Last Wish System

Company Challenge

Company Challenge


Yale checked his stats one last time before going to the challenge; the bloodline synchronization had given an important boost to him.


[Name: Yale| Age: 11| Origin Level: 7| Origin Points: 61/61]

[Vitality: 65| Strength: 67| Agility: 67| Intelligence: 62| Wisdom: 62| Dexterity: 61]

With his current Bloodline Force, his Agility and Strength would be comparable to a 1-star Novice. Although the stats wouldn't reach the peak of that level, he had confidence in winning someone who advanced into the Novice Rank by relying on the Apprentice Pill.

The deathmatch place was situated in an arena that was usually used to battles among slaves. However, when a deathmatch challenge between companies was issued, the arena would be reserved for them.

The arena was full despite the audience requiring to pay expensive tickets to view the battle. All the benefits from that would also go to the winner.

The revelation that the Frost Wolf Company made about the challenge turned it in something of a public domain, instead of something underhanded as the other party had planned.

Usually, a challenge between two unranked companies would have almost no audience, so selling all the tickets was really strange.

Yale had left Wyba with Julie, but he didn't day anything to her and Oscro before the battle, he was only focused on beating his opponent.

When Yale entered the arena, there was already a tall and muscular guy waiting. He was at the Novice Rank. It was like Yale had suspected, the slave seemed to have eaten an Apprentice Pill.

"You should give up before this starts and stop being a fool. That wolf is a mere beast, why risk your life for it? Give it to us, and we will forgive the mess you created."

A young man with expensive clothes was the one saying those words, without any doubt, he was someone from the other company.

Yale didn't reply as he just wielded his sword ready for battle, that young man was already put second in his list of people to kill.

"You are a fool. If you had accepted my master's offer, you would be able to live. You chose to battle with me, a Novice Warrior, while you are a mere 7-star mortal. Don't worry. I will kill you slowly with a lot of pain. This is one of the few pleasures I have as a slave."

The slave charged towards Yale without waiting for anything else, that was a deathmatch, the only rule was that the last alive won.

Yale cast his Wind Wings and avoided the incoming attack flying. Although he used the Bloodline Force, it could only increase his strength and his agility. His vitality was still normal, so Yale didn't dare to receive an attack if he could avoid it.

Yale cast his Water Battle Armor and attacked the slave from the sky. Yale wasn't battling in an honorable battle. He was looking to kill the opponent, so he didn't mind about the advantage obtained from flying.

The slave barely avoided Yale's attack, but that attack was with an ice sword not with the Space-time Judgment Sword, which was going towards him just afterward.

The slave activated all his defensive skills. He was confident about blocking the all-out attack from a 7-star mortal.

However, all his defenses were eradicated as if they didn't exist from the start. That provoked that his body was heavily damaged by Yale's sword, the attack wasn't enough to kill him, but those injuries were enough to determine the result of the battle.

Yale didn't move after the opponent fell to the ground due to the injuries, he had used Time Slash, so he was feeling the backlash.

The audience was in silence, the battle they had seen was just too shocking. They never expected that the Silent Healer was also an expert in fighting capable of easily beating someone who was few levels higher than him.

"I won't lose."

The slave tried to stand up, but he was without strength. Even with Yale being also incapable of moving, with the Water Battle Armor covering his body, the injured slave wouldn't be able to harm him.

"Use that thing! It is an order!"

The young man, who had asked Yale to give up before, shouted an order to the slave, who took out a small bottle from his sleeve and drank it.

Yale was able to determine the content in that bottle due to be especially sensitive to it. It was monster blood, and from a mighty beast who surpassed Rank 1, Yale was unable to determine the real strength of the monster at first sight due to being far weaker than it.

The slave didn't have a system's help, and the blood wasn't obtained as a legacy either, so his body started to show the after-effects of the blood's corruption immediately. The beast's blood was more powerful than him by a huge margin, so the beast instincts began to take control of him.

The slave's body began to swell, and fur started to appear in his body, he turned similar to a gorilla.

That slave stopped to be human. At that moment, he turned into another species, a half-beast, not human nor beast, a proof of complete failure when a human tried to fuse with beast blood.

However, even normal half-beasts had more human part than him.

That was because if a human who transformed into a half-beast due to losing the control didn't find a balance inside the body, the life force would burn at high speed until it dissipated completely, and the remaining soul will be turned into a beast soul. Even if that soul managed to reincarnate, it would never be a human again.

The half-beasts that didn't fail in balancing their bodies would remain forever in that mixed state, and their descendants would inherit those traits.

They would obtain innate skills from their bloodlines, but their training path will become more difficult after reaching the bloodline limit despite not being completely cut off like the beasts, which were unable to advance unless they bloodline upgraded.

Moreover, they also practiced training methods that were similar to those of the beasts and focused on the power of the body and bloodline. No one in the Zuatania Republic had heard that they had Paths to follow like ordinary humans.

If the slave managed to control himself, then he would become a complete half-beast, but if he failed, he would lose his life and all his humanity. Forcing someone to reach that state was ruthless as both results would be bad.

After all, half-beasts were considered even lower than ordinary slaves in the Zuatania Republic. They were forbidden to wear clothes or sleep in rooms for people, they could only sleep in places for beasts. Sometimes they were treated worse than beasts because the beasts as long they had a master would have more rights than them.

The main reason was that the Anpaes Kingdom was a kingdom governed by half-beasts, and the relation between them and Zuatania wasn't good, although they weren't in a war at that moment. Half-beasts were discriminated in the Zuatania Republic, while humans were discriminated in the Anpaes Kingdom.

Yale wanted to kill the slave before the transformation ended, but he was still unable to move due to having used Time Slash.

The slave started to roar into madness while his life force began to burn, and his consciousness was already fading. Given how quick was the process, Yale estimated that the blood the slave drank was at least from a Rank 2 beast, no matter if the merging is a success or a failure, even if he just had some moments before death, the slave's strength would be able to crush Yale.

The maddened slave rushed towards Yale to kill him, he had been reduced to a state that he was only capable of thinking about killing anyone at his sight, the blood merge ended in failure, and he had lost his mind forever.

If Yale were able to survive for a bit of time, the slave would die due to his life force being extinguished, but even surviving against him was difficult.

Yale was crushed into pulp in front of everyone, and the young man from the opposing company laughed.

"Great! You made me turn a good slave into a beast, so I think that I will turn the previous Frost Wolf Company leader into another half-beast and sell him to some slave trader. That will make up for the losses."

He was speaking about Oscro, who was completely scared. The result would be terrible even if he managed to survive the transformation.

"You are the biggest trash I have seen in my whole life."

The voice resounded by the arena, but only Julie and Oscro were able to recognize the owner of the voice.

Yale had survived with Absolute Protection, and after reappearing, he flew into the sky, created a lot of Ice Spears, and thrown them towards the slave.

At the next moment, Yale created two golems for stopping the slave's moves. Yale didn't plan to battle at a short-range since the other party's raw power was enormous.

"Why? Why are you alive? I saw you being killed just a moment ago!"

The young man spoke, but Yale ignored him as he could deal with him after his current opponent died.

The slave was able to break the golems, but Yale just created more while continuing with the long-range attacks.

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