The Bloodline System

Do You Wanna See Real Power?

Do You Wanna See Real Power?

0Author's Note: Unedited Chapter     


He wasn't even aware that she was conscious or would be able to see through the structure and discover his existence.     

It took him completely by surprise.      

'Stop whatever it is you're doing and let me go,' Gustav spoke in his mind.     

'Please save me... I'll free you if you promise to save me,' The Diaporonian voiced.     

'Let me go now while you still have the chance. You can get yourself out of whatever pickle you got yourself into. It is none of my business,' Gustav replied.     

'Please save me, they will turn me into a sacrifice. Please save me! Save me! Save me! Save me! Save me! Save me! Save me!' Her voice kept ringing in Gustav's head causing him headache.     

His face squeezed up with annoyance, "Enough!" Gustav yelled as a small pink and reddish glow emitted from his being.     


He was instantly freed from the hold of the Diaporonian.     

"You just ruined your chances of getting saved, do it yourself," Gustav stated before stamping an invisibility button on his forehead.     

[Cognitive Concealment Has Been Activated]     

He tapped the button on his forehead after activating Cognitive Concealment, causing his entire body to dissapear as he turned invisible.     

("Are you truly not going to save her?") The system inquired.     

'Tch why should I?' Gustav said internally before swooping downwards.      

("Don't be reckless like the last time,") The system voiced.     

'No worries, this time there isn't a crazy internal structure with unexpected gravitational laws,' Gustav was relieved that it seemed easier than the last time.     

Upon getting close to the ground he hovered slightly over it, flying forward into the massive temple.      

More statues bearing semblance to that of the one above could be seen placed in different parts of the temple interior. Although smaller in size, they seemed to be arranged in a way meant to beautify the temple.     

However some of these statues were in compromising positions, some with weapons jarring through their head or chest. Real internal organs planted in different corners as well. Gustav could easily tell.     

Weird rocks that Gustav had never seen before could also be spotted which made him wonder how their sense of beautification worked.     

Any normal person that stumbled into this temple would be scared out of their wits instead of standing there and praising the design.      

Gustav immediately arrived before the altar area after avoiding the multiple creatures moving about the place.     

The system had once again revealed the name of this species to Gustav but he wasn't interested in that right now. He just wanted to get the Viondur Egg and move out of this territory as soon as possible.     

'I'll alert these creatures about your existence if you don't help me right now,' He suddenly heard the voice of the Diaporonian in his mind the instant he reached out to touch the Viondur Egg.     

She looked even more slimy and goey in closer proximity. Gustav only took a glance at her and the binds surrounding her figure.     

'No. I'll be out of here before they can even do anything,' Gustav responded while grabbing the Viondur egg.     

'Please, I'll owe you one. I'm a princess I'll give something back in return! Anything you want,' The Diaporonian participant begged.     

'Why can't you just slither your way out of that thing... you're practically liquid,' Gustav questioned.     

'The binds stop me from dematerialising,' She voiced.     

'I promise to do anything, please just free me,' She added.     

Gustav paused at this point, 'Anything?' He questioned internally.     

'Yes anything, you have my word,' She voiced.     

("You have limited time before they discover your presence,") The system reminded.     

'We have a deal,' Gustav said internally before letting go of the Viondur Egg.     

("Didn't you say you weren't going to help her,") The system wanted to facepalm at this point.     

Gustav ignored the system and stared at the invisible lines surrounding the Diaporonian who was still bound.     

He had seen the lines around her when he activated God Eyes initially and assumed it was some kind of trigger but didn't understand why they didn't put it around the egg.     

("The lines are ritualistic design which would have sucked out her life-force upon activation,") The system stated.      

'Looks like its not a trigger like I thought... explains why they didn't put it around the egg. Are they really that confident that no one would be able to get it?' Gustav wondered internally.      

("It would still cause a trigger if you tried to save her though,") The system voiced.     

'Yeah... I'll just disintegrate it then,'  Gustav decided while activating Atomic Manipulation.      

[Atomic Manipulation Has Been Activated]     

He tapped his right feet on the altar and a milky glowing line spread from his feet to the lines surrounding the Diaporonian.      

A circular decline was instantly formed on the altar. The ritualistic lines had completely dissapeared, however the creatures in the vicinity had been alerted.     

Gustav was super quick to have already grabbed the egg and the Diaporonian before flying upwards.      


He broke through the roof of the temple like platform instantly, however...     


The moment he ascended about fifty feet above the ground, the Diaporonian suddenly dematerialised despite the binds surrounding her body.     

The occurrence took Gustav by mistake and before he knew it, she was wrapped around his right arm and extending further to the rest of his body.     


Multiple outburst of greenish energy surrounded the entire vicinity at once, causing Gustav to only see a world of green before he began falling to the ground.     

"What the hell is this!?" Gustav voiced as a barrier suddenly appeared around him while he fell to his knees.     

'Hihihihihihihihi,' The Diaporonian began laughing hysterically in his mind while Gustav struggled to break free but he couldn't get off his knees.      

Step! Step! Step! Step!     

Multiple of the green armored creatures with weapons stepped towards the barrier with cold looks.     

"You fell into our trap thieving scum!" One of the Zhergs stated as he arrived before the barrier.     

He happened to be around twenty feet tall with a massive club like weapon in his grasp.     

'What is this? Cosmic Superiority? Not quite it feels different,' Gustav questioned internally with his forehead creasing.     

His body wasn't listening to his commands and this wasn't like the hold the Diaporonian had on his body earlier. That power made him unable to move but this power was compelling him to kneel.     

Looking upwards, Gustav could see the upside down horn on the scalp of the Zherg glowing a bright green light.     

However, it wasn't just him. Other Zhergs in the vicinity had the same green glow and it seemed to have set up the barrier surrounding Gustav.     

The Diaporonian goo slid down from his arm and moved across the ground towards the largest Zherg.     

"Good job Fena," The Zherg stated as the ashy slime arrived before him before getting sucked into the upside down horn on his forehead.     

"A participant working with one of the creatures down here?" This didn't make any sense to Gustav.     

The binds which were supposed to stop her from dematerialising seemed to have been a fluke and she could have dematerialised anytime she wanted.     

Gustav had been successfully fooled. These creatures were truly intelligent but a lot still wasn't adding up.     

"I found Fena and made her my slave..." The twenty feet tall Zherg began stating upon seeing the look of confusion on Gustav's face.     

After saying a couple of things, Gustav now understood everything.      

The Zhergs were aware that someone was going to try and steal their Viondur egg and from the looks of things he wasn't the first.     

The power of the chief of the Zhergs upside down horn let's him bring back to life someone and make them his slave.     

He apparently found the corpse of Fena a Diaporonian participant somewhere unknown and brought her back to life as his slave.     

Being her master, he understood her abilities well and knew she was capable of being a look out for them since the Zhergs might encounter someone with very skilled Concealment abilities.      

Everything Fena did from start to finish, luring Gustav and pretending to be bound was all a ploy.     

From the moment he agreed to help her, Gustav was already caught.     

The usual abilities the upside down horn of the Zhergs granted them was to make any living creature within a particular range bow to their will.     

With more than two hundred of them currently using that ability on Gustav, he was trapped in place, unable to move.     

"So its not Cosmic Superiority then... phew," Gustav heaved a sigh of relief.      

"You shall become our sacrifice thieving scum," The chief of the Zhergs grabbed his massive club like weapon and slowly moved forward.      

"Hey, do you wanna see real power?" Gustav questioned as his face returned to its initial calmness.     

"Beg all you want vermin, you shall not be spared," The Chief of the Zhergs stated.      

Gustav eyes glowed up at this instant, becoming pink and reddish as he stared forward with a menacing expression.     

Right before their very eyes filled with uttermost bewilderment, Gustav stood to his feet no longer hindered by their abilities.      

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