Omega Summoner

Owner of the Tiny Titan

Owner of the Tiny Titan

0A beam of golden light is seen from the distance as a gigantic golden snake like figure erupted from the ground. The gigantic golden snake like figure had a three-meter-tall humanoid in its mouth while four individuals hugged it tightly in fear of falling down.     

"Prisoner 549!" The royal mage shouted as she saw her slave in the mouth of a golden dragon.     

When the Tiny Titan heard the voice of its master, it erupted with strength and tried to escape from Kanlaon's mouth. Kanlaon could feel its mouth being opened as he could not bite the enemy. He decided to just let Prisoner 549 go by spitting it out of his mouth.     

Prisoner 549 is sent crashing down to the ground which made half the kingdom tremble which is a testament to how powerful the Tiny Titan is. The royal mage is rather distraught though as the constraints that she used on her slave are all broken. Without those constraints, she will not be able to perfectly control her slave, but it will have great power in return.     

She is still glad that the slave collar is still in effect on Prisoner 549 as she could at least stir her in the direction she wanted. There might be some casualties on her side though as even she will not be able to perfectly command her slave now that it lost its reason.     

Kanlaon immediately flew towards Adrian's location as it heard the command of its master. Kanlaon opened his mouth as six magic circles of different elements fused together in front of its mouth. He then fired his dragon breath towards the Eternal Barrier that contained Adrian, but it remained undisturbed.     

"Big Brother! Papa is bound by chains." Soleil stated as she pointed at the chains that bounds Vayu.     

Adrian could more or less guess the details and immediately sent his flying spear to but through the chains. The spear cut through the chains, but it also sapped the remaining strength needed for Adrian to maintain his Primordial Stance. The spear vanished as the chains broke but Vayu is now freed from his restraints.     

Torrents of wind filled the area as Vayu could now feel that his abilities are returning to him. Vayu immediately took out his katana from his inventory and held it in a stance. He jumped in the sky, and he could be seen walking in air. Numerous wind elemental energy is collected in his katana as he prepared to do a quick draw.     

"Storm Cutter!" Vayu stated as he suddenly vanished from his location and appeared behind the mages that trapped Adrian.     

The mages that trapped Adrian did not see what happened but the barrier that protected them suddenly got cleanly sliced into two. When the barrier got destroyed, Kanlaon opened his mouth once more, but he looked at the mages this time around. The mages immediately that their life is in danger, but they could not abandon their duty.     

They tried to protect themselves, but the power of a dragon's breath is not something that could be easily blocked. Numerous mages fell from the sky and the Eternal Barrier started to blink in and out of existence. The players that wanted to attack Adrian from the sky all escaped as they did not want to face the wrath of a dragon.     

[Your soulbound, Kimat, has been heavily injured.]     

Adrian looked below and saw that the Tiny Titan is now attacking Kimat and even Dodu's damage transfer could not transfer all the damage since other attacks are still pouring onto him. Adrian has already got what they came here for which is why he immediately deactivated the Limit Break skill even if only a minute was left.     

All his soulbounds that were summoned using the Limit Break skill returned to his Soul Chamber while he also unsummoned Kimat. Prisoner 549 roared as it saw that its target is no longer in front of it. The Tiny Titan then vented its rage on the surroundings instead which made the Royal Mage use her magic to once again restrain it.     

"Let us get out of here." Adrian stated as he opened a Dimensional gate that led back to intersection of the kingdoms.     

The Royal mage tried to stop Adrian and his companions from escaping but she was occupied with controlling her slave. If Prisoner 549 rampages, then the kingdom that she has on the palm of her hands would be turned to dust. With the severe damages to her kingdom, she needed to recuperate as a number of soldiers are injured while mages are either dead or injured.     

The players all frowned as the promised reward that they wanted could never be taken anymore. They released their rage on the forums because the Demon just appeared in the kingdom that they are operating to thrash it. There have been others that defended Adrian though as some learned that a secret prison is located in the kingdom.     

Despite some saying what Adrian did is justified, players that view him as a threat could now see how much damage he could do. Even if that kingdom is not that big compared to others that have legendary tier NPCs, he still went and played around with numerous mages. He even made a Royal Mage scared of him to the point of using a Mythical Tier spell.     

The guilds that limited in recruiting summoners have now started to greed for an individual like the demon. They thought that he was only powerful because of his race but his soulbounds were actually as powerful field bosses. The synergy of his soulbounds also made it difficult to even kill them.     

The top ranked guilds suddenly wanted to get their hands on the summoners of high rank. They wanted a one-man army like Equinox. The summoners in turn got immense motivation to become more powerful when they saw the potential that could be them. They saw Adrian's soulbounds as the future of their very own soulbounds as well.     

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