Journey To Become A True God




I do not know how long he had slept, when Ye Chen opened his eyes, he saw the ceiling with a very nice decoration, this was not the hotel room that Ye Chen rented, he looked around the mattress that he was currently occupying, this mattress was a giant, Ye Chen began to remember that this was a room for dual cultivation, how could Ye Chen enter the Fairy Gate, even though he had fallen asleep.


beside Ye Chen, Zhao Yanyan was still sleeping very peacefully, it seemed that Zhao Yanyan was still exhausted from last night's activities.

"Master, are you awake?" Chu Yuechan's voice was heard from the entrance.

Ye Chen panicked and immediately took a blanket on the side to cover his naked body.

"Yuechan, why did you come into this room?" Ye Chen asked.

Chu Yuchan Giggling "master, no need to cover your body anymore, last night I saw all parts of your body, what else do you want to hide from me".

Chu Yuechan's words were like lightning strikes to Ye Chen, Ye Chen had no idea that when he and Zhao Yanyan while doing Dual cultivation, Chu Yuechan could see it

"Bad girl, how can you peek at someone who is having intimate relations, aren't you ashamed?" Ye Chen scolded Chu Yuechan.

"It's not your own fault, who told me to show such a spectacle to me" Chu Yuechan said with a blushing face.

Chu Yuechan said as if she wasn't the one who was wrong in the beginning, Ye Chen didn't want to argue with this girl, Ye Chen tried to find his clothes.

Ye Chen: "Yuechan where did you put my clothes?".

"This" Chu Yuchan then took out a shirt from her storage room, Chu Yuechan gave this shirt to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen received the clothes that Chu Yuechan gave, he began to wear the clothes that Chu Yuechan gave, this shirt was like an old Chinese shirt that often appeared on dynasty TV series.

"Master, you just broke through, your strength is still not stable, you should stabilize it first" Chu Yuechan gave Ye Chen a suggestion.

Ye Chen nodded, Ye Chen had indeed intended to stabilize his strength first. Seeing Zhao Yanyan still Sleeping Very Peacefully, Ye Chen went to a place that was calm enough to start stabilizing his strength.

Chu Yuechan did not follow Ye Chen, she did not want to disturb Ye Chen.

Ye Chen imprisoned in a quiet place to stabilize his strength. After about 5 hours Ye Chen finally managed to stabilize his strength. Now Ye Chen had entered the eighth level ancient warrior Realm.

Ye Chen got up from the place where he sat, he went back to the dual cultivation room where Zhao Yanyan slept.

When he reached the door of the dual cultivation room, he heard the voice of Zhao Yanyan calling his name while crying.

Ye Chen immediately opened the door and saw what was happening in the room.

Zhao Yanyan initially dreamed that she and Ye Chen were married, she and Ye Chen were on their honeymoon on a Private Island that had a very beautiful view, Zhao Yanyan dreamed that Ye Chen took her to a big bed, Ye Chen then lay herself on the mattress very comfortable, Ye Chen hugged herself until the two of them slept together.

When Zhao Yanyan woke up, Zhao Yanyan did not see Ye Chen around, she started shouting calling Ye Chen's name, Zhao Yanyan was afraid that what she had just experienced was only a dream.

Zhao Yanyan who felt hopeless, she curled up while continuing to call on Ye Chen's name, Finally the Door opened, Ye Chen's figure entered through the door.

Ye Chen looked at Zhao Yanyan who was crying on the bed, "dear wife, what is going on? "Ye Chen asked worried.

Ye Chen leaned towards Zhao Yanyan, Zhao Yanyan immediately hugged Ye Chen "Husband, wherever you were just now, I was very afraid you would leave me" Zhao Yanyan hugged Ye Chen very tightly.

"Calm down, I will never leave you in this life and the next." Ye Chen tried to calm Zhao Yanyan.

After that Ye Chen kissed Zhao Yanyan, Zhao Yanyan enjoyed this kiss.

"Ehemm" they both kissed long enough, until a coughing voice woke them both up.

the person who disturbed this moment was Chu Yuechan, Chu Yuechan originally wanted to see Zhao Yanyan's condition, but when Chu Yuechan entered the room she saw that Ye Chen and also Zhao Yanyan were kissing.

Chu Yuechan initially waited patiently, because the two of their kisses were very long, this made Chu Yuechan annoyed, she coughed to disturb the world of these two people.

Ye Chen looked at Chu Yuechan with a look of hostility, how dare Chu Yuechan interfere with his pleasure, while Zhao Yanyan looked at the woman in front of her with a look of admiration, this woman was very beautiful Like a fairy in a fairyland.

Zhao Yanyan was quite curious who this beautiful woman was, Zhao Yanyan asked this woman "who are you? "

"I am Chu Yuechan, Ye Chen's servant, right master dear" Chu Yuechan said teasing Ye Chen.

Ye Chen knew how Chu Yuechan's character, who liked to tease him, but this time it was quite dangerous, Chu Yuechan dared to tease him in front of Zhao Yanyan, this could create a misunderstanding.

Zhao Yanyan who heard This raised his eyebrows, she looked dissatisfied, Zhao Yanyan then stretched out her hand and pinched Ye Chen's waist "husband, please explain what the beautiful woman just said".

"Ouch. . . yanyan hurts, fine, let me explain let's let go first "actually Ye Chen doesn't feel pain, but if Ye Chen doesn't pretend then Zhao Yanyan might get even more angry.

Ye Chen: "Yanyan our relationship is only limited to master and servant, there is no special relationship between the two of us" Ye Chen tried to explain to Zhao Yanyan.

Chu Yuechan: "Master, you are really bad, after you did that to me you threw me away" Chu Yuechan said while crying.

"This woman" Ye Chen had no idea that Chu Yuechan was very good at acting, if this continued it might actually be able to cause misunderstandings.

"Yanyan's younger sister, you have to help me pack Ye Chen" Chu Yuechan ran towards Zhao Yanyan, Chu Yuechan complained to Zhao Yanyan.

Zhao Yanyan immediately looked at Ye Chen with a hostile look "Ye Chen came out there is something I want to talk about with sister Chu Yuechan", Zhao Yanyan drove Ye Chen out of this room.

"Yanyan everything that Chu Yuechan said was a lie, I can explain all of this to you," Ye Chen said, trying to convince Zhao Yanyan.

"There is nothing to explain, get out of here" Zhao Yanyan looked angry at Ye Chem, Zhao Yanyan didn't think that Ye Chen was this kind of person.

Ye Chen was helpless with all this, he was only able to leave the dual cultivation room, inside Ye Chen's heart had vowed to give Chu Yuechan the penalty if Ye Chen could catch her

Now in the room only Zhao Yanyan and Chu Yuechan just "puchi" Chu Yuechan Laughing, Zhao Yanyan Quite confused why Chu Yuechan suddenly laughed.

"Yanyan's younger sister, how was my acting? Good, right? "Said Chu Yuechan.

"What?" Zhao Yanyan was astonished, she did not think that Chu Yuechan was acting in front of her, Zhao Yanyan even scolded Ye Chen.

Zhao Yanyan was afraid that Ye Chen was angry and didn't want her anymore, she pushed Chu Yuechan away, Zhao Yanyan wanted to chase Ye Chen immediately.

when Zhao Yanyan's feet stepped on the floor, Zhao Yanyan felt extreme pain from her lower body, Zhao Yanyan tried to get up, but the pain even increased.

Chu Yuechan Poor to Zhao Yanyan, Chu Yuechan tried to help Zhao Yanyan stand up from the floor.

Zhao Yanyan: "Let me go, I have to chase Ye Chen" Zhao Yanyan tried to break away from Chu Yuechan.

"Little sister calm down, Ye Chen will not be angry with you, let's discuss something more important first" Chu Yuechan said.

" Is it true ? "Ask Zhao Yanyan, Zhao Yanyan still doesn't believe in Chu Yuechan's words.

"Yanyan's younger sister this time I will not lie to you anymore, I promise" Chu Yuechan swore to Zhao Yanyan.

Zhao Yanyan then received help from Chu Yuechan, Chu Yuechan helped Zhao Yanyan get up from the floor, she helped Zhao Yanyan sit on the bed.

Zhao Yanyan still felt the pain of the relationship she did with Ye Chen last night, Zhao Yanyan could only blame Ye Chen who was too excited, Zhao Yanyan was also quite excited last night, she enjoyed the intimate relationship with Ye Chen, Zhao Yanyan could still feel satisfaction that was given by Ye Chen last night.

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