Take My Breath Away

He Would Spoil Her Forever

He Would Spoil Her Forever

0Blair was immediately frozen in her tracks when she heard the newbie's outraged cry. The group of soldiers, including Wesley, also stopped running after her. Everyone was looking at her.     

Blair turned to look at the newbie. "Is that so? Tell that to your chief. Stop him from following me anymore," she said coldly. "I don't know him!" she added.     

"What? You don't know who our chief is? How ignorant you are!" the newbie snapped.     

"Shut up!" Wesley ordered him sternly.     

The newbie instantly fell quiet. Despite his obedience, he was still confused at how their chief acted towards this woman.     

Right then, a soldier from the group recognized who Blair was. "Oh! I remember her! No wonder she looks so familiar. I've met her before."     

"Where did you meet her? Who is she?" another soldier asked eagerly.     

"I saw her in our chief's phone screen!" His voice trailed off when he saw Wesley icily glaring at him.     

Blair's face turned red. She wondered why Wesley had her picture in his phone. Had he set her picture as his phone's lock screen?     

Wesley gave everyone a sharp look and commanded, "All of you, go back. Do extra training, now!" He turned his gaze on the newbie. "You, no outdoor activities until next week!"     

The group was out of their sight in just a few seconds.     

Blair and Wesley were left alone in the quiet road. He grabbed her hand and said, "I'll escort you back to the hotel."     

"No need, Colonel Li. Don't mind me. Take your time to enjoy the full-body massage. I don't want to interfere with your relaxation. Goodbye!" Both anger and sadness filled her heart as the thought of another woman in Wesley's arms in the night club flooded her mind.     

Wesley kept his grip on Blair's hand. "It's not what it looks like. I can't explain everything to you right now, but please, trust me. Nothing happened between us."     

"Nothing happened?" Blair looked him in the eye. "I saw with my very own eyes how tightly you hugged her. Did you also promise to take care of her and protect her until she finds a boyfriend? Just like you did to me?"     

Her eyes were brimming with tears. The mere thought of it made her heart ache.     

Wesley wanted to say something to assure her, but the device on his waist had already gone off three times. He had no more time left. He had to go.     

He looked tenderly at Blair's eyes. "I have to go. Please don't overthink. I have never cheated on you. I never will," he said hastily. "Finish your business sooner and head back home. D City is not as safe as Y City." He stroked her hair and added, "Be good, okay?"     

Blair did not say anything.     

He was running out of time. He gave her a peck on the lips. "Take care. Just pretend you don't know me when you see me again," he said.     

He turned around and left.     

Blair wandered around the streets of D City, alone and sick at heart.     

Her anger subsided and she began regretting her behavior. She rarely spent her days with Wesley. She had the greatest luck to have bumped into him, but she wasted it. Why did she quarrel with him?     

She could have just trusted him more. He stayed here in D City for a dangerous and confidential mission. Had he been eating every day? What kind of place was he staying at? Did he pack enough clothes?     

She grew sadder by the minute. She wanted to buy him groceries and other stuff, but she was not sure if she'd be given a chance like earlier.     

She called Talbot, but it didn't go through.     

The next few days, she headed to the same place she saw him. With her were the grocery items she bought for Wesley. To her dismay, she did not see him nor any of his men.     

At night, she waited for him in front of the night club where she saw him, but no trace of Wesley was found.     

Soon enough, it was her last night in D City. Her flight back to Y City was scheduled the following day.     

She waited by the entrance of the night club for the last time, hoping that the universe would side with her this time. A long time passed, and there was still no Wesley in sight. Blair had already accepted her defeat. She turned to leave, but just then, the guy she had been waiting for appeared.     

She wanted to run towards him, but her yearning quickly turned to jealousy. She was hurt by the sight in front of her. Two women dangled on Wesley's arms as they talked and laughed merrily. One of the women even planted a kiss on his cheek.     

Blair could not believe what she was seeing. Her heart ached so much. She bit her lower lip as an effort to hold back her tears.     

She watched the three enter the night club, and when they were out of her sight, she dumped the care package she bought for Wesley into the garbage can.     

She was not stupid. Was this really a mission? There was no way an assignment would need him to flirt with other women. Maybe he was just showing his true colors.     

A few minutes after she left, Wesley came out of the club. He lit a cigarette by the gate and cautiously observed his surroundings. When he was done smoking, he went to the garbage can to throw the cigarette butt and pulled out the bag Blair had just thrown. He did everything quickly and covertly.     

He then headed back inside the club.     

Wesley avoided the crowd and made his way to a private room with the bag still in his hands.     

After confirming that the room was empty and had no security cameras, he locked the door and opened the bag.     

There were new clothes inside, including a jacket, T-shirts, pants, underwear and even socks.     

They were all black. She knew his taste in clothes well enough.     

Under the clothes was a small red box. He opened it and inside was a small jade Pixiu.     

Pixiu is a mythical Chinese creature. It is said that it will bring good luck and fortune to people, and also has been regarded as a lucky creature for the military.     

It is especially helpful for those who are going through a hard time. People who keep a Pixiu accessory will be able to avoid the danger and bad luck that might befall them.     

Wesley was not the superstitious kind, but it was a gift from Blair. He knew she only threw it away out of jealousy.     

Even though he didn't share such beliefs, he would still keep the jade Pixiu. It was from Blair after all.     

With the Pixiu and the new clothes in his hands, he leaned his body against the wall. He was thinking of Blair. God, he was already starting to miss her. He'd always loved how his girl would throw tantrums on him, how she kept saying she was done with him. Even after leaving him, they both knew what Blair's heart really wanted. Not once did she give up on him. She cared about him a lot.     

Wesley couldn't help but smile at the thought of it.     

'Oh, Blair. Thank you for loving me, ' he thought gratefully.     

He held the jade Pixiu to his chest. He swore to himself that it was now his turn to treat her well for the rest of his life. He'd commit himself to spoiling Blair once he was done with this mission.     

Out of habit, he reached for his phone. He wanted to see Blair's picture that he saved, but he realized he had hidden his phone someplace else. He hadn't been able to stare at Blair's photo in a long time. Lucky for him, he saw her and was even able to kiss her. The kiss helped a little bit in missing her.     

What was unfortunate was that he hadn't had the chance to sleep with her, not even once.     

He came back to his senses. He looked around him and understood what a dangerous situation he had put himself in. He'd been lucky to have met her once. He did not want to test his luck any further.     

Wesley shoved Blair's gifts back into the bag and hid it in a secret corner. After making sure it would not be found by anyone else, he left the room.     

He went back to the women he was with. They were whispering with some other men; their eyes filled with lust.     

Wesley acted as if he didn't see anything and squeezed himself between them. He pulled them closer to him. "Girls, what are talking about here? You two seem to be having fun."     

He was under a disguise and had been working undercover in D City for a long time. With his work, he had to interact with all kinds of women, and even flirt with them. Despite their constant physical contact, not once did he feel anything for them. When it came to Blair, however, he always felt the need to come to her. He always felt the need to touch her, hug her, and kiss her.     

He didn't feel anything close when he was with these women, not even one time.     

One of the women caressed his chest as she looked at him lustfully. "Wayne, who are you taking home tonight? Is it gonna be me? Or will it be Leila?"     

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