Omega Summoner

Horror of the Deep I

Horror of the Deep I

0Just as Adrian is currently trying to find ways to hatch the Spiritual Bud Egg, a sudden force of terror swept across him. The tingle that he felt is very familiar to him as this is what he felt when a dark god momentarily manifested. The sensation was quick, but he knew right away that it is indeed from a dark god.     

"Paradox, lock on that terrifying power!" Adrian commanded.     

"Affirmative. It is from the southwest direction." The Cube of Paradox replied in a robotic tone.     

Adrian immediately summoned Kanlaon and commanded the latter to swim to the location while the Cube of Paradox has it locked on. He knew that the direction he is going is the correct one as numerous sea life are currently fleeing from that direction. He did not know what happened, but it might lead him back to his friends.     


Levin Cloud looked at his mana bar and immediately frowned as the Deep Assassins would continuously hit the cage that he created. Sometimes some attacks from their tentacles would slip inside as they wanted to impale him. He naturally evaded the obvious attacks, but some attacks could not be evaded as he does not have eyes on the back of his head.     

Levin Cloud held on for about an hour and a half as his mana no longer regenerated the Bramble Cage. Once the first Deep Assassin broke through his Bramble Cage, the rest followed like madmen. He died due to the onslaught of attacks, but he still had his revive. He did not immediately revive as he still has one minute leeway to revive.     

His soul could see the numerous Deep Assassins trying to tear away the vines scattered in the entrance. When the first layer of vines was destroyed by the Deep Assassins, all of them bashed the floor with their bodies to destroy it. They managed to destroy the floor but noticed a layer of frost is covering the entrance.     

A thick layer of ice is blocking the way forward which made the Deep Assassins roar in great frustration. Since they can only bash the ice to destroy it, numerous Deep Assassins are injured as a result. Having tentacles as hands were not great during these types of situations as it cannot break the ice. When the one minute is up, Levin Cloud revived in the spot that he was killed earlier.     

Upon reviving, the Deep Assassins were not focused on him as they looked crazy in pursuit of the Splash of the Wilde. The Deep Assassins did not focus on him, and he is immediately thankful for that. It did leave a worse feeling in his mouth that the enemy is not paying attention to him as if he was air.     

"Let see if you can actually continue to ignore me." Levin Cloud stated as he fused two of his spells.     

The first spell is the Thorns Embrace which is a crowd control spell that traps all those in the area in vines that induces bleeding. The spell that he combined with this is the Death magic spell that is off cooldown called Death's Grip. It is a spell that squeezes the life force of the target. The second spell might be a single target spell, but Levin Cloud has a special unique skill called 'Life and Death'.     


Skill Name: Life and Death     

Tier: Unique     

Type: Active Spell Combiner     


-The skill bearer will be able to fuse two spells of different elements.     

-Only life elemental spells and death elemental spells will be able to fuse together.     

-If an area of effect skill is fused with a single target spell, then the former will be the effect.     

-The crowd control effect of only one skill can only take effect but status ailments could apply at the same time.     

-Both of the spells used will enter their own cooldowns and will not share a cooldown.     

-The mana cost of the spell will be the combined cost of both the spells     

Mana Cost: None     

Cooldown: 1 hour     

Cast Time: 5 seconds     


[Do you wish to synthesize the Thorns Embrace and Death's Grip to create another spell?]     

"Yes." Levin Cloud answered. In just five seconds, the skill has been synthesized and the icon for the Life and Death skill changed to that of the synthesized spell.     

[You have successfully created the Thorny Death's Gripping Embrace.]     


Skill Name: Thorny Death's Gripping Embrace     

Tier: Unique     

Type: Active Crowd Control     


-Trap an area around the caster in thorny vines that deals 100% of their magical damage every second.     

-All those inside the affected area will have their life force absorbed and converted into death energy.     

-If death elemental energy exceeds the gauge, then it will transform into mist that deals 30% of the user's magical damage every second.     

-All enemies inside the affected area will not be able to move for the duration of this spell.     

Mana Cost: 50% of total mana     

Cooldown: None     

Cast Time: Instant     

Duration: Five minutes     


"Thorny Death's Gripping Embrace" Levin Cloud immediately casted.     

The vines that were torn away earlier by the Deep Assassins suddenly became alive once more and trapped all of them. The Deep Assassins noticed too late as they were already trapped inside a thorny cage that punctured their bodies. The thorns are like injections that absorbed the life force out of them.     

Since Levin Cloud just freshly revived, all of his death energy is still the same which means the mist suddenly intoxicated all of the Deep Assassins. The Deep Assassins could not take the mist and started to rip their bodies away from the cage, but they could not.     

The Deep Assassins could not get out of the area of the skill which means they are just waiting for their deaths since the skill dealt damage every second. With the Deep Assassins not being naturally created by the world, the death mist dealt twice as much damage to their bodies instead of the normal 30% of Levin Cloud's magic damage.     

The screech of the Deep Assassins echoed in all of Atlantis as they knew that their deaths are near. What is worse for them is that they could feel their life draining away from them while being afflicted by the deadly mist. No one has been this cruel to them as even their dark god prefers to have them get a swift death when they want to sacrifice themselves.     


The loud screech of death of the Deep Assassins made it to Ursalla's ears. She was already lauding her victory when her smile suddenly turned into a frown. King Neptune, who is still heavily injured, laughed as he knew that something is not going according to his opponent's plan. The sound also came from the evacuation area which means someone, or something is killing the Deep Assassins.     

King Neptune had a vague feeling that the one killing off the Deep Assassins seems to be on his side. Ursalla looked incredibly angry as she wanted to dart off to the distance as the Deep Assassins called out to her for help. King Neptune felt this and immediately created water tornadoes to block the path of the Wicked Sea Sorceress.     

"We are still not done here, you witch." King Neptune stated as he pushed through despite his wounds. Whatever it is, he can feel that his daughters are not in imminent danger as the pendant on his neck is not glowing which means they are still safe. He is willing to sacrifice his life as long as his daughters are safe.     


The Deep Assassins could feel that the last of their breaths being absorbed but they are unwilling to let go of life. Even Levin Cloud is shocked upon seeing that his spell could kill numerous high-level monsters. In fact, he lucked out this time as the Deep Assassins are monsters that cannot escape since they do not have invulnerability skills. The best way to actually kill them is to trap them in crowd control spells.     

Just as Levin Cloud is assured of his victory, the Deep Assassins wailed one last time when their health became red. He thought that this is them trying to call for help but he felt something incredibly wrong from this. The bodies of the Deep Assassins suddenly started to burst into mush and blood mists as they sacrificed their bodies.     

Levin Cloud instinctively felt that this is not what is supposed to happen as the area around him suddenly froze. It is not literally being frozen like an ice spell is casted, but the world became still. The next thing that happened made him bulge his eyes as if it will fall out of his sockets.     

[The numerous sacrifices of the Deep Assassins have partially summoned the Dark God that Slumbers in the Sea.]     

A gigantic figure that is the combination of octopus, a dragon, and a human suddenly appeared. Thankfully for Levin Cloud, it is not a complete apparition as it is made up of the lumps of flesh and blood that were the Deep Assassins.     

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