The Monster Inside: The First Vampire

An Abundant Hunting Ground*

An Abundant Hunting Ground*

0It was not as if Rassa didn't have a plan when he'd left Jerrica. He did. The plan was to leave. To go beyond the reach of the Kildares to a place where he could start fresh. Where it wouldn't be so easy for people to suspect him. Where he could blend in.     

He just hadn't expected to find that ideal place so soon.     

Port Lovolon, while technically within the Empire, was for the most part under the jurisdiction of Merchant Companies. Despite their best efforts to make inroads into the key trading port, the Kildares had only managed a minor presence in Port Lovolon with so much competition, and in the end had decided to take the rest of the Empire and come back for Port Lovolon with overwhelming economic force. It had yet to happen, though they'd tried many times. Most recently in their attempt to make trade deals with the merfolk, who, quite simply, traded with no one.     

So, Port Lovolon certainly qualified as being beyond the reach of the Kildares. Even if they did know where Rassa had gone - and it would take them months to find him if they didn't - any movement of their private forces in Port Lovolon would cause a stir they were unwilling to make when it came to Rassa. After all, Rassa's mere existence drew attention, both good and bad for the Kildares, but in Rassa's experience it had been mostly bad.     

So, for the time being at least, Rassa was safe and, much to Aegin's annoyance, content. It was not that Aegin did not want Rassa to live a peaceful life - Rassa had ascertained as much from his willingness to stick around – he was just worried about Rassa. Worried about his prolonged silences and the distancing that had occurred while they travelled. No matter what he tried, Rassa didn't open up, and to Aegin, that wasn't a good sign. Unsealing his ability to scent emotions had only worsened the gap between them. Rassa was torn between being thankful Aegin was worried, and annoyed that the Ex-Ridge Man couldn't find anything else to do. What Rassa needed was a distraction from his tormented past, and Aegin wasn't helping.     

Ebony had been almost the complete opposite. In the few weeks since they'd left Jerrica, Ebony had spent most of her time trying not to pester Rassa. Mostly because she didn't want him to get rid of her. It was also the reason why, when they arrived at the Port, Ebony had disappeared for a few hours then come back dressed as a man with her chest wrapped and her hair cut short. Rassa had known it was her straight away from the scent, Aegin, with his training, had noticed as soon as he saw her.     

"That's not going to help your chances," Aegin had grumbled. He'd been convinced since Rassa had bought him to that Tavern Room where she slept that she was only trying to take advantage of Rassa's kindness in not killing her. The assumption had caused a rift between the two before they'd even started to get to know one another, and made the week travelling to Lovolon nearly unbearable, let alone the three weeks of living and working together afterwards.     

"For the last time, I'm not selling my body," Ebony had snapped back. She was timid and quiet for the most part. But somehow Aegin brought out a personality akin to a stray cat. It was better to not disturb it yet Aegin did anyway. Still, despite their near constant bickering, Rassa was just happy that Ebony wasn't intent on being timid around everybody. Frankly, she wouldn't survive long with him and Aegin if she'd kept that up. Rassa had only taken her with him to begin with because she'd followed through with his order at the mines and not seemed completely scarred by the experience afterwards. Neither Ebony nor Rassa had spoken of what he'd asked her to do. They didn't see a reason to speak of it, and even if they did, it was hardly proof of undying loyalty, just a stronger stomach than your average human.     

It was no secret to Ebony that she was currently only permitted to be around Rassa and Aegin on a trial basis. Considering Aegin's welcoming attitude it wasn't exactly hard to work out. But from what she had learned of the two so far, particularly Rassa, she found herself more and more intrigued, and less and less willing to part with them should they order her away. They were, in a word, inspirational to her. She who had been a slave for her entire life, had been inspired by these two young men who had defied the odds and faced some unspeakable obstacles just for the right to live the life they chose for themselves. She wanted that. More than anything. Rassa could feel it, smell it, so he allowed her to stay. It had all been worth it that moment when she'd held the first coins she'd earned for herself in her hands. She'd tried to hide her utter elation, but he'd known. They were just a few bronze coins, but as a slave she'd likely never possessed anything to call her own. Now that she had…Rassa had heard her sobbing with happiness that night. No doubt Aegin had too, but for once he'd had the restraint to not bother her.     

Though now they were probably still arguing in the Tavern. It was almost a competition between the two. The day Rassa could go from dawn to dusk without hearing them argue would be a miracle.     

Rassa, who had adopted the name 'Phil' in the Port as a precaution against anyone who was looking for him, had taken to the rooftops as he watched the drunken man from the Tavern stumble through the main streets and side alleys grumpily. He'd been looking for a fight that night. Enough to kill from what Rassa had smelt pouring off him. In truth, anyone probably would have set him off, not just the clever sailor who'd bested him with a little sleight of hand.     

Rassa had seen the drunken man before on the docks they worked during the day. He wasn't the most pleasant of men, and Rassa, Aegin and Ebony had avoided him when they could. From what little he had obtained through eavesdropping on conversations, this 'Ewan' was awaiting the return of a brother that supposedly had 'struck gold' in the southern continent. Apparently, Ewan had lent his brother a ship in exchange for a cut of whatever his brother earned.     

Given his dress and lack of propriety, Rassa doubted he owned a ship. The brother part on the other hand smelled at the very least like a partial truth. That was a fun, unsealed ability Rassa had discovered. In addition to emotions, Rassa could also determine truth from lies with scent. He had spent hours at the docks practicing with these new abilities. The smell of the docks made it more difficult to pin-point individual scents, and truth woven in lies was even harder. Still, it passed the time whilst doing mindless grunt work.     

Now however, as he watched Ewan wonder into a dark and quiet alleyway, it was time to practice his so far most practical new ability.     

Rassa dropped down soundlessly into the shadows and watched the man stumble, screwing up his nose in disgust. He didn't like blood that was rich with the taint of alcohol, it always tasted somewhat sour and left a weird tang in his mouth. Still, this was only a couple of mouthfuls.     

He moved fast enough to part the air around him, spreading a hand against Ewan's chest and shoving him back into the wall of the alley. Not hard enough to break anything, but hard enough to wind the large man. By comparison, Rassa's lean frame was almost dwarfed, but it was clear who had the upper hand here. Well, to all accept Ewan.     

"What the f*ck are you-"     

Ewan was silenced as he met Rassa's dark eyes, then a melodic voice flowed into his ears and lulled him into a hypnotised state, "Quiet. No need to make a single noise".     

Rassa paused only to make sure his allure had been effective before he leant forward and sunk his fangs into Ewan's neck. Urggh, yep, sour and overripe with ale.     

Still, Rassa had to admit, Port Lovolon had one great bonus aside from avoiding the Kildare's made the most abundant hunting ground he'd ever experienced. Especially since he'd been right about going backwards in his diet. Animal blood tasted horrible compared to human blood, even sour and overripe human blood.     

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