History's Number 1 Founder

An Overly Exquisite Mantra Causes Problems Too

An Overly Exquisite Mantra Causes Problems Too

0Lin Feng was already half-crestfallen after drawing a long white lot from the Lucky Draw. But he didn't expect that the prize obtained from the lot was a box.     

When he opened the box up, a prompt from the System rang in his ears.     

"Congratulations to the Host for receiving a big gift hamper of exchange points!"     

Lin Feng was stunned, but soon let out a bright smile, "How did that old saying go again? When the heavens close a door on you, they will definitely open a window for you."     

"If you're supposed to be mine, you can't run away."     

After he was done laughing, Lin Feng calmed himself down. "Hold on, I can't be too happy yet. Who knows how many points a big gift hamper even contains? If it's just 1800 points then I would've been rejoicing for nothing."     

It's not impossible, after all when he opened his novice big gift hamper, there were only 300 exchange points inside, which was extremely pathetic.     

Lin Feng entered the Exchange System with some apprehension and checked his existing point balance carefully, and immediately gasped.     

The big gift hamper gave him 10,000 exchange points!     

Lin Feng only regained his composure after a good long while and laughed heartily. "I'm now a rich man too! I leapt from poverty to luxury overnight!"     

"The Spiritual Replenishment Elixir, I'm coming for you!"     

He didn't bother with anything else and immediately grabbed the Spiritual Replenishment Elixir, and 8000 exchange points disappeared in a flash.     

Even though his finances shrunk rapidly, Lin Feng thoroughly enjoyed the adrenaline rush from spending such a hefty amount at one go.     

The point was that he was too poor in the past, and had to painstakingly delegate his 1800 points to be spent very thriftily, and could only salivate over the few thousand prizes that he could not afford.     

He didn't even dare to look at his 10,000+ point balance in fear of getting a heart attack.     

Lin Feng squeezed the Spiritual Replenishment Elixir in his hand and scrutinized it closely. The elixir pill was as big as an infant's fist, and had a half-transparent snow white colour.     

The centre of the elixir was black. This black core appeared and faded from view from time to time, like a gaping hole that was continuously being filled.     

The most fascinating thing was when Lin Feng communicated with the elixir using his mind, he would sense faint signs of emotion, as if it was a sentient living thing.     

"The biggest difference between magic treasures and magic items is, magic treasures can produce their own spiritual energy and gain consciousness." Lin Feng thought to himself, "Looking at this now, there are also prominent differences between high-level and low-level elixirs."     

"High-level elixirs are like magic treasures. They can gain consciousness and gradually produce elixir spirits."     

Lin Feng inspected the Spiritual Replenishment Elixir carefully and felt the herbal energy flowing within. He realized that even though the Spiritual Replenishment Elixir already showed signs of life, it was still unlike the Six Appearances Sword, still not truly possessing complete consciousness and memory.     

He took the Spiritual Replenishment Elixir to the Celestial Golden Pavilion and used the silver Eight Trigrams to elicit its recipe.     

This process took a little longer than the Celestial Elixir, but it was still very quick. The Spiritual Replenishment Elixir's recipe floated before Lin Feng's eyes.     

Lin Feng read the recipe and realized, "Crafting the elixir may be difficult, but the challenges can be sufficiently overcome with the help of the Celestial Golden Pavilion and the Ethereal Heart Cauldron. But Mount Yujing does not seem to have all the necessary ingredients."     

Lin Feng left the Celestial Golden Pavilion and went to the valley with the herb fields. When he reached the cliff, Lin Feng sensed someone's presence.     

Standing on the mountain's summit, Lin Feng gazed down towards the valley and noticed a young man in purple squatting down, skillfully trimming a spiritual flower.     

Trimming it this way would allow the flower to grow more robustly, and aids the blooming process.     

Lin Feng nodded, "The System did mention that Yang Qing has a talent for growing spiritual herbs and medicines, but it seems like this isn't just talent. He is personally very passionate about this art, it's like his special hobby."     

Yang Qing wore a faint smile, and his actions were graceful and smooth, containing a rich artistic rhythm.     

Lin Feng always remembered Yang Qing to be gentle and humble, usually displaying self-restraint and low self-esteem, and has rarely seen him doing something in such a relaxed and confident manner.     

After trimming the spiritual flower, Yang Qing stood up and let out a carefree smile.     

But this smile quickly faded, and his expression turned sombre and forlorn. Although his vision was obstructed by the valley, he still gazed into the distance.     

Lin Feng acutely identified hints of rage, perplexity, and franticness masked under his melancholy.     

"Is he thinking about the Cloud Water Cave Sect which was mysteriously wiped out?"     

Lin Feng didn't mind Yang Qing reminiscing about his previous sect. After all, sentimental people are always better than ungrateful jackals.     

Yang Qing was dazed for a while, then lowered his head to look at the spiritual flowers and herbs below, suddenly losing his zest and even feeling some guilt and self-blame.     

He went to a corner and sat down cross-legged, and began meditating with utmost concentration.     

Lin Feng shook his head and went over to Yang Qing, saying, "Having determination is indeed a good thing, but forcefully suppressing your own nature will only be counter-productive."     

Yang Qing was startled and hastily stood up to bow to Lin Feng. "Mas ... Master."     

Lin Feng gestured for him to be seated, then joined him on the ground and said slowly, "You have a gentle temperament, and you love nature. Although you may be slightly lazy, this may not be the most suitable path for you."     

Yang Qing pursed his lips and replied softly, "I know very well that my skills are lacking. And when Master accepted me as your direct disciple, I became very anxious, so I want to work hard to not disappoint Master."     

He paused, then his voice became even lower. "The Cloud Water Cave Sect has been obliterated. I feel so bitter and enraged, but I don't even know who the culprits are. I don't know what to do, but I keep thinking that increasing my strength would still be helpful."     

Lin Feng smiled, "Everyone has their own path to take, a path that suits them. Trying to change things isn't wrong, but if the change is the polar opposite of your innate character, then it won't yield your desired results."     

Yang Qing chuckled in embarrassment. "Third Senior hasn't even erected his spiritual altar and is already so strong, yet he is still not satisfied and is striving even harder now. When I see him working so hard, I can't help but want to learn from him."     

Lin Feng grinned, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.     

The Third Senior that Yang Qing mentioned naturally referred to Wang Lin.     

"Is everyone that easily drawn towards things that others possess but they themselves lack?" Lin Feng pondered in confusion. He wanted to say that, Wang Lin and Yang Qing were on two extremes ends of the spectrum.     

Not just in terms of talent and potential, even their personalities were the polar opposites of each other.     

Lin Feng said calmly, "As I said just now, everyone has their own path to take. Learning from others' strengths is a good thing, but you must recognize your realistic limits."     

"You are even-tempered, and lean towards nature. Arduous training does not suit you. Get closer to nature and understand the laws and principles that govern it, this would inspire you more during your training."     

Yang Qing nodded vigorously, "I shall abide by Master's words."     

Lin Feng looked at the herb fields before him and laughed, "From today onwards, I'll put you in-charge of this place. Would you be willing to take on this task?"     

Yang Qing was dazed. "Me, in-charge?"     

"You needn't worry that this would hold up your mantra training." Lin Feng looked at Yang Qing and said composedly, "These herbs will keep you company. This way, the increase in your mastery levels will be faster than rigorous, arduous training."     

"How can I not be willing?" Yang Qing shook his head and exclaimed. "If Master intends as such, I will definitely obey. I'm just worried that I won't do it well, and I'll ruin these superb fields."     

Lin Feng shook his head and smiled, "The soil here has been enriched and fertilized by your Big Senior's Lucky, and with your Grand Moon Primordial Water watering it, as long as you don't mess around, it wouldn't go to ruin."     

Yang Qing promptly replied, "Yes, Master, I'll do my best. I won't betray Master's trust in me."     

"Relax, I didn't think you would be so serious." Lin Feng chuckled and pointed with his finger, summoning a ray of purple clouds in front of Yang Qing. When the purple clouds dissipated, a scarlet roll of silk appeared before Yang Qing.     

"This is the Demon-Destroying Crimson Silk. It's an Aurous Core stage magic item, but it cannot be used in battle and has no effect in repelling enemies." Lin Feng explained, "But this has miraculous effectiveness in quelling your inner demons and impure thoughts. I'm giving this to you."     

Upon hearing this, Yang Qing gleefully accepted the Demon-Destroying Crimson Silk, and was not at all indignant or unhappy that this magic item was useless in battle; instead, he was beaming joyfully, "Thank you very much, Master!"     

Lin Feng smiled as his opinion of Yang Qing just became a little higher, but not because he was grateful, not greedy, or not overly ambitious.     

It was because Yang Qing clearly identified the biggest obstacle impeding his own training - his mind was not firm, and could easily fall prey to his inner demons.     

Recognising one's strengths and weaknesses well, honestly admitting them, and diligently finding solutions to remedy those weaknesses may sound easy, but these are things that many people actually cannot do.     

Lin Feng then called Yue Hongyan telepathically, asking her to come over too.     

In a flash, Yue Hongyan rushed over to the herb valley. She still had long hair that looked like flames, but she changed out of her red robes and donned a purple one.     

After being officially inducted into Lin Feng's sect, Yue Hongyan and Yang Qing changed to clothes with a similar style to Xiao Yan and the others.     

Besides Yue Hongyuan, Zhu Yi and Xiao Budian also tagged along.     

After they bowed to greet Lin Feng, Lin Feng ignored Zhu Yi and Xiao Budian first and smiled at Yue Hongyan. "For all my direct disciples, I'll gift an Aurous Core stage magic item to each of them during their Foundation Establishment Stage. This is specially prepared for you."     

With a flick of his finger, a ray of purple Qi carried a piece of soft armour to Yue Hongyan.     

The soft armour was formed by numerous pieces of jade which were transparent and crystal clear. This was the formidably defensive Aurous Core stage magic item that Lin Feng obtained from the Lottery previously, the Ancient Jade Armour.     

It looked as fragile as a piece of paper, like a dainty ornament on a shelf, but in fact, it had incredible defensive capabilities and was one of a kind among all the Aurous Core stage magic items.     

Whether it was her combat skills or her full-on offensive battle strategies, Yue Hongyan's overall style was always reckless, indomitable, and ferociously ravaging.     

Her battle style was just pure, brutal offence. If the enemy was fierce, she would be even fiercer. She fought fire with fire, and would never back down.     

But as a result, such a battle style reduces her defence capabilities severely. If she is not careful, it would result in grave injuries on both sides, or both sides may perish together.     

Lin Feng did not intend to correct her style, so he gave her the Ancient Jade Armour to address her weaknesses and heighten her defensive capabilities. If she butts heads with others in the future and the opponent is after her blood, she would still be prepared.     

Yue Hongyan understood her own weaknesses too. Her face turned slightly red and she happily accepted the Ancient Jade Armour.     

Lin Feng then turned to look at Zhu Yi and Xiao Budian, and smiled, "What's the matter?"     

Zhu Yi bowed and replied, "Master, I've just explained the mantra to the new disciples, and discovered a problem. Our sect's Great Celestial Way of the Eight Trigrams is too profound, and the new disciples cannot grasp its inherent abstractness."     

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