Omega Summoner

The Quaint Snow Golem

The Quaint Snow Golem

0The next few moments could be said to have been done without much problem. The teamwork of all of them got built up with the succeeding opponents. Adrian led the team efficiently as he could although there are still gaps. Thankfully, he could supplement the gaps with his soulbounds.     

Saena might not be able to heal as fast as Levin Cloud could, but she can heal the whole team without worries. The status anomalies could also be easily absorbed by her and also be used against their opponents. Just as they thought it would be smooth sailing towards the pointed direction, a sudden announcement to the three of them shocked their cores.     

[The outer and middle part of the Quaint Snowfields has been transformed into an Anomaly Dungeon.]     

[All monsters inside the forbidden zone field will be part of the temporary Anomaly Dungeon.]     

Anomaly Dungeons are a new type of dungeons that are created in Pandemonium. It is a rare type of dungeon that has different types to activate. It is also a dungeon that is different from an instance dungeon that can only be created when you have a quest.     

Anomaly dungeons are special dungeons that can transform a field dungeon momentarily. It would swallow everyone in the area and even the one that activated the Anomaly Dungeon could clear it. It is a great concept to make the game even more chaotic and fun.     

The concept of Anomaly Dungeons based on the things posted in the patch notes are rifts in the world that change the concept of time and space. Ever since a dark god managed to touch down on the world, rifts of different worlds suddenly started to leak out into the world. As the different worlds were once connected to the main world, objects related to the other worlds can pull the rift closer to their location.     

It has been long since that patch, but this is the first time that Adrian experienced an Anomaly Dungeon. Even the forum only knows a handful of them since you cannot generate an Anomaly Dungeon forcefully. The fact that the Great Frost Memory Crystal is the thing that triggered the Anomaly Dungeon is pure coincidence.     

He would have welcomed such a thing, but he is not confident in a Forbidden Zone. All the monsters that will populate the dungeon would be from the forbidden zone. What is even scarier is the fact that they will be 10% stronger than before.     

The snow suddenly shot up to the sky and swallowed all of them inside the dungeon. The effect of the High Ice Elemental is still in effect which is why they are safe from the respective debuffs. The only problem that he faces now is the increased strength of the monsters.     

He also has NPCs that he needs to worry about which makes it even more difficult. He actually thinks it is a blessing that it was not Crystal that accompanied them or else she might have died. Adrian explained the situation to the others as an Anomaly Dungeon does not have an exit as it can only vanish once it gets cleared.     

"I would have to make sure that no one dies on my watch. If I can deliver their warriors safely then they might help me later. I should get as many brownie points as possible. An all-out war is not that far in thought with the way things are heading." Adrian thought.     

"Everyone, be sure to stick close to me as we do not know what might happen inside. I will not be able to help you if you stray too far. Sirius, scout ahead of us." Adrian stated.     

Sirius suddenly stepped out of Adrian's shadow while he summoned Charon and Dodu. He needs to thread carefully as the damage that they get in the dungeon is mainly magical in nature. Although, physical damage is also great due to some monsters that tend to charge attacks.     

Sirius suddenly reported back that something is following him. Adrian borrowed Sirius' eyes to see the enemy and it was huge. It could be called a titan as it is about ten meters tall. If it was that tall then it would have been difficult to hide but it emerged from the snow when Sirius stepped on it.     

"Everyone! Get ready! An enemy is coming with great force." Adrian commanded as the people in the team prepared their weapons.     

The members of the Mokesi Tribe no longer see Adrian as inexperienced as he basically did two things at one. Adrian was both the leader of the party and the scout. Both roles need to be trusted in order for the party to survive which is why they are now giving him the undying trust as much as they can.     

"Sirius! Stand in front of us." Adrian commanded.     

The Mokesi Tribe thought that Adrian would sacrifice one of his soulbounds to stop whatever is charging at them. They can determine that the one chasing after Sirius is great in stature. The snow that it is blowing away is basically five meters in height. The thing that is following Sirius could be described as a large ball that looked like two igloos that formed a sphere.     

Sirius stopped about ten meters away from the group while the rolling igloo ball is about fifty meters away. The speed of the igloo ball started to speed up and would crash against Sirius in a matter of seconds. Just as the igloo ball hit Sirius, Dodu suddenly glowed and Sirius as well.     

A golden glow covered Sirius while Dodu's large health pool suddenly dropped to 50%. Only magical damage could damage Dodu or a skill that can ignore his physical immunity which is extremely rare.     

"It has combined magical and physical damage, but the latter is more powerful." Adrian stated as concluded that the golem is a mixed damage being like the other.     


Monster Name: Quaint Snow Golem     

Tier: Epic     

Level: 300     

HP: 100%     

MP: 0/0     

Description: A Snow Golem created by an ice mage back then that has been transformed due to the prolonged exposure in the Quaint Snowfields. It is made up of the magic snow that the Quaint Snowfields have which is why it can deal magic damage to those that make contact with it. It is extremely territorial as it was made to guard the dying breath of the mage that created it.     


The igloo ball stopped in front of Sirius as he tanked the hit thanks to Dodu. Sirius immediately started to attack the Quaint Snow Golem physically, but the damage is minimal. The lost body part is also supplemented by the snow around it.     

"Greater Summon: Kanlaon!" Adrian shouted as Dodu returned back to the Soul Chamber.     

All of Adrian's soulbounds attacked the Quaint Snow Golem before it could attack them. Sirius used the shadows to deal magic damage, Kanlaon fired his breath attack and Charon immediately connected its chains to them and started to slowly absorb the health of the Quaint Snow Golem.     

The Mokesi Tribe members thought that they were getting sacrificed since the undead tethered them to it, but they soon learned the truth. A thin barrier started to coat them, and they instinctively knew that it came from the undead. The huge casket is throwing them off but the soon got accustomed to it.     

Soleil chose to not summon Regulus immediately as she needed to save that skill for later. Since the half-elementals do not use mana to cast spells as they have infinite amounts of it, they are still restricted to the area they are in. Inside the Quaint Snowfields, the number of fire elementals are small which is why Soleil needs to be intelligent in using her skills as well.     

She used fireballs to deal great damage to the Quaint Snow Golem while Vayu used his wind mastery to ignite the flames even further. Since elementals use natural forms of magic, the elemental energy that they create also succumb to the laws of physics in that world. It is also the reason why inventors love to be in contact with elementals.     

A barrage of attacks hit the Quaint Snow Golem, but it showed no signs of reacting. It only started to react when its health dropped to 90% in one instance. The igloo ball suddenly spun around and created a snow wave that blurred the vision of everyone present.     

"Charon! Soul Imprisonment!" Adrian hurriedly commanded as the chains attached to all of the party members suddenly pulled them inside the casket.     

Adrian touched Charon and used Blink to get away from the scene. The next thing that he heard is a large explosion that also blown him away despite using Blink three times to gain distance. The Soul Imprisonment ended abruptly after as curious gazes suddenly looked at Adrian.     

They did not know why he suddenly pulled them to a pocket dimension, but the answer is right in front of their eyes. A large crater that is ten meters deep with the Quaint Snow Golem in the middle could be seen.     

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