Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

The Monster Civilization's Birthplace

The Monster Civilization's Birthplace


Meng Chao's spirit magnetic field almost went out of control again. Recalling the bad feeling he had when he and Lu Siya parted, he was both anxious and frustrated. He lost his composure and shouted, "What's going on? What mission did Team Leader Lu go on?"     

Ye Xiaoxing did not answer him directly. He only said, "Team Leader Lu and Team Nine are not the only missing search and rescue teams. In fact, including our Abnormal Beast Research Department, the military, and the Hunter Association, three search and rescue teams were sent out simultaneously. There were more than a hundred experienced superhumans in total, but they all disappeared without a trace at the same time."     

"Search and Rescue Teams?"     

Meng Chao finally grasped the main point. "To search and rescue what?"     

"To search and rescue another two missing reconnaissance teams."     

Ye Xiaoxing looked at Meng Chao and said, "From start to finish, there have been three batches. A total of five elite teams have gone missing mysteriously in the depths of Monster Mountain Range. Meng Chao, do you want to know the details?"     

Meng Chao understood what Ye Xiaoxing meant.     

The disappearance of the five elite squads was highly confidential.     

With his military achievements and experience, he was certainly qualified to be in contact with them.     

However, once he made contact with them, he had to be involved.     

Meng Chao nodded without hesitation.     

Whether or not its highly confidential nature had anything to do with the Monster War's outcome, he had to find out the truth about Lu Siya and rescue Sister Ya at all costs.     

After all, when he had been lost in the depths of the Lair and even framed as a traitor, Lu Siya had entered the Lair without any hesitation and trusted him without any reservations.     

"I'm willing to carry out any mission related to the disappearance."     

Meng Chao looked around and said with bright eyes, "Director Ye, please tell me the exact details of the situation!"     

"Let me explain the cause and effect to you."     

The representative of the young military men, "Railway Gun" Long Feijun, who was at the peak of Heaven Realm, suddenly stood up and said in a deep voice, "All of you here are the backbone of the military, the Abnormal Beast Research Department, and Battle God Palace. You are also the main executor of the search and rescue in the next phase. However, many of you don't know what kind of mysterious situation we are facing. I will start from the beginning."     

While he spoke, Long Feijun dimmed the lights and projected a vivid three-dimensional topographic map of Dragon City and the surrounding area on the conference table with a three-dimensional screen.     

From the magnificent and delicate three-dimensional topographic map, it could be clearly seen that Dragon City was located at the bottom of a flat and fertile basin. Surrounding the basin was a ring-shaped mountain range that towered into the clouds. On the eastern and western sides of the mountain range, there was a small path that jutted in and out of the basin.     

Although it was called a "path", it was actually winding and uneven, making it extremely difficult for steel torrents to pass through.     

If Dragon City's mechanized army wanted to flood out of the basin like a tide, they still needed to be bold and decisive.     

However, ignoring the issue of rushing out of the basin for the time being, just by "controlling Monster Mountain Range", Dragon City's civilization had already completed 90% of its progress.     

Long Feijun was pointing at a virtual three-dimensional sand table.     

A series of detailed parameters and clearer real-time images of small soldiers, tanks, or base models were instantly activated.     

It was obvious that after more than half a year of totally annihilating the army and rushing to stake claims in new markets, the people of Dragon City had occupied the highest peaks in the northern, eastern, and western parts of Monster Mountain Range. Moreover, they had built fully mechanized semi-permanent fortifications on more than a hundred strategic high points, stationed a large number of troops with sufficient ammunition, and connected all the bases together with railway tracks as well as air traffic lines.     

There were also densely packed minefields underground. On the ground, there were railway guns, main battle tanks, runic mechanical tanks, and superhumans wearing dynamic armor. In the air, there were drone swarms and armored airships that blotted out the sky. Such a trinity of encirclement and suppression... was something that the monster civilization could not deal with.     

It could be said that in the east, north, and west of Dragon City, the monster civilization had already collapsed.     

Facing the roaring steel torrent of humans, there was no organized beast horde army that could contend with it.     

It did not matter even if the small beast swarms that had fallen apart and were struggling on the verge of death still had a Hell Beast or even an Apocalyptic Beast commander. They were only left with the madness and brutality of a desperate dog jumping over a wall. Anyway, they had lost the intelligence, organization, and unity of command that were indispensable to the civilization.     

In these areas, the monster civilization had once again degenerated into "a bunch of monsters".     

They were just a group of beasts with sharp claws and teeth as well as relatively strong strength. They could not pose a fundamental threat to the Dragon City civilization.     

"We have already won 90% of the Monster War that has lasted for decades, but the remaining 10% is the most arduous and full of uncertainty."     

Long Feijun focused his attention on the southwestern corner of the three-dimensional sand table.     

The terrain there was ravaged by dozens of mountains that reached into the clouds. The land seemed to be covered and distorted by hundreds of scars. There were also two large rivers that collided violently there, countless tributaries, lakes, swamps, and flooded areas created from the collision. Even elementary school students without military common sense could tell that the place was definitely not suitable for the use of steel torrents.     

In the three-dimensional sand table, there was also the use of sound, light, and electricity to vividly simulate the local climate—dense fog, dark clouds, lightning, thunder, torrential rain, and all kinds of extreme weather seemed to be affected by an invisible force. Everything was simply and violently pushed to the place.     

Long Feijun lightly tapped on the three-dimensional sand table's highest peak.     

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!     

Hundreds of photos and videos of the mountain that had been taken from a distance were instantly projected in front of everyone.     

It was unknown whether it was due to intense spirit and magnetic interference or the dense fog, but the entire mountain range was surrounded by white mist.     

The mist was neither stationary nor rotating slowly around the mountain range. Instead, it seemed to be gushing out from the depths of the mountain range and flooding its surroundings like a tidal wave.     

The scene was somewhat like a volcanic eruption.     

Although it was not as intense as the eruption of magma, it was more bizarre than that.     

One could not help but wonder if the mist that had shrouded Dragon City for decades and isolated Dragon City from the Other World was gushing out from the depths of the mountain range?     

Of course, that was not the truth.     

Meteorologists and space physicists had long proven that the "mist" was not real mist but ripples and folds caused by the overlapping of space.     

It was just like the ripples caused by throwing Dragon City's "pebble" into the Other World's "big pond".     

However, it also meant that the mountain that was constantly spewing fog must be a place where the space was extremely dense and unstable.     

"What you are seeing now is Mist Mountain, the main vein and the highest peak of Monster Mountain Range. So far, we humans have not conquered it, or even understood its true colors."     

Long Feijun then explained in detail, "The area, where Mist Mountain is located, is hundreds of square kilometers in circumference. It is known as the Hidden Mist Domain. It is filled with thick mist and space folds all year round. Forget humans, even the monsters often get lost in it.     

"The surrounding mountains are also rich in spirit energy meridians and crystals. More than 50% of the mountain's interior is filled with minerals.     

"Although this is an inexhaustible treasure, it has also released an extremely strong interference in the spirit magnetic field, making the local spirit magnetic environment very unstable. Not only will it produce all kinds of extreme weather, but it will also seriously interfere with the vitality magnetic field of superhumans and the stability of runic machines. This is also the case for high-tech products that use microchips, which will be scrapped in the Hidden Mist Domain.     

"What's worse is that Mist Mountain also houses the largest river on Monster Mountain Range. It's the birthplace of the Raging Tiger River.     

"You must know that more than half a century ago, Dragon City broke through the sky and occupied a large area of space on Monster Mountain Range. At that time, the greatest threat that the martyrs encountered was neither the zombie virus nor the lack of resources or the monster civilization. Instead, it was the Red Dragon River that ran through Dragon City and overlapped with the Raging Tiger River, a large river that originated from the Other World.     

"The Raging Tiger River got its name because its current was so fast that it hit the rocks and roared like a fierce tiger day and night.     

"Two rivers with a huge amount of runoff crashed into each other like thousands of galloping horses, immediately causing the river to change its course. The serious consequences of the flood caused all the areas along the river in Dragon City to be reduced to water villages and swamps.     

"When that happened, the army paid an extremely tragic sacrifice to barely control the flood. However, they were unable to eradicate the plague after the flood receded as well as the zombies born from the plague."     

Half of the people present were young officers from the Red Dragon Army.     

The Red Dragon Army had always remembered the heroic sacrifices of their ancestors, who had almost been wiped out in order to continue their civilization when they first transmigrated.     

Naturally, they still remembered the collision between the Red Dragon River and the Raging Tiger River, which spanned across the sea of stars.     

"After decades of continuous conflict and integration, the Red Dragon River and the Raging Tiger River now have their own stable basins. At least in the middle and lower reaches, they have gone their separate ways a long time ago."     

Long Feijun continued, "However, in the upper reaches where the Hidden Mist Domain is located, the two ferocious rivers are still entangled with each other. They often change their course and flood the surrounding mountains, forming swamps, mudslides, and 'ghost lakes.' The environment there is extremely complex.     

"It is not suitable for us to deploy the Red Dragon Army's mechanized troops near the Hidden Mist Domain.     

"Without the support of heavy firepower, it is impossible for the superhumans to march into the dense fog. They will die alone.     

"The fortresses and bases that we have built in the periphery with all kinds of super construction machinery are also easily destroyed by the mudslides triggered by the flooding.     

"Therefore, when the vanguard of Dragon City advanced steadily on the eastern, northern, and western fronts, only the Hidden Mist Domain and Mist Mountain in the southwest remained stagnant.     

"We originally determined that the main direction of attack would be toward the eastern front in order to open up a lifeline from the eastern front to rush out of Monster Mountain Range.     

"As for the southwest direction, although there are abundant resources, Dragon City is not short of resources for the time being. Therefore, we are not in a hurry to occupy and develop it. Even if there are still some remnants of the monster troops hiding there, we can, at most, use the 'iron wall encirclement' tactic to restrict their living space. Once Dragon City's scale and development level increase tenfold, the remnants of the monster troops will be destroyed.     

"But at present, something unexpected has happened.     

"Over the past six months, many pieces of evidence have been collected. The Hidden Mist Domain and Mist Mountain are most likely the birthplaces and last lairs of the monster civilization."     

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