God´s Eyes

Winged Teacher?

Winged Teacher?

0Jason was a little bit confused because Mr. Greil had messaged him over a dozen times.     

However, only now could he respond to his teacher.     

[I was outside the dome until now. What's wrong?] Jason asked, not knowing what exactly was going on.     

[Don't leave the dome's protection for the time being. Something is wrong with these Goblins and we still can't figure out what.]     

[Fortunately, nothing happened to you and you haven't met larger hunting groups. Students below the Expert rank are forbidden to leave the dome for the time being!]      

His teacher almost answered immediately and Jason asked himself how his teacher had written the two messages within such a short time.      

Furthermore, Jason had never received so many messages from his teacher which was also new.      

Jason thought about his encounters during the day and he wanted to know why exactly only Expert ranks were allowed to leave the dome's protections, because in his opinion, without mana weapons or guns it would be extremely difficult to defeat the hordes of goblins with their cavalry of goblin mage apprentices and Hobgoblins.     

As his mind replayed the last battle in his head, he immediately thought about the prismarine-luminous crystal and Jason's heart fluttered lightly, without him knowing why.     

The crystal itself was extremely cheap with a price of 20,000 Credits considering its overwhelming effect.     

Jason still had a lot more of them but not many used them like he did because it could be quite dangerous.      

Most people would use the more expensive flash grenades which were made of the same crystal in addition to other materials.      

But these grenades were much safer and only illuminated a certain area and not the whole surrounding.      

Furthermore, they didn't have to be injected with mana as a small incomplete beast mana core could be used to operate everything.      

He was still thinking about his fight with the goblin mage apprentices and the hobgoblins when he sent a message to his teacher subconsciously.      

Looking down at the bracelet's screen, Jason checked the content of his message and couldn't help but smile wryly.      

[Why can Expert stages go out of the dome's protection? Aren't groups of hundreds of goblins or dozens of mage apprentices at once too much for them to handle? Or, at least, the evolved ranked hobgoblins within the two-star wild zones should be reason enough to forbid them to leave the dome…]      

Jason wouldn't have sent the exact same content in his message had he not been impatient to know the answers, but now nothing could be done as it had been already sent.     

However, his teacher's answer was somewhat weird.      

[What do you mean? Hundreds of Goblins? Dozens of mage apprentices and Hobgoblins?? Did you see them? Separated or together? All of that inside the two-star wild zone? Where are they now?]      

Jason was confused by his teacher's reaction.      

All Incidents with the goblins were uncommon and definitely not normal but Jason concluded from Mr.Greil´s reaction that there was more to it than what meets the eye.     

He explained the situation with a simple message.     

[There was a huge group of hundreds of Goblin soldiers, led by three Hobgoblins and ten Goblin mage apprentices inside the two-star wild zone that was going somewhere.     

But I don't really know where they wanted to go.     

They are dead, I shot them.     

As such, this particular group shouldn´t be a problem anymore.]      

After sending the message, Jason waited for a moment before closing the holographic screen.     

It wouldn't take long until his shuttle arrived and while waiting, Jason skimmed through his loot to calculate his rough gains.     

He had killed three evolved ranked Hobgoblins that would give him approximately 3 or 4 Lace points each.     

Furthermore, he had killed 14 Goblin mage apprentices, rewarding him with 3 Lace points in total.     

Counting the numbers of goblin carcasses would be too much of a hassle for him and as such, he estimated that there were about 300 corpses inside his storage space giving him 7.5 lace points.     

He would have never thought that he would be able to kill so many Goblins in a day or rather 12 hours and the last group was the main reason for his tremendous increase in the gains.     

In addition to the vast number of corpses, Jason estimated that more than 70% of the goblins' weapons were made of tempered stone, with runes inscribed on them, which seemed to increase their sharpness and toughness.     

Jason couldn´t estimate their price including the protection pendants that he had collected from the mage apprentice corpses.     

There were still many forged weapons.     

Most of them were crude and would probably end up as low grade-1 weapons.     

Due to Jason's improved blacksmithing knowledge that he had achieved since reading the blacksmithing books required for the Basic blacksmith apprentice exam, Jason knew a lot about ores that were used to forge these weapons.     

It was Rhyolite ore, which was a rare grade-2 material and quite expensive.     

Seeing weapons made of Rhyolite ore in the hands of Goblins, was a fascinating sight as it was quite uncommon and they could be used to reforge into a grade-2 weapon.     

Jason knew that these ores could be found in one of the permanent rifts on Astrix.     

The permanent rift was a lush, vast mountain range with many ores and was a habitat for many unblemished ranked beasts.     

There were a few magical-ranked and lower-ranked beasts, but mostly unblemished beasts dominated the mountain range.     

Its size was larger than Astrix and many mines were situated there, causing Jason to wonder how the Goblins were able to get their tiny hands on Rhyolite ore.     

`Did they mine them by themselves or have they ambushed merchants?` Jason couldn't find an answer and he decided to not think about that right now.     

Considering the value of Rhyolite ore, Jason was confident in getting a good amount of Credits for it.     

There were also a few grade-1 weapons that belonged to human hunter teams and Jason felt bad about that.     

This sourness however wouldn´t prevent him from selling these weapons later on as he began to estimate their value.     

Before Jason could finish his train of thoughts, he felt a strong air current, blowing through his surroundings, and with a sudden boom, his teacher appeared in front of him.     

Looking at his teacher with wide eyes, Jason was shocked for a moment before something caught his eye. It was impossible for him to not notice something in particular, which frightened Jason for a short moment.     

His teacher had white wings on his back?!     

`He isn't from the winged race, right?` He questioned himself but shook his head in denial after remembering that his teacher said that he belonged to one of the big families.     

Not a tiny speck of mana fluctuation could be sensed by Jason before and his exceptional senses were rendered useless against Till's speed.     

If they had been enemies, Jason would have been killed in an instant and the thought scared him.     

But seeing his teacher's slightly worried face, Jason knew that he didn't have to be on guard against him.     

He didn't know what to say as his teacher picked him up, enveloping both of them in a thick film of mana.     

Before he knew what was going on, Mr.Greil´s white wings, which had tiny golden specks inside them, began to flap violently as they ascended into the air.     

Jason only noticed that his feet had lost their connection to the ground below him, and suddenly they soared through the sky to the city.     

He couldn't estimate how fast they had flown through the sky, but looking around, Jason noticed that the surroundings looked slightly blurred.     

Shifting his gaze to the ground, he saw a slightly larger black dot moving towards the dome's directions.     

`Ohh? Is that the shuttle?´  He asked himself and its pace looked extremely slow compared to his current speed.     

The whole situation was awkward as Mr.Greil was holding Jason with a firm grip and Jason wanted to question his teacher as to what was going on, but he would have to wait for some time.     

It took them only two minutes before they reached the city.     

Upon reaching the city, Mr.Greil slowed down.      

Less than five minutes later Jason noticed that their speed decreased further and it looked like they were about to land.     

Suddenly, he noticed that they were above a school with a huge forest surrounding it almost completely.     

At least, that was what Jason thought as the outlines of it looked similar to their own school.     

But they didn't land in front of the school buildings or behind the school gates, rather it seemed like their destination was somewhere within the forest.     

Trying to figure out where exactly they would land, he activated his mana eyes and saw a small mana hue covering something deep inside the forest.     

However, even with his mana eyes activated, he couldn't look through the mana veil at all.     

It was the first time for him that he was unable to see through something and he wondered what it was and if it was their destination which was very likely.     

And as expected, their destination was behind the veil of mana, he couldn't see through.     

Descending slowly, their feet were the first that slipped through the veil without hindrance.     

Once his whole body went through, Jason's eyes widened subconsciously.     

His mana eyes detected more than 10 terrifying mana fluctuations which were fully exposed while hundreds of weaker mana fluctuations could also be sensed.     

Their mana fluctuations were weaker than his teacher's but comparing their innate characteristics, his teacher's mana fluctuations seemed to be gentle and kind.     

Jason couldn't help but cry out in shock.     

"W-w-What are magical- and guardian-ranked beasts doing here?!"     


W E B N O V E L= https://bit.ly/3xsAY0z     

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