Gourmet Food Supplier

Who exactly does he look like?

Who exactly does he look like?

0 "This kid is really calm and arrogant, just like me when I was young." Zhou Shijie said to Zhang Yan beside him with a smile.     

"You're wild, and I'm calm," Zhang Ji also shamelessly boasted.     

"You've said it the other way around. " Zhou Shijie rolled his eyes at Zhang Yan in a bad mood.     

Zhang Yan looked at Yuan Zhou with a satisfied expression. At the same time, he was thinking about the matter of his daughter.     

On the other side, chef li finally walked to the judging platform and faced the shrimp shell on the plate.     

The prawns on the plate were arranged neatly. This was the plate that Zhang Yan had eaten before. Chef li didn't notice anything at first, until he looked at it carefully.     

"Why is this shrimp leg so complete? T-there's no meat inside?" Chef li asked in bewilderment.     

"Do you understand?" Wang Xiang's voice came from the judges 'panel.     

"We've already finished eating the shrimp. It's the shrimp shell, which is easy to peel without losing the freshness and sweetness of the shrimp itself. The numbing spiciness contains the fresh and sweet taste of the shrimp meat. We can taste both the freshness and the spiciness of Sichuan cuisine. This is the attitude that Sichuan seafood should have." Zhang Ji said.     

"No, how is that possible?" Zhang Yan's words directly froze chef li in place.     

No, it should be said that all the chefs of the seafood Alliance were frozen in place. As for head chef Zuo, who was the only one who was slightly more clear - headed, he looked at Yuan Zhou with a complicated expression.     

"Could it be that this kid was born to attack people?" Head chef Zuo sighed in his heart.     

"He's still so young after all. " Head chef Zuo thought to himself.     

"Head chef li, take a look at the remaining food you two have." Wang Xiang sighed in his heart, but he still said seriously.     

Among the four judges, Wang Xiang had the best personality. After all, he was also a seafood chef and he had some friendship with these seafood chefs.     

As for Bai Xiaoxiao, although he sold seafood, the head chefs and bosses of these restaurants had a certain impact on his business.     

However, he was the king of seafood in Sichuan Province after all, so he didn't really care about a few kittens.     

As for Zhou Shijie and Zhang Yan, one was the chairman of China chef's Alliance, while the other was the chairman of Sichuan chef's Alliance. The two of them were the judges because these people had offended Yuan Zhou.     

To put it bluntly, the two of them were here for Yuan Zhou. How could they possibly care about the mood of the seafood Alliance?     

When chef li heard Wang Xiang's words, he subconsciously looked at the dishes.     

The dishes were still arranged in two rows. One row had seven plates from the seafood Alliance, and only four bites had been eaten on each plate.     

Every plate looked very complete. Because there was only a small amount of squid left, there were four bamboo sticks sticking out.     

As for chef Li's own spicy mantis shrimp, there were no traces of it being cooked. After all, chef li had cooked it according to a single serving.     

On the contrary, Yuan Zhou's row of bowls and plates were clean, with only the gravy left on the dishes.     

There was not even a single chili pepper left on the plate of red pepper prawn, only some red chili oil was left on the plate.     

"Pa, pa, PA." A series of slaps landed on chef Li's face like a storm. He even felt that his face had been slapped red and swollen.     

Perhaps, he had hit his mouth when he was beating him up. Chef li felt that he couldn't even open his mouth now.     

"Do you still have any doubts about your own score?" Bai Xiaoxiao's cold voice was heard.     

The fat on chef Li's body trembled subconsciously. In the end, he didn't say anything more and slowly walked back to the position of the seafood Alliance.     

Unlike when he came out of the kitchen, chef li had his head lowered the entire time, afraid that someone would see his face. His face was very dejected and pale.     

"Now, I announce that the head chef of master chef Restaurant, Yuan Zhou, is the winner of this competition." The host stood in the middle of the stage again and announced loudly.     

"Pa, pa, pa, pa". A burst of applause resounded in the hall. Even Zhou Shijie clapped smilingly and looked at Yuan Zhou with satisfaction.     

Yuan Zhou just nodded his head and then prepared to leave with a wave of his sleeve.     

"Please wait a moment. Head chef Yuan, do you have any speech for your victory?" The host walked over quickly and blocked Yuan Zhou's way.     

"A victory speech?" Yuan Zhou was slightly puzzled.     

"Yes, you've won with a perfect score." The host nodded.     

"I'm not prepared. " Yuan Zhou shook his head honestly.     

"Haha, head chef Yuan, did you not expect that you would win so beautifully?" The host asked with a smile.     

The host seemed to have forgotten how annoying Yuan Zhou's previous words were and thus ridiculed him with an iron head.     

"No." Yuan Zhou stood still and said solemnly.     

This time, Yuan Zhou spoke again before the host asked.     

"If I can't get full marks in the challenge of several shops with bad reviews, I won't be worthy of being a model shop." When Yuan Zhou said that, he appeared quite righteous, as if he was protecting the name of the exemplary restaurant.     

Well, a few shops. Twenty - eight was also a few.     

It was as if he had deliberately emphasized that the negative reviews of the store were not because he was narrow - minded.     

"Eh, ha, ha, ha. Head chef Yuan is really protecting the reputation of the exemplary restaurant." When the host heard such explosive words, he almost didn't reply. He paused for a moment before he laughed dryly.     

"Yes, this is my responsibility." Yuan Zhou nodded his head deservedly.     

"Ha, ha. Then I won't disturb head chef Yuan any further." The host gave up his seat.     

After that, Yuan Zhou nodded his head and walked out of the kitchen counter.     

"Master Yuan, do you need to go and greet Chairman Zhou and the others?" This time, it was master Cheng who came over quickly.     

While saying that, master Cheng took out a warm towel and handed it to Yuan Zhou to wipe his hands as if by magic. He appeared to be Yuan Zhou's little disciple and was very respectful.     

"I'll go say hello and then go back to the shop. " Yuan Zhou naturally took it and wiped his hands before saying.     

"Alright, I'll wait for you here." Master Cheng nodded his head and then put away the towel.     

While Yuan Zhou went to greet Zhou Shijie and the others, master Cheng slowly left the kitchen counter and handed the towel to the waiter.     

They didn't know that the people from the seafood Alliance were watching them.     

"This man is master Cheng? The National first - Class chef? The one who was a judge for the overseas cooking competition? He's the Executive Head Chef of a five - Star hotel, right?" Liu Jie said in shock.     

"It seems to be him." The other chefs, who were still chattering unhappily, were also stunned by the scene just now.     

"That person seems to be head chef Yuan's disciple." Ao Pi knew Yuan Zhou quite well. When he heard that, he said, "It's not master Cheng. "     

"Master Cheng has been famous for a long time. How could he be head chef Yuan's apprentice?" Head chef Zuo asked in surprise.     

Chef li lowered his head and said nothing. He didn't care about that now. He still couldn't accept the fact that he wasn't even qualified to be compared with Yuan Zhou.     

That's right. After looking at Yuan Zhou's dishes, he found that he was not even qualified to compete with Yuan Zhou with his current cooking skills.     

Suddenly, he thought of Yuan Zhou's words that he shouldn't lay a hand on his customers and his heart turned cold.     

When the seafood Alliance was talking about the interaction between master Cheng and Yuan Zhou, master Cheng, who had stayed behind on purpose, came over with a simple and honest smile.     

"You're asking who I am?" Master Cheng said to the people of the seafood alliance with a smile.     


[ps: today is the Lantern Festival. I wish everyone a happy year~remember to eat tangyuan~]     

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