Omega Summoner

Aspect of the Dark God that Slumbers in the Sea III

Aspect of the Dark God that Slumbers in the Sea III

0[You have obtained the Sea Storm Armor due to your connection with the Splash of the Wilde.]     

[You can now traverse underwater without the use of special items or skills as long as you are wearing the Sea Storm Armor.]     

[You have gained the Friend of the Sea title.]     

[You have upgraded Princess Ariella to a Legendary tier individual.]     

[You have been awarded +10 to all stats due to your achievement.]     

"I did not think that I would get free stats with choosing Princess Ariella. I also got decked in a new armor but why did the Soil of the Wilde not give me an armor?" Kabrakan thought as he is now decked in new gear that gives him the ability for underwater combat.     

"I did not think that I would be chosen! This is the best day of my life." Princess Ariella muttered as she suddenly had a look at the battlefield. She then saw that Ursalla has returned, and her father is injured.     

With the new abilities that Princess Ariella obtained, she immediately started to show her new might. The replica of the Splash of the Wilde suddenly rotated in a fast motion and the barrier that was broken by the leviathans started to repair itself. Princess Ariella knows that if the barrier returns then the chances of them winning is increased.     

The Aspect of the Dark God that Slumbers in the Sea saw this and decided to swat the new fly that appeared as it might lose connection to its current body if the barrier is fully returned. The Aspect of the Dark God that Slumbers in the Sea sent a punch towards Princess Ariella, but Kabrakan lifted his two shields that looked like fish scales to block the attack towards the princess.     

Kabrakan managed to block the attack as easy as if he is on land. The new armor that he received has certainly been blessed to have great maneuverability underwater. He did not even get knocked back as much because the water around him acted like a cushion. He still got more damage than what he normally gets when he absorbs a hit.     

"I will protect you, princess. Continue with raising the barrier once again." Kabrakan stated as he acted as a great guardian for Princess Ariella. He really did act as the hero that she once imagined that will be chosen by the treasure.     

Seeing that its own attacks cannot stop the princess, the Aspect of the Dark God that Slumbers in the Sea commanded Ursalla to focus her attack on Princess Ariella first. Adrian could feel that the bloodlust released at him shifted to another target which he found a bit degrading as the enemy is looking down at him.     

"Let me try this new combination then. Perfect Assimilation: Charon." Adrian stated as Charon suddenly fused with his body.     

He now had the appearance of mix between a demon and an undead. He did not stop there as he thought of an interesting combination with Charon. He only thought it as interesting, but he did not think that it would actually be potentially game breaking.     

"Paradox, summon Primordial Armament: Mirror." Adrian commanded as a demonic looking mirror suddenly appeared before him.     

[Your skill Primordial Stance: Mirror has activated.]     

[All stats will be rearranged to suit the current stance.]     

Adrian's body suddenly changed as his eyes is now blocked with a blindfold. He also looked different as his body is mostly covered with a mist like hood. His mirrors also looked different as they are also leaking an eerie mist. His four detached arms also looked bony instead of the usual demonic arm motif.     

Adrian did not waste time and immediately summoned as much mirrors as he could and scattered them to all directions. He mainly scattered them to the areas where the battles are mainly being held. He then proceeded to use the skill that Charon has which is Life Siphon.     

Chains then shot out of Adrian's body and entered the six mirrors surrounding him. The opponents are shocked as chains are suddenly attached to their bodies, but they cannot break it. Especially the leviathans as their main means of attacks are physical in nature.     

The chains then proceeded to suck the life force of all those affected, and they cannot even get it off them. Adrian then released more chains but stuck them to his allies instead as he transferred the health sapped into barriers that can protect them.     

"Kanlaon and Dodu, kill that sorceress first." Adrian commanded as the two suddenly changed their target to Ursalla.     

Adrian knows that Ursalla is the greatest threat right now as he is now familiar with the attack pattern of the Aspect of the Dark God that Slumbers in the Sea. The aspect cannot freely attack as it wished as it also fears that it might hasten the destruction of its current body. It also explains why it often used telekinesis despite having the power to release miasma.     

Adrian revolved numerous mirrors at the Aspect of the Dark God that Slumbers in the Sea. He then released numerous chains towards it in an attempt to stop the aspect from attacking. The chains that he used are more physical in nature compared to the one that uses Life Siphon which is why he could somewhat hold on to the aspect.     

The aspect is still the aspect as it broke free from the chains in a matter of minutes. It then released its telekinesis towards Adrian but this time he could feel it. Adrian did not know whether his current state is what makes him see the invisible energy that telekinesis released or if he is just stronger.     

Nevertheless, the new sight that he has made him perceive all energy fluctuations around him. A coffin suddenly manifested behind him, and he did the impossible once more. He used Soul Keep on the energy that telekinesis released. He did not think that it was possible but he actually managed to lock the energy in another dimension.     

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