God´s Eyes

Burning Icicles

Burning Icicles

0Releasing more than half of his mana at once, Jason´s eyes radiated a terrifying heat and cold at the same time as a dozen tiny black flames manifested around him.     

Shaping them into spikes, Jason enveloped them into mana icicles before his gaze turned to the tall youth who charged at him with his full speed.     

Even for Jason, who had refined his brain and was more proficient in multitasking than others, doing multiple things at the same time was extremely difficult But he still managed to freeze the floor up to five meters in front of him, layering it with a thin sheet of ice and turning it into a completely smooth surface.     

This could be seen as a small obstacle, but the focus of most students, including the tall bulky youth who charged at him, was mostly at the icicles with black flames burning within them.     

Ice and fire were opposite elements and more than a little bit hostile to each other as the hot flame would melt ice and in return, the produced water would extinguish the flames.     

Seeing dozens of icicles enveloping the black flames, everyone was stunned. Not a single drop of water fell to the ground to indicate that the fire was melting the ice and their jaws fell to the ground.     

Jason only smiled lightly, as this was one of his most recent achievements.     

As both the affinities belonged to him, Jason could regulate them however he wanted with enough proficiency which included the heat of his black origin flame.     

However, the most important fact was that Jason could even set a rough timer for his black origin flame to explode with a terrifying heat, something he hadn't known before.     

He still had to supply both the tiny flames and the icicles with mana, but the consumption was not that huge, thanks to the flames' low heat, which slowed down the melting process.     

Because the black origin flame was his soulbond, he could control it much more easily than any affinity, and transmitting orders felt as if he was controlling the origin flame within him that the black fire affinity.     

Jason ordered it to have an extremely low temperature within the icicles, and the resultant effect made him look like a magician. However, he knew that it would only turn into a useless gimmick if nothing changed.     

Smiling cunningly, Jason distracted the tall youth from the smooth ground in front of him, as he shot out two of his dozen black flame icicles at him.     

Now Jason's timing had to be perfect, as he focused his attention on the two icicles he shot towards the tall youth.     

The icicles' speed wasn't excessively fast but that wasn't even their task, as such, it was entirely pointless for them to reach a high velocity. When they were around a meter away from the tall youth, he striked out with his battle axe.     

Jason found the perfect opening, as he ordered the origin flame to increase the flame´s heat to the highest possible before he simultaneously switched to the ice affinity in order to force the icicles to explode in front of the tall youth.     

Thousands of ice splinters flew through the whole arena, obstructing the view of the tall youth as his axe cleaved down without hitting anything.     

Rather the tall youth suddenly noticed a terrifying heat spread from the exact spot where the icicles had previously exploded. Goosebumps covering his whole body as a wall of fire could be seen only a few feet away from him.      

The tall youth could only decelerate his steps in order to cleave at the firewall in front of him to charge towards his opponent or change his direction with his current speed. While the youth was still deciding what to do, two icicles appeared on either side of him and exploded even closer to him than the earlier explosion.      

The heat that spread through the combat arena approached him and singed the hair on his arm, as he cleaved down at the ground in visible rage.     

He couldn't allow a 3rd Adept rank to play with him!!! Where was his pride?!      

The tall youth wanted to win more than anything but the current situation wasn't going as planned, causing him to frown deeply.     

Jason, meanwhile, continued to shoot the remaining six icicles at the position the former icicles with the black origin flames had exploded. He aimed to block the view of the tall bulky youth for some more time, as he exerted his weightless step technique to his fullest potential.     

Over the last month, his weightless step movement technique had reached profound mastery and his speed had roughly increased by 40% with it, as he charged at the black firewall that enveloped the tall bulky youth.     

Due to his mana eyes, he could perfectly see what was going on behind the black firewall and what he saw caused him to smile oddly.     

The tall youth cleaved at the firewall in front of him only to notice another batch of icicles exploding, exactly where he hit the wall Thus, another wall of fire replaced the one he had hit, frustrating him to no end.     

Completely enraged, the tall bulky youth pondered if he should just charge through the firewall before he immediately disregarded the suicidal move. He pulled his battle-axe back in order to cleave at all firewalls at the same time with a spinning cleave.     

Seeing this through the firewall, Jason smiled as he reached the tall youth´s side.     

Cleaving down, the tall youth severed the firewall, extinguishing it, as Jason cut his mana supply completely. At the same time, he enveloped his lower body with a mana membrane, while circulating it additionally in his lower body, exerting the weightless step once again.     

To fight with a battle-axe, every attack had to hit the target as the combat style with heavy weapons was mostly focused on inflicting heavy injuries with a single strike and not clashing with someone hundreds of times within a minute.     

As such, some time was required to pull back the heavy battle-axe and Jason used this crucial time to charge at the tall youth who continued to look straight ahead of him, only to notice that Jason vanished from his previous position.     

Sensing that something was amiss, he wanted to pull back his battle-axe faster, as he pondered if he should abandon his weapon when something cold grazed his neck.     

[Victory, Jason Stella] could only be heard, as Jason´s dagger laid upon the tall youth's neck, indicating his death sentence had been a life and death fight.     

Seron and other students of the 6th affiliated special combat class were already aware of Jason's crafty tactics to a certain extent, but they were still shocked to see the icicles enveloping his black fire affinity. It was something only someone with an extremely high fire affinity proficiency could do.     

They knew Jason fought mostly with tactics that were mostly focused on deception and sleight of hand, causing them to lose even though they knew about it. But now, complete strangers were fighting against him and they were unaware of Jason´s craftiness, who overwhelmed his opponent with his strategy and high-affinity proficiency.      

Even though these students hadn't known earlier as to how a 3rd Adept rank was able to enter the special combat class earlier, now they knew and they somehow pitied the 8th Adept rank who had dared to fight Jason head-on.     

Everyone could roughly estimate that both of Jason´s affinities were most likely at the low-evolved rank, if not even higher, indicating him having formed a soulbond with two evolved beasts, which was an astonishing feat.     

Nobody would do something like that as wasting two spots for evolved beasts was extremely wasteful, and they wondered why this black-haired youth with golden eyes did something like that, as a shocking idea formed in their minds.     


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