight.     

Blair didn't know how to say no. "I...I'll leave in the morning as scheduled." She had underestimated Wesley's influence on her and thought that she could cut him off, just like that. But she was wrong. As long as she saw his face, she was unable to control herself.     

Wesley wasn't satisfied, and looked her in the eye. "I'll drive you tomorrow."     

"No! I'll catch a plane." The truth was, she hadn't refunded her ticket. Maybe deep in her heart, she had been holding out for some chance with him.     

Wesley sat on her bedside and said, "During the Spring Festival travel rush, you can't get a ticket at the last minute. Just come with me." Obviously, he figured she canceled her flight and got her money back.     

"No, I—" Before she could finish speaking, her voice was muffled as he pressed his lips to hers.     

Time seemed to stand still for a moment.     

Wesley couldn't remember when he last kissed her. It felt like a century ago.     

Actually he forgot about the last time Blair was drunk. They slept in the same bed and he took advantage of her without her knowing.     

'Seriously? Why is he kissing me again? What a jerk!'     

She struggled, but in vain. He was too strong. He pressed her into the bed and kissed her lips hard to stop her from talking.     

'We're alone here, in the dead of night. Will he do something to me?' Blair had mixed feelings. On the one hand, she wanted him. On the other hand, she was afraid. After all, he wasn't her boyfriend and she was an old-fashioned girl. Besides, she heard someone else claim him as her fiance. Definitely not the right time.     

While all these thoughts roiled around in her skull, Wesley let her go, panting in her ear. "Come with me in the morning."     

"I'll think about—" Again, she didn't have the time to finish.     

Just as she was able to catch her breath, his lips were on hers again. His kisses were getting more intense now.     

Blair's body turned to putty in his arms and she moaned. 'Stop!' Wesley thought as he stood up and strode towards the door. "I'll wait for you until 7 o'clock in the morning. If you run away, I'll find you."     

He decided to stand guard here. That way she couldn't make excuses or talk her way out of this.     

Then he closed the door behind him.     

Quiet permeated the room. Blair was confused, not knowing why Wesley left in such a hurry.     

Wesley rushed back into his bedroom, shed his clothes as fast as he could and entered the bathroom.     

The temperature was below zero outside, but Wesley turned on the cold-water tap without hesitation. Not knowing that hot water, not cold, would be the answer to his woes, he proceeded to take the proverbial cold shower.     

Blair knew nothing about this. She buried her head in the pillow and wondered why Wesley just left like that. 'I thought he was going to take me right then and there.     

But he ran again. Ugh! Coward!'     

At this moment, she forgot that a while ago, she was afraid of what might happen next.     

The more she thought about it, the more annoyed she became. 'Am I ugly? Why did he do that?' Unable to hold it in anymore, she sprang out of bed.     

She put on her slippers and rushed out of her room. Wesley's room was closed. She pushed the door open and stormed in.     

To her surprise, he wasn't there. She saw his clothes on the floor and heard the sound of running water from the bathroom.     

Blair walked over and knocked heavily on the bathroom door. "Dude, you are seriously weird! I said you were bad in bed, but I was wrong. The truth is, you— Aaargh!"     

The door to the bathroom was opened from inside abruptly. Wesley forcefully yanked at her arm and pulled her into the bathroom with him.     

He pulled her under the shower head and turned the water from cold to warm. He pressed her against the wall and started to kiss her wildly. She trembled the whole time.     

Wesley proved that he was not bad in bed. It was raw, animal passion. He kissed her roughly, while his hands grabbed at her clothes, undoing buttons, throwing the articles away, letting them fall where they might. He then grabbed her hand and led it to his member. The head tingled unbearably; it was hot and swollen. As he moaned, her name escaped his lips. "Blair..."     

When Blair dried her hair and laid in bed, it was already almost 1:20 a.m.     

She raised her sore arm and covered her hot cheek. Her face was as red as a tomato. 'Wow! How long did it take? 30 minutes, maybe more.     

I never knew it would take so long...'     

Next time she saw Niles, she would tell him that his brother was not bad in bed. On the contrary, he was amazing.     

She made up her mind that she wasn't going to make fun of him like that. If she did, she risked him doing it again.     

At 6:55 a.m., Blair carried her small suitcase into the living room.     

Wesley had already made breakfast. As there were few restaurants opening during the New Year's holiday, he made a simple breakfast—boiled eggs, milk and sandwiches.     

The moment Blair saw him, she remembered his hard member. She lowered her head to look at her hand, her face burning hot.     

Wesley didn't notice a thing. While peeling an egg, he said casually, "Come and have breakfast."     

He acted like he usually did, as if nothing happened.     

Blair put her suitcase aside, took off her woolen hat, washed her hands and sat down at the table.     

While eating, she played on her phone to hide her embarrassment.     

When Wesley lowered his head, she took the chance to take a quick glance at him. 'He doesn't look embarrassed at all!     

Well, I wonder if this happens to him every day.'     

"Eat your breakfast!" he commanded. He finished his breakfast quickly.     

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