Lord Shadow




The ocean is raging even more and the red thunder arcs slither across the clouds, the winds howled and the sound of all these elements of nature going crazy is heaven deafening.     

The Will of the World might not have a mouth and could not speak, but one could still hear the Will of the World in this freak phenomenon that is happening all over the world.     

And everyone could understand its feeling. The rumbling, the shakings and the roars that came from the wind and the sky.     

It is clear that the Will of Heaven is screaming in anger at the Death Monarch     


The Death Monarch laugh is like a declaration of war and also at the same time it also sounds like he was mocking the Will of the World.     

His laugh could even drown the sound of the roaring of the thunders and the screaming of nature.     

And the Will of the World of course would not let that go unpunished.     

The Red Thunderbolts has strikes down     


Red arcs of lightning spread out from Azief body. Azief right now is full of injuries. But even in that vortex of heaven-pressuring red thunderbolts, he laughs.     

His body is surrounded by harmful lightning that is burning his flesh like he is some kind of food that is being grilled on fire.     

But he is still in there looking fearless and undeterred     

Sharp gales of wind assaulted him and blistering hot thunder courses through his already damaged body.     


A great light spread out from the Death Monarch as the center     

The world was silent for a while as the light blinded all. Even Katarina from the far distance could not help but feel her heart shrinks in fear feeling at the impact of the collision.     

Then the light slowly simmers down and to the shock of the world….there he is.     

He is still floating in the sky, one third of his body is charred and black blood is seeping through the cracked scorched skin.     

One of his eyeballs is also crushed because of the pressure of the thunderbolts. His hand is still on his side, unmoving helplessly, like there is no bone in that arm.     

The world has never seen such an injured Death Monarch before. Even during his assassination before, it is only a spear that attacks him.     

'Azief!' Katarina shouted and she once again wanted to rush forward but Azief send her another message with his Divine Sense.     

"Please do not interfere. Success or failure, this is not your fault"     

Azief send the message while grinning at her direction blood is still dripping from his eye hole and Katarina bit her lips and it takes every bit of her trust toward Azief for her to not rush forward.     

The thunder is raging in Azief body, destroying his body defensive measure like an all eating worms     

Azief body is still intact but it is not complete as he has lost many things in that last clash. Now he is blind in one eye.     

His right eyeballs melted.     

Have you ever smell the smell of your own eyeballs being cooked? Azief might probably the only person to experience that?     

It smells a little bit like a fish grill.     

The whole world saw the terrible state of the Death Monarch. Many of the heroes in the world belonging to some factions or organization wanted to help but unable to aid him in battle and could only pray that the Death Monarch will survive this calamity.     

Everybody has forgotten about Sithulran. Because right now the true enemy is the Heavens     

But there are also people like the crime family of the underworld that pray for Death Monarch defeat, hoping for Death Monarch to die in his battle against the heavens.     

All people of the world could only see his suffering but the only thing they could not understand how could the Death Monarch still look at the sky fearlessly and smile?     

Did he become crazy after being struck by the red thunderbolts or is he that confident he would win?     

In the sky, it is gathering more thunderbolts to exterminate Death Monarch.     

But Azief did not move. He is motionless in the sky.     

Hot blood is dripping down from the hole that used to be his eyes, searing his skin and created indentation on its dripping path. Blood is also dripping from his ears and his body emitted smokes from the cracks of his skin     

There is pain of course.     

'Painful' he muttered emotionlessly.     

But painful is a gross underestimation of what he is feeling right now. One third of his body is charred like he is some roasted food as he could smell his own flesh burning.     

And the wind gale that came with the Extermination Lightning is not helping.     

It is sharp and full of extermination essence that it slashes through the molecules bonds that bond together his body.     

It is an attack on the atomic level. This kind of pain, even before the Fall, no one could measure the degree of this pain.     

But in Death Monarch words, it turns into a trite and insignificant pain. Even if the pain is outside this world, he could only endure it.     

Screaming and shouting pain right now would not help him. His mind is focused only on one thing. He is only focused on passing this.     

Because while the world sees only his suffering, only Azief himself knows what he is feeling.     

While the thunder did damage his body, wandering through his flesh and blood like a bulldozer demolishing buildings after buildings Azief felt his vital force were enhanced every step of the way.     

He had never felt such thing before in any of his battle on Earth. After all he knows why he never felt. He knew the problem but he didn't have the solution in the past.     

He was never forced to use the entirety of his physical body.     

In a good way he was invincible. But in a bad way, he could never test the limit of his own body and as such he never got the chance to truly enhance his body.     

Each time his Physique upgraded it took an even larger and more destructive force to make it evolved.     

In the sky, thunders form and another gigantic red thunderbolt is once again formed in the sky.     

Then like before it strikes against Azief with the wrath of Heaven embedded inside it, as the entire sky shakes and ripples.     


A sparkling light of red thunder lights up the entire sky and illuminated the night in certain countries with red line of red streaking color in their dark night sky and for a moment night becomes day     

When the sparkling light of the thunderbolt faded, to the surprise of everyone again, Death Monarch is still there, intact, alive but injured more heavily than before.     

His right arm is no longer there and one could see an empty spot where it used to be his arm and his shoulder has a stump of scorched skin.     

It was burned by the thunder vicious heat and his arm melted off from his body and its fats falls down to the sea below.     

This time the whole world think this matter is getting absurd.     

One time could be considered to be luck but the second time….how could the Death Monarch who look like he is just hanging by a thread is still alive?     

However the people that came to Azief aid slowly realize something. They were the closest to the scene and they are also very sensitive to energy flow.     

Katarina was the first one that notices it because she is the one that pays the most attention to Azief condition.     

And she is also now pursuing the Path of perfection like Azief so she is even more sensitive to energy flow and vital force of life.     

The second person that notices something is out of ordinary is Oreki. He is the farthest away from Azief, yet he is the second person to notice it.     

No one complained because out of all the people that came to help Death Monarch Oreki was the one that used his energy the most to disperse the thunderbolts and took the brunt of the thunderbolts pressure.     

Blood is still dripping from his mouth as his eyes widened in shock. He finally realized what Azief is trying to do     

'He is crazy!' Oreki think in his heart.     

'Is he truly intending to use the Extermination Thunder to do such thing?'     

Raymond and Hikigaya is the last person to realize what the Death Monarch is trying to do. The look at each other and at the same time they realizes it.     

Katarina back away as she decided to trust Azief.     

'I understand what you are doing now' she said to herself as there is a smile on her face.     

She has been holding back the injury accumulated in her body so now that she decided to relax her body, the injury all rushed back to her.     

She back away and would try to calm the chaotic energy inside her body as blood comes out from her eyes and her nose which is instantly frozen by her ice cold energy.     

She looks at that almost dead figure of Death Monarch and she said     

'You better succeed or I will beat you to death' she said to no one in particular.     

The other three people also now slowly understanding the Death Monarch plans fly even more backward, distancing themselves from the site of the heaven smiting.     

They backed away because they could see the clouds in the sky are getting bigger and wider above the head of Death Monarch.     

It is clear that the Will of Heavens is getting angrier as it could not kill Death Monarch even after expending two extermination thunderbolts.     

Death Monarch did seem to be injured heavily…but he is still alive and breathing.     

So, this time whether it be tribulation lightning or extermination lightning it formed and the almost immediately it bombarded Azief again as extermination aura rises up from the Heavens and affect the aura of the Earth     

Heaven and Earth are now going crazy to kill Death Monarch.     

Stroke after strokes of thunder descended upon the body of the Death Monarch yet even when Death Monarch injuries seem to worsen he still is alive.     

The thunder begins to get enhanced and contain more destructive powers as it struck Azief mercilessly and relentlessly.     

Azief left arms also melted off and two thirds of his body is charred black; smoke coming out from his charred flesh and one could smell the scent of his flesh from the black blood dripping out from the cracks of his skin.     

The sea below Azief was also affected as the area below his feet was dried up creating a terrifying sight.     

One part of the sea is dried up that one could see the dry seabed of the sea. But it is only that area. It was like a tunnel was constructed in the middle of the sea that is dry.     

Meanwhile any island near the battle site is charred black, no life seems to be thriving and no life seems to be spared.     

The entire South Atlantic Ocean on the other hand seemed to become a thunder domain as one could see thunderbolts slithering in the deep sea and arcs of lightning covered the surface of the ocean.     

Even with all of this Azief is still on the air.     

Both of his eyes are blind now, and he has no hands right now on both of his arms.     

He looks like he was amputated in both of his arms by a clumsy surgeon leaving a deformed stump on both of his arms     

He has only his shoulders and an ugly stump and even though there is only holes in what use to be his eyeballs, and he has no arms on both of his shoulders, his face is still looking upwards at the direction of the sky and he is laughing with a smile on his face.     

The whole world might not understand but the people in the sky all understand why Azief is laughing and smiling.     

It is not because he had become crazy. It is because he is growing. Even with all of this pain he is growing. He could feel himself getting stronger.     

The four of them could all feel it. Azief vital force is climbing up rapidly.     

His vital force seems ready to explode and shock the world.     


The new chapter. And I will be polling for opinion from this chapter. Which is more preferred one large chapter for one day with a few days without chapter or a small bite sized chapter but everyday there would be one chapter.     

the reason why I cut one chapter to bite sized chapter is because the amount of SS in one read that people have to pay to read it. I actually ask this question before. Anyway, give me your thoughts. And I hope some people would stop spamming the review section     

Anyway, this is the first part of the chapter with 2000 words and more. For ******* the full whole chapter will be posted later this evening.     


If you enjoy it please vote for it and giving some gifts would also be appreciated.     

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