Am I A God?



0Zhao Yao was stunned as he stared at the patch of fur which came out of Elizabeth's mouth. He curled his lips and said, "Enough."     

As Elizabeth released her paws from Matcha, Matcha instantly made an escape and bolted towards the mirror. He stood up in front of the mirror and attempted to stroke his head with his paws but to no avail. Matcha looked completely devastated as he stared at the bald patch on his scalp.     

Spirit cat witnessed the entire incident and was terrified of what he just saw. His eyes kept on switching between Elizabeth and Matcha.     

"This is insane, really insane. Why are the cats in this house so cruel and evil?"     

Roly Poly and Dust Ball were similarly amazed by what they saw. Roly Poly worshipped Elizabeth while Dust Ball secretly rejoiced over Matcha's bald spot.     

Roly Poly thought to himself secretly, "This lady is really scary when she's mad."     

Ten minutes later…     

"Alright, we are done!" Elizabeth and Dust Ball both had their new fur pasted onto them. Meanwhile, Roly Poly's belly was already wrapped in a roll of wool and Matcha was wearing a green beanie. Zhao Yao nodded his head and announced, "Let's go to the café! Remember, today's performance will determine if we get to continue eating proper food or sh*t from now on. So do your best and please our customers!"     


It was evening time. There was a middle-aged man with a stern look on his face standing outside the mall. He was wearing a tuxedo and seemed like he was searching for something.     

He stopped a lady who walked past him and asked, "Hi, may I know where is the mysterious cat café?"     

"Oh, that cat café. It's over there…"     

The middle-aged man walked towards the direction which the lady pointed to. He was anxious and hesitant to visit the café.     

His name was Tian Jian. In order to support his family, he became a workaholic. He worked every day from day to night and worked overtime to earn extra cash. Sometimes, he even worked during public holidays.     

Two years ago, Tian Jian's wife became a full-time housewife so that he could focus on working. She took care of all the household chores and his well-being.     

They loved each other and shared a healthy relationship through mutual cooperation.     

However, Tian Jian noticed that his wife had been going out every day recently. The clothes would remain unwashed and the floor would be covered with a layer of dust. Sometimes, on the rare occasion that he came back home early from work, there would be no one at home and dinner wasn't even prepared for him.     

These were clear indications that his wife had been out of home all the time. According to the security guard outside, his wife had been heading to the small town after lunch every day and would only come back after dinner time.     

"She still had the cheek to tell me that she did not have enough allowance."     

"So much for going to the cat café to drink coffee…"     

Tian Jian recalled the explanation given by his wife and couldn't help but feel a little jittery.     

He simply didn't believe that a trip to the cat café could be so enjoyable that his wife would visit it every single day. Besides, his wife seemed to be spending much more than she usually did.     

"Could it be…" At the thought of such a possibility, Tian Jian felt even worse than before and feared for the worst.     

This morning, he asked his wife if she was heading to the cat café yet again. Upon hearing that she was indeed going to the café again, he took a day off from work and decided to sneakily follow his wife into the café to see what she had been up to. Tian Jian wanted to know exactly why his wife hadn't been staying at home these days.     

However, he wasn't a professional in trailing someone and it didn't take long before he lost sight of his wife. Fortunately, he did take down the name of the cat café and could ask around for directions.     

As he stood outside the café, he was greeted by a sight which left him in shock. The small little café was fully seated with a total of sixty girls and a few guys. All of them were either hugging the cats, teasing them or feeding them.     

The cats in the café all had unique appearances. Tian Jian had never raised a pet and cared too much about pets. Hence, he naturally couldn't differentiate between different cat breeds. However, he could easily tell that the cats in the café were a lot different than the ones that roamed the streets.     

"Is this cat café really that popular?" Tian Jian frowned as he searched for his wife in the midst of the crowd.     

It wasn't long before he saw his wife sitting on the couch. She was giggling to her heart's content as she conversed with a man; she looked happier than ever.     

Tian Jian could only see the back view of the man from where he stood. However, judging from his hairdo and apparel, he looked like a young male staff who worked in the café.     

Tian Jian was really upset at how happy his wife was with the man in the shop. He stomped into the café with fire in his eyes.     

As soon as he stepped into the café, he found himself surrounded by a mysterious soothing energy.     

To a workaholic like Tian Jian who worked overtime almost every single day, he naturally suffered from an array of health problems which could range from intestinal, spinal and hip problems.     

The moment he entered the café, he felt an immense sense of relief as all these illnesses that used to haunt him gradually left his body.     

However, even such levels of comfort and relaxation couldn't douse the fire that was burning in his eyes. He inched his way towards the direction where his wife was seated.     

Tian Jian's wife was engaged in a hearty conversation with the young man beside her. "You look so alike! I bet you guys are relatives!"     

She poked the young man's face and continued, "I feel like you could make a name for yourself. You seem to be on par with those young celebrities."     

Tian Jian was fuming mad at this point as he stood beside the man and bellowed, "Ma Qiu Shi!"     

Tian Jian's wife lifted her head up and gasped in surprise, "Hubby! Why are you here? Aren't you working today?"     

"This…" Tian Jian was just about to say something when the young man turned around. Tian Jian gasped and exclaimed, "Kris Wu?"     

"Haha, you can't tell either right? He isn't Kris Wu, he is just a look alike." Tian Jian's wife laughed again.     

Zhao Yao nodded to Tian Jian and greeted him, "Hi, I'm one of the employees at the cat café. Welcome to the Star Cats' Night! Would you like to order a cup of drink?"     

"Oh." Tian Jian nodded in doubt as he was still shocked by the young man's appearance. In his mind, he thought to himself, "It's over, I lost. I completely lost."     

"Give him a cup of cappuccino." Tian Jian's wife dragged him to sit beside her and continued to ask, "What brings you here today? I recall asking you to come over to the café several times a few weeks back but you always refused. How is it? Isn't it so comfortable to stay in this café?"     

Tian Jian couldn't help but feel increasingly infuriated as he stared at the young man's face.     

"Oh, I see. So the reason for coming here is to see this young man over here? You fancy younger guys?"     

Tian Jian's wife knitted her eyebrows and asked, "Excuse me, Tian Jian, what do you mean?"     

Tian Jian responded furiously, "What do you mean? You visit this café almost every single day for this guy over here. You don't prepare dinner anymore and you don't even tidy up our house at all! What do you mean!?"     

Tian Jian's wife instantly lost her temper and screamed at Tian Jian as she pointed her finger at him. "Tian Jian! I dare you to say that once more!" ——     

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