God´s Eyes



0When Jason and Malia left the store supporting each other, Jason felt a gust of wind next to him.     

He turned his head to the side and Gabriella and Mark appeared in front of Malia scanning her from head to toe.     

"Oh, my baby!!! Are you fine? Does it hurt somewhere? Drink this healing reagent and let me take a look" Gabriella blabbered in worry as Malia tried to calm down her mother, while Jason felt like an outsider.     

He walked away because he wanted to give them space as he dragged his injured leg while trying to not wince as he gritted his teeth.     

His body was still filled with adrenaline and his heart hammered loudly against his ribcage when he helped Greg to collect the beast corpses they had killed.     

It was an unspoken rule that the hunters had the right to their prey's corpse and whoever snatched it would be treated as immoral.     

This was not a law, but most people would abide by this rule, however, there were always desperate people trying to gain some extra credits because of their debt or ignorance.     

Jason's leg ached a lot, and he decided to drink a grade-1 healing reagent, but it did little to ease the pain.     

When they were almost finished collecting the tiny two-headed amber lion's body parts, Greg noticed Jason´s leg for the first time and his eyes widened, a shocked expression apparent on his face.     

"Yoo... J-Jason are you fine? You're sure that you won't bleed to death??.. Let's go to mom, she can heal you!!"     

"I'm fi...n" Jason said when a sudden pain shot up from his leg that caused him to grit his teeth… .. his sight blurred and his legs gave in, darkness enveloping him.     

"Jason!!!. MOOOOM!!" Gabriella, who had been fretting over her daughter, turned around when she heard Greg´s voice. She saw Greg holding up a blood-drained Jason as a large amount of blood was running down his leg, creating a small puddle.     

"Oh no!" Gabriella cried out and she rushed to Jason while a tiny plant with thick but smooth vines appeared on her left hand.     

She placed the plant next to his leg as its smooth vines wrapped around Jason's leg. A calming sensation spread was released through them, and one could smell a herbal aroma spreading from the vines.     

If Jason's mana eyes had been activated, he would have been able to see healing magic for the first time.     

Gabriella's first soulbond was a plant-type evolved ranked beast with a strong healing ability, which was rarely seen.     

But the effect wasn't strong enough for Jason to regain his lost blood and she took out two different types of bottles.     

→Peak Grade-2 Healing reagent to prevent Jason from losing more blood and regain some vigor.     

→ Grade-1 blood formation reagent to strengthen Jason's blood and increase his blood regeneration.     

The blood formation reagent was only a grade-1 potion because Jason wasn't in a condition to handle the effects of the grade-2 reagent. Furthermore, Gabriella and Mark didn't have a grade-2 blood formation reagent, to begin with, because it had to be made of blood essence from rare beasts.     

Jason´s face had regained some of its colors, but he was still not able to regain his consciousness.     

*Hours later*     

Jason wasn't sure when he had woken up, but he felt a lot better when he opened up his eyes.     

He could see a large bedroom with expensive furniture around him and wondered where he was.     

Sitting up, Jason straightened his back, and the after-effects of the battle made him feel slightly exhausted. A minute later, Artemis appeared in front of him within the familiar white magic circle.     

Crying out in worry and joy, she threw herself in his embrace.     

During the whole beast tide, Jason had forced her to stay within the soul world and she had been extremely worried about him the whole time. He knew that she would have hindered him more than helped him during the beast tide, which frustrated her...     

Artemis could feel that Jason's injury was fully healed, but she was still slightly worried about his well-being.     

Jason wanted to stay up while holding Artemis but he sensed that his left leg had slightly grown numb and was more difficult to move when he remembered his leg injury.     

He pulled down his pants a little to inspect his injury but was astonished to see that there wasn't even the faintest trace or scar of the deep long gash he had received during the beast tide.     

There was also no pain anymore, but the numb feeling was still uncomfortable.     

Jason dragged himself out of the room and looked around to realise that he was in a large apartment. He took slow and careful steps as he entered the living room where he was greeted by the Flers.     

He was happy to see that all of them were fine and even Malia looked completely unscathed without the wolf blood on her face.     

Apparently, only Jason had been seriously injured by the gate.     

If Malia or Greg had been in his place, they wouldn't have been as seriously injured as Jason, because their physique was much tougher and more resistant than Jason´s, but that wasn´t exceptionally hard to accomplish.     

Even if Jason felt much stronger than two months ago… his strength was still at the bottom of the chain and almost everything could kill him.     

Mark was the first to notice Jason and he looked at him, asking,     

"Hey little one, are you fine?" before he unwillingly added, "You did a good job, thank you for saving my precious daughter,"     

Malia had told her parents what had happened and both were grateful for Jason's quick thinking.     

Mark hadn't been especially fond of Jason but he had scored brownie points with his action today.     

Gabriella, Greg, and Malia stood up simultaneously and surrounded Jason, asking him about his injury, if it hurt, if he felt extremely numb, tired, and so on.     

Jason answered the questions and sat down with Artemis still in his arms when he asked the question he was most curious about.     

"How bad is the situation in Jiro-City? Why did the Beast tide occur and how many casualties did we suffer?"     

Jason wasn't a pessimist or an optimist and he believed that facts spoke more words than anything else. He hoped that the situation in Jiro wasn't as bad as he imagined when the beast tide had occurred.     

Mark opened the news and read the statistics before he answered Jason.     

"Overall, the beast tide had mainly consisted of evolved and unblemished beasts while a few hundred magical beasts were also spotted.     

The worst, however, was the appearance of a small Guardian beast minotaur tribe...they tore down the city wall and devastated the outer districts and we could only stall them.     

Not a single one of them was killed, and they entered the noble district without being bothered by our attacks.     

Even though a few of our Grandmagus' attacked them, the minotaur's innate magic resistance is exceptional and they pushed us back with their physical strength.     

Fortunately for us and Jiro city, rather than going on a killing spree, they retreated after getting back what once belonged to them.     

It was only then when two of the berserk minotaurs finally calmed down and left without a backward glance.     

If you want to know the answer to why this beast tide had occurred, this would be relatively easy when you get to know the characteristics of beasts.     

There are only two ways to cause a relatively intelligent race, minotaurs to be precise, at the Guardian rank to switch to its berserk mode where it loses all rationale and logic.     

1) Mana overdraft     

2) Upcoming annihilation     

3) Cub abduction     

In my opinion, it's the third reason and one of the nobles in Jiro-City probably stole a cub that was taken back by the Minotaur tribe.     

It is extremely fortunate for these nobles to be still alive, but the ones who had to pay the price were the citizens of Jiro-City.     

More than one million deaths are already noted … and there are still many more missing.     

You wonder about the situation in Jiro-City? The citizens are scared and restless while the government is trying its best to calm down the masses as well as possible.     

Looking at the streets and devastated districts with the destroyed buildings, including reinforced skyscrapers caused by the minotaurs' physical enhanced charges….the loss to the city's infrastructure is extremely high.     

I´m glad that all of you survived and it's fortunate that you only sustained a "small injury".     

Considering your weak physique and mana core rank it is already good that you survived the beast tide.     

To be honest… it's quite shameful that over 1 million people died… This beast tide was made up of a few million beasts, but most humans are higher ranked and at least at the Expert rank, and it's illogical that they died without being able to defend themselves…     

While these citizens died, the military was too slow in its actions that caused too many flying beasts to enter the city...     

Concluding everything… it´s dogs**t what happened here….F**k"     

Jason listened carefully to Mark, who had been rationally talking about the whole situation until the end. However, he lost his cool as he erupted with his last sentence and a small sound wave caused everyone's hair to fly back while their ears hurt.     

"HONEY!!!! WHAT DID I TELL YOU? CONTROL YOUR EMOTIONS!!" Gabriella could only shout because she couldn't hear anything and the whole situation had turned quite awkward.     

The one who was the most hurt by his act was Artemis and she shrieked after she entered Jason´s soul world before glaring at Mark.     


W E B N O V E L= https://bit.ly/3xsAY0z     

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