Rise of Humanity

Arrival of the Insect Gods and Mother Gods

Arrival of the Insect Gods and Mother Gods

0Two days later, Zhong Yue has reclaimed all of the insect divine weapons within Great Wilderness. As the insect race was created by the demon race, the demon race has left a heavy mark in the insect totem patterns. Thus, Zhong Yue wasn't sure if the scale mirror could have reflected the totem patterns in the insect divine weapons.     

He raised an insect divine weapon that looked like a pair of cicada wings in front of the scale and watched closely. Immediately, when the insect divine weapon appeared in front of the mirror, the totem patterns and internal structures of the insect divine weapon was reflected in it!     

The insect god's mark inside of the insect divine weapon looked like a living cicada, it was dormant in the middle of the divine weapon.     

The marks were the core of the divine weapons, they were commonly forged with the owner's blood and spirit.     

After the Qi Practitioners have cultivated the Yuan Shen, they wouldn't have to use their soul to enter the weapons to control them anymore. This has greatly reduced the risk of dying when the weapons were destroyed and can also greatly boost the power of the weapons.     

However, the soul weapons were also different from the divine weapons. Other than their overbearing advantage in strength and power, the divine weapons could be manipulated in such a way that the owner desires.     

Especially the divine weapons that could have loom between reality and voidness, that could change sizes and even forms.     

Among the divine weapons Zhong Yue has met with before, the Divine Wing Saber of the Kun Peng Celestial Race was a great example. It was a saber in a whole, but the feathers could be taken out individually as a sword. Even when the feathers were heavily damaged, they would still be returned to their peak and flawless state whenever it reattaches back to the Divine Wing Saber.     

Not only that, the Divine Wing Saber doesn't have a definite form it should be in. The divine golds that it was forged from could change between light particles, liquid form and solid objects. The whole weapon was able to disintegrate into the most simplest form of totem patterns and be reformed into any shapes at all.     

It was nearly impossible to wipe away the marks left within such a strong saint weapon, even if Zhong Yue have the scale mirror. This was because the internal structure and array formations inside of the Divine Wing Saber were changing every second, and the mark left in it would also change in places along. It was simply difficult to search, identify and break it down within seconds.     

Thankfully, the insect divine weapons Zhong Yue has brought back weren't in that level yet, thus giving him the chance to wipe away the marks of the insect gods left in the divine weapons.     

Furthermore, he was also able to perceive the flaws in the insect divine weapons, even the weaknesses of the totem patterns that were forged in the weapons.     

"What a treasure this scale is!", Zhong Yue praised.     

Then, he turned back at the insect divine weapon and inspected it meticulously. In stark contrast to the celestial race and demon race, the insect race has forged their divine weapons more crudely. This would be due to their lack of knowledge and resources when compared to the celestials and demons. Thus, causing their divine weapons to be less marvelous and primitive.     

The divine third eye was opened and Zhong Yue looked at the divine weapon through the reflection. After some time, he has finally finished understanding the totem patterns inside of the cicada wings looking insect divine weapon.     

"Cast!", Zhong Yue yelled lowly, his psyche and arcane energy have surged into the insect divine weapon. The psyche and arcane energy have slipped through the defenses of the totem patterns and array formation that protected the mark as Zhong Yue attempted to wipe away the insect god's mark!     

His psyche and arcane energy have reached to the front of the insect god's mark inside of the divine weapon. All of a sudden, Zhong Yue's heart twitches in alertness.     

Right after, the cicada wing looking mark has squirmed and turned into an eight-legged golden cicada celestial being. It was shining in golden rays and it inhaled deeply, sucking away Zhong Yue's psyche and arcane energy!     

The golden cicada celestial being grew bigger and it chortled in criticizing, "You want to wipe me away? A mere Qi Practitioners like you? Do you know what am I? I am the mark of a god, I am a godly treasure, formed by the god's psyche, arcane energy and blood…"     

Zhong Yue gave a cold hum. This time, he surged his True Spirit directly into the divine weapon and refuted frigidly, "God?"     

His True Spirit Yuan Shen flew past the defenses and reached to the front of the insect god's mark, he replied coldly, "If you are really a god, I will leave as far away as possible. But you are just a mark left behind by the insect god, you are not qualified to rave wildly in front me."     

The golden cicada celestial being smiled smugly and pounced on Zhong Yue's True Spirit Yuan Shen while shouting, "You dare to come and see me with your Yuan Shen? How generous you are! Let me devour you and grow stronger with you as my nutrients!"     

Zhong Yue's mortal body sat unmovingly in front of the mirror. His three divine eyes have all opened and stared right at the mirror where all the weaknesses and flaws in the golden cicada celestial being were reflected on.     

Whereas inside of the divine weapon, his True Spirit Yuan Shen was clashing with the golden cicada celestial being.     

"[Golden Cicada First Form]!", the golden cicada celestial being gave a loud whistle, its body changed into a huge golden cicada with two huge claw-like front legs that slashed unceasingly on Zhong Yue's True Spirit.     

Zhong Yue's Fuxi True Spirit was slithering around as his hands were making many hand seals that cast out the dragons like shears.     

It was the [Dragon Shears]!     

The seal-breaking art created by Feng Xiaozhong!     

Ka-cha, ka-cha—     

The two claw-like front legs of the golden cicada celestial being were sheared into pieces. The [Dragon Shears] was an art created to strike on the flaws and break the opponent; and thanks to the scale mirror, it wasn't hard for Zhong Yue to perceive the golden cicada celestial being's flaws and weaknesses!     

"[Golden Cicada Second Form]!", the golden cicada celestial being shouted and its shell fell from from its body. Wings spanned out on its back and it flew up into mid-air, striking its mouth down like spears on Zhong Yue's True Spirit!     

"Brat, I still have the third form, fourth form, and all the way up to nine different forms!", insect god's mark laughed nefariously as it said.     

Zhong Yue gave a cold hum, he has already understood the structures of the insect god's mark. Suddenly, the [Celestial Demon Tai Chi Art] turned out and shrouded the golden cicada celestial being in it. Immediately, the demonic arcane energy within the area was sucked away and dispersed into the surrounding as the celestial arcane energy while the Yin and Yang Qi have formed into the [Dragon Shears] and struck on the golden cicada celestial being.     

"You won't have the chance anymore!", a cold and frigid voice came from the young man.     

The golden cicada celestial being was stunned, it stopped moving for even a single muscle. Then, a second later, it has shattered into many pieces of totem patterns. Billowing energy exploded into the surrounding like a raging ocean let loose. In the middle of the energy ocean, there was the blood of the insect god gathering together and tried to form into the insect god's mark again.     

Zhong Yue's Fuxi True Spirit yelled loudly and slammed his hand down. A huge [Celestial Demon Tai Chi Art] fell from the top and suppressed the whole energy ocean away. The insect god's blood was clenched in his hand and pressured into a ball of blood.     

His True Spirit flashed out from the insect divine weapon and brought it out.     

Immediately as the blood ball was brought out from the divine weapon, it has started squirming even more violent, trying to fly away.     

"Hmm? The blood ball is still moving, it's trying to fly away… it can sense its owner!", Zhong Yue's face changed, he mumbled softly, "Seems like the insect gods really survived and are very close to the Ancestral Star already!"     

He waved his hand and sent the insect god's blood into the secret realm inside of Swords Gate Mountain, sprinkling the blood into the divine herb's garden.     

The godly blood have not much use for him anymore, but remained a highly nutrition fertilizers to the divine herbs. With the godly blood, the divine herbs can grow better and faster.     

"That's the first, now move on to the second!",Zhong Yue took out the second insect divine weapon and with the same method, wiped away the insect god's mark in it.     

The insect divine weapons were cleansed off from the insect god's marks while he then forged his own Tai Chi mark into the divine weapons.     


Meanwhile, somewhere near the Celestial Fire Star, there were nearly a dozen insect gods and mother gods that were flying toward the Ancestral Star.     

There were twenty-four of them, but traveling across the galaxy was a long and tedious journey, it requires a huge amount of arcane energy. While before they left the devastated insect planet, they have carried out a reproduction spree which took a great toll on their energy, making them all exhausted. Thus, during their way here, they were seriously lack of energy and half of them were sacrificed to provide energy for the others. In the end, only four mother gods and another few insect gods were able to make it here.     

All of a sudden, an insect god's face changed drastically, he shouted in shocked, "I have lost connection with my Cicada Wing Diviner Saber, my mark in it is wiped away!"     

"What sort of existence can wipe away your mark?", a mother god changed her face drastically, she asked.     

"Him!", a hologram was shot out from the insect god's eyes and showed the image of Zhong Yue and his Fuxi True Spirit Yuan Shen.     

"Him?", the insect gods and mother gods exchanged a look. One of the mother gods asked, "This human… he has been in the insect planet, but was just a Heavenly Dharma Qi Practitioners, how can he possibly wipe away your mark and refine your divine weapon?"     

"I don't know.", the insect god answered, "I can only sense him but I cannot perceive what means have he used. But if this brat can refine my divine weapon, so can he refine yours. Why don't we coalesce our strength and recall our divine weapons?"     

The other gods nodded and they focused their senses on their divine weapons. Moments later, a mother god shook her head and said, "It's too far still. We can only vaguely sense where our divine weapons are but we still have to get closer to the Ancestral Star to summon them back!"     

"Quick, quick!", the insect gods and mother gods mustered up their strength and bolted toward the Ancestral Star. Soon after, another insect god's face changed drastically, he shouted in shock, "My divine weapon, it's lost!"     

"Not good, mine too!"     


Every few moments there would be an insect god's divine weapon that lost connection with its owner. They didn't even travel for far and all of the divine weapons of the insect gods and mother insects have already lost connection with them!     

Furthermore, the marks in the divine weapons have showed the last image to the gods before they disperses — they were all wiped away by the same human, Zhong Yue!     

"Who is he! Is he a god?! How can he have wiped away our marks in the divine weapons in such a short time! How terrifyingly strong?", an insect god exclaimed in shock.     

"He has escaped the insect planet, which tells us that he have certain unique means that can protect him even under the most extreme circumstances. While now, he has wiped away our marks, it proves of his terrifying prowess. We need to avoid clashing with him as much as possible, we shan't get too close to him in the Ancestral Star…"     


"The insect planet is sealed by the frozen ice and our children are in dormant, even the High Mother Si Ming is missing. We are the only hopes left. Thus, we have to act incredibly cautious. Mark the position where this human is at, we should avoid going near there and strike from the other weak points."     

The insect gods and mother gods have gathered up and discussed their landing point. Soon after, they have reached to a common consensus to descend in the south of Ancestral Star, that was the spot far away from where that human was at and the forces there were relatively weaker.     

While during the rest of their journey to the Ancestral Star, another two insect gods were sacrificed to provide energy, leaving only four mother insects and six insect gods surviving.     

Somewhen in the fourth month of the year, ten falling stars left a trails of fire drew a beautiful arc across the sky, and fell inside the South Barren.     

Four mother gods have planted their tentacles into the ground and started sucking the energy in the heaven and earth. Batches and batches of insect eggs were laid on the ground and in a few moments, it was already thousands in number.     

The insect gods and mother gods have finally arrived in their destination.     

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