Gourmet Food Supplier

Two steamed buns

Two steamed buns

0 The man didn't care whether Yuan Zhou was dumbfounded or not. When he saw Yuan Zhou say "you're welcome" seriously, he bent his waist and bowed sincerely.     

"You don't have to do this." Yuan Zhou immediately bowed back to him.     

The man smiled and didn't say anything else. Then, he nodded his head to Yuan Zhou.     

"Sorry for the disturbance." The man turned around and walked out of the store.     

"Ta ta." Yuan Zhou also walked to the door in two steps and happened to see the man take out a wallet from the inner pocket of his suit.     

"Kuang", he took out a few red notes from his wallet. With his sharp eyes, Yuan Zhou could see clearly that there were five notes.     

Yuan Zhou watched him stuff the money into the cash box and then turned his head to smile at Yuan Zhou. After that, he nodded and left Taoxi road.     

"This should be the one that donated the most besides me, Jiang Changxi, Ling Hong and Wu Hai," Yuan Zhou muttered.     

Indeed, more and more people came to Yuan Zhou's restaurant now. After knowing the purpose of the money box, more and more people donated. However, the amount was relatively small. Half of them donated 10 to 20 yuan while the rest were small change.     

This was also MA Zhida's original purpose. He didn't need a lot of them. He just needed some to help with the emergency.     

Last time, someone had taken 50 yuan from this money box to buy something in case of an emergency and had even specially sent it back.     

There were even tourists who took the money in their wallets for dinner after they lost their wallets, and those who worked nearby who were hungry but didn't bring any money for the night shift took supper.     

They were all small matters, but it was indeed convenient for everyone.     

There were people who took money and didn't take it as taking advantage of others, but most of them were ordinary people who came to return the money.     

"Wait, this isn't the time to think about this. Who is this person?" When Yuan Zhou started to think, he almost forgot who this person was.     

That's right. Yuan Zhou was certain that he didn't know this person and had never helped him.     

20 years ago, Yuan Zhou was only a few years old. How could he help anyone?     

"It can't be someone I helped when I was a few years old." Yuan Zhou supported his chin with one hand and started to think seriously. After all, he had been a warm - hearted and good person since he was young.     

"Well, I don't seem to have any memory of this before I was five years old." As a matter of fact, Yuan Zhou couldn't remember the naughty memories of those naughty kids before he was five years old.     

"If it wasn't me, then did my dad help?" Yuan Zhou considered this possibility.     

That's right. 20 years ago, Yuan Zhou was only four or five years old. How could he possibly help others?     

Since it was impossible for Yuan Zhou to do that, it could only be Yuan Zhou's father.     

"I'm here to thank you, but if it's my father, my family didn't open a noodle shop twenty years ago. " Yuan Zhou suddenly thought of this matter again and was immediately confused.     

The most important thing was that the person didn't seem to have received help from Yuan Zhou's father. He had never mentioned Yuan Zhou's father.     

"Why don't you thank me for the money box instead of my dad and me?" Yuan Zhou suddenly thought of a guess.     

However, as Yuan Zhou had never asked about it, it was just a guess.     

"I hope dad can explain it to me in my dream tonight. Please, dad." Yuan Zhou guessed for quite a while but still couldn't come to a conclusion. Therefore, he could only hope that he could come up with a dream.     

The matter was actually similar to what Yuan Zhou had thought.     

That's right, this man was called Lu Feng. He was 51 years old this year. He came to Chengdu to work 20 years ago when he was 30 years old.     

At that time, the factory he worked in was still a state - owned unit with good welfare, good treatment, and easy work. But because of the factory reform, Lu Feng lost his job directly.     

Lu Feng, who was 31 years old, had an old man to take care of and a child to feed. He did not dare to say that he was unemployed.     

This was because it was not just a simple blow to his family.     

He wanted to find a new job before he was discovered, as long as he could earn money. However, the reality was that it was not that easy to find a job.     

At that time, most of the factories were undergoing reforms. He was not a technician, not a manager. He was just a small worker, and there were too many small workers who lost their jobs like him.     

So, Lu Feng couldn't find a job. He got up early as usual and pretended to go to work, but he couldn't even take out money for food.     

Since the factory had already provided for his meals, he had pretended to work for a week and used up the only money he had.     

Lu Feng didn't dare to ask for it from his family. Thinking of his wife and children at home, Lu Feng couldn't open his mouth at all.     

When he wandered the streets, unable to find a job and had no food to eat, and his stomach was growling, Lu Feng even had the thought of committing suicide.     

But at that moment, he saw a sign in front of a mantou shop.     

On the sign, it was written that a steamed bun could be provided for free to those who were in difficulty.     

"Free mantou?" Lu Feng subconsciously repeated it.     

Lu Feng followed the sign and walked over. As expected, it was a small mantou shop.     

The lady boss looked to be in her forties. She was dressed in clean and plain clothes as she stood beside a few large steamers and was selling steamed buns.     

"I'm selling steamed buns, big, fragrant and soft steamed buns. " The lady boss's clear voice entered Lu Feng's ears.     

Lu Feng, on the other hand, felt even hungrier, but he stood on the spot and did not advance.     

He used to be a worker in a state - owned factory. Even though he had lost some of his spirit after not being able to find a job for a week, he really couldn't bring himself to beg.     

"Gugu," but his stomach was really hungry.     

In the end, the lady boss saw that Lu Feng was standing in the same place, neither coming to buy nor leaving, and she seemed to have figured something out.     

The lady boss quickly wrapped two white and chubby steamed buns in oilpaper and walked towards Lu Feng with them.     

When he walked to the opposite side of Lu Feng, he subconsciously stepped aside. Lu Feng thought that the lady boss was going to leave from there.     

"Young man, did you not bring any money today?" The lady boss didn't leave. She stood in front of Lu Feng and said.     

Lu Feng's mouth moved, but he was too embarrassed to speak.     

"Take it and eat first. Next time, you can bring the money." The lady boss stuffed the paper bag into Lu Feng's arms without any explanation.     

Without waiting for Lu Feng to speak, the lady boss returned to her shop and continued to peddle.     

Lu Feng took the paper bag and stood there for a long time until the steam from the mantou was no longer coming out.     

Because of Lu Feng's long delay, the mantou was a little cold, but it was still delicious.     

It was this kind of kindness from a stranger that finally helped Lu Feng survive the wave of unemployment. But when he went to look for the mantou shop again, it was already closed, and the lady boss was gone.     

That place was not far away from Taoxi road. Lu Feng had left Chengdu and returned to his hometown a long time ago. However, he would come back once a year to look for it. Although the lady boss was no longer around, he still found Yuan Zhou's restaurant where he did the same thing.     

"Thank you," he said. Lu Feng thanked him in a low voice.     

This 'thank you' was the 'thank you' that Lu Feng did not say in the past.     

Lu Feng, who had reached the intersection of Taoxi road, turned his head and looked at Taoxi road again. His eyes revealed a satisfied smile.     

"No. 14 of Taoxi road. There are so many people on Taoxi road." Lu Feng read the address of Yuan Zhou's restaurant and then got in the car and left.     


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