The Last X



0Because Zhao Cui was present, everything was handled quite quickly. Liu Yao was fired, with a notice about her violent behavior sent to each of X country's top academies. She pleaded with Headmaster Feng for help, but there really was nothing he could do in the face of Master Zhao's momentum.     

Shao Li looked on sadly from the side, looking like he was torn between saving his mentor and protecting his students. When the dismissal was confirmed, he insisted on accompanying Liu Yao to help her empty her room as if to make up for not defending Liu Yao. Under everyone's watchful eyes, Liu Yao could only hold back the slap she wanted to deliver and acquiesce.     

Seeing Shao Li walking out with that woman, Zhao Cui clenched his fists, but he was reluctant to scare him by being too aggressive. Soon, soon he'd claim his baby, he persuaded himself.     

Headmaster Feng seethed, but the best he could do was to assure Master Zhao that he had nothing to do with this incident. Even then, the board members were notified, and those who had previously heard of the relationship between Liu Yao and the headmaster convinced the others to make his position probationary.     


Meanwhile, in Liu Yao's room, Chen Yu was busily folding her clothes for her while encouraging, "Teacher Liu, don't worry. Even if all the schools nearby know what happened today, I'm sure you'll be able to find one that doesn't mind in no time with your skills."     

Liu Yao's expression turned ugly hearing the subtle stress on 'skills.' Without anyone else around, she freely expressed her pent-up rage, shoving him hard and shouting, "Shao Li, you shut up! What are you trying to imply?"     

Frightened, Shao Li backed up, stuttering, "T-Teacher Liu, I-I only meant that you're so talented, I'm n-not trying to imply anything!"     

Liu Yao snorted, pulling on the cowering young man's hair, "Ha! Stop pretending, you hypocrite! Saying teacher teacher, are you trying to shove it in my face that I was fired? If you hadn't stressed me out by blabbing to all the teachers about how I treated you, would I have ended up losing my mind and offending Nangong Jia?"     

Shao Li's thin body curled up as he cried, "No no, Tea-, ah, Miss Liu, really I'm not! I didn't mean for the other teachers to find out how you and Headmaster Feng harassed me!"     

Sneering, Liu Yao kicked him and rammed Shao Li's bag into his stomach. "You scum, think I don't know you planned all this to get my position? Get out, and I'd better not see you again!"     

Shao Li scrambled out the door, bruised and tear-stained. But by the time he walked out the school gates, his downcast eyes gleamed with a faintly triumphant light, his fingers stroking the tiny recording camera clipped to his collar. Gotcha.     

Just as Chen Yu was celebrating in his mind, someone suddenly grasped his shoulder and swung him around. Chen Yu reflexively wanted to throw off the hand, but when he recognized this hidden boss, he paused.     

Seeing the boy's disheveled appearance, Zhao Cui's low voice sounded, "Was it that woman who did this to you?"     

Chen Yu winced at the pressure on his shoulder and cursed in his heart. This degenerate must be his stalker. Musing, he skimmed over the tall, chiseled appearance and lamented, looked so good outside, who'd have guessed how bent his insides were?     

But why was this man so concerned about him? Perhaps his fan service was too enticing?     

When Shao Li stayed silent, Zhao Cui thought he was frightened and murmured, "It's alright, I'll take care of her for you, so don't be scared."     

First things first, Chen Yu decided to solve that hand. He raised wet eyes and whispered, "M-Mr. Zhao, it hurts, please be gentler..."     

Such ambiguous words paired with a begging expression made Zhao Cui's mind turn hazy, his intentions to slowly coax Shao Li promptly thrown out. He immediately lightened his grip on Shao Li's shoulder but simultaneously wrapped him up so that no one else could see such a provocative face, his other hand stroking the back of his slim neck.     

"Sorry, I'll pay attention so it doesn't hurt next time," he promised hoarsely.     

Chen Yu marveled a bit at the stiff object prodding at his stomach, but he remembered to squirm weakly and protest, "Mr. Zhao, please let me go. And, and I just bumped into some things, it wasn't that Miss Liu hit me."     

With Shao Li's wriggling, Zhao Cui's breath turned heavier, falling feverishly on the side of Shao Li's ear. "Ah, Teacher Shao, hold still, okay?"     

Shao Li blinked innocently up at him. "Why, what's wrong, Mr. Zhao? Are you hurt somewhere? Do you have any abnormal conditions that I need to call a doctor for?"     

Zhao Cui nearly choked at this little devil. Not only was his 'condition' clearly caused by Shao Li, but also this was a distinctly normal reaction!     

After a minute of struggling, he calmed down slightly and replied, "No, nothing's wrong with me, but it seems like you're injured all over. Let me help you take a look." Saying so, he didn't wait for a response and carried Shao Li into his car.     

Chen Yu had no way to resist with Shao Li's 'weak' physique, but in his mind, he sneered, en, I'm sure you're just itching to make all my boo-boos fly away.     

Soon Shao Li was settled across Zhao Cui's knees, with the side of his face nestled into the other man's chest.     

Glancing at the driver, Shao Li blushed and whispered, "Mr. Zhao, th-this is very inappropriate, p-please let me down."     

Zhao Cui shot a glance at the driver, whose eyes were glued to the rearview mirror. "To my hotel."     

The driver immediately nodded and raised the partition. Too scary, he thought his eyes would be plucked out! He could only silently light a candle for that young man.     

Satisfied, Zhao Cui turned back to Shao Li and assured him, "No one's watching now, don't be shy." Chen Yu could only stare speechlessly. Who was being shy? He simply wanted to get off these hard thighs, okay?     

Too lazy to find a way to refute without going out of character, Chen Yu resigned himself to leaning against Zhao Cui, but he suddenly felt his buttons being loosened. Zhao Cui didn't give him a chance to resist, rapidly stripping off the shirt and explaining, "We should take a look at where else you're hurt."     

Saying so, he ran his long fingers over the shocking red bruises on Shao Li's creamy skin. Chen Yu tried to dodge, but with the forced abstinence he'd endured for so long, his immunity was drastically reduced. His raspy moans could be heard even with his face buried in Zhao Cui's chest, along with cries of "Don't, don't..."     

Hearing the unbearably tempting sounds, Zhao Cui murmured into Shao Li's shivering ear, "Is it painful? I'll help you feel better."     

Chen Yu clutched Zhao Cui's neck, considering for a short moment.     

It was hard to imagine another man who fit his standards so well would roll into his bed anytime soon, but when had he ever been so easy to catch? But to stop this with Shao Li's passive personality...Zhao Cui's shirt collar swiftly became soaked.     

Startled, Zhao Cui tilted Shao Li's face up only to find that the innocent youth was almost choking on his tears. Zhao Cui paused and wiped the red cheeks helplessly, demanding, "What's wrong, Shao Shao?"     

Seeing Shao Li bowing his head wordlessly and continuing to shed pearly tears, Zhao Cui could only relent and promise, "Be good, don't cry, I won't tease you anymore. I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to scare you."     

Finally, after numerous such assurances and soothing pats, Zhao Cui felt a light weight press against his chest. When he looked down, Shao Li had fallen asleep, with drops still hanging from his trembling lashes.     

Zhao Cui was relieved, but his face was gloomy—clearly his Shao Shao had rejected his touch just now. He'd intended to take it slow, but faced in person with his baby's loveliness and unconscious seductiveness, he really couldn't hold back. What if Shao Shao was scared off?     

He kissed Shao Li's temple as he mused. Well, he'd teach his baby that he couldn't run.     

Recalling the orders he'd issued, he called Ming Wu. "Did you take care of everything?"     

Ming Wu proudly reported, "Yes yes yes, Xiao BaoBao's videos are no longer circulating! I've got my people searching for who posted them in the first place, but even the top hackers so far haven't been able to find out. They all want to meet this god!"     

Zhao Cui's eyes darkened. Someone who could evade his reach had his eyes on Shao Shao...had to be destroyed. "Make sure to track whoever it is down and remove any downloaded copies of the videos as well. What about the records for X country's children with back injuries?"     

"Ah...I've got a list here, there were only a few cases that were transferred to the orphanage in the past two decades."     

"Email the details over. Oh, and send me background information on a Liu Yao." Finished, Zhao Cui hung up.     

Ming Wu: "…Where's my praise?!"     

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