Seized by the System

This Request Is Quite Difficult

This Request Is Quite Difficult

0Vigilante A's farm villa, Qi City.     

It was mid-August, and the cicadas were humming loudly. Flowers were also in full bloom, and the fragrance of delicious food wafted in the air.     

In a plain surrounded by lush green trees, dinner was being served continuously. The food radiated with warmth and its fragrance could be detected from miles away.     

There was a roasted whole lamb, a roasted whole cow, a roasted suckling pig, celery cooked with bean curd sheets, and rapeseed fried with dried shrimps… The abundance of both meat and vegetable dishes had gorgeous colors and fragrant smells. It was a sight that would be rarely seen in Heaven and that would not be seen on Earth at all.     

However, there was only a single customer eating the continuous dinner, and that was the great green insect, which was the size of a palm.     

However, there were a few hosts… Xue Ba the Yellow Dog, Brett the Black God, and Yellow Dog's wife, a white Labrador.     

Zheng Dao, Cang Gongzi, and Dragon Carp were all busy working in the Yin Energy Realm, so they were not present.     

The hosts had their bellies full and round after the meal, and were now currently making small talk.     

While they made conversation, they watched the great green insect eat and started comparing who had a bigger appetite—it or their Master?     

At this moment, the great green insect was currently lying on a snow white kerchief. Its face was one of excitement as it swallowed plate after plate of food non-stop.     

After much comparison, the hosts decided that it was too close to call…     

At this moment, Black Dog Brett seemed to be particularly ill at ease, since it kept looking at the Yellow Dog and its wife, who were in the midst of a conversation. The envious glint in the Black Dog's eyes were hard to miss.     

Previously, Vigilante A had summoned Fang Ning's mechanical puppet to cook up a grand meal for the great green insect before he had gone to look for the Black Dog immediately after.     

The Black Dog was currently shouldering a heavy responsibility, a matter related to the System's experience farming, so the System had gone to check on its subordinate's safety.     

Fortunately, Zhi Nan had paid no attention to Vigilante A's lackey at all, so he had not purposely tried to locate the Black Dog.     

Naturally, after the System noticed that nothing was out of the ordinary, it wanted to leave immediately. Fang Ning, on the other hand, was softhearted and could not bear to leave it after all the hard work it had done, and so invited it back home for a good meal before continuing more work.     

Now, Black Dog Brett was already full. It looked around for a bit before it slinked over to interrupt the lovebirds.     

"Boss, there's a favor I want to ask from Sister-In-Law…" said the Black Dog carefully as it looked at the Yellow Dog.     

"Just speak whatever's on your mind. We've been comrades for almost a year now so if there's anything you need help with, I and my family won't reject." The Yellow Dog spoke like a dog that had succeeded in life before it glanced at the white dog.     

"Of course, I wonder what you need help with?" The white female Labrador agreed immediately, obviously wanting to save its husband some face.     

After acting all bashful for half a day, the Black Dog whispered, "I want to ask Sister-In-Law to introduce someone to me…"     

Xue Ba's eyes went wide at the proposition.     

He remembered it clearly—when the pair of them had first found that wishing lamp, Brett had immediately wished for a gorgeous woman from the Spirit Fox Tribe to be its wife, but its wish was rejected by the lamp. The lamp also said that it would only meet someone during its remaining years, and that there was only hope for it if it continued living.     

Only a few months have passed since then, but it had already sunk low enough to want to depend on blind dates?     

Xue Ba was not convinced, but it was still a genius dog nonetheless, and it immediately realized the truth behind Brett's actions.     

Ah, natural disasters really are a scary feat…     

They had the protection of their Master and there was that Draconic Arcane Realm, so the Black Dog did not have to worry about dying, but it was definitely worried about the extinction of other dogs on Earth…     

After all, it was a completely possible thing.     

The Moon would be returning to the Earth next year, and that meant a major shift in the environment. Only the fittest of all animals would survive, and who could guarantee that the dogs of Earth would have a large percentage of survival?     

The Black Dog's need to not be a bachelor anymore was completely understandable.     

At this moment, the white Labrador benevolently said, "Then Mr. Brett, what type of companion are you looking for?"     

"Anything is fine, as long as they'll like me…" continued the Black Dog bashfully.     

"Hmm," the white dog scanned the Black Dog from head to toe before it heaved a heavy sigh. It then awkwardly said, "This request of yours is quite difficult…"     

"Ah?" Black Dog Brett had its mouth agape and its eyes wide before it said, "Why?"     

While it spoke, it started showing off its developed chest muscles and its strong limbs, "Other than being slightly darker, I'm better looking than average and I'm so strong too…"     

The white Labrador patiently explained, "That's the thing, you're too strong, and I'm afraid not many local dogs will like that… I'll have you know that the local dogs aren't very smart, you see."     

Ah, Black Dog Brett suffered a critical attack of ten thousand points!     

'Turns out that the harder I work, the further I am from leaving bachelorhood…'     

Xue Ba held back a giggle at the situation, since its comrade was in such trouble, he should not worsen the situation further.     

The Black Dog padded over back to its seat, before it started devouring food at an aggravated rate.     

Its sadness and anger had turned into an appetite for food, so it exerted all its strength into eating…     

"Huh, didn't you eat your fill just now, Black Dog? Why are you eating again?"     

The great green insect lifted its head, an unpleasant expression on its face. This meal was treated to it by the Great Azure Dragon, how dare this Black Dog not leave the table after it was already full?     

"None of your business… I just want to die from eating too much," Brett exerted all his energy into eating a lamb leg, not even bothering to raise its head.     

"Hearing this, the great green insect's eyes glimmered, there was a story behind this…     

It lowered its plate of roasted chicken before saying, "If you have anything upsetting you, do share it then everyone will be happy…"     

Brett almost vomited blood at the great green insect's statement. It lost its mood completely in an instant and it stopped eating to say, "Lady Daqing, how could you say something like that? The Venerable One should only have kind animal companions if I'm not mistaken."     

"Uh, I overheard some of my customers saying that when they were making idle conversation, so I'm merely repeating what they said. If you tell me what's bothering you, I might be able to help, since I know a lot of people now." The great green insect could not help but laugh embarrassedly in reply, all the while eating at an increased pace.     

"Huh, is that so? Could you introduce someone to me? I don't have any preferences, just that they'll like me. If you can help me leave bachelorhood, I'll fulfill any request you have," said Black Dog Brett, its eyes once again shining with hope.     

The great green insect scanned the Black Dog from head to toe before it rolled its eyes and said, "That'll be easy, just treat me to a meal then I'll introduce someone to you. What about it, isn't my request simple?"     

"Hmm," Brett glanced at the empty tables and the stacks upon stacks of empty plates to the side, before he heaved a heavy sigh to say, "That request of yours is quite difficult too…"     

"Hmph, you can't even afford to treat me to a meal, then no dog would want to get to know you," replied the great green insect moodily, before it continued eating its plate of chicken.     

At this, Brett raised its front paw and carefully inspected its interspatial bangle.     

A brief moment later, it said through gritted teeth, "Alright, I also have those pills that Master gave me that I haven't eaten. Those should sell for quite a price, which should be enough to treat you to a meal.     

The great green insect's expression immediately brightened before it said, "I knew from first glance that you would be a dog that would accomplish great things. Don't worry, count on me. I have customers that bring gorgeous pet dogs with them, so just stick to me for a few days. Whichever one you have your eyes set on, just let me know."     

The Black Dog immediately started crying from gratitude. He immediately called his Master from his mobile phone.     

Right after the call went through, it immediately said, "Master, I would like to ask for a few days leave. I'll be going over to the great green insect's clinic to hang out for a few days."     

At this moment, the System was busy cleaning out some petty thieves and pickpockets. It did not care for a lackey that had a presence as small as a green bean and was someone that even Zhi Nan had not bothered to trouble.     

However, Zhi Nan did have a habit of cropping up every time they were dealing with greater monsters just to take away their glory.     

This was actually something that was aggravating and angering. Anyone that had their Boss kill stolen by someone else in a game should probably understand the feeling well…     

However, Fang Ning had simply agreed to Brett's request, and did not think more of it. It has been a while since Brett went on vacation, after all.     

However, a moment later, a thought came to Fang Ning's mind and his expression shifted. The great green insect's clinic, what kind of place was it?     

It was a place that offered the Great Reversal of Heaven and Earth, and welcomed anyone seeking true happiness…     

Could it be that this dog of theirs had finally realized its unique preference and was heading there to become a female dog so that it could finally live free?     

He immediately asked, "Brett, has there been something troubling you recently? Let me tell you, being a man, no, being a male dog, isn't bad."     

Brett was quite touched at this statement, since that Yellow Boss of his always seemed to want to show off its relationship every chance it got…     

It was holding back a laugh just now too; Brett may not be the smartest dog of the pack, but even he could see something like that…     

Its Master was entirely different and he must have known that Brett was going to be a bachelor for a while, so he was trying to provide him some encouragement.     

It then answered, "Master, I'm fine, I just want Lady Daqing to introduce me to someone."     

What? Fang Ning felt a big blow to his ego immediately.     

As expected, an instinctual need can never be held back for long…     

Now, even the Black Dog was planning on leaving bachelorhood, yet here he was still being seized by the System with no freedom to fall in love…     

Every advantage came with its own disadvantage and each action a human takes is watched by God, who would never give a person only good things in their life.     

However, it did feel like the System was blessed with only good things though…     

After contemplating things for a bit, Fang Ning replied, "Alright, be careful now, although I'm not sure what of… Since you can still return despite any mistakes made. Just relax and go, you have a week off to settle this problem of yours."     

Brett immediately recovered from the dejectedness it felt before upon hearing those words.     

At least it still had a Master that cared so much about it, so it did not have to worry about not having anyone to take care of it even if it could not find a wife…     

It cheered up once more and started serving food and drink to the great green insect, who it had decided to recognize as its new boss…     

Xue Ba watched this unfold with a complicated emotion that was tinged with a slight sense of loss. It then shared a glance with the white dog.     

Ah, what a painful thing to feel. It could only hope that Brett would know how to return after hitting a wall and would not instead complicate matters until nothing could be solved.     

What did the great green insect's clinic specialize in anyway?     

It understood one thing clearly, however. Black Dog's problem would not be solved until it found a similarly-strong other half…     


After hanging up the call, Fang Ning was quiet for a long moment.     

Noticing Fang Ning's listless mood, it asked, "What happened to you? Did you suffer a blow to your ego again?"     

"No, I've just been thinking; the natural disaster seems to be so far away, yet its affecting everyone around us," muttered Fang Ning, his eyebrows furrowed and his expression pensive.     

"What are you trying to say?"     

"The end of the world is right around the corner, could you spare me some time so that I could go see my wife?"     

"No, your wife is fine and doing well. Oh right, it would be better if you didn't go to see her, even. That Zhi Nan is so thick-skinned, so what if he kidnaps her to threaten you, what'll you do then?"     

"I have 'Thousand-mile Assistance, so I'm well prepared just in case something like that does happen," answered Fang Ning with a smile, before it dropped completely from his face. "Wait, that won't do. That fellow might use Demonic Scripture to enchant them… There was a scene that was similar to that in the montage Gu Buwei showed us, and yet I completely forgot about it. We must let them into the Draconic Arcane Realm to stay at once."     

Once he thought of this, he immediately urged the System to return home.     

The System still had a basic idea of what was to be prioritized, so Vigilante A immediately flew off.     

Once Vigilante A left, Zhi Nan appeared from nothing. He lifted his head slightly to watch the disappearing flying sword before he shook his head.     

As it turned out, he was able to appear right by Vigilante A whenever he liked, so it was no wonder he always managed to steal Vigilante A's kills.     

As expected of the Great Demon Saint, the Lord of the Demons. What an abundance of methods, truly a sight to behold.     

"Haha, you still think like a normal person in the end and you're underestimating me. If I had any plans against your lackeys, why would I wait until today?     

"Fang Ning, Gu Buwei, Saki Yamanashi, Tian Zhu, and Nie Yuan, that only makes five Demon Generals… I distinctly remember sensing one old man that possessed Heavenly Demonic Energy, yet I can't find him at all. How weird. I think I might've to look for people that are related to him first.     

"Nine Demon Generals, but they must have the potential of being a Demon Deity before they can evolve into nine Demon Deities. When that happens, my Paradise Realm will be fully supported. What a difficult request this is…"     

He furrowed his eyebrows before he disappeared once more.     

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