Take My Breath Away

I Have Liked Him For Four Years

I Have Liked Him For Four Years

0Hyatt hung up the phone and gave it back to Erica. "So are you going to meet Aaron this afternoon?" He was worried that Phoebe's hostile attitude might have affected Erica's temper and so she might have not been in a mood to see her idol anymore.     

"Yes, of course!" she answered. Erica didn't let Phoebe's behavior sour her mood as she didn't have to be unhappy for someone unimportant.     

However, there was one question that was haunting her thoughts. She wondered if Phoebe was the woman Matthew loved.     

Alas! She decided to set her worries aside as it had nothing to do with her. She just wanted to put on a good performance in front of Wesley, hoping to catch him in a good mood one day so he would allow her to divorce Matthew.     

However, when she thought of the noodles Matthew had cooked for her last night, her heart ached again and she felt hints of hesitation within herself.     

She wanted to divorce the man, but she didn't want to give up his exemplary noodles cooking skills. What a dilemma to be in!     

At half past two, Erica took a taxi to ZL Group along with Hyatt. When they got out of the taxi, they saw people crowding in front of the office building. They were mostly fans, who were holding placards with Aaron Gao's name written on them.     

In fact, even the security guards standing at the gate had their plates full, as they struggled to keep the crowd in order. None of them recognized Erica as they had just been employed very recently.     

Fortunately, Erica spotted Matthew's assistant, Owen Jian, and with his help, she was able to enter ZL Group.     

On the floor of the CEO's office, Hyatt was led to the reception room by Owen while Erica entered Matthew's office alone.     

Matthew seemed busy, assigning work to Paige. Upon noticing Erica's sudden appearance, Paige greeted her politely.     

Erica felt embarrassed as she didn't expect to interrupt them and said, "Please don't let me keep you from your work. I'm in no rush!"     

Soon after, Paige left the office.     

Matthew cast a glance at the girl who was standing in front of the French window. "If my memory serves me right, didn't you have something important at school this afternoon," he said.     

"Yes! But..." Erica strode towards him with excitement and bent over his desk to look him in the eye. With a hint of fawning adoration, she said, "Matthew, I need to ask you a favor!"     

He raised his eyebrows and said, "Fire away."     

"You know, Aaron Gao is supposed to come to your company very soon, right?"     


"Aaron Gao! He's coming to cooperate with your company! Don't you know?" The man's obliviousness took Erica by surprise.     

"I really don't know what you're talking about. I try not to bother myself over such trivial matters." Matthew slightly furrowed his brows.     

"But, Matthew, Matthew..." she called out as she ran around his large desk to get to him. She was too shy to plead to him, so she kept repeating his name like a spoiled brat.     

"Get to the point!"     

"I want to see my idol. Please make it happen!" she said in an implicit way. She knew that Matthew would have ways to help her see her idol.     

Looking at the excitement in the girl's eyes, Matthew furrowed his brows tighter and said, "You really like him that much?"     

"Yes! He started his career at the age of sixteen, and it has been four years since then. I have been a fan of his for four years! You have no idea how handsome he is! He is so hot!" Erica's eyes were full of desire when she spoke about Aaron.     

Oblivious to his deadpan expression, she continued, "He's been popular since he debuted. He has so many fans. I've never been close enough to shake hands with him."     

Having had no response from Matthew, she went around him to the other side. Propping up her head on both hands, she said, "Please will you find a way for me to see him? Just for a few minutes! Please!"     

In a deep voice, he responded, "You skipped classes and came to ZL Group to find me just for this?"     

"Yes. Well, actually, I didn't skip classes. It's an outdoor activity and the professor doesn't care about the attendance. So, technically my absence doesn't count!"     

"Aaron Gao is coming to ZL Group on business. You wanting to meet your idol is a private matter. So, this is neither the right place nor the right time. Let's talk about it later."     

Matthew turned down her request.     

Disappointment filled her heart as she clutched at her chest and paced around him. "Five minutes. Oh, no, just three minutes, okay?"     

"No way!"     

"Two minutes... All right, then, just let me say a few words to him, okay?"     

"What do you want to say to him?"     

Erica answered honestly, "I want to tell him that I've been his loyal fan since he started and I've been loving him for four years. I want to cheer him up!"     

Upon hearing this, Matthew put down his pen, raised his eyes to her and said, "Go back to school!"     

Matthew showed no signs of yielding which made Erica feel both disappointed and embarrassed at the same time.     

Her face was filled with sadness. Sure enough, he wouldn't have refused her if she were his goddess.     

Erica thought about giving up, but then she decided to give it one last shot. Standing still, she stared at him for a moment and said, "Matthew."     

The man remained silent.     

Just as Erica opened her mouth to say something, an idea popped into her mind abruptly and she decided to change her mind instantly. "Actually, don't worry about it. You carry on with your work. I should get going now."     

"Where are you going?"     

Erica giggled, "I suppose I'd better ask your dad for help! Your dad is nicer to me."     

Erica turned around to leave.     

However, just as she had taken two steps forward, she got pulled back. She glanced at the man's hand holding her's and she said, "What happened?"     

Matthew said calmly, "Dad and Mom are in Venice. They are on the plane now. You can't get through to him."     

'Venice?' Suddenly, Erica remembered Debbie's message to her yesterday, saying that they were going to Venice on holiday! She pulled a long face and sighed, "Oh well! I guess I won't be seeing Aaron then. Well, forget about it. I guess I can stand with the other fans downstairs and sneak a peek at him when he arrives."     

Matthew said helplessly, "I don't think being Mrs. Huo comes without privileges."     

Erica's eyes lit up with hope anew. "So, you'll do it?"     

Matthew turned the chair and pulled the girl into his arms. "People will make irresponsible remarks behind my back if they see you with the other fans. The only way to save myself from embarrassment is to get you a private meeting, but that will depend solely on your sincerity!"     

"Sincerity?" 'The same trick again?     

I think he wants me to kiss him again. That won't be a problem for me!' Without hesitation, Erica wrapped her hands around the man's neck and planted two kisses on his lips.     

In a sweet and obedient voice, she said, "Mr. Huo, are you satisfied with this service?"     

Her seductive smile triggered his desires. "Nope! Not yet satisfied!"     

Immediately, the smile on her face vanished. Glaring at him angrily, she said, "I know what you want. You are just trying to make things difficult for me, aren't you?"     

Matthew was impressed by how fast her facial expressions changed. He raised her chin with his hand and said, "Let me teach you. Remember, if you need my help next time, do this to express your sincerity."     

Just as he finished speaking, he lowered his head and pulled her face into a fiery kiss.     

One that lasted for at least five minutes! He finally let her go before she suffocated to death.     

Leaning against the man's chest, she gasped for air. "No, no, I don't think I can do that again. I'll die..."     

"You can't?" The man's magnetic voice reverberated in her head.     

Thinking of her idol, Erica gritted her teeth and agreed reluctantly. "I can! Matthew, I will do anything you want!" However, she kept her real thoughts to herself. 'Damn you! I'm not going to let you push me around this like!'     

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