Omega Summoner



0"I will be sure to help your clansmen get out of these awful tornadoes. We will free them from the spell that the dark sorceress has applied to this land." Nightshade stated as looked at the Chief Artica with great determination.     

"Thank you. I have asked all the inhabitants of the north for their help, but they do not answer my call. To think that you noble adventurers will be the one that answer my plea. May the Great God of the Frigid Cold bless you warriors." Chief Artica stated as she applied a spell to all of them to increase their cold resistance.     

Since Nighshade knew that he does not have great priests in his guild, he needed to hire mercenaries. In fact, he hired three priests that are from the Church of the Twin Gods and two from the Church of Light. The priests of each church might not be the best of friends due to the history with the Church of Death, but they willingly cooperated for money.     

"Are you sure that it is not a curse?" Nightshade once again asked the priests from the Church of the Twin Gods. They are experts in detecting curses because it is magic that tampers with the state of one's life.     

"We have tried to sense it every hour but the situation here is definitely not due to a curse. You can see the trees in this frigid north still standing tall despite the cold. If this land is cursed, then even the trees would rot from the effects of the magic." The dark elf priest player stated as he leaned more towards Death attribute Magic.     

"I agree with my friend. This place is teeming with life as well which means everything is natural. Nothing is wrong with the flow of life." A wood elf priest player stated as he scanned the surroundings with life attribute magic.     

"You guys are clearly wrong as this type of thing is not natural. You tree huggers should go out more instead of your fancy forests and floating islands. Just wait young master as we will definitely dispel this curse." A priest player from the Church of Light stated.     

"Stop fighting as we need to conserve as much energy we need. Also, I pay you guys to support me." Nightshade stated as he tried to inspect the area in the Shadow World.     

He disappeared from sight and reappeared in a world that is completely pitch black. What is interesting is the fact that the area in front of him in the Shadow World is actually empty land that he cannot traverse. He already encountered this type of situations as it is similar to dungeons since he cannot enter them via the shadow world.     

"How powerful is that sorceress that she actually managed to separate the area to a different space? It seems that her grudge ran deep to the point of trapping the Snow Owl beastkin on the other side." Nightshade stated as he resurfaced back to the mortal realm.     


"How far are we?" Adrian asked Kabrakan.     

"I am not sure because the signal is faint." Kabrakan replied.     

"Maybe we should hit him a few times so that he can sense things better. That is what my dad does when electronics are not working especially when they release signals." Levin Cloud stated to loosen the atmosphere.     

"Maybe I should hit you as well so that you can get fixed." Peridot added as she looked at Levin Cloud with glare. She is already getting tired of his dad jokes.     

"We passed through with ease and even evaded some of the monsters thanks to Kanlaon's aura, but we have yet to find the location of the beastkin settlement." Adrian stated as he already summoned Sirius and Saena to help him locate a populated settlement.     

"I am not wrong in pointing the direction, but I cannot lock onto it as it is faint. It feels as if something is blocking me from fully pinpointing it." Kabrakan stated.     

As he tried focusing his senses, he suddenly felt a huge tingle in his spine as the energy that he was fainlt sensing suddenly spiked. He immediately pointed to a place that is about 20 degrees from their current path. He definitely felt something there but that also meant something might have happened if he suddenly sensed something that powerful.     


"Let us show you what the Church of Light can do when it comes to curses." One of the priests stated as he pulled out a crystal that had angel wings iced inside of it.     

In fact, it is not a coincidence that they were recruited for this quest as they were commanded by the servants of the God of Light to assist Nightshade. The angels came down for them and instructed them to help Nightshade in his quest. All of the Church of Light priests in the current expedition team is actually instructed the same but only the two of them survived until here.     

"O Great Light Goddess, Luminaria, we beseech thee to aide us in purifying this vile land from the corruption. Send us your messenger to smite the curse on this land." The two priests from the Church of Light shouted as they poured their divine power into the crystal.     

The crystal suddenly floated upwards in dazzling light as the crowd are awed. The crystal suddenly exploded into numerous fragments as a humanoid being with wings came out of the gate that the crystal made. A bit far from the crowd, a faint smile could be seen from Chief Artica.     

The crowd became speechless as the two priests from the Church of Light actually summoned an Archangel which are the chosen creation of the Goddess of Light. Even the two are surprised as they did not expect that an archangel will appear as they thought only an angel might appear. The two priests from the Church of Light looked at the three priests from the Church of the Twin Gods with smug expressions.     

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