Lord Shadow



0Those souls belong to the remnants of past souls that used to inhabit this Supreme Dimension that could not move on and were not completely passed on     

Those souls all have ancient aura that seems to have meddled with and they were summoned from the Void of nothingness of this Universe     

Some of them look righteous, while some of them have vicious face with a terrifying expression and some looked fearful while some look relieved.     

Thousands of emotions and confused memories had melded with the Soul Law Body. And as such all of their memories, their lives were absorbed by the Soul Law Body.     

Understanding all the emotions, all the cause and effects of Karma, Destiny and Fate complete the Soul Law Body.     

The soul was not absorbed instead of integrating inside the Soul Law Body     

The soul is like the life of a person. It is not the Soul Body absorbed these souls. It is these soul that absorbed themselves into Azief Law Body.     

They wanted to be remembered when they themselves do not remember.     

Souls are like stories. They yearned to be told. Some of those stories is full of happiness while some are tragic.     

And the Soul Law Body had also integrated the souls of those people that Azief had killed in the past.     

Those souls latch onto him and enters the Soul Law Body, their lives and their resentments is being pacified by the Soul Law Body. The Soul Law Body is like an infinites abodes of heavenly paradises.     

But it could also be the Underworld of infinite torment.     

The Soul Law Body seems to be a heaven and Underworld at the same time for these souls.     

The souls that had latched onto Azief had been able to prevent his Soul Law Body from reaching completion.     

But the moment Azief understand the usage of using his word and the melding of his Laws and concepts into his sword strike while being in accordance with the Heavens of the world, he cut the seals on his body and as such even the cross legged Soul Law Body comprehended it at the same time.     

Those who it could integrate into it were given salvation. But those who could not be integrated into its Body were given swift annihilation.     

 A sword aura that could cut the souls erupted from the Soul Law Body and cut away all of the souls that was full of resentment     

The demons and the human's souls latching onto the Law Body was annihilated into nihility and the storms created by the resentment of these dead things dissipated sucked into the energy of the sword.     

Thus it gained completion.     

As it rises up, it opens its eyes. Inside the eyes of Soul Law Body is the images of the lives of every soul in its beings.     

The statue on the ten steps had already cracked before. But now the crack grows larger and then not before long it crumbles into ashes.     

The statue on the tenth steps is none other than the statue of the Jade Emperor Yu Wang. The moment it crumbles; Yu Wang had been ready.     

While he does not know the content of the conversation between those three powerful mysterious beings at the edges of the Omniverse, he had gain a revelation from the Celestial Venerable of the Primordial Beginning and has been prepared.     

Yu Wang felt the pressure from the Omniverse coming to exact Karma. His long hair floated by itself as a blue aura envelop his entire Three Thousand Worlds.     

But no one notices it other than him. The Karma line stretching out from the Beginning of Time is stretching out from it destroyed fragments of Time is enveloping the Three Thousand World.     

Like Odin is Asgard, the Jade Empire is Yu Wang.     

Tying multiple Universe with the fated Person of Etherna. This is what Odin had realized. This is why he thought of Etherna was ruthless.     

'The karma of an entire race!' at this time Yu Wang eyes open wide as he looks at the Karma lines extending from the Void of Time     

By now, he could guess certain mysteries of the Omniverse and his eyes shows how shocked he is.     

'Etherna!' he muttered     

Then he forcefully calms himself.     

The Queen Mother of the West fly away and from a distance, made hand signs with her fingers.     

 It directs the stars on the Heavens of the Three Thousand World to create a barrier of protection from Karma     

Yu Wang gain his calmness and his regal bearing remain unaffected.     

Dragons comes out from the design of his robe, swirling around his gigantic body that slowly growing as the powers of the stars is trying to endure the burden of Karma     

His Divine Crown shines with majestic power, and the thirteen pearl of the Heavenly Sea emanated a power that reinforce his body.     

He pointed his scepter toward the Karma threads and combined with the power of the stars and the power contained inside the Thirteen Pearls of the Heavenly Sea it smashes toward the Karma line.     

The karma lines had some cuts but it is not destroyed.     

Yu Wang sighed. If he is hit by that, then he could not survive the Havoc of Heaven     

He looks towards the Heavens and his eyes gaze upon the Blessed Abodes of the Awakened One that Attain Oneness with All.     

The Awakened One that Attain Oneness with All then push his palm from his Blessed Universe and a Golden Palm appears and push away the Karma thread dissipating a bit of the Karma.     

He only made one move and he had stopped after helping once.     

The Awakened One that Attained Oneness with All once help the Jade Empire and he had to help once again when the Havoc happens so he should not waste his energies too much     

The Monkey that look at this felt pity that The Awakened One that Attained Oneness with All did not make a second move     

But while the Karma lines have been reduced, it would still affect Yu Wang heavily if that karma were to attach itself with Yu Wang.     

In the Heaven of Jade Purity, the Celestial Venerable of the Primordial Beginning wave his hand and a wind of primordial power blows the Karma lines away and Jade Emperor Yu Wang was spared of the grievous injury that should have befallen on him     

Yu Wang sighed and then returns to his heavenly Palace and secluded himself inside his chamber.     

The Soul Law Body had stand up. Now, there is only three more Law Bodies that needs to stand up. The moment all thirteen stands up, and when Azief fused with all of them, he would come infinitely close to the Sovereign level.     

On the Sealed World, he had stopped laughing and his gaze look back at his front. He then releases two sword light.     

These two sword light travels infinitely fast that it approached the speed of light.     

Before anyone could see the light comes out from the tip of the sword, the light has already cut its target.     

The sword light was directed toward the two other peaks in the Five Element mountain.     

The moment that two peaks was destroyed, the two fingers in the Palm also were destroyed, turning into motes of light and nourishing the world below.     

But the palm did not disappear. Instead what replaces it was an ethereal and translucent outline of the golden palm     

It had all five fingers but it is translucent     

 It is like one blows of wind could washes it away but Azief knows that this is the hardest thing to destroy.     

The translucent form is tied onto something else. Something intangible. One could call it a trace of destiny. Or one could call it Karma.     

Whatever there is, the moment he cut all five peaks, the Monk that was guarding the entrance of the hole slowly stopped his chanting.     

Because a divine sentence sounded out in the ears of the Golden Monk     

The words come from a Blessed Universe.     

'Your work is complete'     

Then as he stopped chanting, his body dissipated like wind, once again reuniting and become one with the Awakened One that Attained Oneness with All.     

The Universal energies seeps down to every corners of this world.     

Azief could guess that in a few years there would be many more people in this world breaking through to grandmaster realm.     

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