Gacha Sovereign

Bawon Fortress (8)

Bawon Fortress (8)

0Alex frowned and he felt danger when facing these four figures. He recalled a similar weird feeling in the fortress.     

"So, the feeling I got in the fortress was from you,"     

"Hehe… as expected of an abnormal genius. Your perception is quite high. Even those rank 8 warriors still find it difficult to notice our presence."     

He felt like he was being observed at the fortress. At first, it was because of Leyfon's appearance. He knew he was the one who spied on him, but the feeling continued even after Leyfon appeared. But…     


"Well, genius. You might be able to kill rank 6 monsters easily. But sadly for you, we are rank 7 assassins. There will be a big difference between fighting a monster and a human, so be prepared."     

Alex realized that he made two mistakes. First, while he already sensed danger in the fortress and made preparations, he still underestimated who might be spied on him. Judging from their aura alone, they were roughly rank 7 warriors. His second mistake was Alicia and Firia. While he intended to accompany them in this event, unfortunately, they got dragged into this mess. These assassins' target must be him, after all, Alicia was a princess and no one would be fool enough to make an enemy with the Acacia Kingdom. Firia… although she was a Marquis' daughter, she was not noticeable enough to make some assassins hunt her.     

The assassins drew their blades. Alex frowned and immediately shouted. "Are you sure? She is one of Acacia Kingdom's Princesses, you know? Do you think you can afford to kill her?"     

"If all of you die here, we can just throw your body into the deeper zone of this forest. People will think that you all die because of the monster."     

This might be bad, he thought. Their target was him at first. But because the others were with him, they were in danger too. They didn't mind killing the two girls as well along with him. "I'm sorry guys,"     

"What are you saying, Alex? I have sworn that day to have my life and death with you."     

"Yes. I already swore too."     

"Sherry. Bring those two back to the fortress."     


Sherry immediately grabbed Alicia and Firia and placed them on its back. Unlike Alicia and Firia, Sherry had a different opinion. Sherry thought that bringing these two girls would be the best solution in this situation.     


Sherry immediately ran forward. But suddenly, one of the assassins got in its way.     

Seeing the situation, Alex tried to help Sherry out. He immediately ran toward the enemy. But before he could help her, one of them suddenly appeared in front of him.     

"Move! Sanguin Sword Art. Seventh Slash!"     

A tyrannical Sword Wave appeared from Alex's sword. But sadly…     

"Hehe… this is really a strong sword strike. It might easily kill a rank 6 monster or heavily injure a rank 7 monster. Unfortunately, you are facing a human. This is the difference between monsters and us, humans. They move with their instinct while we move with our brain."     

The assassin immediately flew away from Alex's Sword Wave, just when he thought he could go straight to Sherry. He immediately turned back with his sword.     


The two swords clashed with each other. Another assassin appeared behind him.     

"Yes, this is another reason. We have a combination."     

Meanwhile, Sherry also fought two assassins just like Alex did.     


Sherry released its flame from its body and released a flame paw to the assassins. They dodged Sherry's attack completely and another assassin suddenly disappeared.     

The moment it noticed that one of them had disappeared, the other assassin already appeared behind it and kicked it away.     


Alicia and Firia fell from Sherry's back because of the kick. The previous assassin who was in front of it immediately moved toward Alicia and Firia.     

"Hehe… Princess Alicia and this young lady. I will be your opponent. I will play with you all along so you can watch your man die in our hands."     

"You… you are… insane!" Firia desperately shouted.     

"Do you think our Acacia Kingdom will let you go easily?"     

"Hehe, it is useless for you to say that. They won't know all of you are killed by assassins. They will think you are killed by monsters inside the forest. Isn't it the perfect plan?"     


Sherry got up and went toward them fast, but the assassin who kicked it appeared in front of it.     

"Where are you going? Your opponent is me."     

"Wuu!" Sherry was getting angry.     

Current fight: Alex vs Assassin A and assassin B, Alicia and Firia vs assassin C, and Sherry vs Assassin D.     

Alex calmed himself down. The situation turned worse quickly. If he was alone, he might be able to run from them, but now, there were Alicia, Firia, and even Sherry. Alex decided to finish his fight as soon as possible and help the other.     

"Sky Movement. Flash Step. Plus, Boost Step!"     

Alex disappeared after using those two techniques. The moment he appeared, it was behind assassin B. Assassin B was startled by Alex's speed. Alex slashed his sword at him, hoping to finish him in one blow.     

Suddenly, another sword appeared between them. The sword belonged to the other assassin. "Hehe… taking him by surprise with your speed might work if he is alone. But don't forget, he is with me. I am also proud of my speed."     

"If speed is useless, then I will use my strength. Sky Movement. Immovable Step. Plus, Boost Step!" He used the Immovable Step to increase his power and Boost Step to increase the momentum of his arm. He then punched the assassin who was proud of his speed.     

But the one who caught his strike was the other assassin. "Well, while he is good with his speed, I am good at strength!"     

Alex took a step backward. Seeing his fist didn't even scratch them, he knew that this situation…     

"Sky Movement. Fleeting Step!"     

This time, he planned to use his unpredictable Fleeting Step to confuse them. He moved closer to the assassins and tried to cut them.     

A series of clashes was heard. The assassins who were joking all this time became more serious. Alex put them on the defensive stance with his Fleeting Step. This unpredictable footwork made the situation troublesome for the assassins.     

Alex suddenly raised his spear.     

"Spear Throwing Art. Spin Throwing!"     

He threw his spear toward the 'Strength' Assassin, unfortunately, the assassin dodged it completely.     

"Hehe… if I haven't seen this technique. That move just now might kill me-," the assassin suddenly felt something was wrong. He turned his back and shouted, "Johan, watch out!"     

Alex's target wasn't him. His target was the assassin behind him. He moved toward the spot where they were lined up so he could target the assassin behind his back. Johan, the assassin who was in charge of Alicia and Firia, was startled. He saw the incoming spear and dodged it.     

He barely dodged it and fell because he lost his balance. Alicia and Firia didn't let this chance go.     

"Ice Prison!"     

"Flame Spear!"     

They cast their magic toward the assassin. After he got hit by Firia's Flame Spear, he got imprisoned by Alicia's Ice Prison. They immediately took this chance to run. But…     


Alicia's Ice Prison broke. "If you think you can stop me with these techniques, you are deadly wrong. I admit that these techniques are powerful and have potential. But both of you are not even powerful. Our difference is that big."     

Alex immediately used another move, "Sanguin Sword Art. Seventh Slash!"     

The Sword Wave went toward the 'Strength' assassin who was turning his head. Seeing the 'Strength' assassin couldn't dodge this move, the 'Speed' assassin was the one who intercepted his move.     

The assassin used his full strength to block this attack.     


Now, we could see that the assassin who blocked Alex's attack, got his left arm bruised all over. "Hehe, now we understand. Your power is even more abnormal than what we've heard. Luckily, I sacrificed my hand before the clash. Look, my left hand is useless now. If I used my dominant hand to block that, I would be useless to fight you now."     

The 'Strength' assassin has already recovered. He immediately threw a punch at Alex. Alex dodged this punch easily. Alex once again used his Fleeting Step.     

"Oi, you guys! Change of plan. Finish them off first, the two of us aren't strong enough to fight him. We can only hold him off!"     

"I can't. I also can only hold this fox back."     

The one who said that was the assassin that was stopping Sherry. Like what happened with Alex, Sherry was also strong enough to hold her opponent. From their battle, Sherry's flame was extraordinary. After all, it evolved after eating Alex's flame and evolved once again after eating the Quenching Fire Pill. Its flame purity alone was close to Absolute Level or Pure Level.      

Sherry released its flame in a very unique way. The flame rose from its body and charged toward the assassin like a snake. Even though the assassin took it hard, Sherry also didn't find any chance to go to Alicia and Firia. Every time it thought that it could pass him and went to the two girls, it would be stopped by the assassin.     

On the contrary, the assassin that was fighting with Alicia and Firia really took it easy. All of Alicia and Firia's attacks were neutralized by him easily. Their gap in power and experience was that big. Their attacks were useless in front of this assassin.     

"So that means, I should be the one finishing the job. It is really a shame to kill these two goddesses but I need to be professional in this job. Goodbye, ladies."     

"Wuu!" Sherry rose her flame even further and bombarded the one in front of her.     

Alex also shouted hurriedly, "Don't you dare!"     

He immediately took out his rank 8 spear from the system. From other perspectives, he took out a spear from out of nowhere. "Where did you get the spear?"     

Alex used another Fleeting Step and fought back like a mad man. He went toward the injured assassin. He made a stabbing motion. The assassin immediately used his sword to block Alex's attack. Unfortunately, this spear was far stronger than Alex's previous spear.     

"What? That spear!" The assassin was startled by the spear's power. At first, he was startled when Alex pulled this spear out of nowhere. But since Alex was a genius, having a few trump cards like that was normal, so the assassin then calmed himself down. But he was very surprised when he felt this spear's power.     

It broke his sword. The spear continued to go forward and pierced through his dominant hand. Now, his two hands were useless. Alex kicked him to the side and went toward Alicia and Firia but only found himself stopped by the other assassin. "Move!"     

"Johan, hurry up!" The now useless assassin shouted. This was also the reason. If they couldn't hold Alex with only two of them, they would kill the other quickly and circled him with the four of them.     

Johan who was on the side was startled when one of his teammates was already lost. He immediately raised his sword.     


"Sorry, you need to defeat me first if you want to help them."     

"Wuu! Wuu!"     

Alex's side was the same. "Move!"     

The assassin suddenly ducked and grabbed him. Alex couldn't escape from his grasp. It only took an instant for him to calm himself down. Alex raised his sword and beheaded him.     

"I won't make it. My spear also won't make it. The heck with that!"     

"Spin Throwing!"     

To kill Alicia or Firia, he only needed a quick attack. He raised his sword, appeared in front of her, and stabbed Firia on the stomach. Blood started gushing out of her body. Her face turned pale. Alex's spear had yet to arrive. After he stabbed Firia, the spear finally reached him and pierced him through.     

'It was damn too late'     


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