Omega Summoner

Demon Tiger Axe Warrior

Demon Tiger Axe Warrior

0[You used Perfect Assimilation with your soulbound, Kimat.]     

[Kimat's stats will be fused with your stats for the duration of the skill.]     

[Two abilities will be given to you in random.]     

[You have obtained the skill: Silver Thunder Armor]     

[You have obtained the skill: Metallic Copy]     

"It seems I got lucky this time and got the skills that are perfect." Adrian stated as he immediately activated Metallic Copy.     

A silver looking metal oozed out of the ground near Adrian. The silver metal then started to form into a humanoid shape until it is a perfect copy of the current Adrian. Unlike what he thought, the copy is moved by an AI instead of him, but he could still command it.     

The Metallic Copy could understand two commands which is protect and attack. The protect command will make the Metallic Copy shield Adrian from any damage that will strike him. It will not attack the enemy though as it will entirely focus on defending Adrian from attacks.     

The attack command is simple and that it would attack the enemy that Adrian designates. It will have the same moves and attack patterns that Adrian usually uses. He is very curious to see how an AI could copy the way he attacks the others.     

"I am curious if this will also take effect." Adrian stated as he suddenly thought of something even more broken.     

"Limit Break: Summoner!"     

"Nether Domain!"     

"Netheros True Form!"     

Adrian activated all his skills that can turn the tides. He has no choice but to do this as he does not want to suffer. He also needs to safely deliver the six NPCs that are with them in order to gain brownie points from the Mokesi Tribe.     

The surroundings suddenly got covered in Nether mist as Adrian's form also changed. It is not only Adrian's form that changed as all his soulbounds as well. The most surprising thing that changed as well is the Metallic Copy. Adrian is practically beaming with joy upon seeing this because another him in this powerful form could body a boss monster of the same level as him.     

"This will be fun! Attack! But it seems that Sirius' pack member is not affected by the nether mist as it did not transform into a nether monster. Yuki is still affected by the buffs that Sirius has done though. Such a shame that I cannot strengthen a pack member directly." Adrian commanded as all his soulbounds and even his Metallic Copy attacked the Quaint Snowman.     

The Mokesi Tribe members could noy believe what they are witnessing. They could see two titan warriors and titanic monsters pushing around the Quaint Snowman. The most terrifying thing is that they were getting pushed back earlier but now it is the boss monster that is getting pushed around.     

It is not only Adrian that gave his all as even Vayu and Soleil activated their powerful skills. Every time they could hear a buzz in the wind would be Vayu passing through unseen. Soleil also used Regulus in its greatest form which is the antithesis of an Ice Elementa monster. The danger that they initially felt is suddenly gone from their hearts.     

[The Quaint Snowman is now preparing its attack called Avalanche.]     

The Quaint Snowman that is severely melting suddenly exploded with force that knocked the others away a few feet. It suddenly roared as its body suddenly combined with the snow. The Quaint Snowman cannot be targeted suddenly as the surrounding suddenly started to rumble.     

"It has fused with the snow we are standing on." Adrian shouted as he immediately ordered Kanlaon to carry those that cannot fly up the sky.     

"Metallic Copy! Perform Earth Splitter with me." Adrian commanded as both him and his copy jumped to the sky.     

The axe that they are using suddenly glowed as it became twice as big. Adrian made sure to infuse as much nether energy as possible inside the two axes. He and his copy crashed down on the snowy ground at the same time that the Avalanche skill that the Quaint Snowman got activated.     

Contrary to its name of Avalanche, the skill is more like snow eruption as Adrian and his metallic copy got a face full of snow. Thankfully for Adrian, the metallic copy is the one that landed first which is why it tanked most of the damage from the skill. It is a truly fearsome ability because the metallic copy got destroyed upon taking a full hit.     

"That copy has all of my enchantments and buffs, yet it got destroyed immediately. Fortunately, I still have a backup in place. Rewind!" Adrian stated as he reversed the time of the metallic copy.     

The shards of metal that made up the metallic copy are the target of the Rewind Spell. The numerous fragments suddenly floated back up and the scene looked like time is reversed. The destroyed metallic copy got restored back to what it was before getting destroyed.     

"Sirius use Realm Ender!"     

"Kanlaon use Genesis Dragon Breath!     

"Metallic Copy use Nature's Punisher with me."     

Adrian issued commands one after the other as the whole world looked different from the effect of the different skills. Kanlaon fired off his Genesis Dragon Breath at full power and full enchantment towards the Quaint Snowman. Even if it is a level 300 boss monster, getting hit by an attack like that can never be great.     

The next thing that hit it is the two Nature's Punisher that Adriana and his copy performed. The axe became ten times as large which is already great in size since he is in his true form. The moment the two axes landed on the ground where the Quaint Snowman is located, the power erupted from the ground that sent the hulking body of the boss monster flying.     

Sirius did not let this stop as he became even more ominous looking as he attacked the Quaint Snowman as it was still on the air. Soleil then followed with up with a flame tornado to keep it flying. Vayu then finished it off with Storm Execution Slash.     

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