God´s Eyes



0Almost nobody was satisfied with their own class ranking, even the ones at the top, because they wanted to enter the higher classes.     

Thinking about fighting their classmates was satisfying for them as they were itching to release their tension.     

"Because everyone's mana consumption will be huge, I'll limit the battles to two per student. Everyone can choose one opponent while the same goes for inquiries.     

This is to prevent a group from fighting a single individual a few times in succession.     

Please choose your opponent now...on a first come, first serve basis.`     

A holographic screen with a list of names appeared in front of everyone..     

While everyone was astonished, Jason immediately scanned through the list as he picked one name, after a moment.     

He didn't want to compete against the top ranks of his class right now.     

It was still way too early for him to fight head on against them right now, as such he picked number 224, who sat next to him with a mana core rank of a 1st Adept.     

There was nothing special about this youth and Jason thought that he would be the most likely opponent for him to beat.     

It was the most rational way for him to get out of this competition without getting beaten up too harshly.     

While he hoped that the boy next to him would also pick him, a certain name with the corresponding number appeared next to Jason´s name…     

`Nr.4 Leo Heart Mana core: 5th- Adept`     

Jason´s eyes widened and he was about to jump up, thinking it might be a mistake, when he saw a muscular boy looking at him with a sly smile, causing him to frown.     

Bullying?? Ok… let's play this game then…     

Calming down everyone with a finger snap, Till Greil initiated a timer in order to let everyone increase their combat capabilities to their limit.      

The time would be counted down to four hours and it was considered to be an extremely long time to prepare for a fight.     

Jason knew that he was being picked on by some musclebrain who wanted to mess with him and he jumped up from his chair to rush out of the classroom, drawing a lot of attention on him.     

"HAHAHA, does he think he can run away? If he doesn't even dare to spar with his classmates, why is he even attending this school" Leo Heart said while laughing heartily.     

The small group that had gathered around him like hyenas was cackling, calling Jason "Coward", "Idiot", "Scaredy-cat", "Mud-head" and much more.     

Even Mr. Greil was confused by Jason's sudden sprint outside the classroom.     

He was about to become disappointed by the black-haired boy's behavior,  thinking he might give up on the spar due to a small hurdle when his released mana sensed something in particular.     

"Disperse" the teacher ordered and vanished from their sight.     

Mr. Greil followed Jason, who seemed to follow something until he entered the forest within the school grounds that belonged to the third-grade students.     

Normally, Jason wouldn't be allowed to enter it but with Mr.Greil around, there wasn't anyone obstructing him.     

Entering the forest, Jason followed solely where his eyes led him. He rushed through the forest for almost ten minutes until he came across a small blue shining lake surrounded by lush trees.     

There was a thick, exotic-looking stone arch near the lake through which dense and thick mana streamed.     

Even Cyro City´s mana was at least 6 times denser compared to Artes city, but the whole lake in front of him looked like it had double the density.     

As if that wasn´t enough, Jason noticed a few things on top of the stone arch that attracted his attention.     

The stone arch was at least 30 meters in height and it looked massive when Jason stood in front of it.     

Curiosity got the better of him and he decided to climb it up, even if it would take him some time.     

The climb wasn't easy and he almost lost his footing twice but 30 minutes later, Jason had somehow ended up at the top of the arch.     

Furthermore, the amount of mana he perceived from the top was even more than that at the base of the arch.     

Jason was happy to have climbed up the stone arch, as the mana density satisfied his demand.     

The closer he came to the thing that attracted his attention, the denser the amount of mana became, when he squeezed himself through some bushes.     

He entered a small flower field with many kinds of fruits releasing a faint aroma along with mana that radiated from them.     

Through his mana eyes, Jason could even see colors radiating from these fruits!     

The fact that shocked him extremely was that the fruits not only radiated a black color but some also radiated a faint light-gray color.     

Unbeknownst to himself, he turned extremely greedy, only to gather his thoughts after a moment.     

`Can I just harvest these fruits or do they belong to someone?` Jason thought as he was tempted to pluck them all, before quickly dashing away.     

However, he realised that his mana fluctuations could be found here, and turn him into the main suspect, which wouldn't be helpful.     

He would be expelled from the school in the best-case scenario and he shivered at the thought of the possible punishments in the worst-case scenario Thus, to be on the safe side, Jason used the quantum bracelet to seek permission from his teacher...     

`I found some magical fruits on top of a stone arch… Can I pluck them up or not?` He asked straightforwardly without writing anything else.     

"You may pick one…" A voice behind him suddenly said and Jason turned around with a slightly frightened look, only to see his teacher observing him with an odd expression.     

Jason was shocked to see his teacher behind him, but he only nodded his head as he looked at the fruits in front of him.     

After scanning through all of them, Jason picked a fruit radiating the thickest light-gray color.     

Mr. Greil noticed that it was the best fruit out of all that were hanging down the branches and his frown deepened.     

"Ughh….This will be annoying to explain..` Mr.Greil lamented in his mind before he vanished again.     

Jason didn't even notice him vanish as he took out his perennial neoxid box, containing the holy white bacuri fruit.     

He managed to squeeze the "Siphon-agnus-castus flower" he had picked up, and the small box was now completely filled.     

Now, he was somewhat worried that the magical effect of both fruits might reduce, as they were squeezed slightly within the small box, but there was nothing he could do for now.     

He hoped that even if they were squeezed together, their effect wouldn't decrease by much.     

Jason had still 3 ½ hours left before the spars would commence and then he would have to rush back to the arena.     

As such, Jason set a 3 hours time limit during which he could strengthen himself.     

He quickly selected a spot and sat down right above the thick mana stream amidst the flowers.     

Jason took out a few mana stones, which he laid down in front of him in order to supply himself with a steady stream of mana even more if necessary.     

Closing his eyes, he activated his mana sensibility to the limited capabilities.     

Jason could feel the whole wildlife around him with his senses alone which was an amazing feeling.     

It felt like his mana core was screaming for more mana as all his pores opened up, releasing excessive oils before it began absorbing the mana in his surroundings.     

His control and mana sensitivity were exceptionally high and the mana streamed into his mana channels, filling them up within seconds.     

Jason created huge circles through his mana channels with the foreign mana before he injected it into his mana core.     

He wondered as to why he even took out the mana stones. Jason felt weird as the mana from his surroundings was vast enough to overwhelm him because all of his mana channels were flooded by mana.     

He almost lost his focus because of the overwhelming quantity of mana, but Jason could fix his focus after a moment before he greedily circled the mana within him followed by injecting it into his mana core afterward.     

Previously, Jason thought he would need a few days before he would be able to break into the 6th Novice rank, but now he was confident in achieving this in an extremely short amount of time.     

Unbeknownst to him, a translucent mana cocoon surrounded him, as Jason entered a state of complete focus.     

The mana in his surroundings was absorbed greedily while seconds...minutes...and a whole hour passed.     

Cracks began to appear on the outer shell of the cocoon and Jason opened his golden shining eyes, after he woke up from his focused state.     

Looking around, he noticed the dense mana cocoon around him as he decided to consolidate his newly advanced 6th Novice mana core immediately before he would measure the increase in strength.      

Mr. Greil´s task was to look after all students, however, he was too interested in Jason, causing him to return to the lake.     

The sight before him was astonishing and for a minute, he even forgot that he was a teacher as he stared at the weakest student of his class in awe.     

`Who was this idiot, thinking that his mana control was bad?? … Why the hell is he only at the Novice rank????`     

Till was even more confusing than before. With the abilities he saw in Jason, there was no way for him to be only at the novice rank… Till felt that Jason should have at least been at the expert stage with such capabilities...     

One could only see a handsome-looking teacher with blond hair standing near a tree, staring dumbfoundedly at a mana cocoon for two more hours.     

*2 hours later*     

Jason secreted tons of a black smelly liquid as he took off his reeking clothes.     

Unfortunately, that wasn't enough for him to get rid of the stench when Jason remembered that there was a lake below him.     

He was 30 meters above it but that wasn't something to worry about, as he glanced at the time.     

There were 20 minutes left to cleanse himself and reach the arena which was definitely not enough for him.     

Jumping down the stone arch naked, he was fortunate that nobody saw him.     

He landed with a loud splash and his back hurt on the impact as he landed in an uncomfortable position.     

Rushing out of the water, Jason changed into a new set of clothes and rushed back to the arena. In his haste to reach in time, he didn't even notice a small group of third-year students who had been watching him sneakily.     

"Everyone saw that, right?" A small blue-haired girl asked with red cheeks.     

"Yep," A red-haired girl with a voluptuous chest said next to her, smiling weirdly.     

"Me too me too" A small brown-haired youth said happily, as he jumped around with an amused smile.     


W E B N O V E L= https://bit.ly/3xsAY0z     

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