Elixir Supplier

You, Be Careful

You, Be Careful

0Two people entered the hotel. Wang Yao opened the backpack and poured out a few books and some cash, which he had taken from the company.     

"Are these things useful?" Wang Yao asked.     

Hao took it and looked at it carefully. His face changed. "It must be useful. I will call some people."     

He called someone in Dao. After hanging up, he turned to Wang Yao and said, "They will come tonight."     

"There is no need to be so urgent," Wang Yao said.     

"They have already started," Hao said.     

"Thank you," Wang Yao said. This time, he owed the Sun family a favor.     

Hao put the money away and prepared to leave.     

"The money can be donated to out-of-school children," Wang Yao said, "It is very likely ill-gotten gains."     


That night, it was quiet. At the Wennan office building, four young people were lying on the cold ground.     

"Where am I?" A man opened his eyes and saw nothing but complete darkness. "I'll sleep again. No!"     

He had a tremor and wanted to stand up, but he suffered from a serious headache. "Oh, who dared to attack me?"     

He hurriedly awakened the other people still unconscious on the ground.     

"What's going on?" one of them asked.     

"What else can we do?" another person asked. "Someone came in and stunned us. Let's look around. What's missing?"     

They hurriedly turned on the lights and saw the finance room had been robbed. The safe door was knocked open. Everything inside was stolen.     

"Hurry! We need to talk to sister-in-law," one of the men said.     

"What? The safe was smashed?" The woman who heard the news on the phone was very upset.     

She rushed straight over from home. The money and books were all gone. Her face became angry. The money was secondary. Those books were more important. If they fell into the hands of some people, they could easily find something even more important than tax evasion.     

"Who did this?" This very fashionable woman was furious.     

In Dengzhou, everyone knew the company's background. No one would dare steal things from it. This person must have wanted to die.     

"I don't know," one of the men said.     

"You don't know?" the woman angrily asked. "Were a few of you on duty last night?"     

"Yes," a man said.     

"Were you asleep?" she asked.     

"No, we weren't," the man said. "We were knocked out."     

"Knocked out? How many were there?" The woman was surprised. These people were experienced fighters and practical.     

"I do not know," the man said.     

"I don't know, I don't know!" The woman was boiling with rage. "What else can you do? Check the monitor."     

Several people rushed to the duty room to check the footage. They saw a figure, but the details of the person were vague.     

"What is going on?" the woman asked. "Make it more clear."     

"The clarity has been adjusted as far as it can," a man said. "You see, the stair railings in this corridor are very clear."     

In the video picture, everything was clear but the person, who was blurry. It was as if he was surrounded by a layer of fog.     

"Why is that?" the woman asked.     

"I'm not sure," the man said.     

The saw the person go to the third floor. Standing in front of the finance room, he reached out. Surprisingly, the door opened.     

The people who saw this scene were shocked. However, they saw that the thick security door of the financial room was distorted. It was broken by an external force. They were wondering what methods he had used. No one expected that it could be so easy.     

How much strength was that? Was he a human?     

"Who is this person?" The woman was shocked.     

This was not an ordinary person. She thought for quite a while.     

She knew her family's situation. It was a shameless business they engaged in. Through the years, they had done many bad things, so they had many enemies. She could not think of who was more likely to do this.     

Was it purely accidental?     

"Oh, do we report it to the police?" a man asked.     

They eventually chose to call the police.     


The next day, when the day had just become bright, the people the Sun family arranged to see Wang Yao arrived. It was a three-person team of professional lawyers. After seeing the material Wang Yao had taken, the three of them had a simple meeting and told Wang Yao the results.     

These books were secondary. The notebook was the key. It had detailed recordings of the bad things the brothers had done. It was full of information. Wang Yao had read it carefully the previous night and came to the same conclusion. The two brothers had done many bad things and deserved the penalty of 10 deaths.     

"What do you want to do with it?" a lawyer asked.     

"Naturally, I would like to handle it quickly and have them get punished as early as possible," Wang Yao said.     

"Can this be handed over to us?" a middle-aged lawyer asked.     

Wang Yao turned his head to look at Hao. He did not know any of the three lawyers.     

Hao nodded. "Sir, they are a team of lawyers dedicated to the Sun family. They have been working together for years."     

"Thanks, I will trouble you with it," Wang Yao said.     

"You are too polite." The lawyers took the materials away. They were professional and efficient.     

"Let's go," Wang Yao said.     

As they were preparing to leave here, Li Chengwei arrived.     

"Brother Hao, the matter last night was exposed. They called the police." He did not seem nervous. When he spoke, he looked at Wang Yao.     

After all, it had been him who entered. Who knew whether he left any trace or evidence?     

"Oh, I see," Hao calmly said.     

"You, be careful!" Wang Yao looked at Li Chengwei. It seemed that he did not listen to his words.     

"Careful?!" In an instant, he understood the meaning of Wang Yao's words.     

He did go find a beautiful girl the previous night. He was very comfortable. When he walked, he felt his legs were soft. He didn't expect Wang Yao would know.     

Wang Yao thought, If you do not listen to my advice, it will be too late to regret one day.     

On the same day, Wang Yao returned to the mountain village while the team of lawyers returned to Dao.     

"Do you need me to do it?" After hearing the words of the man who led the team, Sun Zhengrong was a little shocked.     

"Yes. Some of them might cause trouble, even if it is handed over to Dengzhou," the man said. "After all, a relative of these two people is an official in Jing, and he has power. What's more, some officials from Dengzhou are involved."     

"The provincial city?" Sun Zhengrong asked.     

"It is better to be at a higher place," the man said. "I heard that there is a patrol team in Qi Province at this time. I don't know if Manager Sun can find a way to give this to them."     

"I need to think about it," Sun Zhengrong said. It was hard to see those people, but he could if that was what he wanted.     


During the two days Wang Yao had been gone, the mountain village had been lively. Two waves of people came for the $5 million.     

They were all desperate, but they were unfortunate. They met professionals, especially Zhong Liuchuan, an absolute expert and master. The people who came were defeated before touching Wang Yao's house. It was interesting that they had dared to come with such few skills.     

In the afternoon, Wang Yao returned to the mountain village. He spoke to his parents and went to Zhong Liuchuan to ask him about the situation.     

"Two waves of people came, but I cleaned them up," Zhong Liuchuan said.     

"Thank you!" Wang Yao thanked him deeply.     

"You are too polite, Sir." Zhong Liuchuan rushed to stop his bow.     

He did not need to take great efforts to deal with the situation. Plus, Dr. Wang had saved his sister's life.     

"Please receive my appreciation." Wang Yao looked calm, but he was angry in his heart.     

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