The Last X



0Ren Anjing stood before the desk in a daze. He thought he had heard Ren Yijun offer to sell him 40% of Ren Development Group's shares with certain conditions, but he couldn't believe his ears. Chen Yu didn't break the silence, skimming through the shares transfer agreement he'd prepared while allowing Ren Anjing to work himself up.     

Yang Shu, Ren Qiu, Ren Chun, and Du Guang had agreed to sign over their stocks without hesitation, probably believing it was related to the embezzlement scandal. None of them asked what he needed them for, since they were willing to indulge him regardless of what he planned to do—anyway, they had plenty of assets to live off of.     

Combined with their shares, Ren Yijun had held 49% of the company stocks, but he'd already sold 9% of them to Ren Anjing's allies. The contract in his hands was a copy of the ones he'd used with those smug old men. Focused on the fact that Ren Yijun was demanding almost twice the market price, no one had noticed that hidden in some obscure clauses, the document required the new shareholders to be personally responsible for the company's current debts and prevented any transfers of stocks or liabilities for three years, except in the event of the investor's death.     

While Chen Yu was musing on whether to assign Ren Xiang a portion or not, Ren Anjing finally woke up. Squeezing his shaking fingers together behind his back, he narrowed his eyes. "Do you expect me to believe you'd simply give me this chance? What are you planning?"     

Ren Yijun lounged in his chair, carelessly leaning his head on one hand and toying with the papers he'd strewn across the desk. "I don't really care what you believe."     

They'd torn their faces long ago, he was too lazy to waste his breath.     

Ren Anjing choked. Digging his fingernails into his palms to force down his anger, he reluctantly tore his eyes away from the words 'Shares Transfer Agreement.' If he obtained that 40%, he would hold almost half of Ren Development Group, but this was too good to be true. He had to find out what this brat was scheming. "Ren Yijun! Explain yourself right now."     

Rolling his eyes, Ren Yijun rattled off, "This job is too easy, I'm bored, Mom told me I can do what I want but that I should offer our shares to you first so the company can at least stay in the Ren family."     

His condescending attitude was maddening, but the answer did make sense. Ren Yijun hadn't experienced the tedious nature of a job before, and a spoiled kid like him would hardly be able to spell 'persistence.' If he was tired of working, all he had to do was tell his mother. Since Yang Shu doted on her children, she wouldn't force any of them to stay in a position they didn't enjoy. At the same time, with her love for Ren Daquan, she would hope for someone to carry on his legacy. Because she wasn't informed about how Ren Anjing had betrayed her son, her natural inclination would lead to her brother-in-law.     

Realizing that this was a genuine proposition, Ren Anjing eagerly reached for the agreement.     

Like the others before him, his attention was caught by the high share price, and he complained, "Yijun, don't you think this is too expensive? We're family, why don't you adjust it a bit?"     

Ren Yijun shot a disgusted glare at the old man. "What family? If you can't handle it, just give the contract back to me. There are plenty of people who appreciate how much I've raised the worth of the company."     

Ren Anjing scuttled back, grasping onto the document and shaking his head. "No, no, let me read it." He skimmed through the stipulations, and right when he was about to discern Chen Yu's trap, the papers were snatched away.     

In front of his indignant face, Chen Yu shrugged, pointing out, "I realized there's no use showing this to you. You don't even have enough money to repay what you borrowed from that moneylender, do you?"     

Ren Anjing clenched his fists, frantically calculating his options.     

Actually, the loan shark had suggested a way to offset some of his debt a couple weeks ago. He'd rejected it then, but with such a rare opportunity available...He demanded that Ren Yijun wait and made a call.     

The professional voice at the other end inquired, "Mr. Ren, have you changed your mind?"     

Ren Anjing struggled, then spit out, "I need to borrow more money. Which parts do you want for the additional collateral?"     

"It depends. To be honest, your age isn't optimal, it'd be better if you send your son in. We'll check his condition and provide an estimate, but probably a few organs will be enough. If he's healthy, we may waive this month's interest for you."     

A short pause later, Ren Anjing arranged to have Ren Xiang go over that evening and hung up.     

The old man seemed to have aged a few years instantly, but he walked over with a covetous light in his eyes. Afraid that Ren Yijun would take the agreement away again, he signed without asking much more and promised to deliver the payment within a few days.     

Chen Yu watched the man walk out, his thin lips hanging a cruel smirk. So, Ren Xiang was going to be sacrificed after all.     

At five o'clock on the dot that day, Ren Yijun's phone rang. Chen Yu rubbed his forehead. Those overprotective women! Afraid of the repercussions if he didn't pick up, he massaged his temples and proactively assured, "I'm packing up already!"     

The line was silent for a moment, then a deep voice said, "Jun, it's me. I know you're disappointed because of what I did before, can you give me a chance to explain?"     

Chen Yu glanced at the ID, somewhat surprised. He'd been ignoring all of Feng Kuo's calls and texts, well aware that the man wouldn't dare to force him to do anything against his will for now. This wasn't part of his plans, but meeting up with him was one way to avoid going into that smothering den of care...thinking up to here, he agreed to meet in a lukewarm manner.     

Feng Kuo's face sank at Jun's distant tone, but he was thankful for any opportunity to see the youth again. He hadn't had anyone put new cameras in Jun's office or house because he couldn't take the risk of making him angrier, nor could he work up the courage to show up without permission. So the closest he'd been able to get for months was to follow the news of Ren Development Group's success. Reading as Jun closed deal after deal, Feng Kuo's feelings were complex. On the one hand, he was proud and amazed, while on the other, he despaired at the evidence that Jun was doing well even without him. He couldn't find any opening to get back into his life. But today, he finally had hope.     

Worried that Jun would change his mind, Feng Kuo sprinted to the parking lot, tossed his bewildered driver away, and sped to Jun's office building.     

He was standing guard outside, waiting to see that figure he'd been dreaming of, when he suddenly thought of how he'd rushed over. He spun around to inspect his reflection in the dark car windows and carefully tucked his shirt in, aligned his necktie, and smoothed every strand of his hair back in place.     

Satisfied that he appeared as neat and virtuous as he could, he paced back and forth, until another realization struck him and he urgently ordered a secretary to deliver some flowers. Fortunately, Ren Yijun appeared just after the bouquet arrived. In reality, Chen Yu had long been observing the anxious man, laughing a bit helplessly.     

When Feng Kuo noticed the young man walking toward him, his hands trembled. Finally, finally, his Jun was in front of him.     

He took a deep breath to suppress his nervousness, then smiled, naturally handing over the dark red roses. "Jun, it's been a while."     

Chen Yu didn't change his expression at all, he merely greeted, "Mr. Feng." He didn't even peek at the flowers and directly walked around to the passenger side.     

Feng Kuo twitched, glowering at the bouquet for not being attractive enough, but he held himself back and held the car door for Ren Yijun. "I've reserved some seats at the French restaurant you liked, is that okay?"     

Chen Yu got in the car, texted his family that he would have dinner with an acquaintance, and hummed in agreement without looking up.     

A barrage of messages instantly arrived.     

Yang Shu: "Alright, darling, don't play too long."     

Ren Qiu: "Didi, would you like me to save some of my dishes for you? You've never liked eating outside!"     

Du Guang: "Don't mind her, Uncle, you don't have to stuff yourself with Mom's cooking every day. Have a good time!"     

Ren Chun: "Younger brother, remember what I told you, eat a proper balanced meal."     

Yang Shu: "Girls, don't bother the poor boy, let him make some friends."     

Chen Yu's mouth twitched and his face was covered with black lines. He simply sent off an "En, thank you all," without checking the new responses. No doubt they would be something along the lines of "Such a polite child," "Good Didi," and so on.     

From the side, Feng Kuo watched Jun chatting so happily with someone else, and he couldn't stop himself from asking, "Oh? Have you met a nice friend? He must be very fun for you to be smiling so much?"     

Chen Yu: "..." Why did everyone assume he hadn't had friends already? And how did he look like he was having fun?     

He turned toward the driver's seat with a blank face. Feng Kuo's heart pounded when the young man paid attention to him at last, but his next words were like a bucket of ice water. "What status are you using to ask such personal questions, Mr. Kuo?"     

Feng Kuo's eyes turned red. Of course Jun was right, he'd destroyed the relationship they'd had. Right now, he was worth less than a stranger. A gloomy silence filled the air until the two were seated in the restaurant's private room.     

When the waiter left after taking their orders, Feng Kuo braced himself and opened, "Jun, I'm sorry, I was wrong. I..." he couldn't bring himself to explicitly confess that he'd been toying with the youth, so he swallowed and tried again, "I swear I didn't mean to use you, really, I...I only intended to hold onto you. I'll never do anything like that again, can you forgive me?"     

Chen Yu considered for a moment, then he nodded. Feng Kuo was overjoyed, but he felt that something was off. Hesitantly, he asked, "So...we can start over?"     

Ren Yijun showed a shocked expression, as if that possibility hadn't even crossed his mind. Jerking backwards, he moved to stand up, saying, "Mr. Kuo, there seems to be a misunderstanding. Perhaps we can discuss this next time."     

Feng Kuo had prepared himself, there was no way Jun would have agreed so easily. At most, he would regard him as a passing acquaintance if he left now. He seized Jun's wrist before he could take a step and swung him onto his lap. There was no way he'd let Jun leave without at least getting a definite promise to meet again.     

Chen Yu instinctively twisted to fling the man's large hand off, but remembering how restless Feng Kuo had been when he'd been waiting to see him, he decided to hold back temporarily. "What is the meaning of this, Mr. Kuo?"     

"Jun, Jun, please, I'm begging you, give me another chance. I'll never treat you like you're beneath me again, I'll make sure to respect you, I'll be the one you can trust, please..." Feng Kuo whispered hoarsely, interlocking their fingers with one hand and pressing the chilly face against his chest with the other.     

"I..." Feng Kuo's sincere tone affected him, Chen Yu lowered his gaze to their clasped hands to hide his wet eyes. "How can I trust you? You betrayed me even when you thought we had a deal between us..."     

Unable to bear seeing Jun cry, Feng Kuo desperately searched for a solution, then he blurted out, "Let me suffer what you suffered, I'll sell myself to you, no, I'll pay you to buy me. I'll transfer everything I own to you, you can do whatever you want with me and I won't be able to do anything." It was an impulsive promise, but the more he thought about it, the more Feng Kuo felt it was an appropriate way to begin making amends.     

Chen Yu startled, staring at Feng Kuo. He dazedly refused, "You don't mean it, you wouldn't do something like that for me..."     

Hearing the person who held his whole heart disparage himself, Feng Kuo frowned and cherishingly stroked his hair, assuring, "Of course I mean it. I love you, I want to be with you forever. If you can't believe me yet, just give me some time to prove how important you are to me."     

With a confused expression, Jun didn't respond for a while, so that Feng Kuo tensed up more with every passing second. At last, he mumbled, "Then you...You'll be my uncle again?"     

Feng Kuo couldn't conceal his ecstasy. He kissed Jun's soft cheeks and murmured, "Mhm, until you let me be your lover."     

The young man blushed and hid his face against Feng Kuo's broad chest, the vacant mask he'd been holding onto cracking. Feng Kuo laughed and embraced him, keeping him on his lap for the whole meal.     

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