Am I A God?



0Red Packet, Dust Ball, and Fish Ball followed the white cat until they reached a foreign district. They watched the white cat run into her house in an underground garage. The three cats looked at each other with dismay.     

"What do we do now?" Dust Ball asked, "She doesn't look like she planted the catmint herself."     

"I'm afraid she may only be a middle person." Red Packet started pondering, "We need to find out who is providing the catmint."     

Dust Ball frowned. " How are we going to find out? Keep following her? That's such a waste of time. We are cats, every minute that passes is five minutes gone for us."     

Just when Dust Ball and Red Packet were out of ideas, Fish Ball who was by their side, coughed. He stood up and said proudly, "It is my turn to shine."`     

Looking at Red Packet and Dust Ball's puzzled looks, Fish Ball grunted, "There is no female cat on this earth that I cannot handle. Give me five minutes and I guarantee that I can find out whatever you want to know."     

Dust Ball looked at Fish Ball in disgust but Red Packet's eyes lit up. "Fish Ball, are you sure?"     

"Do not call me Fish Ball. Call me Fish Ball the pickup master, or Fish God."     

As he was speaking, Fish Ball confidently walked out.     

To Dust Ball's disgust and Red Packet's satisfaction, soon they heard a commotion in the cat house.     

Red Packet was excited. "Did he succeed? Is Fish Ball's true ability picking up girls?"     

Dust Ball rolled her eyes. "Jerk."     

In about a minute, Fish Ball walked out triumphantly.     

Red Packet asked, "Were you successful? Who is providing her with the goods?"     

Fish Ball was a bit embarrassed and asked, "Do any of you have 500 dollars?"     

Looking at the bewildered look of the two cats, Fish Ball laughed at said, "She licked my paw and said she needed to charge 1000 dollars for this service. However, because I was so handsome she will only ask for 500 from me. Furthermore if I pay there will be an unexpected service."     

Red Packet smacked Fish Ball's head. " You idiot, what did we ask you to go there for? To spend money? You didn't get any information and you are asking for 500 dollars."     

Fish Ball was annoyed. "It's called networking. What business doesn't need it? How do you network without spending money? If you won't even spend 500 dollars, how do you expect to achieve success?"     

Red Packet hesitated while Dust Ball rejected his idea with disgust. "Don't give it to this jerk. Anyways we haven't invested in this project yet? Since there is no buyer, we can just pull out of it."     

Zhao Yao gave Dust Ball and Red Packet a fixed amount of pocket money regularly. Unlike them, Fish Ball was more desperate. Xiaoyu's family do not give Fish Ball any money. He could only grab red packets from Wechat groups to cover his daily expenses."     

This time, Dust Ball and Red Packet only included him because he said that he knew of a buyer.     

The three supercats were in disagreement and at a loss. Overhearing their conversation, Zhao Yao thought, "It looks like they have encountered some difficulties. Now is the time for me to show up."     

He deactivated the illusion effect and Roly Poly's invisibility. He suddenly appeared in front of the cats and whispered, "What are you guys doing?"     

The sudden emergence of Zhao Yao scared them so much that Dust Ball jumped up, Red Packet fainted on the spot, and Fish Ball tried to run off immediately. Unfortunately for him, Zhao Yao who had the strength of five cats grabbed onto his hind leg and dragged him back.     

Zhao Yao woke Red Packet up with a slap. He looked at them and said, "Do the three of you know how long you will be sentenced to jail for selling catmint?"     

Fish Ball was stunned and stuttered, "I can be sentenced for selling catmint?"     

Red Packet immediately responded, "Don't be fooled by Zhao Yao. How can selling catmint send you to jail?"     

"Oh? Really now?" Zhao Yao laughed coldly. He activated the Deflective Field and trapped the three cats, "The three of you are now under arrest. Get ready to stay in jail till you die."     

Red Packet started yelling, "This is illegal detention! I will sue you!"     

"Hahahaha…" Zhao Yao looked at Red Packet menacingly and said, "Go ahead and sue. I am the country's highest-ranked undercover officer. Everyone in the public security department is under me. The prison chief of the Jianghai Super Prison is my good friend. You want to challenge me? Now I suspect the three of you of treason. You will have to take a trip with me."     

In Fish Ball's eyes, Zhao Yao looked like a devil. He was so frightened he pissed himself. He knelt down in his pee and plead, "Zhao Yao! I didn't sell any catmint. They lied to me, I thought they were selling cat grass that's why I helped them promote their goods."     

Red Packet snapped, "Fool! Do you think that by pleading Zhao Yao would let you go?"     

Zhao Yao rubbed Fish Ball's head and said, "Okay, since it is your first offense, I shall let you go."     

"My King! I am so sorry!" Red Packet thumped to the floor and rolled over to show his belly. He spoke with great sincerity, "My original plan was to earn some money then hand everything to you. Since now you have discovered my plans, I shall let you lead this project. You can order me to do anything and I will not even frown."     

"Damn it." Dust Ball clenched her teeth and looked at Zhao Yao. "Although I did not do anything illegal, as long as Zhao Yao has got his eye on me, it is worse than breaking the law. These two cowards are unreliable. I can only depend on myself now."     

Zhao Yao was the most concerned about Dust Ball. Looking at the fiery exclamation mark on top of her head, he realized that she was not going to give in easily. He coughed and said, "Dust Ball your accomplices have owned up. Do you still want to resist? Do you really think that I do not torture cats?"     

Dust Ball snarled and showed her teeth. She glared at Zhao Yao with her eyes wide open and exclaimed, "Supercats will never become slaves."     

Zhao Yao laughed coldly and took out a water gun from the Extradimensional Belly. He aimed at Dust Ball's paws and shot water at them.     

Meow! Dust Ball let out a shriek, "Even if I fall, there will be many more like me who will stand up against you! Zhao Yao, you can't oppress the supercats forever."     

As she was speaking, Zhao Yao shot a jet of water into her mouth.     

Looking at her pathetic state, Red Packet and Fish Ball shivered.     

Red Packet used his consciousness to communicate with Dust Ball, "Dust Ball just give in. You can pretend to agree."     

Fish Ball also communicated with Dust Ball privately, "Dust Ball at this rate, you are going to be drenched soon! Just plead for forgiveness."     

Dust Ball heard them but chose to ignore their words. She glared at Zhao Yao and said, "Zhao Yao I have tolerated you for very long. Today, I am going to stand up against you until the end. I am going to set an example for all the cats at home."     

Zhao Yao laughed coldly, "Then you can give up your position as the president of the plantation department. Red Packet, from now on you are the president of the plantation department. Every catmint field on Cat Island is now under your control."     

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