Omega Summoner

Demon Behind the Scenes III

Demon Behind the Scenes III

0"The angels have left the building. Let us move in." Adrian chatted in the group chat they made.     

This time, they are not operating inside of a dungeon or restricted in using the chat, so they made sure to abuse it. Once the group got the signal, they laid wait in the designated locations that they are placed.     

"Let us go to the castle." Adrian stated towards Awraka as she is currently covering them with Dark Veil as they made sure to move only at sundown.     

"Affirmative. Please follow closely so that you will always be in the effect of the Dark Veil." Awraka replied as her shy personality finally changed to that of a serious one.     

Adrian has a bit of trouble following Awraka as her movement speed is actually superior to him. Adrian needed to activate Chrono Shift and even summon Sirius just to follow closely to her. She moved without any buffs which made Adrian increase his evaluation of her. His sister rarely praises people unless they are extremely talented after all.     

The effect of the Dark Veil also piqued Adrian's interest as it is basically using the darkness in the surroundings. It is not like Sirius or Nightshade that uses shadows as their medium, but Awraka uses the actual darkness to obscure their surroundings. If anyone from the outside looks at them, they will just see an obscure shadow that is difficult to perceive.     

"No wonder the Shade race could easily hide but they are still troubled against the persecution of the angels." Adrian thought as darkness would disappear once light shines upon them which is why Angels that control light is their worst nightmare. They can escape but they can be easily seen when the light is reflected or shined on them.     

Adrian and Awraka did not have difficulty coming to the private office of the king as Awraka already found out about it. She managed to get a blueprint of the castle in the hidden records of the kingdom as the angel were not particularly interested in that area. The angels only focused on the kings as they are the ones in charge despite threatening the other nobles as well.     

The first kingdom that they picked is the one that will be longest to travel if the angels return. It is located about a hundred kilometers from Avalon and is actually separated with a dense forest. Sirius made it easy to traverse the forest and evade the monsters inside, so they easily lessened the time for travel.     


"The angel is gone, father. You can now breathe easy for now. It seems that a devil appearing is actually a blessing for us." The crown prince stated as he met with his father.     

"I did not think that I would agree to that statement. Our ancestors would have scorned us if they heard that." The king stated as he chuckled weakly.     

The angel is pressuring him always and watching him to the point that he is almost driven to insanity. He did not want to attack Avalon and incur the wrath of the demons that are not doing anything to them. He is a king that ruled wisely which is why his people do not revolt despite the food situation that they are experiencing. He even opened the food storages of the castle just to feed the people at least once a day since they are the reason on why the kingdoms run afloat.     

He has been approached by other 'cursed individuals'(players) in offering their aide but he refused them. He has seen what they did to the other kingdoms that they became a noble of. Those cursed individuals do not die permanently which is dangerous if they have no sense of loyalty to the crown.     

The king of this kingdom did not hail from royalty but became king due to his achievements. He married the princess of the kingdom he grew up in when he became a legendary tier knight. Thankfully, the previous king wanted the safety of his own family instead of his influence being bigger which is why he wanted his daughter to marry a strong man instead of a prince from a neighboring country.     

He might have become a king that sat in a throne, but his senses have yet to dull. This is also the reason why the angel that guarded him did not resort to violence as the angel knew that she will also sustain damage if they fought. He was only threatened of a whole angelic army burning his kingdom to the ground if he did not comply.     

"Who is there!?" The king stated as he looked at the corner of his private office. He also expanded his aura to try and pressure the ones that suddenly entered his private office.     

"As expected of the Knight King Jerrick." Adrian stated as he told Awraka to cancel the effects of Dark Veil.     

The king immediately pulled his sword when he saw the two of them appear. The crown prince also pulled his sword, but they did not realize that the room has already been partially sealed off using Adrian's magic. It was a magic that Ascalor taught him called Sealed Room which only lasts for five minutes.     

"A demon! Are you here to kill us because you know of the news that were planning to attack!?" The crown prince stated.     

"I wanted to observe the situation if you were really pressured into accepting the rude demands of those glowing birds and thankfully you passed." Adrian stated with a smile.     

"What do you mean passed?! Did you summon a devil to distract the angels!?" King Jerrick stated.     

"That is correct. Those glowing birds are planning something, and I wanted to get to the bottom of it." Adrian stated as he took out a chair from his inventory to sit on. He exuded the aura of a partial Asmodian as he did so to not look weak in front of the king despite being lower leveled than him.     

"What would you do if we were to fail?" King Jerrick asked.     

"If you really did fail and were actually wholeheartedly supporting the angels then we will wipe out the army you raise against us. Also, you should not trigger that magic scroll to call for your Royal Mage as I sealed this room for now." Adrian stated as the Cube of Paradox suddenly flew towards King Jerrick and burnt the magic scroll.     

"So, what are you going to do to us?" King Jerrick asked as he is ready to fight to the death to protect his son. As long as his son survives, the future of the kingdom is in good hands.     

"Nothing really. I really just came here to see your situation. If you behave, then I might give you a better proposition than what those angels gave you." Adrian stated.     

"So, I am now forced to either side with a Demon or an Angel. To think that the day would come that I will get pressured into this." King Jerrick stated with a hearty chuckle as he did not expect something like this while he is alive.     

"You are free to refuse though as I am not forcing you. I am just telling you that you will lose even with your combined armies. The demons do not meddle with human affairs willingly but aggression towards us is also not allowed." Adrian stated as he exuded the dignity of an Asmodian which made all those in the room feel the pressure.     

He might be a Greater Demon now, but he is still on the verge of becoming an Arch Demon. He just needs the necessary materials to actually increase his Persona. He is missing that one thing that can break the wall blocking him from becoming an Arch Demon.     

"Fine. Tell me what your proposition is." King Jerrick stated as he receded his aura to make it clear that he means no harm.     

"In exchange of giving you aide in food, make sure that the war does not happen. Of course, you need to pay for the food, but we will offer it to you at half the price. This offer will only be valid until the Horsemen of the Apocalypse are killed." Adrian stated with a smile.     

In fact, even if they pay for a quarter of the price, Adrian will not take a loss as he learned that the food grown in his territory is too abundant. Abundant to the point that he is getting so much money from selling the excess. The only problem is that he also burns money in the process as his territory needs development.     

"How can I be sure that you will hold this end of the deal?" King Jerrick asked as this was the thing that he needed the most. He desperately needed more food as the food storages of his castle is also depleting fast.     

"Shall we make an oath to the God of Death?" Adrian stated which shocked King Jerrick.     

"The God of Death does not answer oaths unless you are a high official to his church." King Jerrick stated as an oath mediated with the God of Death results in death if broken.     

"He will answer because I am his Champion." Adrian stated which suddenly made King Jerrick answer the question that he forgot to ask.     

"Are you the Champion of the Twin Gods?" King Jerrick asked as he knows from the accounts of the newly reformed Church of the Twin Gods that their champion is actually a demon. They also know that this Champion is the Lord of Avalon and the patron of the Tree of Life and Death.     

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