A Gorgeous White (BL)

|| Chapter 420 || May I Join You For Breakfast?

|| Chapter 420 || May I Join You For Breakfast?

0"The pleasure is all mine, my prince."     

The words broke out of Moulin's lips while he tries to keep his confusion from showing. Indeed, he has never greeted a prince before nor did he have one greet him. But in truth, he had never dreamed of such a thing. It only felt quite odd.     

"I've heard rumors about your acts of wonder." The prince spoke calmly. He looked curious. Intrigue filled his green eyes, drilling his into Moulin's silver pupils.     

Acts of wonder? Moulin wanted to laugh.     

"Only when I came across the White Forest of Helios did I truly witness the magnificence of your ability. It is something to be studied and sought after." He expressed his thought openly. No wicked intents seemed to be present in his eyes. He appeared genuinely interested.     

"Studied..." Moulin repeated with a faint smile. "Interesting..."     

His words incited the prince to continue. "Are you... interested? Truly?"     

"..." Moulin smiled.     

A low overbearing voice sliced between the pair, silencing them. "You have quite the imagination, your highness."     

Prince Vascilicus stilled. He raised his gaze to meet Lord Hercullio's deep oppressive gaze. It made one hesitate to breathe.     

"Ah, yes. Imagination, my lord." Prince Vascilicus kept a calm exterior. "I apologized for my brashness. It was unlikely of me."     

Hadrian smiled and met Moulin's questioning gaze. The liquid gold of the lord's eyes glowed like smoldering giant licks of bonfire flames.     

Unease filled Moulin's chest. While no one else could, he felt the lord's deep emotions rumbling like thunder and lashing like violent whips of lightning. It crept in their bond and Moulin felt chills run down the curve of his spine.     

The people surrounding them tensed at the awkward silence. Moulin could feel uneasy gazes being exchanged within the hall. Countless gossiping thoughts swirled yet none dared to utter a word. They felt loud amidst the instrument's melodic beat.     

Hadrian's gaze hasn't left Moulin's own and helplessness washed over the youth's form. Somehow courage returned to his body and banished the ridiculous thought that Hadrian would be so dangerous to him.     

Lady Klaria of Ralor observed the two in red. Both of them looked too beautiful to be true yet there was something forbidden and dangerous brewing around them. One looked like a beast, preying and ready to devour, and the other appeared meek and quiet yet his deep silver eyes pulsed with fearlessness, eager to suppress the predator before him. A sense of thrill and intrigue filled their audience, awaiting what comes next.     

Klaria revealed a bright smile and placed a reassuring hand on the prince's shoulder. Her voice aimed to lighten the atmosphere. "His Highness is fond of his research. He does so in service of the kingdom and its people. And is used to-"     

An unexpected scene interrupted her speech. She and many others watched as lord Moulin Fraunces gently cradled the Golden High Lord's cheek and kissed the man without hesitation. It was quick and short with sweet intent.     

Shocked faces filled the hall. Even Lord Hercullio looked startled when the young lord slowly pulled away to pat his cheek slightly.     

Moulin, oblivious of his red face, muttered quietly. "Behave."     


When those words were uttered, the man's golden pupils flickered. A soft smile flashed on his face before quickly vanishing. His fingers unconciously stroked the youth's silky waist and it earned him a fierce glare.     

"Oh my..." Klaria's eyes sparkled. "What a bold couple you two are..."     

Maxille sighed. Suddenly, he had the urge to down a glass of wine. Prince Vascilicus looked petrified. The image of High Lord Hercullio, so noble, cold, overwhelming everyone with one single gaze, cracked like a clear mirror in his mind. The lover's actions looked normal. It was something like any other couple would do. But it was strangely different for these two people. It was simply earth-shattering.     

Chuckling at the side, Lord Fridal Hyantor raised a bottle, cheering for the young master and finally the mood lifted heartily.     


They ate and drank. Pleasantries, gossip, and ambitions are shared and exchanged as the night waned. Moulin, although he desired to be with Hadrian, he inclined to stay by his brother's side and represent the Fraunces nobility of Helios. Like a dutiful brother and lord, he shared words with close confidants and assisted his brother to mend conflicts within conversations.     

Speaking was something he was never good at. Nevertheless, he didn't want to exhaust himself and only kept a reserved and polite front.     

His eyes lingered on two figures of all the people within the hall. A small crowd followed Prince Vascilicus and High Lord Klaria wherever they went. The prince was humble and eager to share his discoveries and ideas with people yearning for his attention. Meanwhile, Lady Klaria seemed to be too busy confronting Lord Hyantor.     

'An alliance of three prominent bases' Moulin thought while he listened to his brother's conversations with the dwarves.     

And this meeting was certainly an intentional approach. Perhaps, a step towards something big.     

He delved into his thoughts while smiling courteously. The youth's bright silver eyes glinted against warm light when he felt a certain High Lord's deep gaze on him.     


"You were jealous..."     

Moulin said as he snuggle deeper in the sheets but was pulled closer by warm strong arms. A soft chuckle echoed in the bedroom.     

The nightly breeze softly swept through the tall open windows of the room. Warm candlelight flickered, soft and comforting, caressing two furballs curled just beside the bed.     


Hadrian said nothing which made Moulin raise a haughty brow. Under the dim light, the youth's silver eyes glowed with playfulness. It was utterly mesmerizing with his messy hair spread underneath his head like a  nymph basking underneath the moonlight. The man's eyes softened.     

"Sleep," He said.     

"I will. But first, answer me this..." Moulin said with drooping eyes.     

"...What did the prince and the High Lord of Ralor come to Helios for?"     


The man's sharp features were gilded with warm golden light from the bedside lamp. He looked too calm, not a crease of his skin could be seen. He looked at Moulin with such solemnity the youth wondered if he would receive a reply.     

"Gathering forces."     

They were two words but they brought hundreds of possibilities breaking into Moulin's mind. But no matter what he thought, it was only a guess.     

The youth's eyes narrowed slightly. His lips moved. " What... are you planning?"     

A great shift underneath the sheets. The blankets are drawn away. The man's dark silhouette, within the reflection of the youth's silver eyes, rose from the bed. Faced away from Moulin's sight, a slice of warm light fell on his sharp jaw and his high cheek. Strength poured out from the ridges of his back and the youth's eyes traced every dip and curve on the man's skin.     

"A war is upon us."     

"War?" A crease appeared between the youth's slender brows.     

Yes, it came to be one of the guesses. However, to invoke war in the middle of the Kron? It wasn't enough for every living survivor to be at war with malibreeds throughout the years. Even every race is fighting against their own kind as well as other races to live.     

But a war against...     

Moulin's eyes flickered.     

When he urged Hadrian to explain, the man loomed over him, blanketing the youth with his large frame. His strong arms caged Moulin underneath and his strange eyes looked into the young man's gaze.     

"It is inevitable."      

"War? How are you so certain?" Moulin was awake now. A confused expression graced his soft countenance.     

Moulin frowned. "Our enemy-"     

"-is a threat. To every single person this city shelters. They will not rest until they've resurrected their God and taken your soul." Something terrible and dangerous roared from his voice. It boiled in the depths of his scorching golden eyes.     

The tremulous emotions shook, reached through Moulin's skin, and burrowed into his heart. He understood the severity of Hadrian's words. He understood how important they were. But he was reluctant to acknowledge that the only solution to this was to wage war, against demons and their infectious monsters roaming the land.      

To risk more lives for the faint chance the apocalypse would end and restore life.      

Another part of Moulin also thought; there is no other way...     

Hadrian silently observed Moulin, whose unfathomable eyes grew deeper with boundless worry. In an instant, the flames inside him were smothered. Softness filled his sun-colored eyes.      

A larger hand gently cradled the young man's rosy cheek, flushed from the wine and the warmth of the lord's touch.     

Moulin finally grasped the thought that had been hovering in his mind. This battle is bound to happen and if does not end with us, the next of our generation will finish it, and so on. Until life is restored and Corahn was once what it was before. The darkness must be vanquished. It must be eradicated. If not, perhaps, the only life left in this corrupted world would be wretched malibreeds feeding on each other.     

As though he knew the thoughts roaming within the young lord's mind, Lord Hadrian's eyes softened.      

"The sun will touch the land once more."     


Even when he awoke, the lord's words echoed endlessly in his mind. When the youth's eyes drifted to the beautiful view of the city of Helios from the window, he recalled that simple yet heavy sentence. And he wondered; when the sun is freed and the dark clouds part, how much more beautiful would Helios look?     

Silver scraping the ceramic plate sounded within the elegant room. A scrumptious breakfast is laid before him. Moulin calmly began to fill his belly while wondering what Hadrian would be doing this morning. The skin before his brows creased when he recalled the warm and gentle kiss pressed against it before he, in his drowsy state,  heard the bedroom door shut close.      

Once again, he recalled their conversation and could not help but sigh. Helios and the alliance bases are preparing for war. Blood will shed. It is inevitable. The demons will welcome us joyfully with bloodlust in their eyes.      


A sudden high-pitched sound caught the youth's attention. Silver eyes spotted a particular snow-white furball nearing the table. Snow's snout wiggled adorably, sniffing the mouth-watering scent in the air. He jumped on the youth's lap and excitedly climbed up the table under his master's deep gaze.      


Moulin's shoulders sagged helplessly. He took a separate plate and placed a portion of the breakfast before the greedy fox.      


Moulin blinked as he turned to the door. He waited for a voice but there was none. However, he sensed a presence. Snow didn't seem to be bothered at all. The little fox was solely focused on his food.     

Relaxing, he stood up and opened the door slightly. "Yes-"     

Deep midnight blue eyes stared at him in mirth. Dressed in a loose airy dress, Lady Klaria stood before him with a big gentle smile. Her beautiful braided blue hair swayed behind her back as she tilted her head, amused by the Moulin's shocked expression.     

"May I join you for breakfast?" She asked.     


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