Omega Summoner



0[Artica has been Marked for Death by the Slayer.]     

[All attacks and spells against Artica will deal 25% more damage for the duration. This effect doubles for the Slayer.]     

The skill used by Nightshade is something that is incredibly useful and broken. This is the perks of the job class called Slayer as his job class is made to kill not just monsters but any person. The fact that it could increase the damage of any source by 25% and double that for the Slayer is quite something.     

The duration of the Marked for Death skill is supposed to be twenty minutes, but it is halved due to the one being marked considered as a mythical tier NPC. As soon as all the players received the notification about the status of their opponent, they suddenly went from scared bunny to hungry tiger.     

Even Artica noticed this as she got more damage than normal when spells from the others affected her. Her health started to drop at a rapid pace, but she has yet to pass the threshold of being unable to think. Her health immediately dropped to 60% due to the combined attacks of the priests.     

Even the priests from the Church of Light started attacking her wholeheartedly as they did not get a revelation that they need to help her. She may have gotten their assistance at first, but it seems that the angels are now abandoning her now that they are done with her. Due to this, Artica became slightly enraged and targeted the priests from the Church of Light first.     

The other players just thought that they were targeted first because of the damage they deal to her, but it is actually due to their betrayal. If it is due to the damage, then Artica would have targeted Levin Cloud instead as his damage is what made her lose lots of health with the aid of the priest players from the Church of the Twin Gods.     

The priest players from the Church of the Twin Gods are getting an indirect buff just because both their champion and envoy are fighting with them. They received two special notifications that made them almost worship the two.     

[You are in the battlefield with the Champion of the Twin Gods, you will deal 50% more damage to any enemy that the champion hits first.]     

[You are in the battlefield with the Envoy of the Twin Gods, you will have increased spell power by 30% and have a 10% chance to trigger your spells twice.]     

Due to this buff, the curses that they applied to Artica sometimes stacks twice. Their damaging spells would deal more damage and their heals are also increased which led to tanks or frontliners surviving. This effect is also strengthened by whatever area of effect support spell that Levin Cloud casted.     

The viewers that saw this noticed that the priests from the Church of the Twin Gods seemed to have become more proactive. They even doubted that they were not pulling their weight earlier and wanted to impress Equinox and Levin Cloud because they have high positions in their church.     

What impressed the audience the most is the change that Nightshade experienced as he moved different from before. He used to move like an assassin before due to his job class, but the Slayer job class is different. The Slayer job class is like a combination of a warrior class and an assassin class.     

Nightshade now has the sturdiness of an ordinary warrior with the high burst damage of an assassin. He proactively moved in the battlefield to the point that he always gathered the aggro from Artica. He only deactivated the aggro against him when he suddenly vanishes into the shadows.     

He would then leave Artica bewildered as she could not attack him for thirty seconds. He would then reappear when Artica's attention is shifted to a different player. Whenever he attacks Artica after coming out of stealth, he will deal three times his normal damage, but it only applied to physical attacks.     

The most notable way that Nightshade fought is by suddenly creating a domain that can only be used by beings of the Shadow World. He actually used Shadow Domain against Artica that rooted the latter to the ground. He also passively created four shadow clones of himself that copied whatever he does.     

Due to the Shadow Domain and the combined attacks of everyone, it did not take long for Artica to go below 30% health. As soon as this happened, she suddenly glowed in a dark green light with her eyes glowing red as she entered her berserk mode. She also created ten dark tornadoes around her and sent it towards everyone that attacked her.     

Some players died due to the strong attack as Kabrakan cannot protect all of them due to the distance. Some survived thanks to the healing of the priests while some are just lucky not to be hit by the tornadoes. Artica then entered her second phase with visible changes to her body as it started to become corrupted.     

Artica sprouted a second pair of wings on her back but this one is not identical to her previous set of wings. The second set of wings looked like corrupted insect wings and created ultrasonic waves that harm those that are near her. Sirius got unknowingly injured when he tried to sneak attack.     

"God Slaying Slash!" Nightshade stated as he suddenly got covered in an intense amount of bloodlust.     

He got covered by his own bloodlust and immediately became a red silhouette. The only thing noticeable about him is the scythe that he is carrying. If not for the scythe, then no one would have recognized Nightshade. Artica emitted a loud screech upon recognizing the bloodlust directed at her and launched herself towards Nightshade.     

The effects of the Marked for Death have yet to diminish and that is what Nightshade aimed for. He is thankful that Artica lost her mind like a wild animal and is now flying towards him. He vanished from his spot and appeared ten meters in front of his previous location.     

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