Battle Royale of the Sinners

Diao Chan

Diao Chan

0Chapter 95 – Diao Chan     

The next day, a six-year-old child was escorted into the inner palace. She was the young Diao Chan.     

"Little girl, behave yourself when you are in front of the prince. He will be the Emperor in a few months. Be sure to get his favor, so you can become the next Empress."     


The girl did not talk. She only looked at his adopted father with her indifferent eyes and shifted her gaze forward.     

Wang Yun sighed. Although she was cute and had potential to grow up into a beauty, she was cold to everyone. She never played with other children of her age. She only spoke if she was asked a question. She never expressed her emotion to anyone. All she did all day was gazing into a distance as if she was thinking about something.     

At first, Wang Yun thought this child was slow or an air-head. However, one day he asked her an ambiguous question to jest her. "What's the purpose of life?"     

She answered him in a monotonous tone. "A trial."     

Wang Yun was shocked by the profoundness of her answer. It was short, yet deep. Most importantly, it was not something that should come out from the mouth of a young girl!     

Ever since then, he always tested her with difficult questions, which she answered all of them in a profound manner.     

He believed that this girl was a genius child, so he did not hire any tutor for her but gave her scrolls and books to her instead.     

She did not betray his expectation as she read and memorized all of them. She could even recite every word from every difficult annals, record, or scripture that she had read.     

With this kind of intelligent child, he could offer her as a candidate for the next Empress with pride.     


Wang Yun and Diao Chan were guided into Liu Ping's private hall. Once they entered, Liu Ping was already there with his doll, Wang Li, by his side. They were sitting on the same seats as yesterday.     

"Reporting to your highness. I've brought my daughter."     

Liu Ping stared at Diao Chan with great attention. A few seconds later, he sighed in disappointment.     

He knew that Diao Chan should still be young because she first appeared in the year 192 in Wang Yun's ploy to sow discord between Lu Bu and Dong Zhuo. He did not expect that she was still this young.     

Despite being disappointed, he stood up and walked toward the little girl.     

"Come here. Let me take a good look at you."     

Diao Chan was recorded as one of the four great beauties of ancient China. Even if she was too young at the moment, she would dazzle every man in the next ten years.     

With that in mind, Liu Ping decided to take her in and waited until she was ripe for a picking. In the meantime, he had many women he could play with as all concubines of his father had been passed down to his. Therefore, he could wait.     

Diao Chan stared at the incoming Liu Ping. Her face was emotionless, and her eyes were still as cold as ever.     

Liu Ping stopped in front of her. He reached out his hand to touch her cheek.     

Suddenly, he came to a pause. His arm stopped moving toward Diao Chan while his eyes stared straight into her eyes. His inner instinct was crying inside his mind, asking him to flee at this very moment.     

'This is odd. Why am I feeling insecure about this girl?'     

'Because I knew she backstabbed Dong Zhuo in the history?'     

'Nah, I am imagining things.'     

'But my instinct was never wrong.'     

'The last time I had this feeling it's before that bastard broke into my house.'     

'Should I be wary of her?'     

'… Hmm.'     

'Come to think of it. That night, there's a gold spot in the radar map.'     

'Is it her?'     

'Nah, she's too young to be another reincarnator.'     

'All reincarnators so far are at the same age as me.'     

'She's a historical figure. I doubt someone reincarnated as her.'     

'Am I overly paranoid?'     

'… Hmm.'     

He pondered for a moment before he withdrew his hand and moved back to his seat.     

"Very well, Wang Yun. I'm interested in her. She will live in my palace from now on. Once she grows up, I'll see if she qualifies to be my Empress."     

"Thank you, your highness!"     

Wang Yun bowed and gestured Diao Chan to bow too, which she followed after her father.     

"Guards. Call the servants! Escort her to a guest house. Be sure to treat her with respect!"     

"Yes, your highness!"     

The guards at front door rushed out. Less than a minute later, a dozen female servants rushed into the hall and bowed to Diao Chan. They guided her to the new home of the future Empress.     

Wang Yun grinned from ear to ear when he saw the treatment. He succeeded in forming a bond with the royalty. This connection would give a boost to his career advancement.     



Diao Chan was guided into a luxurious room. Inside the guest house, there were many picture arts hanging on the walls. Green jade vases and a marble table were arranged in an orderly manner. A king size bed was located in the middle of the room. It seemed that this room was decorated for an important concubine or the likes.     

Diao Chan excused the servants and asked to be left alone.     

The maids left the room in a hurry. After the door was closed, Diao Chan climbed the bed and sat cross legs.     

As usual, she stared into the void space in front of her and mumbled to herself.     

'What a waste of time. The skill is already nerfed.'     

'There's no need for me here in the first place.'     

'There's that [Super Human] skill. It's quite dangerous, but there are many counters to it.'     

'Should I stay a bit longer so I can delete that skill?'     

'Even if I can delete it right now, I can't escape this place in one piece.'     

'... If it wasn't because of the system, this job would have been done right then.'     

'What to do …'     




Name: Diao Chan     

Age: 6     

Lifespan: 49 Years     

*Skill List*     

[Left Eye of Poseidon] Cannot be leveled up.     

- Able to see hidden objects, spirits, souls, and immortals.     

- Able to see the status of every living being.     

- Able to see hidden spells, magic, and natural influences.     

[Right Eye of Medusa] Cannot be leveled up.     

- Petrify a mortal into a stone.     

Skill Cost: 10 Lifespan     

Skill Restriction:     

- Only Diao Chan can use this skill.     

- This skill cannot be transferred, copied, or stolen.     

- This skill will be erased after its usage.     

[True Self] Cannot be leveled up.     

- Temporary revert back to the previous demonic form.     

- Host regains all status attributes from the previous form.     

Skill Cost: 10 years of the host lifespan per one hour.     

Skill Restriction:     

- Only Diao Chan can use this skill.     

- This skill cannot be transferred, copied, or stolen.     

- This skill will be erased after its usage.     

[Administrator Serial#5H304426891009]     

- Host can edit or delete a skill of a reincarnator in this world.     

Skill Cost: None     

Skill Restriction:     

- The skill power scale must follow the law of this dimension.     

- Only Diao Chan can use this skill.     

- This skill cannot be transferred, copied, or stolen.     

- This skill will be erased after its usage.     


- Host cannot kill any reincarnator.     

- Host cannot accept any mission from the system.     

- Host cannot edit her own skills.     



Under the skins of the future great woman hid a demon soul inside. Medusa had picked Diao Chan's embryo as her target of reincarnation.     


For ordinary reincarnators, it was impossible to be reincarnated as important people or any historical figure, such as warlords or generals.     

However, administrators from the netherworld or celestial world had the rights to possess the body of such people as they had to interfere with a reincarnator if he/she ran amok and ruined the ecology of a planet.     

In this dimension, an abnormally had occurred. Therefore, Friday and Medusa had an excuse to infiltrate into this world to maintain the balance of the trial. However, they did not expect this dimension system to unleash its wrath upon them instead of monitoring the otherworlders.     

Although the system hated the two demonesses, it also attacked Liu Ping. This was a piece of good news for Diao Chan.     

'He has a [Banned] skill attaching to him.'     

'It should be fine to leave him be.'     

'But …'     

'What's with that girl!? She's practically a monster!'     

'If I have to delete a skill of someone, it has to be that girl!'     

'But she's under a mind control spell. Liu Ping doesn't have that skill on him.'     

'It's definitely a system power. But there was no trace.'     

'Who did it to her?'     

'If I undo her mind control spell, will she help me?'     

Diao Chan pondered for an entire day. Before dinner time, she came up with an idea.     

"System, I want to bargain."     

[My apologies. I am not DorOOOmu and you're not Dr.StOnge. We don't bargain.]     


[Just kidding. Go ahead. What do you want?]     

"What price do I have to pay if I want you to cancel my [Seal] skill?"     

[Hoho! Are you sure? It will be very costly.]     

Diao Chan took a deep breath. Her current future was dark. She needed an alternative option if she wanted to break free from Liu Ping at the moment.     

"Tell me."     

[Answer my simple question. Then I'll lift the ban for you.]     

"It's that simple. Then ask me."     

[Alright, money question, there is a mutated soul among the reincarnators you immortals had sent. I want to know which generation of the demon that infected him.]     

Diao Chan frowned. She was hesitating if she should answer this question. If she answered, everyone on Heaven and Hell would know, and chaos would follow.     

[It seems too hard for you. Then I'll change a question. The demoness that turned that man's soul into a mutated, had she come with you?]     

"… Yes."     

[Good. That explains a lot. I think I can connect the stories of your people now.]     

[As promised, I'll lift a ban for you. But I can't get rid some of the bans because you failed to answer my first question.]     


[I have erased the condition (Host cannot accept any mission from the system) from your seal. You will also be able to access the system shop. However, the rest of the bans will still be on you. If you want to get rid of those, help me with some tasks. I'll give you the details in the quest tabs.]     

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