My Cold and Elegant CEO Wife

Thunder Immortal Chant

Thunder Immortal Chant

0With a naked eye, many lightning bolts gathered on the Thunder Immortal Sword, and these were all nine-coloured lightning bolts. Finally, it gathered into small spot-sized little talisman script on top of the sword and made the Thunder Immortal Sword's force stronger.     


Qingfeng even had a gut instinct that the Thunder Immortal Sword, Nine Thunder Immortal Array, and Thunder Immortal Chant all had a special connection. However the Thunder Immortal had divided all of those before he died, and didn't leave anything behind for future generations.     


The Sky-fighting Immortal General was the top immortal general under the Thunder Immortal, but he wasn't familiar with the techniques Thunder Immortal had trained in.     


The Sky-fighting Immortal General also knew that these were only superficial things, for example, the Thunder Immortal Sword before him could absorb the Nine Thunder Immortal Array's nine-coloured lightning bolt.     


Qingfeng's Thunder Immortal Sword slashed towards the Nine Thunder Immortal Array nonstop, absorbed all of the nine-coloured lightning bolt into the sword, and thunder talisman scripts appeared on the Thunder Immortal Sword's surface nonstop.     


The gathering of nine-coloured lightning bolts formed these talisman scripts. There were over tens of thousands of bolts, but these thunder talisman scripts were all very small, like needles that were closely stacked together.     


Qingfeng could clearly feel the Thunder Immortal Sword in his hands grow stronger than before. He even had a feeling that if he slashed out once, he could easily kill half-immortals.     


Most of the nine-coloured lightning bolts inside the Nine Thunder Immortal Array were absorbed by the Thunder Immortal Sword The remainder no longer posed any threat to Qingfeng.      


Qingfeng's right foot moved forward, and he suddenly stepped into the array.     


Qingfeng's eyes rolled around, as he began to closely search for the Nine Thunder Immortal Array flaws.     


Many nine-coloured lightning bolts were missing from the Nine Thunder Immortal Array, and Qingfeng could clearly search for the tracks of these nine-coloured lightning bolts.     


Only after a few looks, Qingfeng noticed that the second nine-dragon flag in the southeast corner, the fifth nine-dragon flag in the northwest corner, and ninth nine-dragon flag in the north had already grown very weak. Now it was slightly unstable.     


Hints of bright light appeared in Qingfeng's eyes, as he suddenly set his eyes on the three weakest points of these thunderbolts.     


Shortly afterwards, Qingfeng waved his Thunder Immortal Sword as he slashed towards those three points.     


Nine-coloured sword light shot out from inside the Thunder Immortal Sword, instead of five colours. The nine colours were clearly stronger, and just as it appeared, it suddenly shattered the void.     


Clash, clash, clash!     


After three rounds of loud sounds, a crack appeared on the three positions of the Nine Thunder Immortal Array. They suddenly exploded, as the entire Nine Thunder Immortal Array shattered into countless points and disappeared.     


After the Nine Thunder Immortal Array cracked, one could see a chant tome in the center of an area before him.     


This sutra book was twenty centimeters big and was as smooth as jade. It was entirely composed of immortal jade, and there were three big words, "Thunder Immortal Chant" sculpted on it.     


Qingfeng's right hand grabbed out, and suddenly formed a suction force. It sucked the Thunder Immortal Chant into his hand.     


Just as Qingfeng took his first look at the Thunder Immortal Chant, hints of familiarity appeared in his eyes. This was the common connection he formed with his internal force of thunder.     


Qingfeng held the book with his left hand, and he slightly opened it with his right hand, flipping it open. The summary of the Thunder Immortal Chant appeared in his eyes.     


On the Thunder Immortal Chant, it read, "Chaotic birth separated into heaven and ground, with sun, moon, stars, wind, rain, and thunder. Thunder was born from chaos and has travelled all over the realm. Thunder controls punishment, and all sin in existence."     


The Thunder Immortal Chant was divided into three sections, which were upper, middle, and lower sections. Once it was trained, one could easily activate the nine-coloured lightning bolts.     


It was like an origin of thunder and could unleash lightning. It was especially powerful and could defeat all demons, devils, and ghostly creatures.     


Qingfeng didn't hesitate at all, as he directly kneeled down onto the ground, and began to train the upper section of the Thunder Immortal Chant.     


The upper section spoke of the nine-coloured lightning bolt that was absorbed from the universal law. It purified the body, skin, and through the organs, and saint nucleus, it could allow the body to withstand the nine-coloured lightning bolt. Then it would unleash the nine-coloured lightning bolt from its body.     


This was a complete process and was the most basic step.     


The middle section had already dealt with the deep activities of the thunder law. The lower section spoke of the understanding of Thunder Heavenly Dao. It already dealt with the layers of Heavenly Dao, and needed an immortal level cultivation, so Qingfeng wasn't able to reach it just yet.     


Qingfeng's cultivation was only at the perfect saint stage and had a bit of a distance from immortals, but the upper section of the Thunder Immortal Chant was already quite enough.     


Qingfeng kneeled there with both of his hands slightly closed together and formed a chant. It was a thunder chant.     


Qingfeng's chest slightly rose like the opening of a volcano, as it floated around nonstop.     


At the same time, all of the nine-coloured lightning bolts gathered towards Qingfeng's body.     


These nine-coloured lightning bolt formed into arcs of electricity and talisman scripts that flowed along Qingfeng's pores, skins, and entered into his muscles, bones, organs, and finally into his saint nucleus.      


The nine-coloured lightning bolts gathered around his saint nucleus nonstop, as it absorbed and spun around, and then finally cracked as it changed.     


Qingfeng's saint nucleus only had five imprints before. It was purple, but now there were several more colours, reaching nine in total.     


Hints of surprise appeared in Qingfeng's eyes, he never expected that his saint nucleus would change once he has only absorbed some nine-coloured lightning bolt.     


Qingfeng clearly knew that these half-immortal saint nucleus were seven colours, but his saint nucleus had nine colours, which meant that he would be much more powerful than those half-immortals in the future.     


Qingfeng understood very fast, and shortly afterwards, he understood half of the upper section of the Thunder Immortal Chant. He continued to kneel there, and formed the thunder chants to continue training.     


He had to complete all of the upper section training, so that he could unleash the nine-coloured lightning bolts.     


Just as Qingfeng was training the Thunder Immortal Chant nonstop, change has happened in the centre of the palace.     


Tianxing Ming was just fighting with the Sky Rock Elder, but suddenly Tianxing stopped, as a ray of cold light appeared in his eyes, because he noticed that Qingfeng and the Blood immortal had disappeared.     


The Sky Rock Elder had also stopped fighting, because he has also noticed the issue. They had started fighting each other, because Qingfeng had taken out the Recording Orb.     


Now, Qingfeng, as the principal party, had disappeared, they felt that there was something odd about this.     


Tianxing Ming looked at the Sky Rock Elder once, and said, "Sky Rock Elder, shouldn't we think about why the Bright-moon Saintess killed the Gravity Saint Son? Isn't it too aggressive to want to kill the Bright-moon Saintess just because of a Recording Orb?"     

The Sky Rock Elder loudly said, "Tianxing Ming, let Bright-moon Saintess do the talking, why did she kill the Gravity Saint Son?"     

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