Omega Summoner

Continental Council IV

Continental Council IV

0The ones in front and those behind Adrian are now pointing their weapons at him. He more or less thought that something like this might happen as he knows that fear planted on people for generations cannot be easily erased. The guards of each representative might be pointing their weapons at them but there is still lingering fear in their eyes.     

"Everyone, please calm down." Elizabeth Shark stated as she did not see this coming as well.      

"Is this the so-called Continental Council? Are all of you in favor of this? I thought that everyone is equal in this council, but it seems that the elite few are really the ones that are pulling the string." Adrian stated as he stood up and looked around him.     

Some of the representatives could be clearly seen confused while some chose to be silent. Those that are silent must have been at least briefed of this situation since they are not showing a confused expression. The ones with the confused expression are from those that have territories in the far reaches of the lands where help could be barely possible.     

"Do not twist our words, demon! You should be glad that you are offered a seat here. If you will not bend to the will of the council, then we will use you as a hostage for your race to agree." One of the representatives from the second row stated.     

"What is this outrage! Does the council not hear to the voice of reason? The Daemos Representative merely stated the terms that he wants." One of the representatives from the upper row stated as they can now see that the rick kingdoms are definitely just trying to use their manpower.     

"Is this also the choice of the merchant guild?" Adrian asked Elizabeth Shark, but she rebuke that the merchant guild is part of this shenanigan.     

"Just be obedient demon or else you will never see the light of day." One of the representatives stated.     

"Are all of you confident because this area is sealed with great magic that prevents casting of spells?" Adrian stated calmly.     

"You are correct! You better surrender as escape is no longer an option for you." Another representative from the first row stated which made Adrian giggle.      

He never gets inside a location unless he knows that there is always an exit. That habit has been ingrained in his mind and he swore to never forget this virtue. The last time that he did not think things over and acted out of impulse landed him in the hospital.     

"I guess all of you also forgot that I am the Champion of the Twin Gods." Adrian stated as both life and death energy started to swirl around him which made him even more menacing.     

"Do you think that we are not prepared for that. I bet your church will follow us willingly if we hold you captive." A representative chimed in.     

"Oh! I am not saying that because I will use the power of the Church to stop you. You see, I am closer to death than life at the current moment. I have special eyes that can detect the remaining life expectancy of any people. Let me tell you! All of your days are numbered, and I am not joking when I say that." Adrian stated as he looked at everyone with his evil eyes that can peer into the soul of everyone.     

"Your threats do not scare us." A representative stated but the fear in their voice could be heard which made Adrian smile.     

"Enough of this! Capture him." A representative from the first row commanded and all guards moved forward.     

"Stop this at once!" Elizabeth Shark stated but her plea is no longer heard. Even the guards of the merchant guild did not move which means someone from their organization has already been briefed about this as well.     

The ones in the upper bleachers wanted to say their grievances as well but they are outnumbered in terms of guards. The ones that could sense the energy from Adrian did not move as they knew that he will be fine. The Daemos are not feared for a reason, and they could feel that the representative is not a normal member of their race.     

"Let us see. Is it just me or the gravity in this room suddenly got heavier?" Adrian stated as he told Onyx to not attack them. He does not want to kill all of them unnecessarily as only the ones acting haughty yet of moderate power are moving. Those that are really powerful in their own right are just looking at him.     

The whole room suddenly felt heavy as the gravity intensified to such a great degree. Those that are near Adrian could be seen kneeling down while the representatives that can only run their mouth have their face plastered on the floor. They could not even raise their heads, but Adrian told Paradox to control this.     

"I think that we have already overstayed our welcome for this meeting. We shall be on our way. The next time you go for our help then the price would be at a discounted price. One hundred gold per person." Adrian stated but that discounted price is basically something more expensive than teleportation per army.     

The gravity around the lower rows is still affecting them while Adrian and Onyx just waltz away. The ones that could move easily did not bother stopping them as they do not want their face being planted on the floor. The guards at the door did try and stop them but Onyx easily swatted them away like flies.     

"I told you to conserve your strength as they are not worthy of using our full power." Adrian stated as he also did not want to kill NPCs for just doing their job.     

"You already stopped me from rampaging there. At least let me have some fun." Onyx stated.     

"Just do not kill them." Adrian stated as Onyx destroyed the door filled with numerous protection spells.     

Onyx destroyed it by using about 80% of his strength which is quite a feat and just shows how strong the protections placed on it. Onyx could do this because he has mastered the power to destroy everything through the use of force. Even Bronx said that his son is more talented than him when it comes to using force.     

When the door suddenly got destroyed, the other guards got alarmed but Adrian can finally use the spell that can easily let them escape. He could not use it earlier because he might create an unnecessary time rift from the density of the mana inside the stadium.     

"Time Stop!" Adrian stated as he snapped his fingers, and all things came to a halt.     

Since Onyx is also a Daemos, he can move but at a slower motion. It seems that every being could be affected by Time Stop as even Onyx gets affected by it. Onyx only moved at his normal pace when he covered himself with temporal energy.      

"I am actually surprised that you could use such an advance spell." Onyx stated as he knows that only Arch Demons could use this spell by themselves.     

"This is the things I picked up from Koronn. I guess that should be the payment of being their errand boy for some time." Adrian stated while seeing Onyx being a bit depressed.     

"I can no longer wreak havoc. It is no fun battling opponents that cannot move." Onyx stated as he walked to the entrance with Adrian.      

"You will have your fun when we battle the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." Adrian stated.     

"Battle? I thought we rejected their alliance?" Onyx stated.     

"We did but they are desperate for our help. Do you think the dragons will carry them over to other continents when the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse show themselves? We are basically their only way of transportation, and they know that. They will come begging to the territory but there should still be some dumb people that will try something funny." Adrian stated.     

"No wonder the old man Ascalor likes you. You basically have his nefarious mind. My old man told me that old man Ascalor was not that calm when he was young. He was basically a great troublemaker that outwits everyone." Onyx stated.     

The two casually chatted and reached the outside. The effects of Time Stop also receded when they reached the outside. Those that were going around the establishment of the merchant guild suddenly got surprised as two demons suddenly appeared out of nowhere.     

One child even innocently came over to Adrian and wanted to touch his horns, but his parents stopped him. Adrian paid it no heed as the child is merely curious and meant no harm. So, he tapped the forehead of the child and recited the prayer of blessing that is taught in the Church of the Twin Gods.     

"May the Twin Gods bless such a beautiful and innocent soul. May you remain pure of heart until the end of your days." Adrian stated as he blessed the child and unknowingly changed the fate of a child NPC.     

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