Omega Summoner

A Mountain of a Problem II

A Mountain of a Problem II

0A powerful lightning bolt came down on the eating Behemoth as a loud explosion is heard as the magic attack and the monster collided. Smoke rose in the area as the Behemoth and all the armies are covered in it. The mages believed that they have at least dealt a chunk of the Behemoth's health and stunned it as there were fifty mages casting at the same time.     

"Uwwooh!" The loud cry of the Behemoth erupted as the smoke cleared.     

The large Behemoth emitted a loud battle cry as its rage started to build. One could see that the top part of the Behemoth is somewhat charred as the lightning bolt hit it accurately. The Behemoth could be seen getting redder and redder, but it was not blood.     

[The Behemoth is using Earth Crusher. Do not have contact with the ground below.]     

The Behemoth suddenly emitted a large surge of mana which filled its body. The red coloring was actually the mana in its body boiling with power. It raised one of its legs and suddenly stomped it hard into the ground.     

When the Behemoth stomped its leg on the ground, it made the ground shake furiously that those that were standing on land lost their balance. The players thought that this was the attack of the Behemoth, but they did not know the horror that waited them as the ground did not stop trembling. With a loud burst of rock and gravel, the ground itself suddenly exploded which made lots of casualties.     

The players that did not heed the warning to stay off the ground are suddenly in red health as one skill from the field boss actually brought all their health below 30%. The ones that managed to jump or summon their flying mounts are either safe or injured due to the rock shrapnel that came out of the ground. One would think that the Behemoth would stop there but it is too late as it already noticed that it is humans that attacked it.     

"Uwaoh!" The Behemoth shouted as its whole body suddenly changed to a more bluish color.     

[The Behemoth is using Crystal Barrage. Take cover.]     

The system notification usually says clues on how to evade a boss monster's skills but the system notification that was given to them basically told them to defend. The next attack is basically something that evasion could be impossible or incredibly difficult. It was not only players having a difficult time as even NPCs that are above level 300 could not defend themselves fully.     

The Behemoth then inhaled a lot of air as it suddenly hid itself in its own hard-shell exterior. Adrian did not know that the Behemoth also exhibits movement just like that of a tortoise. When the Behemoth retreated back into its outer shell, blue gems suddenly started growing on its back.     

A few seconds later, the blue gems grew bigger and bigger while some were smaller. There is one thing in common with these crystals and that is their pointed tips. The players already knew that they needed to defend with everything that they got.     

The Behemoth did not even wait for the players and the NPCs to get arranged as it fired off all of the sharp blue crystals that it generated from its back. The sharp blue crystals cut through cheap armor easily as player that joined for easy money died when they got pierced by it. The barrage continued for at least one minute before all of the sharp blue crystals were used.     

Adrian noticed that the armies that have dedicated shield warriors managed to defend perfectly as long as there were no gaps in their defenses. The sharp blue crystals did have a 10% damage penetration, but the shield warriors were healed back up by the priests that came with the subjugation. Adrian also noticed that the priests seem to be more on the Church of Light side compared to other denominations.     

"If the Church of Light were the ones that started this raid, then that means that the angels are involved as well. They would want the Behemoth, but I do not know what part. The safest bet would be the heart but there is something inside the Behemoth's Heart that is worth more." Adrian muttered as he carefully observed the situation.     

Adrian does not know if the next information is true because it is all based on hearsay. Lime, the True Saint player, told him that a Behemoth will crystallize a powerful core when it reaches at least a hundred years. This core is actually one of the ways to create a magic stone that can absorb any elemental magic like a vacuum.     

Adrian believed that the angels would want something like this because they need something to turn the tides against the dragons. The darkness dragons were their greatest problem as they could easily defend against light attribute magic. Numerous angels are easily injured with just one breath attack from a darkness dragon.     

"Regardless, I should interfere when I have to. I just need them to do all the work for me. I am sure that they will start moving once the number of fighters dwindle." Adrian thought as he could feel some hidden angels in the people below him, but he cannot pinpoint their exact number.     

The angels cannot keep up the façade if the number of mortals die at a rapid pace as even, they will not be able to defeat the Behemoth. The angels seem to also know that the Behemoth dislikes aerial opponents as seen by the players with flying mounts dying after ten seconds due to pinpoint accuracy of the Behemoth's special ability called Smack Down.     

"Do not worry brave warriors! The Goddess of Light is with you forever lighting your way! Blessed Light!" One of the priests of the Church of Light shouted as he seemed to be a Deacon or at least a Bishop with how powerful his healing spell was.     

  The damaged warriors started rising up again as they were healed back to full health. Adrian noticed that the players and NPCs that he thought would die earlier are actually fine. It seems that a powerful priest managed to cast a spell that could deter lethal damage as damage over time.     

The warriors cheered as all of them were reverted back to full health as they charged towards the Behemoth. The mages did not stop chanting as the clouds above the Behemoth rumbled once more. The Behemoth could see all the ants that it failed to kill, and it began rampaging even further.     

"Uwaho!" The Behemoth cried as its body is suddenly turning into a dark gray color.     

[The Behemoth is using Continental Quake. Save yourself!]     

For the first time, the notification actually just told the players to save themselves. Such a notification can only be received when there is no absolute way to dodge a skill. The only way for them to save themselves is to use a skill that can negate damage fully.     

"Priests of Light! Cast the Protective Light!" A beautiful woman that is clad in priest clothes suddenly commanded.     

The Pope of the Church of Light, Pristina, is actually present in the scene. She was commanding all of the priests of the Church of Light and is using her human disguise. She made sure that this operation would succeed as she needs this Heart of a Behemoth. She needs it in order to create a powerful artifact that can absorb great power that can even outclass the highest of the angels.     

"Protective Light!" All of the Priests of the Church of Light shouted as a soothing golden light came down on all of the members of the army.     

The Behemoth did not mind the light show that the humans were doing as it was about to release its most powerful move. The Behemoth suddenly jumped ten meters from the ground and released a powerful energy that sent powerful shockwaves in the area. All the barriers that were created by Protective Light shattered like glass upon receiving the brunt force of the shockwave.     

All the warriors got severely impacted by the force of the shockwave as well. This powerful quake and shockwave were actually felt throughout the entire central continent. The power of this attack is no joke as the players were once back to red health levels.     

"Pure Light!" Pristina shouted as a powerful light descended on all of the wounded and healed their health back to full.     

The spell, Pure Light, also increased the defense of all those that were healed by 100% for five minutes. The mages that were still being protected are finally done chanting their spell once more. They all shouted 'Zeus' Hammer' in unison as that is the name of the Legendary spell that they are chanting in unison.     

A powerful bolt of lightning once again descended on the Behemoth, but the field boss did not even move. The Behemoth actually planted its four feet onto the ground as the lightning that it received passed through the ground.     

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